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Changesare feasiblebefore the manuscriptis typeset,

but changesto galley proofs and checkprints are
Your reward for proofreading-however tedious the discouraged,exceptto correct typographicalerrors,
task may seem-is the satisfactionof an error-free seriousfactual errors, or deviations from the mill
publication. Although whento read proof varies with copyused as a guide by the typesetter or drafter.
the publisherand frequencyof revision, at least two Extensive changesat galley-proofor page-proofstage
different types of proofreadingare essential.One are time consuming and costly.
type (A) is a comprehensiveproofreadingof text, Comprehensive proofreading (A) usuallyis done
tables, and illustrations for scientific integrity as well while the science and documentation are fresh in
as for presentation(correct style, usage,and gram- mind-for example (1) just before a report to be pub-
mar) and internal consistency.The secondtype (B) is lished by the USGS is sent for technical review or
a conventionalproofreadingfor suchitems as spell- (2) just before a report to be published outside the
ing, typographicalerrors, or incorrect word breaks. USGSis sent to the journal. If technical review
Both types canbe done simultaneously,althoughthe necessitatesconsiderablerewriting and reorganiza-
techniquesfor eachdiffer. tion, however, another comprehensiveproofreading of
Comprehensiveproofreading(A) is a rigorous exer- the revised report is advisable.
cise that requires (1) a cool, objectiveappraisal of the Conventionalproofreading(B) generallyis required
science,(2) validation of any mathematics,and (3) (1) right after the report is first typed, (2) just before
checkingfor factual agreementamongtext, refer- the final mill copyis submitted for Director's ap-
ences,tables, and illustrations and their captions. proval, and (3) when you receive galley proofs or page
Think of comprehensiveproofreadingas a technical proofs and checkprints. (See section "Preparing
review of your own work-difficult, but vital. Maps and Other Illustrations," p. 210-213, for advice
Conventionalproofreading(B) is perhapsmore on proofreadingcheckprints of illustrations). This is
difficult than comprehensiveproofreadingbecauseit your last chanceto make corrections, although they
requires scanningtextual and graphic material with shouldbe rare at galley-proofstage.
little regard for meaning. At least one conventional Conventionalproofreadingat (1) and (2) is most ef-
proofreading sessionshouldbe done with anotherper- fective if you can let a little time elapse(severaldays
son(seetechniquesfor two-personproofreading). perhaps) before you begin to proofread. Errors are
The more frequently the report is revised,the more apt to leap from the page after the manuscript
greater the need for proofreading.Errors seemto has cooled a bit and the wording of the text is no
multiply insidiouslywith eachnew printout, despite longer quite so fresh in your mind.
your best efforts to proof them away. Still, that one
last try may catchthe very error that might prove
embarrassingto you or to the Survey. At best, your GENERAL TECHNIQUES OF
thoroughly proofed copyinspires a publisher'scon- PROOFREADI NG
fidence in the care with which you preparedthe
Accurate proofreadingis exacting work and
report. demandsconcentration.Choosea time when you are
wide awakeand alert, and take a short break when
WHEN TO PROOFREAD you begin to tire.
If you are proofreadingalone, try to avoid proofing
Your Branch or Office may advise you when to somethingthat you have just finished typing. You are
proofread your report, and your local editor un- muchmore likely to seeerrors if you leave the report
doubtedlywill ask you to proofread your USGSbook for a while. You may want to read aloud to yourself.
or map at least once in the publicationprocess.You For example,words with multisyllablesand vowels
may have to proofread on your own initiative more are commonlymisspelled;you can checkthem careful-
frequently as the manuscriptprogresses.If you know ly by consciouslypronouncingeachsyllable. You can
you won't be availablefor proofreading,designate read backward (from right to left), which will force
someonewho will do it as meticulouslyas you would.
Proofreading 265
you to focus on individual words. A spelling program long as they are intelligible to the personwho must
on a word processoris useful, but it won't flag words read or type from them. Separatepiecesshouldbe
correctly spelledbut incorrectly used("now" for clearly marked: for example, "Insert A" or "Part 1
"not"). of 3." Make a small checkin the right margin next
Proofreadingtabular data requires extra diligence to the line containinga minor changethat might be
and a ruler to ensure that you are readingacrossjust overlooked;you may want to make a checkfor every
one horizontalline at a time. Checkthe vertical align- changein the line.
ment in eachcolumnto be sure that all numbersare
aligned on the decimal point (or whatever symbolhas
beenchosen,suchas a hyphendenotingrange). AFTER TYPESETTING
A list of commonlyusedproofreader'smarks and
When you receive galley proofs or page proofs
an exampleof their usageare at the end of this sec-
and checkprints, the typesetter or editor may have
tion. Although typeset copyis shown,the sameprin-
marked them already. Someof the marks may be
ciples and marks apply to typewritten text as well.
queriesto the author, which you shouldanswer. Make
Seealso the U.S. GPO Style Manual(1984,p. 5, 6).
corrections clearly and legibly in the margin of the
proof as closeto and as much in line with the error as
TWO-PERSON PROOFREADING possible; the typesetter is not obliged to searchthe
body of the text for changes.Use commonproof-
When proofreading with anotherperson, first agree reader'smarks. Indicate by AA (Author Alteration) or
how to proceed.For example,you won't say a capital AC (Author Correction)any changesthat differ from
letter at the beginning of a sentenceand you'll tap a the copyused as a printer's guide. Do not mark the
pencil to indicate a period at the end of the sentence. guide.
You should,however, say aloud all nonobviouspunc-
tuation and spell out uncommonwords. The session
will be less tiring if you take turns; one reads aloud COMMON CHANGES
from the original documentwhile the other silently Six changesare most common:insertion, deletion,
checksthe new copy. substitution, transposition,punctuation,and capitaliza-
The author, if proofing, shouldfollow the original tion (or lowercasing).The following examplesshow
while the other person(a typist, perhaps)readsaloud conventionalmarks for indicating these changes:
from the redone copy. This way, any errors or omis-
sions in the new copy will automaticallybe read out. Insertion
Typographicalerrors, however, may still escape To indicate that somethingshouldbe inserted, place
detection. At somepoint in the proofreading, every a caret (A) at the point on the line in the text where
single word of the new copy must be read individually the insertion shouldbe made,and write in the margin
and deliberatelyif all typographicalerrors are to be what is to be inserted:
'" Pr~readcarefully


CORRECTIONS To indicate that something should be taken out and
not replaced by anything else, draw a line through it
Instructions and marks shouldbe legible, intelligi- and place the "dele mark" (~), a form of "d" mean-
ble, and closeto the changedesired. Avoid marginal ing "delete," in the margin.
notes that doglegaround the page and "skyrockets"
that zooma changefrom text to a distant part of the ProofreadFeftft.carefully
BEFORETYPESEmNG To indicate that somethingis to be substituted for
the matter deleted, mark through the matter to be
Instructions, changes,additions, or deletionsto a replacedand write the substitute matter in the
manuscriptbefore typesetting canbe made in the
body of the text, in the margins, on a copy of the
illustration, or on a separatepiece of paper-just as Proofread 9I'P6ti8a11:,~-

266 Two-person proofreading

Transposition The diagonalstroke is also used (1) to separateone
Transpositionis more commonin early drafts of a correction from the next where they are crowded in
report than in galley or page proofs. To indicate that the margin and (2) to indicate the end of the
somethingshouldbe in a different place(transposed), corrections.
draw lines to indicate the switch and write "tr" in
the margin. l' Cheer, chee~forthe fourth of Ju1~i~
our Nation's birthda~
@ ~P;oofiead 1
Capital or Lowercase Letters
If more than a few words are to be transposedand
the changeinvolves severallines, write the revised To indicate capitalization,draw a slashthrough the
version on a separatepiece of paper, cross out all the letter that is to be capitalizedand write the letter
obsoletelines, and write "Insert A" (or whatever you with three lines under it in the margin.
have labeledthe piece).This procedureallows for far
less error than does drawing lines in text. 1: jrOOfread
To indicate lowercase,draw a slashthrough the
Punctuation letter that is to be lowercasedand write l.c. in the
Place punctuation or other marks that might be margin.
obscure to the left of a diagonal stroke, thus: ,f ;f -f, Proofread1arefully

U SE WORDS IN MARGIN and lines in text. Mark clearly and
distinctly. Write out instructions that might be ambiguous.For
more marks, seethe GPO Style Manual (1984,p. 5).

BoldfaceJ f. (in margin) Print CONTENTS in boldface.

vvvvv (in text)
Brackets[/] [Bracketsindicate suppliedinformation." ]
For authorship: By=-:=
L>~ Qg~. ~ --
Small caps sc
SMALL ---CAPS for headings. .£

Uppercase That map showsOgdenand Saltjake City.

~ jg
Lowercase Where have the ~nimals andjirds gone? ic./ ic.
Generalindicator used to mark exact posiwn of error.
Caret !\ A.,

Close up '-"
I'" ""
can not

Delete ~ You might want to write t~e '61'8"delete" in the margin also. -?

Indention J~ ;l;B>x with a number indicating how manyspaces. :J [j]

Commonly used proofreader's marks 267


Apostrophe .{; Water was pondedat the glaciers edge. ~

Colon """".
...,' in the following sequence" ""'.
Comma I?\ garnet, wollastonite"andtremolite
Exclamation point Pleasebe careful" I
Hyphen = oliveAgreenschist
Parentheses /) ,,,asnoted by Page",
Period Q Water, then, was ponded" 0
Questionmark? Why did the river turn south"
Quotationmarks ~ / ~ "These beds~saidPowell'"are GreenRiver." ~//" V
Semicolon j

Space # Rockslittered the;r°ad. #"

I-em dash MI two different types~graniteand syenite I
l-en dash -# only 1O,,12
years old. ..1-

(em and en are printer's terms for the size of a space;an en is half the width of an em. The I-em dashis
representedby two hyphensin typewritten copyand the en dashby one hyphen.)

Italic .ita£ (in margin) SpiriferiDa

(in text)

Paragraph 'lI ",Regionaluplift then ensued. <1f

No paragraph No <If IIAsh, however, continued to fall. No <1


Move right J Move left c

Move up n Move down U

Center horizontally Center vertically nLJ

Spell out Sp 0 The samplecontainedonlY~ SpO~

stet (let it stand) --- Use dashesin text and~in margin.
Subscript[inferior] HAo 4
Superscript[superior] V
Fe\;;! tl
Transpose J) Use loop in text~;a-n d)in margin.

268 Commonly used proofreader's marks

CL ~~h~~
1 I [is A geochemical survey to evaluate the mineral potential of
Ithe Flat Tops Wilderness included samples from streams
which drain the Hack Lake Wilderness StudyArea (Mallory
tII,. .and others, 196~ The analysesof these samplesrevealed
no anomalous concentrations of any elements that might
indicate outcropping mineralized rocks. HID is prevalant in 12\
t -teams.


if l fij study
No area;
however, areas
were andidentified
anhydrite in may
the wilderness
be present

in the Eagle Valley Evaporite. In the vicinity of Eagle, about

1.,. 20 mi southeast of the ~tudy area, the Eagle Valley Evapo-

rite is about 9,000 ft thick and contains isolated pods and
,.-:- lenses of ro-psum and anh drite 500/1,000 ft thic~allo~1\ .L I j J ~
~ ~~d ethef, 1971). It may be present beneath a thick cover 0 N

as t ase a roximatel 3 000 ft beneath the area. he

Eagle Valley Evaporite thins northeast of Eagle and is not .111,.
exposed in the study area.
The Belden Formation, approximately 4,000 ft beneath
the wilderness study area, may contain beds of coaly shale.

) Bass and Northrop (1963"noted that coal in the Belden is
discontinuous near the wilderness study area:)

CJ.4 ..':1r14."4.. rI., ~.4~ 1~~I,. f~.,~.~hl 1I./JIn.,-.IIJZ,j

The wilderness study area lacks favorable host rocks I7/b" 11
Atlt. and structural traps ;~~- ~i!: !~~~-~~ The potential for
uranium is low because the wilderness study area lacks host

41 ~ 2 z. The

for uranium.
a certainty
in the
of B
(fig. 3§)
for all M.
#/ # commoditie*,ecause...{he distribution of occurrences in rocks
beneath the area cannot be observed and has not been well
defined near the wilderness study area.

/""---~llory, VW.W.,V 1971,YThe VGarciaV Yalley \lEvaporite, I:L:;;;ffi
/ northwest Y Colorado-a 1/regional 1/synthesis:YU.S. I.:L:/
/ Geological Survey Bulletin (XX)O-A,37 p., 3 pl.
iooJNadeau, J.G., 1977, Mineral investigation of the Melone
I 00 jLake Wilderness Study Area, Cayer County, Colorado:
-I U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report MLA 00-00, AP. #

Table l.tfConversion factors for SI metric and U.s. customaryunits

c~ ~ measurement-fEefttifttted-

N.W."andNorthrop,S.A., 1963,Geologyof the Field Springsquadrangle

;,.. ~. U~~nity, northwestern
Colorado:U.S.GeologicalSurveyBulletin OOOO-A, 74 p.

Sample galley proof 269


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