Healthy and Unhealthy Lifestyles: Course

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Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles




Sherly Brooke Fernando Chava

Vidal Mattos Mendoza


Good afternoon, my name is Fernando and today I will
talk to you about the routine that I follow to have a
healthy lifestyle. I am a person who likes to start the
day very early, I go out in the morning to do my
exercise routine, although I usually come home tired I
feel light after taking a refreshing shower, ready to start
my daily activities; But before this I first prepare my
breakfast, for this I try to avoid fats like butter and
sweets like jam, although on weekends giving yourself
a little treat is not bad, this happens the same for lunch
and dinner. After doing my activities for the day such
as classes, I love going for a walk in the park and
having a little time to reflect on what I achieved and did
not achieve in the day, this is how I manage to release
stress and feel good with myself. When the weekends
arrive I love to go out with friends and family but I also
usually practice sports such as football and basketball,
which I love a lot.Finally, I have a good sleep habit
which is important to be able to recover the energy lost
during the day and start the new day in the same spirit
as the day before.

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