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Scientific Method and Intro to Science Reviewer

I. Multiple Choice
1. A procedure carried out to gather data about an object or event is a/an .
A. investigation C. experiment
B. hypothesis D. inquiry

2. Victoria grows the same bacteria in 20 petri dishes. She places 10 of the dishes in
a container with a normal atmosphere. The remaining dishes she places in a container
in which the oxygen level is double the normal level. She labels the first group "A" and
the second group "B." Which statement best describes the groups?

A. Group A is the control group; Group B is the experimental group.

B. Group A is the experimental group; Group B is the control group.
C. Group A is the variable; Group B is the observation.
D. Group A is the hypothesis; Group B is the theory.

3. Which of the following best describes data?

A. ideas you think are true C. a variable
B. facts or information D. numbers

4. Jackson and Mia want to do an experiment to determine how the temperature of water
affects how much salt can be dissolved in it.

In what order should they perform the following steps?

Step 1: With the teacher's help, bring the water in one of the beakers to the boiling point.
Step 2: Pour equal amounts of water into two identical beakers.
Step 3: Record how many half-teaspoons of salt are completely dissolved in each beaker.
Step 4: Gradually put salt into the water of each beaker, a half-teaspoon at a time.
A. 4 2 1 3 C. 2 4 1 3
B. 2 1 4 3 D. 1 2 4 3

5. What is the purpose of a data analysis?

A. to interpret result in the experiment C. to test a hypothesis
B. to communicate data D. none of the above

6. How do you check whether the data supports the hypothesis?

A. modify the experiment C. predict the outcome
B. design the experiment D. analyze the data

7. At the end of an experiment, what must you draw?

A. a conclusion C. a picture
B. a bar graph D. a chart
For items 8 – 15, identify whether the data given on each number is qualitative data or
quantitative data. Answer A for Quantitative Data and B for Qualitative Data.

8. Sweetness.
Data: White chocolate is sweeter than dark chocolate.

9. Hotness of Chili.

Data: Thai chili is hotter than Jalapeño chili.

10. Preparedness.
Data: Child A is more prepared than Child C in today’s lesson.

11. Comparative speed.

Data: The average speed of a running cat is 48 km/h while the average speed of pig is
18 km/h.

12. Salinity.
Data: Sea water is saltier than lake water.

13. Weight.
Data: The average weight of an elephant’s tooth is about 4 kilograms.

14. Acidity.
Data: Fresh milk has a pH of approximately 6.5. Stale milk has a pH of about 4.7

15. Temperature.
Data: A person with fever feels hot.

II. True or False

For items 1 – 5, identify whether the statement is True or False. Write A if the statement
is True, and B if it is False.

1. Observable, repeatable and measurable are the factors to be considered in order for
a problem to be studied in science.

2. Hypothesis, procedure and data must be considered in order to understand the

conclusion of an experiment.

3. Inference is an observation and a universal negative.

4. The conclusion is the summary that tells us if our experimental data supports our

5. A conclusion states whether a hypothesis was right.

III. Multiple Choice

For items 6 – 15, read carefully the following questions and choose the letter of your

6. How do you describe the purpose of a conclusion in the scientific method?

A. it gives source of information to help the investigation.
B. it states whether the data supports the hypothesis.
C. it states an expected outcome of the investigation.
D. it explains the reason for doing the investigation.

7. Why is communication an important part of the scientific process?

A. It means results do not need to be confirmed.
B. It ensures that nobody makes mistakes.
C. It helps science progress more quickly.
D. It limits the flow of secret information.

8. Why do scientists communicate different results about the same topic?

A. The results of scientific experiments can never be reproduced.
B. Scientific data can be interpreted in different ways.
C. Scientists support only their own opinions.
D. Not all scientists use scientific methods.

9. What is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?

A. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze
the results, and communicate results.
B. Ask a question, analyze the results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis,
draw conclusions, and communicate results.
C. Make hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw
conclusions, and communicate results.
D. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw
conclusions, and communicate results.

10. Which is NOT a step in the scientific method?

A. data collection and analysis C. forming a bias
B. experimentation D. observation

11. When you decide whether or not the data supports the original hypothesis, you are
A. drawing conclusions C. forming a hypothesis
B. making observations D. asking questions
12. How do you call the part of the Scientific Method that uses the data to help explain
the results of the experiment?
A. observation C. conclusion
B. hypothesis D. purpose

13. Which of the following scientific skills is used when making conclusion?
A. predict C..inquiry
B. observe D. infer

14. Which of the following is the last step in the scientific method?
A. doing background research C. communicating results
B. constructing a hypothesis D. asking a question

15. Scientific studies must have clear and transparent methods so that the studies are
A. reproducible C. logical
B. methodical D. biased

IV. Each sentence below describes a step of the scientific method. Match each
sentence with a step of the scientific method listed below. Write the letter of your
A. Drawing conclusions C. Identify the Problem
B. Formulate a hypothesis D. Test the hypothesis/ Experiment

_______ 1. RJ Lou grew mongo seeds in ten (10) pots. She divided the pots into two (2)
groups, the five (5) pots exposed to sunlight and the rest five (5) pots inside
their house.

_______ 2. Krizha used a survey to determine how many

_______ 3. Jose wanted to find out the effect of commercial fertilizer from organic
fertilizer in the growth of tomato.

_______ 4. Vincent saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, “How do
bats find the insects in the dark?”

_______ 5. Mar wondered if dyes could be taken out of plant leaves, flowers, and stems
_______ 6. Florence soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she
planted the seeds in soil at a depth of 1 cm. She used the same amount of
water, light, and heat for each kind of seed.

_______ 7. Celso read about growing plants in water. He wanted to determine how plants
could grow without soil.
_______ 8. Jade said, “If I grow five seedlings under the sun, I think the plants will grow
slower than the five plants grown inside the house.”

_______ 9. Maria’s experiment proved that earthworms move away from


_______ 10. Neil said, “If fertilizer affect the growth of pechay plant, it might affect the
growth of cactus.”

_______ 11. If the temperature changes then the amount of bread mold will change.

_______ 12. Jaime wanted to find out the eating habits of dog.

_______ 13. Aldrin put different fertilizers on pechay plants to see what fertilizer allows
the pechay plant to grow faster.

_______ 14. Plants placed in direct sunlight grow faster than plants which are kept with
no sunlight.

_______ 15. Sarah wanted to find out if the amount of rain has an effect on the growth of

IV. Read carefully and answer the questions given below. Choose the letter of the
____ 1. What step of scientific method is used when a scientist listens to the sounds that
whales make?
A) Interpreting data C) Making observations
B) Drawing conclusions D) Making a hypothesis

_____ 2. Which question is categorized as a high level scientific question? A) Who made
the first microscope?
B) How many giraffes live in Africa?
C) How long ago did dinosaurs live on the Earth?
D) Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?

_____ 3. What is the process of obtaining information by using the senses?

A) Scientific method C) Observation
B) Conclusion D) Inquiry

_____ 4. A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions.
A) hypothesis C) observation
B) experiment D) scientific method
_____ 5. Which of the following statements would be true of the scientific method?
A) People structure their lives on the principle of scientific method.
B) Scientists report the experimental results, but not the experimental design.
C) The scientific method is a continuous process by which people learn about his
D) When the results of the experiment do not fit the hypothesis, a scientist may
discard the results and stop the experiment.

_____ 6. Suppose your mother send you to the market to buy fruits and vegetables. How
will you choose the quality of fruits and vegetables?
A) Ask the vendor to choose it for you.
B) Just get any kind then pay right away.
C) Examine the skin of fruit free of insect bites and dark spots.
D) Ask other costumer to choose the vegetables and fruits for you.

_____ 7. What do you call the step in scientific method that may begin with what, when,
who which, why, where or how?
A) Gathering Data C) Forming Hypothesis
B) Identifying Problem D) Making Observations

_____ 8. It is any information that is gathered using the senses.

A) Data C) Observation
B) Information D) Communicate

_____ 9. The first step in scientific method is __________.

A) Gathering Data C) Forming Hypothesis
B) Identifying Problem D) Making Observations

_____ 10. All scientific knowledge comes from?

A) textbooks C) experimentation
B) observation D) both B & C

For items 11 – 15, Identify each situation as identifying problem or making observations.
Write IP for identifying problem and MO for making observations.

_______ 11. Dana wanted to find out how grown plants with fertilizer are different from
natural grown plants.

_______ 12. Teachers like when their students participate in classroom discussions.

_______ 13. Girls wearing Sunday dresses look beautiful and cool.

_______ 14. Jose saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, “Why bats can see in
the dark?”

_______ 15. People who lives in the farm like dogs.

I. V.




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