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At the end of this chapter the student should be able to
understand the following:

1. Ideal gas equation

2. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
3. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Ideal Gas Law:
Ideal Gas Equation :

The gas constant (or ideal-gas constant) has the numerical

value of R depend on the units of p, V and T.
n = m/M
P – pressure
m – mass
V – volume
M – molar mass
T – Temperature in Kelvin
n – number of moles
R – Ideal gas constant R  8.314472 15  J / mol  K
Example: (University Physics by Young and Freedman)
In an automobile engine, the compression ratio is 9 to 1. The initial pressure is 1 atm
and the temperature is 270C. If the pressure after compression is 21.7 atm find the
temperature of the compressed gas.
Is a branch of physics that deals about the transformation of
heat into mechanical energy.

Heat Engine- a device that converts heat into mechanical energy

First Law of Thermodynamics:

𝑸 = ∆𝑼 + 𝑾
Q in = Q o + W
Characteristics: Heat Engine
1. Heat is absorbed from a
source at a high temperature.
2. Mechanical work is done.
3. Heat is given off at a lower
Internal Energy (U)
Internal energy of a system as the sum of the kinetic energies of all its constituent
particles, plus the sum of all potential energies of interaction among these
Change in Internal Energy (ΔU)
 Path independent
 Depends only on temp. for ideal gas.

The change in internal energy of a system during any thermodynamic

process depends only on the initial and final states, not on the path
leading from one to the other.
Work (W)
Work is done when volume of gas expands.
Work done during volume changes:
Types of thermodynamics processes:
Isobaric – pressure is constant
Isothermal Process- temperature is constant
∆𝑈 = 0
Isochoric Process- Volume is constant
Adiabatic Process 𝑄=0
Is a thermodynamic process wherein no heat enters or leaves a
system during expansion or compression.
Cyclic Process
• A process that eventually returns a system to its initial state
is called a cyclic process.

Ex: Carnot Cycle

Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)
1. A series of thermodynamics processes is shown in the pV diagram. The process ab,
150J of heat is added to the system, and in process bd, 600J of heat is added.
Find: a. The internal energy change in the process ab
b. the internal energy change in process abd
c. the total heat added in process acd
Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)
2. One gram of water ( 1cm3) becomes 1671 cm3 of steam when boiled at a
constant pressure of 1atm ( 1.013 x10 5Pa ). The heat of vaporization in this
process is Lv = 2.256 x10 6J /Kg.
Compute: a. The work done by water when it vaporizes.
b. the increase in internal energy.
Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas:
Cv - at constant volume
Cp – at constant pressure
  (19.18)
Monoatomic Gas:
Cv = 3/2 R, Cp = 5/2 R, ɣ = 1.67

∆𝑼 = 𝒏𝑪𝒗∆𝑻
(Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics 10th ed. 17.45 p.557)
3. A monoatomic ideal gas expands slowly to twice its original volume
doing 300J of work in the process. Find the heat added to the gas and
the change in internal energy of the gas if the process is :
a. Isothermal b. Adiabatic c. isobaric
Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)

4. A typical bedroom contains about 2500 moles of air. Find the

change in internal energy of this air when it is cooled from
23.90C to 11.60C at a constant pressure of 1.00atm. Consider air
as an ideal gas with ɣ = 1.4
Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas:
𝑾 = 𝒏𝑹𝑻 𝒍𝒏

𝑾 = 𝒏𝑹𝑻 𝒍𝒏
Adiabatic Process of an Ideal Gas:
 1
TV  constant (19.21)

 1  1
1 1  T2V2
TV (19.22)

pV  constant (19.23)
 
p1V1  p2V2 (19.24)
Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)
5. How much work does the gas do during adiabatic compression if the initial
volume of the cylinder is 1.00L ( 1.00 x10 -3m3) P initial is 1 atm, T initial is 27 0C
and the final temp is 6130C.
Cv air = 20.8 J/mole K, ɣ = 1.40
(Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics 12th ed. 19.34 p.669)
6. The engine of a Ferrari car takes in air at 200C and 1 atm and compresses it
adiabatically to 0.090 times the original vol. The air may be treated as an ideal gas
with δ = 1.4.
Find the final temp and pressure.
(Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics 12th ed. 19.33 p.669)
7. A monoatomic ideal gas that is initially at a pressure of 1.50 x10 5Pa and with a vol.
Of 0.080m3 is compressed adiabatically to a vol. Of 0.040m3. Cv = 12.47 , δ = 1.67
a. What is the final pressure?
b. How much work is done by the gas?
c. What is the ratio of the final temp of the gas to its initial temp? Is the gas heated or
Second Law of Thermodynamics:
It is impossible for an engine to absorb heat and perform an equivalent amount of

Heat Engine:

e (20.3)
QH  QC  W (20.8)

Coefficient of Performance (K)

K  (20
Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)
8. A gasoline engine take in 10,000J of heat and deliver 2000J of work.
Heat of combustion is LC  5  104 J / g . A) What is the thermal
efficiency of this engine? B) how much heat gave out in each cycle? C)
how much gasoline is burned in each cycle? D) if the engine goes through
25 cycles per second, what is its power output in watts? In horsepower? E)
How much gasoline must be burned per second? Per hour?
Carnot Engine
• Heat engine that has the maximum possible efficiency consistent with
the second law, the cycle is called Carnot cycle.

ecarnot  1  (20.14)
Carnot cycle
Example: (Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics)
9. A Carnot engine takes 2000J of heat from a reservoir at 500K does some work
and discard some heat to a reservoir at 350K. How much work does it do, how
much heat is discarded, and what is the efficiency?

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