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1 Hold On To Culture, Religion, And Language

Malaysia's official religion is Muslim and 60% of its population is Muslim, but

the country. also has Hindus and Buddhists. In Malaysia, social conventions defined by

religion and culture, with different norms? among Muslim Malays, Indians and Hindus

and? followers of religions of China. Speech is often referred to in English is' selamat

', but the Malays were more likely to use the Arabic phrase ‘‫السالم عليكم‬

(assalamualaikum)’ , meaning peace with you. For language, Malay language is the

national and official language, but English? is also widely used as a lingua franca

among other races. Other languages such as Chinese, Iban, and Tamil are spoken by


Following this, society in Malaysia is a great example of a country with a unique

multiracial society. Malaysian consumers practice the concept, the Malaysian public

also look at festivals, cultural. activities and food. Malaysians are happy when.the

festive season arrives. For example, Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated by Muslims in

Malaysia. Open house activities practiced by.the Muslim Malay community had been

with the non-Muslim ethnic groups. The celebration of the Independence celebration

can also deepen ethnic.relations through activities and create a sense of patritiosm.and

cooperation. This event did not immediately reinforce their relationship.1 Malaysians

are also known for their variety.of foods and this symbolizes the identity of the

multiracial people. These foods originally various states and tribes, have

now been made available in Malaysia. The food menu is derived from the tradition of

a particular society such as nasi lemak, the food is not only favored by the Malays but

Amri, H. (2013, December 21). Bab 2power point. Retrieved April 25, 2020, from
also favored by other races.2 Today, Malaysians can use a variety of foods that were

originally from a certain ethnic group.

From this point, Islam accepts advances in various areas of human life, religion,

culture, politics, law and more. Islam also accepts, values and respects. people in all its

diversity, nationality, language, religion and culture. Religious differences. are not

grounds for hostility. Thus, all people of different religions remain united. in the great

unity of humanity. For Muslims, honoring a human being regardless of. religion is a

religious claim, part of the obligation to carry out the Prophet's Sunnah as narrated by

al-Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah .respects the body of a Jew. Thus, every Muslim or

non-Muslim human soul has a dignity of honor to be respected. Therefore, Muslims

should not think to force. everyone to become Muslims. The advancement in Islam is

based on the Muslim. consciousness that is not required to determine the fate of non-

Muslims because it is not Muslim. It is God's business that will be decided later on the

day of reckoning. What is demanded from Muslims is a religious attitude. to their own

religion, while providing fair treatment to non-religious people. Thus Muslims do not

have any problems in doing. justice and doing good to non-Muslims.3

Subsequently, ethnic diversity can give birth to cultural diversity. In fact, the

diversity of ethnicities, nations and generations that naturally. bring about cultural

diversity, lifestyles, patterns of thought and beliefs and beliefs make. this life so

MASYARAKAT MAJMUK DARI PERSPEKTIF ISLAM. (2015, March 15). Retrieved April 25, 2020, from
Ramli, M. A., & Jamaludin, M. A. (2011, January). The ‘Urf of Plural Society: The Concept and Its Practices in
Malaysia. Retrieved April 26, 2020, from file:///C:/Users/Hazirah Aida/Downloads/JF2011_03_UrufMajmuk.pdf
beautiful to share.4 Humans are created by God with the best of creation, free to. exist

and survive. These rights are not at all hindered by. differences in religion, race,

ethnicity or minority within a country. In Surah al-Isra '17: 70, the verse explains that

God glorified Adam's grandchildren irrespective. of race or class and that God also

distinguished them from other beings. For the sake of the harmony and .well-being of

the human community, Islam from the beginning did not allow. any form of racial

prejudice, namely, a call to help its own country and ethnic. group oppress other peoples

and ethnic groups.

Malaysia has a multi-religious and cultural community .that is basically living

in peace and harmony. This diversity is a uniqueness. that our people should cherish.

However, there are some conflicts. Some of the conflicting factors that .scholars have

studied include biology, psychology, geography that include aspects. of land or borders,

demographics, ideologies, religions, cultures and socioeconomic factors.

Meanwhile, existing religious diversity is identified as one of the factors that

can cause conflict, including differences .in religious beliefs, religious attitudes acting

outside the boundaries of religion and national law, and misunderstandings. between

religions or religions. Of course, religious conflicts can be .resolved in a variety of

ways, but that determines whether or not they are successful. individuals and religious

communities themselves.5 There are many benefits to be gained by. limiting and

Retrieved April 27, 2020, from file:///C:/Users/Hazirah Aida/Downloads/ARTIKELJURNALSERIALAM.pdf
Fadzil, S. (2014, October 21). Agama: Kemurnian Islam dalam masyarakat majmuk. Retrieved April 27, 2020,
combating. religious conflict in society. As civilized societies, we should not. allow

religious conflicts to arise or repeat as they will .affect the religious community and

future generations.

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