Vertical Ridge Aurmentation

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Vertical Ridge Augmentation

and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of
the Anterior Atrophic Maxillae:
A Case Series
Istvan A. Urban, DMD, MD, An unavoidable series of events
PhD1 Alberto Monje, DDS2
takes place after tooth extraction,
Jaime Lozada, DMD3
often leading to vertical and hori-
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD4
zontal ridge deficiencies.1–5 Schropp
et al3 reported that 50% of the
hori- zontal and 0.7-mm vertical
Severe vertical ridge deficiency in the anterior maxilla represents one of the
volumet- ric changes occurred
most challenging clinical scenarios in the bone regeneration arena. As such, a
combination of vertical bone augmentation using various biomaterials and soft within the first 3 months after
tissue manipulation is needed to obtain successful outcomes. The present case extraction. In a sys- tematic
series describes a novel approach to overcome vertical deficiencies in the anterior review, Van der Weijden et al6
atrophied maxillae by using a mixture of autologous and anorganic bovine bone. showed that after all the resorp-
Soft tissue manipulation including, but not limited to, free soft tissue graft was tive events are over, a mean buc-
used to overcome the drawbacks of vertical bone augmentation (eg, loss of
colingual/palatal loss of 3.87 mm
vestibular depth and keratinized mucosa). By combining soft and hard tissue
grafts, optimum esthetic and long-term implant prosthesis stability can be and vertical reduction of 1.7 mm
achieved and sustained. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2015;35:613–623. doi: might result in difficulty in obtain-
10.11607/prd.2481) ing implant stability in the
adequate positions. In addition,
periodontal disease as well as
trauma can lead to ridge
deficiencies. Therefore, it has
been suggested that these clinical
difficulties might be overcome by
placing shorter implants,7 perform-
ing bone augmentation,8,9 placing
tilted implants, or using
restorations with artificial gingiva as
well as other approaches.10
Assistant Professor, Graduate Implant Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Vertical ridge augmentation
California, USA; Director, Urban Regeneration Institute, Budapest, Hungary. (VRA) is one way to overcome
Graduate Student and Research Fellow, Graduate Periodontics, Department of these challenges, but it remains
Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
one of the most difficult clinical
Michigan, USA. 3Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, and Director of Graduate
Implant Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, USA. procedures currently performed.11
Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics, Department of Periodontics and Oral When deal- ing with vertical ridge
Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. deficiency, the regenerative
Correspondence to: Dr Istvan A. Urban, Director, Urban Regeneration Institute,
treatment option will be based on
Sodras utca 9, Budapest, 1026 Hungary. severity. Although for slight
Fax: +36-1-2004447. Email: vertical atrophy (≤ 3 mm), more
conservative approaches might be
©2015 by Quintessence Publishing Co Inc.
proposed (ie, orthodontic

Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

extrusion), for medium (4 to 6 mm) or large (> 7 mm) defects, guided

Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

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reported in the literature for this

bone regeneration (GBR) or onlay approach (0%–45%),25 the local confounding factors (ie, loca- tion,
bone graft might be preferred.12 morphology, or biomaterials) are yet to
Certainly, autogenous bone blocks be determined. To pre- dictably achieve
have demonstrated successful successful bone augmentation, a PASS
VRA13: a recent systematic review principle (Primary wound closure,
re- ported that a mean gain of Angiogen- esis, clot Stability, and Space
4.75 mm vertical height can be main- tenance) should be used.26 As
achieved,14 whereas others have such, when performing VRA, space cre-
pointed out that only 0.6-mm ation and maintenance are essential.
vertical bone gain can be achieved Nonresorbable titanium-reinforced barrier
from intraoral blocks.13 However, membranes fulfill the afore- mentioned
this technique is not exempt from criteria and have been suggested for
complications, with exposure of large VRA.27,28
the bone block being the most Another important factor is flap
common regardless of the closure during bone augmentation. The
placement of barrier mem- key to achieving wound closure is not
branes.13 Nevertheless, this expo- only the clinician’s ability to obtain
sure rate increased to 33% when tension-free release flap but also good
titanium mesh was used.15 Further- soft tissue quality and quantity. In an
more, Ozaki and Buchman16 exam- attempt to achieve wound closure and
ined the resorptive pattern of hence graft sta- bility, the buccal
block grafts for bone mucosa is often broadly released, and
augmentation and found that this often results in a severe apical
regardless of the embry- ologic transloca- tion of the mucogingival line,
origin of the bone graft, an loss of vestibule, and keratinized mucosa
unavoidable resorption (15%–60%) (KM). When the vestibule becomes
might occur.13,17–19 Recently, the shallow, it often leads to an esthet- ic
use of allogeneic bone blocks challenge as well as a phonetics
showed some promising results; problem. Moreover, research has shown
neverthe- less, there is still a lack that areas with minimal KM often have a
of long-term evidence supporting its higher peri-implant plaque accumulation,
utilization.20 Therefore, clinicians inflammation, and attachment loss.29,30
are examining other possibilities A recent systematic review dem-
(eg, materials and techniques). onstrated that the combination of
GBR using anorganic bovine bone apically positioned flap and free gin- gival
in combination with autologous graft (FGG) is the most success- ful
bone was shown to be effective in approach to increase the width of KM and
augmenting atrophied maxillary deepen the vestible.31 How- ever, when
ridges vertically.21–23 The rationale comparing the use of ep- ithelialized
behind this mixture is that the gingival grafts with free connective tissue
autologous bone supplies the graft grafts, their ability to promote KM is
with the osteoinductive capac- ity similar32 but FGG
and the anorganic bovine bone
acts as a scaffold for space
creation and maintenance.24 Even
though a wide range of
complication rates have been

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

results in less tissue
shrinkage, which provides
Supraimplant bone height
enhanced stability, even Method and materials
though the esthetic Implant bone level was deter-
outcome is usually less Cases included mined by parallelized periapical
favorable than that of the radiographs using the ImageJ64
nonepithelized graft.32 Six patients (mean age: 37 program. One examiner (A.M.)
The purpose of this years; range: 23–55 years; per- formed the measurements to
case series is to describe a five women and one man) cal- culate the amount of bone
novel approach that in need of bone augmen- height achieved beyond the implant
combines hard and soft tation to achieve implant fixture level at the different time
tissue grafts to successfully placement at the ideal points. The measurement recorded
correct severe anteri- or three-dimensional posi- tion the distance from implant neck to
atrophic maxillae and to were treated with the coronal- most portion of the
develop a positive gingival composite bone grafts (1:1 interproximal bone level. Cohen’s
architecture be- tween ratio of autogenous bone kappa intra- and interexaminer
implants placed in and bovine hydroxyapatite) coefficients were used
vertically augmented for VRA (Fig 1).

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Fig 1a Labial views of the anterior teeth demonstrating Fig 1b Labial view demonstrating a vertical defect after extraction
advanced tissue loss. of the four incisors.

(with I.U. as the second examiner) brane [Cytoplast Ti-250, closure after the bone grafting
to test their reliability in 25% of Osteogen- ics Biomedical]) procedure despite the increased
the cases analyzed to ensure and a combination of dimension of the ridge. A remote
accuracy. autogenous bone and anorgan- flap procedure was performed in-
ic bovine bone–derived cluding crestal and vertical releasing
mineral (ABBM) (Bio-Oss, incisions. A full-thickness, midcrest-
Surgical phases Geistlich Pharma). The al incision was made into the KM.
medications, flap design, and The two divergent vertical incisions
First phase: Vertical bone sutures, and bone harvesting were placed at least one tooth away
aug- mentation proce- dure used in this cases from the surgical site. In edentulous
All patients were treated with series have been described areas, the vertical incisions were
VRA using a titanium-reinforced previously.22,23,33,34 Briefly, the placed at least 5 mm away from the
polytet- rafluoroethylene (PTFE) flap design was cho- sen to augmentation site. After primary
membrane (either an expanded ensure primary tension-free incisions, periosteal elevators were
[e]-PTFE re- generative used to reflect a full-thickness flap
membrane [Gore-Tex, beyond the mucogingival junction
W.L. Gore] or dense PTFE mem- (MGJ) and at least 5 mm beyond the

Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

bone defect. The recipient bone bed (referred to as composite bone
was prepared with multiple in- graft) and then applied to the
frabony marrow penetration using a defect. The composite bone
small round bur. graft was immobi- lized and
The autografts were harvest-
covered with a titanium-
ed and particulated in a bone mill (R.
reinforced membrane, which
Quétin Bone-Mill, Roswitha Qué- tin
was stabilized with titanium
Dental Products). A 1:1 mixture of
bone tacks (Master Pin Control,
autograft and ABBM was prepared
Meisinger) and/ or titanium
screws (Pro-Fix Tenting Screw,
Osteogenics Biomedical) (Fig 2).
Defects were measured dur- ing
the grafting procedures with a
calibrated periodontal probe.
Ver- tical bone defects were
measured from the most apical
portion of the bony defect to a
line connecting the interproximal
bone height between
neighboring teeth.
Once the membrane was com-
pletely secured, the flap was
mobi- lized to permit tension-free
primary closure. A periosteal
releasing inci- sion connecting
the two vertical incisions was
made to achieve elas- ticity of
the flap. The releasing inci- sion
was further reinforced until a
completely tension-free closure

Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

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Fig 2 Labial (left) and occlusal (right) views

of the particulated composite bone graft.

possible. The flap was sutured in a 30%:70% autograft/ABBM mix- incisions

two layers: first, horizontal ture to increase the vertical
mattress sutures (Gore-Tex CV-5 height and to mimic the
and Cyto- plast 3.0) were placed 4 interproximal bone height. The
mm from the incision line; then, goal was to increase bone
single inter- rupted sutures with thickness by 3 mm to prevent
the same e-PT- FE suture were crest resorption and develop in-
placed to close the edges of the terimplant bone support for the soft
flap, leaving at least a 4-mm-thick tissue architecture. The graft was
connective tissue layer between further covered using a collagen
the membrane and the oral membrane (Bio-Gide resorbable
epithelium. This intimate con- bi- layer membrane, Geistlich
nective tissue–to–connective Pharma) and then immobilized
tissue contact provides a barrier using internal mattress sutures (6-0
prevent- ing exposure of the polydioxanone [PDS] II, Ethicon)
membrane. Ver- tical incisions (Fig 3). The flaps were readapted
were closed with single interrupted and a primary ten- sion-free
sutures. The single inter- rupted closure was achieved. The
sutures were removed be- tween secondary bone graft and implants
10 and 14 days after surgery, and were left to heal for an additional
mattress sutures were removed 2 6 months.
to 3 weeks later. The membrane
was then removed after 9 months of Third phase: Soft tissue thickening
healing using a full-thickness flap. Two months after implant and
sec- ondary bone graft placement,
Second phase: Implant a beveled floating incision was
placement and secondary bone made in the KM about 0.5 mm
graft palatal from the MGJ, which was
Implants were placed in the located more palatal than the
correct prosthetic position using a implants. The incision was of
surgical guide. The depth of partial thickness and about 1 mm
implant place- ment corresponded in depth. The incision involved the
to the regener- ated ridge height entire crest to 1.5 mm away from
and no implants were sunk into the neighboring teeth. At this
the newly formed bone. The point, two divergent inci- sions
implants and newly formed bone were performed at the same
were then covered with a depth. The length of these
composite bone graft using
was about 10 mm. Care was and cross-mattress sutures antibiotics were given.
taken not to expose the using a resorbable
head of the im- plants or monofilament suture (6-0 Fourth phase: Modified
the overlying bone. A sub- PDS-II) (Fig 4). The flap was apically positioned flap (MAPF)
epithelized connective then closed over the and free soft tissue grafting
tissue graft was harvested connective tissue grafts with Both augmentation procedures re-
with a single incision simple interrupted sutures sulted in a severe loss of
technique. The length of using a PTFE monofilament vestibular depth and shift of MGJ
the graft occupied the suture (Osteogenics (Fig 5). The goal of the MAPF was
entire partial-thick- ness Biomedical). Sutures were to displace the mucosal tissue and
flap and was about 10 mm removed 2 weeks lat- er. In at the same time preserve the
in width. The connective the postoperative period, previously trans- planted
tissue graft was secured non- steroidal analgesics connective tissue fibers over the
with simple loop su- tures were used and no augmented ridge. This sur- gical
intervention was performed

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Fig 3a (left) Labial view of the regenerated ridge after 9 months of Fig 3b (right) Occlusal view of implants placed in the
healing. regenerated ridge.

Fig 3c (left) Labial view of the supraimplant composite bone graft. Fig 3d (right) Labial view of the collagen membrane covering
the bone graft.

6 weeks after the soft tissue split-thick- ness dissection to thick- nesses were prepared and
thick- ening procedure. reposition the MGJ apically to divided by regions. On top of
The surgical intervention start- its original position before the the implants and the coronal 4
ed with drawing a horizontal bone regenerative sur- gery mm, only the epi-
incision on KM parallel to the MGJ. and was sutured in this apical
The flap was then elevated with a position. Two different split
thelium was removed and care was palatal mucosa. This graft was techniques (Fig 6). The palatal
taken to leave the previously trans- only 2 to 3 mm in width and 1 to wound was closed using 16-mm
planted soft tissue fibers intact. 1.5 mm in thickness (strip graft), Cytoplast 3-0 mattress
However, after bypassing the ridge and was su- tured immediately
and the first 4 mm apically, a deeper after its retrieval to the apical
preparation was started to get close to end of the recipient bed with
the periosteum. In this region of the resorbable monofilament
recipient site, the periosteal bed was sutures. The remainder of the
smoothed using sharp dissec- tion to peri- osteal bed not covered
avoid any loose fibers or ir- with the strip graft was covered
regularities. An autogenous FGG of with a free connective tissue
appropriate length to cover the full graft and sutured in place using
apical extension of the recipient the same resorbable suture and
gingival bed was harvested from the

Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

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Fig 4 Labial view of the subepithelial connective tissue graft placed to increase the thickness.

Fig 5 Labial (left) and occlusal (right) views of the mucogingival distortion.

Fig 6a Labial view of the combination of autogenous free Fig 6b Labial view of the healed soft tissue graft after 2.5 months
connec- tive tissue and strip gingival graft. of healing. Note the good development of vestibule, keratinized
tissue, and tissue thickness.

sutures. Patients were instructed propriate systemic anti-inflamma- comply with the prescribed regi-
to rinse twice a day with 0.2% tory medication (50 mg men and return 7 and 14 days
chlorhexidine solution (eg, diclofenac, Cataflam, Novartis) after surgery. Patients were given
Corsodyl, GlaxoSmithKline) for 1 was prescribed and patients were a fixed resin-bonded prosthesis.
minute. Ap- instructed to

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Fig 7a (left) Labial view

of the four single implant
crowns in place.

Fig 7b (right) Periapical

radiograph at
uncovering of the
implants. Note that
customized healing
abutments were used.

Fig 7c (left) Periapical

radiograph demonstrating
the stability of the
supraimplant vertical bone
level after 5 years of loading.

Fig 7d (right) Lateral clinical

view of the same case.
Following this technique
it was possible to
enough keratinized mucosa
to maintain the peri-implant
tissues under healthy
conditions and to accomplish
a harmonious gingival

Final phase: Restorative treatment not interfere with the bone graft in patients achieved adequate verti-
After 2 months of healing, the between the implants. Four years cal bone height with the
implants were uncovered using after restoration, positive soft tis- aforemen- tioned combination
a minimally invasive approach. sue architecture of the implants grafts to allow for proper three-
Localized incisions were made was maintained after vertical aug- dimensional implant placement.
above the cover screws. The bone mentation in the anterior maxilla Mean VRA was 5.83 mm (max: 9
graft above the cover screw was using the supraimplant grafting mm; min: 3mm). The VRA amount
scraped off through the soft tissue technique (Fig 7). was associated with defect
tunnel using a microsurgical instru- atrophy. In other words, the more
ment. Reduced configuration severe the defect, the more vertical
heal- ing abutments were placed Results bone gain was achieved.
and the provisional implant-
supported restoration was placed Vertical ridge gain before
within 2 weeks after the implant placement Supraimplant bone height
procedure. Af- ter 6 months of
temporization, all-ceramic crowns Healing of the bone graft was un- Inter- and intraexaminer Cohen’s
were placed. Abutments were eventful in all six patients, and all kappa were 0.91 (95% confidence
constructed to interval [CI] = 0.90 to 0.92) and 0.86
Volume 35, Number 5, 2015
620 Digital hosting permission provided by the publisher

has the potential to be colonized

Table 1 Supraimplant vertical bone gain at different time by osteocytes CD44 positive to
points after implant placement
pro- mote neovascularization
No. of interimplant bone Supraimplant bone height within the particles.36 This
Time point height measurements (mm)* biomaterial in com- bination with
Baseline 12 2.21 ± 1.21 autologous bone has also been
12 mo 9 1.20 ± 1.46 studied for VRA using the same
24 mo 9 1.69 ± 0.76 approach.21,22,33
36 mo 7 1.40 ± 0.99 In addition, Urban et al22 dem-
48 mo 7 1.82 ± 0.81
onstrated that under histomorpho-
metric analysis after 8 months of
60 mo 3 1.72 ± 1.41
graft healing, regenerated bone
72 mo 4 1.37 ± 1.08
and newly formed bone results
84 mo 3 1.39 ± 1.21 were 36% and 19%, respectively,
*Mean ± standard deviation. whereas grafted particles were
only 16%. They also showed the
interconnec- tivity of the ABBM
particles through a dense network
(95% CI = 0.84 to 0.88), Discussion of newly formed bone and the
respectively, indicating a high appearance of blood vessels.
degree of reliabil- ity in the The case series reported herein Therefore, based on clinical,
measurements. This was radiographic, and histologic evalu-
ation, it seems that this bone
extracted from 18 Nobel Biocare 1.46 mm at baseline vs 1.39 ± 1.21 demonstrates that a combination
implants (2 Nobel Replace RP CC, mm). of VRA with GBR and soft tissue re-
1 Nobel Active RP, 11 Brånemark constructive surgery can be used to
MKIII RP, 3 Brånemark MKIII NP, successfully reconstruct the vertical- ly
and 1 Replace Select NP). From deficient anterior maxilla with an
these, an overall number of 12 esthetically pleasing and functional result
interimplant bone levels (from 6 (Fig 8). With the advancement in
patients) were available to be biomaterials, GBR in the anterior
measured at base- line (implants’ maxillae is becoming a frequently
healing abutment placement), performed procedure for most ver- tical
whereas only 3 interim- plant bone and horizontal ridge augmenta- tion
levels (from 2 patients) could be procedures. In conjunction with the
measured at 84 months’ follow- following modifications, GBR has slowly
up. Table 1 displays the mean (± become a predictable clinical procedure
standard deviation) supra- implant in augmenting not only horizontal but
bone height values. It was noted also vertical bone. The mixture of
that the mean supraimplant bone autogenous bone and ABBM not only
height obtained at baseline trig- gers the release of osteoblasts and
decreased significantly compared growth factors (autogenous graft), but
with 12-month postloading values also acts as a space-making or
(2.21 ± 1.21 mm vs 1.20 ± 1.46 maintainer (ABBM) because of its slow
mm). Nonetheless, from this point resorption rate.35 A recently re- ported
up to 84 months later, bone level study has shown that ABBM
changes were not significant (1.20 ±
ing mixture is a safe and predictable synthetic fluoropolymer of wide incidence,22,23,25 which may
way to achieve vertical bone tetrafluorethylene that has signifi- cantly jeopardize the final
gain. In addition, the been proven to be effective regener- ative outcome.18 In a
use of titani- in exclud- ing fibroblastlike meta-analysis, Machtei39 reported
um-reinforced PTFE cells from grow- ing into that sites with membrane
membrane enables space the grafted defect.22,38 exposure had six times less bone
creation as well as graft However, the main gain than sites without exposure.
stability to avoid disruption complication of this In this regard, soft tissue
of the osseous remodeling technique is membrane ex- characteristics then become very
process.37 PTFE is a posure, documented with a important to achieving complete

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Vertical bone augmentation Soft tissue augmentation

Baseline 9 mo 3 mo 1.5 mo 2.5 mo

Anterior atrophy Restorative phase


Fig 8 Timeline showing the stages of VRA with GBR and soft tissue reconstructive surgery used to successfully reconstruct the
vertically deficient anterior maxilla with an esthetically pleasing and functional result. CTG = connective tissue graft; FGG = free
gingival graft.

Fig 9 Representative radiographs (from

case 2) of the maintenance of supraimplant
bone preservation demonstrating good
supraimplant stability after 84 months of

and stable wound closure. Most level that results in thin tissue FGG has been shown to be the
clinicians will attempt to over the regenerated crest. The most reliable way to increase the
release/un- dermine the flap so aim of the tissue-thickening amount of KM and vestibular
the tissue can be passively moved surgery with a connective tissue deep- ening.42 This was further
coronally to al- low for primary graft was to achieve the mucosal confirmed by a recent systematic
wound closure. Do- ing so allows thickness nec- essary to establish review, which reported that FGG
the vestibular depth to become a stable biologic width over the remains the best documented and
shallow, which then cre- ates implants without any loss of crestal most successful approach to
several challenges for patients. bone.40 The goal was to achieve at increase KM width.31 FGG results
These include but are not limited to least 4 mm of tissue thickness in less tissue shrink- age31 and
esthetic, phonetic, and future over the implants. How- ever, this enhanced stability, but it provides
main- tenance. The experience of covered autogenous graft will not a less favorable esthetic outcome
the authors is that this distorted result in keratinized tissue gain as than the nonepithelized graft.32
muco- sal tissue is usually demonstrated previously.41 Hence, the authors used a
stretched to a
Volume 35, Number 5, 2015
622 Digital hosting permission provided by the publisher

combination of an apically placed impor-

tance. The patients selected must be
FGG strip and a more crestally
highly motivated and follow strict
positioned free connective tissue
compliance with an oral hygiene regimen
graft. The combination approach
that is a key for success- ful outcomes.
was placed over a recipient bed,
Although many other alternatives are
which was prepared according to
described in the literature, such as block
the MAPF. This way, a thick KM
grafting or GBR without soft tissue
was achieved, which was well
grafting, in the present authors’
attached to the recipient bed.
experience this multiple-stage approach
This combina- tion graft achieved
involves not only oral function recovery,
a stable and es- thetically pleasing
but also excellent esthetic results that
imply high patient satisfaction. To
Interestingly, the mean su-
perform these procedures, signifi- cant
praimplant vertical bone height
clinical expertise is required to avoid
achieved in the present study was
surgical complications and obtain
1.5 mm. This bone height was
successful results. Hence, clinicians who
main- tained for up to 7 years
perform these pro- cedures should have
despite being located above the
adequate training and understanding of
implant- abutment interface (Fig
bone graft as well as soft tissue behavior.
9). To the authors’ knowledge,
The results described herein should be
this is the first article to report
confirmed in multicenter studies of larger
this finding with the composite
patient populations before this becomes
graft. More recently, a
routine clinical treat- ment.
combination graft technique us-
ing a collagen matrix in combina-
tion with a strip gingival autograft Conclusion
was documented as a successful
alternative to the entirely autog- By combining soft and vertical hard
enous soft tissue grafting. This tissue augmentation, an optimally
might prove to be a less invasive esthetic and functionally stable implant-
approach that could lead to simi- supported fixed prosthe- sis can be
lar KT augmentation and achieved in the severe anterior atrophic
increased patient comfort. 43
maxillae. In addi- tion, using the mixture
The combination of bone aug-
of anorganic bovine bone and autologous
mentation and soft tissue grafting
bone, supraimplant bone gain can be
resulted in a positive gingival and
suc- cessfully achieved to support future
interimplant bone contour. If the
interimplant papillae formation.
aforementioned technique can be
Nonetheless, future randomized
proven to be predictable,
controlled clinical trials are needed to
clinicians will have one more tool
verify the treatment approach described
for solving the lack of interimplant
One of the major drawbacks
of the proposed novel approach is
the number of surgeries needed to
achieve adequate hard and soft
tis- sue support. Therefore, careful
case selection is of paramount
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Volume 35, Number 5, 2015

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