Digital Morning Meeting 4

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Students will set down personal items and be seated
at the carpet area in a circle. Each student will take
turns being in the middle to do a dance of their choice
when their name has been called.
Song: (everyone sings and claps to the beat with
1, 2, 3, 4! Let's go __ hit the dance floor!
Show us what you got! We want to see more, more,
Q AND A #1

a. What social skills are

children learning and/or A. The social skills that the children are learning is that
they can have fun and cheer each other on without it being
practicing during greeting? formal all the time.
B. What do children need to know B. What children need to know before doing this greeting is
that it is perfectly fine to be silly and goofy. Let it all out
before doing this greeting in o now before we start our class learning time. Students also
rder to be successful? need to be paying attention to names being called out.
C. The teacher manages behavior during this greeting by
C. ensuring no foul play is being present. Will Also be watching
who Is paying attention and who is not with the singing,
How does the teacher manage be clapping, and name calling.
havior during the greeting?
o What's a WOW?
• A "WOW" is something good and special that has happened or is going on during the
student's life that they would like to share and celebrate with everyone in the class.
o What's a POW?
• A "POW" is something not so good that’s has happened during the student's life that they
would like to share with the class. They will share their own POW and not someone else's.
o Directions:
• After the morning greeting, while still sitting in the circle, the teacher will allow volunteers
and if none then randomly select 4 students to share a WOW or POW. The student sharing
will be holding Octy the octopus and flipping them to either the WOW side or POW side. After
one student is done, they can take two questions, comments, or compliments from the class.
Their response to their classmate must be about the person who shared and not redirect the
conversation away from the student. I will be the last one to end the share circle.
Q and A #2

“ I. What are the community-building elements of this sharing?

II. What academic skills are sharers practicing?

III. What routines and behaviors do children need to learn and practice in order to be successful
audience members during dialogue sharing?

i. ”
The community building elements of this sharing is that it allows certain students to express what
is going outside of the class and school. Let's the other students learn about each other through
positive and negative moments in each other's lives.
ii. The academic skills that sharers are practicing is being able to speak in front of multiple people to
practice public speaking. The sharers are also able to express their feelings towards moments in
their lives whether it be joyful or deep to the teacher, their friends, and classmates.
iii. What the children need to do behavior and routine wise, in order to be successful audience
members, is to be listening to the sharer but also understand what they have just said. Do not let
story go in one ear and out the other. The audience also needs to giving their full attention and
eye contact with the person speaking. The students need to have respectful and nice comments,
questions, and compliments that are not about themselves but about the speaker.
• Directions:
The teacher will allow
volunteers, if not then will
randomly choose 6 students to
be the "seekers" and send them
out of the room. The teacher
and/or a randomly selected
student will hide an object of
the teacher's choice. Once done
the seekers will return to the
class and begin looking for the
object. The rest of the class
guides the students search
party by saying "hot" when the
seeker(s) get near the object and
"cold" for whenever they are far
or move away from the object.
• A. The social skills that the students are practicing are
Q AND A #3 learning how to work as a group to help others find
something. The seekers are learning how to use their
listening skills to see where the hidden object is by
following the hot and cold signals.
A. What social skills • B. The teacher introduces the activity by asking the
are children children " Geez, it's getting kind of chilly in here, help
practicing? me find my jacket!" As the students guide the teacher
B. How does the closer to their jacket, he/she says "Oh wow! I must be
teacher introduce getting warmer since I am so close to my jacket." Then
the activity? proceeds to explain the instructions of the activity.

C. What does the • C. The teacher ensures that the seekers are looking for
teacher do during the correct object by giving them a heads up on what it
the activity to is. The teacher will also make sure the other students
manage behavior? aren't yelling hot or cold but are doing it respectfully
and not disruptive. They will keep a lookout for no
running or throwing items.

Morning Message: Quote and Response
Remember to look up at the
➢ Directions: stars and not down at your
The teacher will read the Morning Message
quote and questions. The students will have a
couple of minutes to respond to one of the
-Stephen Hawking

questions on a sticky note. They will write their 1.What do you think/ know is in space? How do you
feel about it?
name, response, and the number of which 2.Have you been looking down on something? If so
question they decided to respond to. The what and how can you change that?

students will then talk amongst one another to 3.What do you think the writer meant by this quote?

hear each other's thoughts. Then the teacher

will pick up the sticky notes and begin reading
everyone's responses out loud.
Q AND A #4

1. What are the community-building elements of this message and the work with the message?
2. In what ways does the content of the message support the academic curriculum and engage the learners?
3. What routines and behaviors do children need to learn in order to be successful with morning message?

• 1. The community building element of this message is being able to share your response of the question
with your friends as regular conversation. The work for this message is to write a response about an
inspirational quote.
• 2. The content of this message reminds the students to not look down so much and to change that once you
notice. This message also ties in the theme of space and science, which will allow the students to think
outside the box yet connect deep with their feelings.
• 3. The routines and behaviors that children need to learn in order to be successful with the morning
message is to be prepared to truly think about yourself or topics that do not have very specified answers.
They will need to be able to write and share their responses amongst one another as casual conversation.

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