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BSN 1Y2-2



Fats and oils are a mixture of triglycerides. Triglycerides are made up of three fatty acids linked
to glycerol by fatty acyl esters. Fatty acids are long chain hydrocarbons with carboxyl groups
(COOH groups). These fatty acids can be classified into saturated or unsaturated based on the
number of double bonds present in the fatty acid. Saturated fatty acids contain only single bond
between the carbon atoms and are tend to be solids at room temperature. Unsaturated fatty
acids contain double bonds between the carbon atom in addition to the single bonds present in
the fatty acid chain. They are likely to exists as liquids at room temperature. The double bonds
present in the naturally occurring unsaturated fats are in the Cis form. Trans fatty acids are
associated with health problems and cardiovascular diseases. Unsaturated fatty acids can be
converted into saturated by the process of hydrogenation. Depending upon the degree of
unsaturation, the fatty acids can combine with oxygen or halogens to form saturated fatty acids.
So it is important to know the extent to which a fatty acid is unsaturated. There are different
methods for checking the unsaturation level in fatty acids, one among them is by determining
the iodine value of fats. Iodine value or number is the number of grams of iodine consumed by
100g of fat. A higher iodine value indicates a higher degree of unsaturation. unsaturated fatty
acids THEORY Iodine value (IV) is a measure of the total number of double bonds present in
fats and oils.


10% KI solution, 2gms NaHCO, 6ml concentrated HCL, K2Cr2O7 solution, distilled water, iodine
solution, Na2S2O3 solution, olive oil, chloroform, starch solution, Hanus iodine reagent.

Retort stand- is a piece of scientific equipment intended to support other pieces of equipment
and glassware for instance, burettes, test tubes and flasks.

Burette- A burette is a volumetric measuring glassware which is used in analytical chemistry for
the accurate dispensing of a liquid, especially of one of the reagents in a titration.

Conical flasks- An Erlenmeyer flask, also known as a conical flask (British English) or a titration
flask, is a type of laboratory flask which features a flat bottom, a conical body, and a cylindrical
neck. It is named after the German chemist Emil Erlenmeyer (1825–1909), who created it in
Reagent bottle- Reagent bottles, also known as media bottles or graduated bottles, are
containers made of glass, plastic, borosilicate or related substances, and topped by special
caps or stoppers.

Breakers- A wave in the process of losing energy where offshore energy loss is caused by wind
action and nearshore energy loss is caused by the impact of the sea floor as the wave enters
shallow (shoaling) water.


(A) Standardization of the supplied 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution 1) 30ml 10% KI, 2 grams NaHCO3
and dissolved with 6ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. 2) The solution is slowly shake and
then run in the flask. 10ml previously prepared standard K2Cr2O7 solution is added to the flask.
The mouth of the flask is covered with a watch glass, shake and kept in the dark for 5 minutes.
3) After 5minutes, the watch glass is removed and the inner side of the flask is washed with
50ml of distilled water until the solution attains a yellowish green color. 1ml of starch solution is
added. 4) Sodium thiosulphate is used for titration purpose until the greenish color changes to
light green color (end point) against a white background. (B) Determination of iodine value of
supplied oils 1) 2drop of oil(150mg) is taken and stored in a clean, dry 250ml glass stoppered
reagent bottle.5ml of chloroform added to the 2 bottles, 1 bottle with oil and the other without oil.
The without oil containing bottle will serve as a control. 15ml of Hanes iodine reagent is added
to each bottle. 2) The solution is mixed well and placed in the dark for exactly 30minutes. After
that, 7.5ml 10% KI solution is added to each bottle and mixed it up. 37.5ml of distilled water is
used to wash down the sides of the containers. 3) The solution is titrated with previously
standardized sodium thiosulphate solution until the solution becomes light yellow. Then 0.5-1ml
of 1% starch solution is added and the titration is consider completed once the disappearance of
blue color.


Percentage error of burette: ±0.1ml

Table 1: Titration volume for standardize the supplied 0.1N sodium thiosulphate. No. of
Observation Initial Burette Reading (ml) Final Burette Reading (ml) Total volume of Na2S2O3
used (ml) Color observation Without starch 0.00 8.70 10.50 Yellowish- green With starch 8.70
10.30 Greenish blue 10.30 10.50 Light green
Table 2: Titration volume for sample supplied (sunflower oil) No. of Observation Initial Burette
Reading (ml) Final Burette Reading (ml) Total volume of Na2S2O3 used (ml) Color Observation
Without starch 0.00 7.70 8.00 Light yellow With starch 7.70 8.00 colorless
Table 3: Titration volume for sample supplied (without sunflower oil) No .of Observation Initial
Burette Reading (ml) Final Burette Reading (ml) Total volume of Na2S2O3 used (ml) Color
Observation Without starch 9.00 18.40 10.50 Light yellow With starch 18.40 19.50 colorless
Table 4: Titration volume for sample supplied (olive oil) No. of Observation Initial Burette
Reading (ml) Final Burette Reading (ml) Total volume of Na2S2O3 used (ml) Color Observation
Without starch 0.00 8.10 8.30 Light yellow With starch 8.10 8.30 colorless
4. Table 5: Titration volume for sample supplied (without olive oil) No .of Observation Initial
Burette Reading (ml) Final Burette Reading (ml) Total volume of Na2S2O3 used (ml) Color
Observation Without starch 0.00 9.00 9.30 Light yellow With starch 9.00 9.30 colorless.


The iodine value for olive oil and sunflower oil is 113.1 and 100.8 respectively. The degree of
iodine value indicates that the content of unsaturated triglyceride in certain fatty acid. Therefore,
The unsaturated triglyceride content in olive oil is higher than in sunflower oil, which also
indicates that olive oil is more healthy to consume compare to sunflower oil.


1. Essential Biochemistry, 2004, Charlotte W. Pratt, Kathleen Cornely, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 2007, Bettelheim, Thomson Higher
Education 3. Pre-U Text STPM Biology, 2009, Lee Ching, Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 4. 5. 6.

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