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Resumed duties. Mary C Jones absent owing to illness, her class divided between Myfanwy
G Jones and Catherine E Jones.
Examined Standard 1 and 2 on Wednesday. Called the attention of Miss Moss the
teacher to the writing and spelling. Several girls backwards in multiplication. Arithmetic in
the higher standard has been done on paper this week


Numbers lower this week. Find that several girls have been kept home for gleaning.
Paper work neater at this week’s examination.
Mr H Jones, member of the Board called on Wednesday morning.

United School District of Bersham, Wrexham

30th Sept 1889
The Board have resolved that as from this date the staff of the three departments at Penygelli
be increased by the appointment of an additional Monitor to each department on the usual
terms of remuneration and conditions of engagement.
May I trouble you to enter this communication in your logbooks and let me have the names
of the monitors provisionally selected by the Head Teacher to act.
(Signed) Thomas Bury.


First week of new school year. Little improvement in the work this week. In Standard 3 the
Dictation was not satisfactory, but several were careless mistakes.
Myfanwy G Jones absent two days owing to illness


On Wednesday and Thursday the Annual Examinations were held. All girls whose names
were on the register were present with the exception of four were present. Three of these had
left the district and one not able to attend owing to skin disease.
Work has been carried on according to timetable. Received duplicate schedules this
morning. As so many girls were absent did not reclassify them. Messrs Roberts and
Wilcoxon, members of the School Board called and examined the registers. Gave a list of
books required and made an application for more pictures.
At the Board meeting held yesterday Anne Grace Jones was appointed Monitress for
the Girls dept and Lydia A Jones for the Infants. Duties to commence after Christmas.
Received the reading books which had been applied for today. Several girls who passed the
5th Standard and were 13 years of age have sent word to say they are leaving school, their
names are crossed off the Registers.
Miss Moss absent on Thursday and Friday attending a relative’s funeral. Her class
taken by Myfanwy G Jones. Owing to failing health Cathy Emily Jones has resigned, Anne G
Jones takes her place as Monitress. School closed for Xmas Holidays.
Copy of Her Majesty`s Inspectors Report for year ended 30th Sept 1889.
The Grammar of the fourth Standard and the work of the second Standard generally were
poor. The Arithmetic of the fifth and sixth Standards was weak. The rest of the schoolwork
was from fair to good. The tone was excellent. This department is not doing as well as it
should do and I do not see why the girls don’t do as well as their brothers.
M G Jones has passed fairly.
M C Jones Geography, History, Teaching and Method.
C E Jones Failure.
Head Teacher Emily Jones.
Assistant Teachers Sarah E Price. Agnes Jones. Winifred Moss.
Pupil Teachers Mary C Jones. Myfanwy G Jones.
Monitress Catherine E Jones.


School reopened on Monday, holiday on Wednesday being New Years Day. Anne G Jones
commenced duties as monitress. Miss Moss absent on Monday owing to illness at home.
Have been absent myself since Monday owing to illness. Work carried on by the
Assistants and Pupil Teachers. A great many children home suffering from colds. Owing to
the weather, School was not opened on Tuesday morning.


Miss Agnes Jones absent till Wednesday owing to illness. Took charge of Standard 3 for
arithmetic during Miss Jones` absence. Sarah E Kitto commences duties as Monitress.
Numbers very much lower this week, great many suffering from influenza.


Resumed duties on Tuesday, the school having been closed for two weeks owing to an
Messrs Wilcoxon and Roberts, Members of the Board called on Wednesday morning.
Made application for blinds for some of the windows.
Have worked with Standard 1 on two days this week. Miss Price absent on Thursday
and Friday owing to illness. Examined Standard 2 in Arithmetic and Dictation, results not
satisfactory. Called Miss Moss’s attention to the work done.


Received notice that Pupil Teachers Examination takes place at the Parochial Schools,
Wrexham on Monday the 19th inst. In the afternoon Messrs Harrison and Pattinson, members
of the Board called and tested the registers. Mrs Pattinson examined some of the needlework.
Made application to the Board for 3 dozen Evans’s Grammars for Standard 3


At a meeting of the Board held last week it was decided that in future the Pupil Teachers be
taught in classes by the Head Master and his First assistant. Needlework by the Mistress of
the Girls school and Domestic Economy by the Infant School Mistress. Receive new stock of
Exercise books. Mr Hughes, Bryn Heulog and friends called on Thursday afternoon.
Attendance very low this afternoon owing to the laying of memorials stones at one of the
Chapels in the neighbourhood. Anne Grace Jones absent on Tuesday morning without
permission, gave no reason for absence when she came in the afternoon. Worked with
Standard 2 on Thursday, called Miss Moss’s attention to the writing and spelling.


Miss Agnes Jones absent all week owing to illness. Her class taken by Myfanwy G Jones.
Numbers very high all week average attendance being 205. Cards are given out morning and
afternoon for punctuality; all having ten cards on Friday receive a weekly card for


Owing to several meetings in the neighbourhood on Monday and Tuesday the attendance has
not been so good this week. School closed today, 11th for Midsummer Holidays.


Attendance not so good this week. Called Miss Moss’s attention to the work done by her
class on Friday last. Selina Edwards absent from needlework twice this week.


Holiday on Monday. Workmen’s Demonstration in Wrexham. Most of work at examination

yesterday was good. Mrs Parry, Wrexham and Miss Roberts Denbigh called his afternoon.
Miss Moss absent till today owing to sister’s illness. All the girls excepting those who have
been irregular during the year are working the needlework exercise for examination day.


End of school year on Tuesday. Average for past year higher than last year. Mr H Jones,
Member of the Board, tested registers on Tuesday morning. Very good attendance all the
Received notice of examination this morning - Monday 27th. Inspection of Standard 1
and 2, Tuesday 28th Inspection of Standard 3 and at 2pm, needlework Examination work
shows improvement. Miss Price’s resignation received today.


Admitted two new girls and fourteen girls transferred from Infants. Owing to the inclement
weather school was not opened today. Had to reprove Anne G Jones twice for this week for
not preparing her lessons.
Mr Wilcoxon, Chairman of the Board called this morning and tested the registers.
The report upon the Examination held last month received this week.
Holiday on Wednesday afternoon to prepare the rooms for the Annual Entertainment
and Prize distribution. The prizes were distributed by T Morgan Owen Esq. H M I

As the Concert was held last Monday evening, lessons were given to teachers in the morning.
M G Jones not able to attend because of illness, no reason for absence given by A G Jones
and S E Kitto. Standard 1 girls improving in Arithmetic, most of them very irregular in
Owing to the inclement weather the attendance has been very poor. School closes for
Christmas holidays.

Copy of HM Inspectors Report for 1890

The singing and drill was very good. More attention can be given to the Grammar of the
fourth and seventh Standards and to considerable part of the viva-voce- work. The recitation
was good and the rest of the work somewhat above fair. The tone was excellent. The average
attendance should be improved. M C Jones passed fairly but should attend to Geography,
History and Needlework.
S E Kitto is recognised under Article 33. M C Jones, Geography, History and Needlework.
She should be informed that she is now qualified under Article 50 but not under 52.
Emily Jones Head Mistress
Sarah E Price Assistant Mistress
Agnes Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Mary C Jones Pupil Teacher
Myfanwy G Jones “
Anne G Jones Monitress
Sarah E Kitto “


School reopened on Monday. Attendance better this week. Anne G Jones reproved for her
lessons and punctuality at lessons again this week. Called the attention of Miss Moss to the
work of her class. Attendance better this week. Sarah E Kitto absent from lessons once owing
to illness.


The girls in the upper standards improving in Arithmetic and Composition. Miss Agnes Jones
absent on Monday owing to illness. Anne G Jones absent from illness without permission on
Tuesday evening, no lessons learnt by her since Friday last.


Received order for Needlework material and Arithmetic. Writing of Standard 5 requires
attention. Standard 2 making satisfactory progress in Arithmetic, rather backward in Spelling.
Received notice that the examination of Pupil Teachers is to be held at the Boys
National School, Wrexham on Saturday the 18th April. Anne G Jones work has been better
prepared this week. A few girls absent owing to Measles.

Annual Pleasure fair in Wrexham. Attendance lower this week, find that several girls are
away suffering from colds. Received Medical Certificates for four girls. Teacher’s lessons
given from 6.45am to 8.00am.

Anne Grace Jones still absent. Wrote to the Board informing them of her absence from
school and lessons A great many children still absent owing to illness, other` s kept for potato
planting. Called the attention of Miss Moss to the work of her class. The Dictation was very
Holiday on Whit Monday. Attendance poor all week. Sent a list of absentees to the
attendance officer on Tuesday evening together with the attendances of some girls during the
last six weeks. At the meeting of the Board held yesterday it was decided that Anne G Jones
be allowed to leave without serving the usual notice.


Was absent on Monday and Tuesday morning owing to death of nephew. First class taken in
my absence by Myfanwy G Jones.Upper Standards had practice in paper work three times
this week. Average attendance lower than usual owing to the weather on Thursday.


Close of a very fair week. Examination work not as satisfactory as last week. Miss A Jones
absent by permission. Miss Moss compelled to leave school on Wednesday morning owing
to illness and was not able to return during the day. A great many girls absent suffering from
measles in the family. School closed for one month’s holiday.


Resumed duties on Monday with a fair attendance. Myfanwy G Jones absent till Wednesday,
her class taken by Sarah E Kitto, Monitress. No examination held this week.


Average higher this week this week than it has been since school reopened. Some girls in
Standard 5 and 6 have left. School visited yesterday by T Morgan Owen Esq. H M Inspector.
Miss Morris, Birmingham called this afternoon.

24th Sept 1891

Found school in very good working order. All names called over correctly registered.
Towels and soap are needed.
Morgan Owen HMI.


Called Miss Moss’s attention to the work done by her class on Friday. Mr and Mrs Owen,
Corris, called today during singing lessons. E Morris Esq. Assistant Inspector examined
Standard 1 on Tuesday morning in Elementary subjects. All Standards taken for needlework
in the afternoon

Children from the Infants school transferred on Monday. Attendance good excepting
Wednesday afternoon which was owing to the inclemency of the weather. Have devoted the
whole week to children from Infants Department. Miss Agnes Jones absent this afternoon
owing to illness.
Thirty three girls transferred from Infant school again this week. The majority of them not
knowing their letters or able to do any work. Have devoted the whole of my time to them.


Owing to an attack of bronchitis I have not been able to attend school during the last five
weeks, (Nov 29th- Dec 23rd) Work has been carried on by the Assistants and Pupil Teachers.
School closes for the usual Xmas Holidays (one week)

List of Books received Dec 2nd 1891

Royal Readers 1st series
“ 2nd series
Longmans New Readers
Stories from English History.
Evans Grammars
Goldsmiths Deserted Village
Poetry cards, Wreck of the Hespies
Poetry cards, Lady Gray
1 Gross Slates.

Copy of Report for year ended 30th Sept 1891

There was much weakness in the Grammar on paper. Also standard work of the Third and
Fifth Standards and some in the Arithmetic vive voce. Some of the poetry was very
creditable. The rest of the work of the Girls can be described as of a fair character. Their
tone was excellent and their needlework good.
M G Jones passed fairly, but she should attend to History and Method.
A G Jones` name has been removed from the register of teachers serving in this school.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Agnes Jones Assistant Teacher
Winifred Moss “
Mary C Jones “
Myfanwy G Jones Pupil Teacher 3rd year
Sarah E Kitto Monitress


Miss S J Evans, late assistant at the Wrexham British School and Miss E W Morris, Connahs
Quay British School commenced duties on Monday. Miss Evans has charge of Standard 5
and Miss Morris the lowest part of Standard 1. Owing to the inclement weather the
attendance has been very poor.


Sent after the absentees on Monday morning, find that several are absent owing to illness.
Owing to illness I have not been able to attend school this week. Standard 6 and 7
taken by Myfanwy G Jones, Pupil Teacher during my absence, and first part of Standard 1 by
Sarah E Kitto, 1st year Pupil Teacher.

Holiday on Friday, school required for polling station for County Council Election. Prize
distribution on Tuesday afternoon, prizes distributed to all girls who had made 400
attendances and over by Messrs J Wilcoxon, and H Jones, Members of the School Board.
Owing to the weather school not open on Wednesday morning or Thursday. Received
notice of Pupil Teachers examination at Wrexham National Schools on the 9th April.


Resumed duties after holidays on Monday. Attendance very fair and all Teachers present
excepting Myfanwy G Jones who did not return till Friday. Messrs Roberts and Gibbons,
members of the Board called on Wednesday morning and Mr Wilcoxon, Chairman of the
Board on Wednesday afternoon.


Owing to the weather on Tuesday the average attendance is lower this week. Standard 1
lower division is making very fair progress. The most forward girls are now in charge of
Sarah E Kitto.
Messrs Jones and Abraham, Members of the Board called on Tuesday afternoon and tested
the registers.
List of Books etc received
2 gross single lined Ex Books. 1 gross double lined Ex Books. 1 gross penholders
Answers to Merchant`s Arithmetic. 1 Admission Register. 1 table with slope

This multiplication table would have

been the type of lessons taught at
the school.


Myfanwy G Jones absent owing to illness. Owing to several Sunday School treats in the
neighbourhood the attendance was very poor. Standards 2 and 3 show a little improvement in
paper work

Attendance poor this week. Sunday School treat on Monday and an excursion on Tuesday.
Messrs Rogers and Roberts members of the Board called on Wednesday afternoon. Sarah E
Kitto absent from lessons twice this week.
School closed for Midsummer Holidays (one month). Mesrs Wilcoxon and Gibbons
distributed money prizes to all who made full numbers of attendance last year.


Owing to Miss Morris not resuming duties I have had charge of Standards 1,6 and 7 myself
assisted by S E Kitto, Monitress. No applications having being receive for the vacancy
caused by Miss Morris’s resignation, have still the charge of Standard 1,6 and 7 so have not
been able to devote any time to the other Standards.
Owing to illness I have not been able to attend school since Tuesday. Work carried on
by the Assistants and Pupil Teachers.

In 1892 a nationwide
miners strike over
poor wages affected
many other industries
in the area.
Iron works and the
lead mines all needed
coal to operate.
Many towns and
villages held marches
to show their support.

Average lower then usual, not attending on account of weather. Sent after the absentees on
Monday. Paper work in the upper standards improving. Standards 1 and 2 did very fair work,
rather backward in needlework. Called the attention of the Attendance officer to several cases
of irregular attendance.
School closed on Monday on account of Miners Demonstration. Last week of the
School Year. School visited and registers tested by Mr H Jones, member of the Board. Miss
M C Jones terminates her duties as assistant mistress today.


Miss Morgan commenced her duties as Certificated Assistant Mistress on Tuesday. Miss M
C Jones having left and no teacher appointed to fill the vacancy Miss Morgan has charge of
Standard 3. School not carried on today owing to the inclement weather. Holiday tomorrow,


Holiday on Monday. The school used for holding an Eisteddfod. Admitted 49 girls from the
Infants department. Until another Assistant is appointed Myfanwy G Jones and S E Kitto
have charge of Standard 1. A great number of children in the lower Standards absent
suffering from Whooping Cough. No application received in answer to advertisement for an
Assistant Mistress, Ex P T. The Board therefore decided to appoint two Monitresses to fill
the vacancy caused by Miss M C Jones’s resignation.


Elizabeth E Roberts and Eliza A Chowen commence duties as Monitresses on Monday to

assist Miss Morgan with Standard 2. Several girls have brought material for Examination,
needlework and knitting. Miss Morgan absent on Monday. School closed on account of the
inclement weather.

Copy of H M Inspectors Report for the Year ended 30th Sept 1892

The work of this school is by no means what it should be. The Grammar viva voce, except
that of the second standard was poor. The Arithmetic viva voce should be more accurate and
the Reading and poetry more intelligent. The rest of the work was from moderate to good.
The tone was excellent. The Mistress says the Needlework was fair, and reports that in the
First Standards a chain edge must be shown in the knitting exercise. In the Third Standard,
in Group A the tape should be placed at the back end of the band. In the Fourth standard in
Group A the sides of the material should be turned down and tacked before insertion into the
band, four patches were on the wrong way of the material. In the Fifth Standard, in tucking a
thread must be drawn. Much of the work is of a very low quality.

Sarah E Kitto History, Geography, Composition.

Emily Jones Head Teacher
Sarah J Evans Assistant
Agnes Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Mary C Jones “
Myfanwy G Jones Pupil Teacher
Sarah E Kitto “

1893 MARCH
(No entries are made from December until March)

Miss Morgan absent on Wednesday attending to a funeral at Liverpool. Her class taken by
the two Monitresses Attendance very good except Friday owing to inclement weather.
Eliza A Chowen assisted S E Kitto on Wednesday, Myfanwy G Jones having day
home for private study. Have been absent the two last weeks owing to illness. Miss A Jones
also absent. She has this week sent in her resignation as Assistant.


Myfanwy G Jones did not resume her duties till Wednesday. Examination of Pupil Teachers
tomorrow (Saturday) Holiday on Monday afternoon in order to prepare the room for the
Annual Concert in the evening.

St Mary`s
about 1920

Mrs Roberts, late Assistant Mistress under the Brymbo School Board commenced duties on
Monday to fill the vacancy caused by Miss Agnes Jones’s resignation, but as Miss Morgan
has been allowed to leave without serving notice, and no teacher for Standard 2 which she
had charge of, I have given Mrs Roberts assisted by two Monitresses charge of that Standard.
Am still compelled to take charge of Standard 4,6 and 7 and this has been so for the
last ten or eleven weeks.
Close of a very good week, especially attendance, but not able to proceed much with
the work owing to the want of room. Miss Jones, who was offered the vacancy caused by
Miss Morgan`s promotion to Bersham Girls School has declined the Assistantship, therefore
there is no settled teacher for Standard 4
A large number absent on Monday as there was an Annual meeting held at the
Wesleyan Chapel. Miss Grace Williams, Assistant Mistress of Rugby has been appointed by
the Board to the charge of Standard 4. Holiday on Whit Monday. Miss Grace Williams
commenced duties on Tuesday. Was absent on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday owing to
illness, had to leave during lessons on Wednesday morning.


Find by the Attendance Officers list that several girls over thirteen years of age are leaving.
Rev W Moss called on Wednesday. Holiday on Monday afternoon there being meetings at
three chapels and a Sunday School treat at another. A Musical Festival being held by the


Miss Evans absent on Monday having injured her foot. School closed today for Midsummer
Holidays (one month). Myfanwy G Jones not present all week.


School reopened on Tuesday, teachers all present. Numbers low all week. A great many
children are still absent, some owing to illness, no reply sent by some parents. Was absent
myself two days this week owing to illness, class in charge of Miss Evans.

No examination given this week. Most of the work of the Upper Standards has been done on
paper. Standard 4 Dictation was not satisfactory. Have devoted most of my time during
Arithmetic lessons to Standard 4 and have also taken them for English.
Miss Moss absent since Wednesday owing to the death of her mother.


Miss Moss absent all week for same reason as the latter end of last week, have had charge of
the same Standards during her absence. Miss Morris, Birmingham and Mrs Jones, Vrondeg
called this afternoon during singing lessons.
Holiday on Monday afternoon, Jubilee celebration of Calvinistic Methodists.
Attendance somewhat improved but great numbers absent, some from illness and others on
account of the sickness in the neighbourhood.


Admitted 43 new pupils from the Infants Department on Monday. Elizabeth A Jones and
Maria J Davies commenced duties as Monitresses this week. Close of a very fair week, but
the attendance much lower partly owing to the distress prevalent in the district and partly to
sickness. The Attendance Medal won by a First Standard girl this week. T Morgan Owen
Esq. H M I called in to examine garments and the girls who owned the work have now taken
it home.


Rev and Mrs Moses called on Wednesday afternoon. Maria J Davies absent since
Wednesday on account of a death in the family. Attendance still very low, a great number
suffering from influenza.
Myfanwy G Jones terminated her engagement as Pupil Teacher today. School closed
today for Xmas Holidays

Copy of H M Inspectors Report for year ended Sept 1893

Much of the Grammar problems and almost the whole of the intelligence of the Standard
work needs great care. The rest of the work was from moderate to good. The tone was
excellent. The Boys and Girls school accommodation is at present insufficient for the
average attendance. This should be at once remedied or the Grant next year will be
E A Chowen and E E Roberts are recognised under Art.33.
S E Kitto Grammar, Geography, History, Music, (Theory) Knowledge of
E Jones Head Mistress
S J Evans Assistant Mistress
W Moss “
P Roberts “
G Williams “
M G Jones Pupil Teacher 4th year.
S E Kitto “ “ 2nd year
Eliza A Chowen Monitress
Elizabeth E Roberts “


Numbers have been low all week partly owing to the weather and partly to sickness. Standard
1 in charge of two Monitresses, no Assistant having been appointed in place of M G Jones.
The Board has decided to advertise for a Trained Certificated Assistant.
Have devoted part of my time to the First Standard, as there is no fixed teacher in
charge, very little progress being made when they are left entirely to the Monitresses.. Miss
Agnes Jones appointed Assistant Mistress to commence duties on the 1st February.


Miss Agnes Jones was to have commenced duties as Assistant yesterday but has sent word
that she is not accepting it. Owing to illness I have not been able to attend school all week.
Work carried on by the Assistants and Pupil Teachers Miss S E Kitto has charge of Standard
1 assisted by E A Chowen and Maria J Davies. E E Roberts assisting Miss Price with
Standard 2.


Holiday on Monday room having been let to hold an Eisteddfod. Close of a good week, the
weather having been most favourable. Examined all the classes this week. Standard 2
requires much attention in all subjects Miss Moss absent in the morning owing to sister’s


A report on the
ceremony in the
North Wales
April 14th 1894

Numbers good through the week with the exception of this morning, holiday this afternoon,
laying of foundation stone of new church by the Duke of Westminster.
Elizabeth A Jones, Monitress left school owing to illness and has been absent again
this afternoon. Close of a good week. Attendance has been good with the exception of
Friday; reason for decrease today was a Musical Festival, which was held in Wrexham and
the members of one of the Chapels in the neighbourhood taking part in it. Yearly pleasure
fair in Wrexham.

Attendance lower this week owing to an outbreak of Scarlet Fever. No scholars affected at
present but no children from infected houses are allowed to attend.


Annual distribution of prizes on Thursday afternoon, seventeen prizes for attendance and
thirty for `Special Mention ` by M H Inspectors.
Holiday on Monday owing to sale of work of articles, which had been made for last
examination. Misses Moss and Taylor absent by permission on Monday afternoon to attend
the Annual Meeting at their chapel.


Close of a poor week respecting attendance. The girls in a few more families absenting
themselves owing to fever in the family. School closes today for the usual holidays. (one

Attendance very poor, partly due to several parents not having understood that the girls were
to return though the boys holidays are prolonged. Close of a better week, but the attendance
is very irregular. Elizabeth A Jones absent all week suffering from ulcerated throat.


Have taken charge of Standard 3 in English this week as I find them rather weak in this
subject. Most of the work is done on paper. Each of the Monitresses have absented
themselves from lessons one morning this week
Miss Evans absent all week owing to the death of her mother, have taken charge of
Standards 5,6 and 7 all week and had therefore been unable to hold the weekly examination.
Owing to the prevalence of sore throat the attendance has been very low all week.
Miss Moss was absent on Monday.


Improved attendance. The work of all the classes was much more satisfactory at the
examination held this week. Mr D Jenkins, Aberystwyth called on Monday morning.
Received notice of the Examination on Wednesday. On Monday and Tuesday the work went
on as usual. On Wednesday the annual examination was held. On Thursday morning the
examination was concluded and holiday given for the remainder of the week.

Recitations for 1894 - 5

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Standard 1.2 and 3 The Lay of the Last Minstrel
“ 4 The Lady of Shallot
On either side the river lie
“ 3 Meddlesome Matty
Long fields of barley and of rye,
“ 2 The Graves of a Household
That clothe the wold and meet
“ 1 The Betterland
the sky; And thro' the field the
road runs by, To many-tower'd
Camelot; And up and down the
people go, Gazing where the lilies
blow; Round an island there
below, The island of Shalott.

Admitted 47 girls from the Infants School on Monday and re-classified the other Standards
on Tuesday, the same teachers taking charge of the Standards as last year. Owing to the
heavy showers the attendances have been very low. Holiday on Tuesday, bazaar held in
Mrs Roberts left school on Monday at dinner time owing to illness and was not able to
resume duties till Thursday. Absent myself on Thursday afternoon suffering from cold.
Received the names of the girls who did the best work on examination days from T Morgan
Owen Esq H M I.


Attendance has been lower this week owing to the weather and the outbreak of Scarlet Fever
at two or three houses. Taught a new song in each division this week.
Have taken charge of Standards 1 and 2 for `word building` this week. Holiday on
Monday, Schools being used for Parish Councils election. Closed today for Christmas
Copy of H M Inspectors Report for the year ended Sept 1894.
Generally this department has made creditable improvement but the Reading of the third and
fourth Standards, the Writing of the first, the Arithmetic of the third and the Grammar and
Composition of the fifth were all poor. The work of the sixth and seventh Standards merits
special mention. The tone was excellent. The small classroom should be converted into a
cloakroom, and all the items removed from the lavatory. The Directress says needlework was
fair and adds that in group A the third standard, the tapes should be placed in the end of the
bands, and in group A in the fourth standard the majority of the bands are on the wrong way
of the materials.

H A Taylor is recognised under Article 68, plus the recognition of more than one of the

M J Davies and E A Jones. I am to enquire whom the Board desire to have recognised. The
home of one of these appears to be too distant to allow of the convenient performance of
her school duties. I am directed to enquire whether in the event of recognition she will be
lodged in some respectable household near the school. If it is desired to engage her, a
Medical Certificate should be forwarded stating that the state of her health is not such as to
disqualify her from efficiently performing her school duties.

S E Kitto Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, Needlework, Knowledge of

method. She has failed to pass her examination.

Emily Jones Head Teacher.
S J Evans Assistant
W Moss “
G Williams “
P Roberts “
S E Kitto Pupil Teacher
E E Roberts Monitress
E A Chowen “
M J Davies “
E A Jones “

Attendance low owing to inclemency of weather. Miss Moss absent suffering from cold.
Miss M G Jones commenced duties on Monday. Owing to snow storm school has been
closed for the week. (Jan 11th)


Attendance very low all week, a great number unable to attend because of the inclement
weather, others suffering from colds. Received the report of Her Majesty’s Inspector on
Many girls are absent owing to scarcity of water, average is therefore lower than it has been
at all. Miss Williams absent since Tuesday morning suffering from Neuralgia.
Holiday on Monday afternoon, rooms used for School Board Election. Mrs Roberts
made a mistake of the marking of Standard 2 register, marking Monday afternoon instead of
Tuesday afternoon.


Received four medical certificates this week. Mrs Roberts absent on Monday and Tuesday,
and E A Chowen on Thursday and Friday. Misses S E Kitto and M A G Jones absent all
week owing to illness. Miss Morfydd Jones compelled to leave school owing to illness and
has not been able to return.
Messrs Hugh Jones, G Gibbons and E Davies, members of the Board called on
Wednesday afternoon and distributed the prizes to the girls who had been specially
mentioned by H M Inspector as having done good work at the last Government Examination.


Numbers have been very low again this week; find that several children are suffering from
influenza. The average has suffered through the inclemency of the weather yesterday
afternoon. Mr Wilcoxon called this morning and tested the registers.


Some girls in Standard 5 and 6 have left. Holiday on Monday afternoon, a Musical Festival
held in the neighbourhood. Am unable to take charge of any Standards at present, as Misses
S J Evans and M AG Jones are still not able to resume duties.


The Infants went to their new school this week, so the work is now carried on in both rooms.
Standard 1 occupying the classrooms and Standard 4.5.6 and 7 the main room. Mrs Jones,
Hyfrydle and a friend from Sheffield called on Tuesday.
As Miss Jones resumed duties on Monday I have been able to give more assistance
and superintendence on the other classes. Some of the girls absent are suffering from
Whooping Cough. Made out a list of those who have been irregular in attendance during the
quarter and sent it to the Attendance Officer.

Attendance very low. School closes for Midsummer Holidays (one month)

Bersham United National School Board Penygelli Schools

Regulations relating to Duties of Caretaker & School Cleaner at Girl’s and Infant’s

1. The School room and Classroom floors are to be thoroughly washed as often as
necessary as may be directed by the Head Teacher of the department and all rooms
fixtures and furniture are to be daily dusted and carefully cleansed.
2. The porches of the School are to be washed at least weekly and the Windows cleaned
inside and out from time to time when required by the Head Teacher or found by the
Caretaker to be stained or dirty.
3. The Windows (inside & outside) Walls, Ceilings and all Beams of the School and
Classrooms are to be specially cleaned during each holiday.
4. Fires are to be lighted in proper time whenever required by the direction of the Board
or the Head Teacher acting under their authority. All those wanted in the morning are
to be lighted not later than 7:30am. Everything must be completed on the Cleaners
part to have the premises in readiness for the opening of the School. At the closing
and after cleaning in the evening the doors are to be locked and the premises left
secure and the Caretaker should see that all is safe.
5. Fires are to be lighted on Sundays, after washing on Saturdays, and also when
specially ordered by the Head Teacher with the concurrence of the Board.
6. The materials reasonably necessary for the cleaning of the school premises and all the
brushes, buckets and cloths will be provided by the Board and are to be kept at and
not removed from the School premises.
7. The Yards and Closets and floors and pavements of the same are to be kept
thoroughly clean, all refuse and litter to be removed and the grating and drains well
looked after and free from obstruction.
8. The Closets are to be whitewashed at least twice a year at the Spring and Midsummer
9. The landers and roof and down spouts are to be examined and cleaned at least twice a
year. All defects or damage to the premises or buildings fixtures or furniture which
may be noticed by the Caretaker are to be promptly reported in writing to the Head
Teacher or to the Clerk of the Board.
10. The Caretaker is to undertake the charge of putting away and keeping the coal used at
the schools. He is also to do all in his power to prevent any loss or waste of coal. All
ashes to be carefully griddled and used.
11. The Caretaker is to render such assistance to the Attendance Officer and the School
Teachers subject to approval of the Board in respect of attendance of any scholars at
the above school and deliver messages or notices when so requested, but so as not to
interfere with the proper discharge of the Work of the School Cleaning.
12. The Caretaker is to devote his entire time to the duties of the office and make himself
generally useful in reference to the same. He will be requested to enter into an
Agreement containing the general terms above mentioned which Agreement shall be
terminable by a month’s notice either on his or on part of the Board signed by their

I the undersigned undertake if appointed to perform the above duties to the satisfaction of
the Bersham U.D. School Board in consideration of them paying me a salary of seventeen
shillings per week and a cottage in Penygelli rent free.


School reopened on Monday, only 186 present. Mr Bennett called on Monday and Mr Healy,
Torquay and Mrs Chowen on Tuesday afternoon.
Attendance is lower again owing to Sunday School treats on Monday and Thursday.
Mr Scotson, member of the Board called on Tuesday, and Miss Roberts, Barmouth on


Have devoted most of my time this week to the work of Standards 1 and 4. Dictation was not
as satisfactory as last week. Rev and Mrs E Jones, Bodawen and Mr Evans, Liverpool called
this afternoon. S E Kitto completed her apprenticeship today; no one appointed to fill the


Commenced new registers on Tuesday. Attendance has not been good all week owing to the
inclement weather and a large number suffering from sore throats. As S E Kitto has now left
I have had to devote a great part of my time to Standard 1.
Holiday on Monday afternoon, an Eisteddfod being held in the neighbourhood.
Received notice of examination this morning from T Morgan Owen, Bronwylfa, Rhyl. Work
went on as usual on Monday and Tuesday. Government Examination on Wednesday
afternoon and Thursday morning. Holiday Thursday afternoon and Friday.


Misses Watkins and Hughes of Pentre Broughton called on Tuesday afternoon. Commenced
the work of the new school year on Monday. Admitted girls from the Infants Department and
three from Vrondeg School. Eliza A Chowen absent since Monday owing to death in the
Miss M A G Jones absent all week suffering from Neuralgia so I have not been able
to devote time to any of the other classes as I have had charge of Standards 6 and 7. Rev E
Anwyl and a friend called.


Owing to the inclemency of the weather and sickness the attendance is lower than it has been
for a considerable time. Find on enquiring that several of the children are absent suffering
from colds and some I think have Scarlet fever in their homes.
Attendance very low today owing to the storm. Examined all the classes in the work
of the last two weeks, results not satisfactory. School closes for one week, Xmas Holiday.
Copy of H M Inspectors Report for the year ended 30th Sept 1895
The Reading of the first and second class was monotonous and that of the third and fourth
lacked intelligence. The Arithmetic viva voce of the third standards and the Writing of the
third and fourth were poor. The Music, the Poetry, the standard work of the fifth, sixth and
seventh standards were most creditable. The rest of the work was from moderate to good.
The tone was excellent.
E A Chowen Geography, History
E E Roberts “ “
E Jones Head Teacher
S J Evans Assistant Teacher
W Moss “
G Williams “
P Roberts “
M A G Jones Art 68
S E Kitto Pupil Teacher
E E Roberts “
E A Chowen “


Attendance very low. Miss Crockford, formerly of Westminster Schools, Chester

commenced duties as Certificated assistant. Miss Crockford had charge of Standards 6 and 7
and Miss M A G Jones assisted by a Monitress has charge of Standard 1.
Miss Grace Williams absent all week owing to death in family, have taken charge of
Standard 4 in her absence. Made out a list of the most irregular girls during last quarter for
Mr Thos. Jones, who acts as assistant to Mr Roberts, Attendance officer.


Average attendance higher than it has been during the present school year with the exception
of exanimation week Miss Crockford absent on Thursday and Friday owing to death and
funeral of relative. All the teachers being present have devoted my time in giving assistance
in the same classes this week, and find considerable improvement in the dictation.
The attendance keeps good though several children are absent owing to illness and
severity of the weather. Miss Crockford terminates her duties as assistant today.


Miss Pulpher commenced duties on Monday taking charge of Standard 6 and 7. Close of a
good week up to today. Miss Pulpher absent on Monday. Miss Moss absent since Tuesday
owing to illness. Both classes taken by myself in their absence.
Miss Evans, Senior assistant sent in her resignation. Board decide to advertise for a
`Trained Certificated Assistant ` to take her place. On account of ill health and on the
recommendation of her `Medical Man` Miss Moss has been granted leave of absence for one
Resumed duties on Monday after Easter Holiday, all teachers with the exception of Miss
Moss present. Attendance rather low this week there being several meetings in the
neighbourhood and cases of `Scarlatina `

Miss Moss present for about an hour morning and afternoon and Monday Wednesday and
Friday. A few girls who have been absent owing to `Scarlatina` in their homes returned this


Scarletina was a severe

form of Scarlet Fever.
At this time it was a
much feared disease
with many deaths in
children as it was
practically untreatable
before antibiotics were

Holiday on Monday owing to C M Musical festival. Mrs Roberts, Wrexham and Mrs
Whittaker, Accrington called on Tuesday afternoon. Musical Festival of the
Congregationalists being held. Miss Roberts, Port Dinorwic called on Wednesday. Elizabeth
E Roberts absent since Thursday, her sister suffering from `Measles`
School closed till August 4th by order of Medical Officer owing to the spread of
Scarlatina and Measles. L J Roberts H M I visted the school this afternoon. Miss Pulpher
who takes second year papers at the Certificate examination to be held next month gave a
lesson to Standards 6 and 7

June 16th.
This school is in pleasing order and appears to be industriously instructed. As the school is
exempted from formal examination, I should like to see all the copybooks and exercise books
carefully supervised and corrected. Greater finish in the handwriting would doubtless be
Easels and blackboards are wanted.
L J Roberts H M I.


Resumed duties on Tuesday, numbers were low. Miss Pulpher absent on Tuesday, Elizabeth
E Roberts on Thursday and Miss M A Jones on Friday. Messrs Hugh Jones, Chairman and J
Wilcoxon, Member of the Board called on Wednesday.
Holiday on Monday there being several Sunday School excursions and treats. Have
devoted my time this week to some of the backward scholars in Standards 2 and 3. Had to
reprove E E Roberts for neglect in preparing her homework.


Mr and Mrs Griffiths, Seaforth, called on Wednesday morning. Two girls from Standard 6
and one from the 7th Standard left this week having been awarded `Bursaries` at the High
School, Wrexham. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance has not been so
good this week.


Commenced register for present school year on Thursday. Mr Wallwork, Bolton and Miss
Jones, Oxton called on Thursday afternoon.
School visited by L J Roberts Esq. H M I and E Morris Esq. Assistant Inspector.
Elizabeth E Roberts gave a lesson on the `Wolf` to Standard 1 and Eliza A Chowen a
lesson to Standard 2 Holiday on Monday, schools being used for an Eisteddfod.
Re classified all the children and admitted forty-one from the Infants Department.
Standard 6 and 7 girls did examination work for names on Merit Board on Wednesday. Mr
Wilcoxon, member of the board superintended.
Elizabeth A Jones commenced duties on Monday being transferred from Frondeg
School. Miss M Knight of Southport called on Wednesday afternoon.
Owing to the absence of Miss M A G Jones have not been able to hold the monthly
examination, as there is no teacher to take charge of the class. Made application to the Board
for the necessary books etc for teaching Geography which we are taking as a Class Subject.


Holiday on Monday. Attendance very poor, find several suffering from cold and others have
Mumps. Miss M A G Jones resumed duties for part of each day but was absent the whole of
today. Monthly examination held this week papers have not yet been examined.
Miss Moss absent on Wednesday attending funeral of a relative.


Owing to inclement weather attendance has been very poor. Mr and Mrs Williams, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, who are on a visit in Wales called this afternoon. All the teachers present and
work has gone on as usual.
Have had to devote my time this week to Standard 1, Miss Morfyddd A G Jones
having left last Friday without serving notice, consequently there is no teacher for the class.
School closed today at noon for Xmas Holidays

Summary of H M Inspectors Report for year ended 30th Sept 1896

This school appears to be diligently instructed and is making pretty good progress in the
elementary subjects. English as a Class subject is fair and Needlework continues to be well
The scholars in the first class read and write creditably. Special attention might be devoted
in the coming year to secure greater intelligence in the Reading and in the Arithmetic. The
use of fingers in counting should be strictly discountenanced
To secure uniformity in the handwriting all copy books and exercise books should be
carefully revised. Some of the classes are too large and should be divided or be supplied
with additional teachers. A few maps would be of great use.
The registers must be tested on behalf of the Board at least once a quarter, at irregular
intervals as required by Instructions to Inspectors.
Your attention is requested to the small print of Article 73. H M Inspector reports that the
classes formed by the second and third standards in the girls school are habitually too large.
H Taylor and M A G Jones are continued under Article 28.
E A Chowen has failed to pass her examination. I am directed to suggest that an application
should be made for an extension of the Pupil Teachers Memorandum of Agreement, with a
view to her taking the second years papers again.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Adah L Pulpher Assistant Teacher
Myfanwy G Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Grace Williams “
Phoebe Roberts “
Morfydd A G Jones “
Elizabeth E Roberts Pupil Teacher 2nd year
Eliza A Chowen “


E A Jones, Monitress absent all week owing to illness, have therefore had charge of both
parts of Standard 1. Board decided to advertise for Trained Certificated Assistant
Owing to inclement weather attendance has been very low all week. Find that several
of the girls are ill, others absent owing to illness in the house.


Attendance has been rather better this week. Mrs Roberts and Miss Moss resumed duties on
Tuesday. Am still in charge of Standard 1 as Miss Saunders who was appointed to the
vacancy has written declining it, having accepted another appointment.
Miss M J Jones commenced duties on Monday as Temporary Assistant; she has
charge of Standard 1. Have devoted my time this week to the other standards, more
especially the Reading and Dictation, so that the teachers might attend to the writing.


Miss H E Davies commenced duties as Assistant on Monday 1st March. No applications were
received for the post of Trained Assistant. Attendance has improved a little this week, a large
number still absent owing to illness.
Was not able to hold the usual monthly examination as I am still in charge of
Standard 1. Miss M J Jones being (still) unable to resume duties.

9 Temple Row, Wrexham 27th March 1897

Election of Parish Council, Bersham.

I hereby give notice that the Girls School, Penygelli and the Boys School Tabor Hill will be
required for Polling purposes on Monday the 5th prox. in connection with the above election.
J Oswell Bury. Returning officer.

Holiday on Monday, school required for polling for Parish Council election. Very poor
attendance all week on account of Pleasure Fair held in Wrexham. Miss M J Jones is still
unable to resume duties. On Tuesday school was visited by Thos. B Brindle Esq. Sub

Report of Inspection. April 13th 1897

First visit of inspection. The Mistress has been handicapped by having no qualified teacher
for Standard 1, which is a large and backward class and needs a good teacher. Much better
methods are needed in teaching reading, spelling and arithmetic. Object lessons need to be
better given. A more adequate supply of pictures and specimens is needed, and a museum
The girls come in very late, and loiter along the road. The floors of the closets allow pools of
water to collect in them
The classroom used by Standards 6 and 7 is overcrowded, and there is not enough seating
accommodation. The Syllabus and Record books should be much more systematically kept,
as to make the teaching systematic, thorough and intelligent.
Signed, Thos. B Brindle, Sub Inspector.


Attendance is low again this week, numbers home for potato planting. Miss Thom who was
appointed Trained Certificated Assistant commenced duties on Wednesday.
Messrs John Roberts, J Wilcoxon, J Rogers and E B Davies, members of the Board
called in on Wednesday. Museum cupboard delivered Friday afternoon. Owing to meetings
in several chapels the attendance was poor on Monday, but improved the following days.
Several girls absent owing to Scarlatina in their homes and some in the lower Standards have
Whooping Cough.


This was the official 1897

Queen Victoria Diamond
Jubilee Gold Medal
struck by the Royal Mint
and engraved by T Brock.
Front and back showing
Victoria as a young girl
and in her later years.

Work has gone on as usual. The Girls in Standards 6 and 7 are improving in Geography and
Map drawing. Holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday to celebrate Queens Jubilee.
Attendance very poor today, treat given to children attending the Church Sunday School.

Commenced examination of classes on Tuesday. Miss Pulpher absent this morning taking
down the girls who were trying the examination for Scholarship at the County School,
School closed for Midsummer Holiday, one month.
Received results of P T Examination.
Eliza A Chowen Below fair Grammar x, Geography x, Teaching
Elzabeth E Roberts Below fair Arithmetic x,Grammar x, Geography x, History x,
Elizabeth A Jones. She has failed to pass the Examination under Article 35 but may be
recognised under Art.33 of the code.


Resumed duties on Monday with low numbers partly owing to Wesleyan Musical Festival
and some girls not having returned to their home. All teachers being present have devoted my
time to the reading of Standard 2, arithmetic of Standard 3 and composition of Standard 5.
Miss Jones, Ponkey called on Monday. Miss Thom absent on Wednesday owing to
illness and Eliza A Chowen today owing to sickness at home. Rev. E Anwyll and Mr
Griffiths, Liverpool called yesterday.


Attendance poor all week, owing to meetings and Musical Festival. Monthly examinations
this week, whole of paperwork not examined. E Morris Esq. visited the school on Monday
when E E Roberts, Pupil Teacher gave a lesson on `Reduction of Money` and E A Chowen
gave a lesson on a `Chair`.
Mrs Adams, Middlesborough and Miss Gibbons, Adwy called on Tuesday. Work of
all the classes going on according to timetable, no slate work being done from Standard 2
upwards. Attendance was very poor on Wednesday, as school having been closed on
Tuesday on account of rooms being used for Polling.


School inspection on Monday. Commenced work of new school year on Tuesday afternoon.
48 girls transferred from Infants department. Several girls who have been transferred to
Standard 6 have left school. Owing to inclement weather attendance has been very poor.
Miss H G Jones absent since Wednesday owing to death in the family. Miss Williams
absent on Wednesday afternoon attending the funeral of a relative. E E Roberts absent on
Tuesday attending the funeral of a relative.


Have had notice that some girls are not to attend at present, Scarlet Fever in their homes.
Have devoted my time to reading of Standard 1, arithmetic of Standards 2 and 3 and
Composition of Standard 5 and 6. Several girls absent this week owing to influenza and sore
throats; therefore the average is lower than it has been for a considerable time.
Girls in Standard 6 and 7 were examined on Wednesday for `Merit Board ` questions
sent to Mr H Jones, Chairman of the Board who with Mr Thos. Roberts superintended the

Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance has been very poor this week, the
examination which should have commenced on Monday has had to be put off. Miss M G
Jones absent on Monday owing to illness. Took charge of her class.
Find that a number of girls are absent on account of illness. Close of a very poor week.
numbers this morning only 117. Mothers being busy the girls are kept home to assist them
(Dec 24th)
Miss Pulpher absent by permission. School closes for Christmas Holidays, one week.

Summary of H M Inspectors Report for Year ending 30th Sept 1897

This school appears to be taught with care and on he whole with very fair success. On the
first visit the teaching and the organisation left much to be desired, but as many of the faults
then pointed out have been remedied, and as very considerable improvement was manifested
by the end of the school year, I venture to recommend the higher principal grant. Mental
Arithmetic should receive more attention. A very fair start has been made in Geography.
Many of the scholars are not punctual.
The Directress of Needlework awards the summary mark fair for the Needlework exercises.
She adds that in the Third standard no join is shown in the knitting exercise. The bands in
Group A are made the wrong way of the material. The herring boning is faulty.
In the 5th standard Group C is roughly executed. The enlargement of the 1st class
classroom, which has been made since the first visit this year, and the provision of a new
museum cupboard are decidedly a boon.
The registers of the Girls and Infants Schools must be tested on behalf of the Board at least
once a quarter at irregular intervals, as required by Instruction to Inspectors.
H E Davies is recognised under Article 68 and H Taylor is continued under that Article. E A
Jones is too old for recognition under Article 33. Mrs W S Jones and Miss Pulpher will
receive their Certificates in due course.

Emily Jones Head Teacher
Lilian J Thom Assistant Teacher
Adah L Pulpher “
Myfanwy G Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Grace Williams “
Phoebe Roberts “
Harriet E Davies “
Elizabeth E Roberts Pupil Teacher
Eliza A Chowen “
Elizabeth A Jones Monitress


Copy of letters received

Dear Miss Jones
At a meeting of the Board held yesterday a resolution was passed on the subject of Corporal
punishment. It was resolved on the motion of Mr Wilcoxon, Seconded by Mr Hugh Jones.
That in consequence of complaints received by Members of the Boards as to the infliction of
corporal punishment by Assistant Teachers in the Boy’s school and Girls department at
Penygelli school contrary to the Regulations of the Board, the attention of the Head Teacher
is called to the rule on page 7 of the regulations under the head of `Punishment `
I was requested to remind them that the regulation to is in harmony with the instructions of
the Education Department.
signed Thomas Bury.

June 27 1898
Dear Sir.
It is felt by many that the time has come when an effort should be made to secure as far as
possible a uniform school year for all Elementary schools. Such an attempt has been made
with encouraging results in many districts. The abolition of formal examination in Drawing
and in Specific subjects - following on the substitution generally of occasional visits of
inspection for the former annual visit, makes this an opportune time for bringing the matter
before you. The present over-lapping in Primary and Secondary School is a source of great
inconvenience. It is believed that the adoption of uniform school year will be welcomed by
Managers and Teachers of both Primary and Secondary Schools. This system has obvious
(1) Pupils migrating form one school to another are in the sae stage of progress in their
Standards, and classification becomes easy.
(2) The Primary School Year can gradually be made to be coincident with the Secondary
School Year and with the Academic year, the new year beginning after the summer holidays.
I am to ask whether your Managers have any objection to adopting this course this year; ie,
to allow the scholars to be promoted to heir new Standards, if the Head Teacher thinks
advisable, after the summer holidays. The financial year should be retained as at present.
One visit of inspection has already been paid this year; and it will not be necessary to await
another visit before promoting the scholars, though a second visit may be paid before July
31st. Every allowance will be made by the Inspector for difficulties connected with this
L J Roberts H M I


Resumed duties on Monday. Holiday given in afternoon in order to prepare for Annual
Concert, which takes place in the evening. Attendance on Tuesday very poor, girls having
taken part in the Concert the previous evening. E E Roberts absent owing to illness.

Copy of Letter received 28th January 1898

Dear Miss Jones.
At a meeting of the Board held yesterday, a resolution was passed on the subject of Corporal
Punishment, of which the following is a copy.
It was resolved - On the motion of Mr Wilcoxon Seconded by Mr Hugh Jones.
That in consequence of complaints received by Members of the Board as to the infliction of
Corporal Punishment by Assistant Teachers in the Boys and Girls Departments at Penygelli
Schools, contrary to the Regulations of the Board, the attention of the Head Teachers to be
called to the rule of the regulations under the heading of Punishments.
In forwarding a copy to the Head Teachers I was requested to remind them that the
regulations referred to is in harmony with the instructions of the Education Department to H
M Inspectors on the subject of the corporal punishment of children.
You will please cause a note of the receipt of this letter to be entered in the Log Book.
Thomas Bury.

Attendance low owing to inclement weather. Received notice that the Pupil Teachers
examination takes place at the National School Wrexham on 2nd April.
Examined all the classes, there was a great improvement in the quality of the work.


Half Holiday, St David’s Day. Piano received on Tuesday. Holiday on Tuesday; school being
used for County Council Election. Miss Moss, Miss M G Jones absent.


All teachers present and work has gone on as usual. Examination of Elementary Subjects has
been held this week, Class Subjects will be taken next week. Attendance very poor this
afternoon, heavy thunderstorm during dinner hour.

Attendance has been low. Miss M G Jones, Mrs Roberts, E A Jones absent owing to illness
and E E Roberts away owing to illness at home.
Holiday for Congregational Musical Festival.


Bwlchgwyn is just
under 1100ft
above sea level
and is known as the
highest village in
Wales. Before 1851
there were just a few
farms until the
discovery of minerals
such as coal, lead and
silica led to huge
industrial growth in
the area.

E E Roberts absent all week owing to the death of her father. Owing to inclement weather the
attendance has been low. E E Roberts resumed duties.
Attendance poor on Wednesday, several girls being members of a Choir attending
Bwlchgwyn Eisteddfod.
E E Roberts absent all week suffering from Tonsillitis.

Tegvan, Rhyl.
Copy of Circular received June 27th 1898
It is felt by many that the time has come when an effort should be made to secure as far as
possible a uniform school year for all Elementary schools. Such an attempt has been made
with encouraging results in many Districts. The abolition of formal examinations in Drawing
and in Specific subjects, following on the substitution generally of occasional visits of
inspection for the former annual visit makes this an opportune time for bringing the matter
before you. The present over lapping in Primary and Secondary Schools is a source of great
inconvenience; it is believed that the adoption of a uniform school year will be welcomed by
Managers and Teachers of both Primary and Secondary Schools. This system has the
obvious advantages ;-
1 Pupils migrating from one school to another are in the same stage of progress in
their Standards, and classification becomes easy.
2 The Primary School year can gradually be made to be coincident with the Secondary
School year and with the Academic year, the new year beginning after the Summer Holidays.
I am to ask whether your Managers have any objection to adopting this course this year, i.e.
to allow the scholars to be promoted to their new Standards, if the Head Teacher thinks
advisable, after the summer holidays.
The Financial year should be retained as at present. One visit of Inspection has already been
paid this year; and it will not be necessary to await another visit before promoting the
scholars, though a second visit may be paid before July 31st. Every allowance will be made
by the Inspectors for difficulties connected with this transition.
Yours sincerely
L J Roberts H M I

School closed on Monday, Sunday School Excursions. Attendance has been poor all week. E
E Roberts is still absent. Closed for Midsummer Holidays, one month.


Forty girls admitted from Infants School, on examining them they are very backward in
Reading and Arithmetic, and but very few are able to work an easy addition sum.
Attendance not so good owing to several Sunday School Treats.


Mr Rhys, Oxford called on Wednesday afternoon. Have found it necessary to make a change
in Geography lessons. Miss Williams had to leave school owing to indisposition. Miss
Chowen and Mrs Roberts absent owing to illness at home.


Owing to inclement weather the attendance has been very low some days. Thomas Bury Esq.
together with several Members of the Board visited the school and distributed prizes for
regular attendance.
Weather stormy and wet, several children suffering from colds. Mrs Roberts resumed duties
so have been able to devote some time to Standard 3.
Mrs Roberts absent all week owing to serious illness of her mother.


Have charge of Standard 6 and 7, Miss Pulpher having left and no teacher appointed to
replace her. Owing to inclement weather the school was closed on Wednesday as the clothes
of the few girls who came in were not in a fit state for the to remain.

Copy of Resolution passed at Board meeting

At a meeting held 24th November 1898, the Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Inspector (L J
Roberts Esq.) and the Schedule of Grants carried by the Board Schools having been read, it
was resolved on the motion of the Chairman the Rev. T E Thomas- that the Board record
with much gratification the generally highly satisfactory nature of the Reports and Grants
earned, and express their thanks to the Head Teachers and Staff, in recognition of the
success attained by their care and ability and the steady progress testified by the remarks of
the Inspector


School visited by Mr R Rhydderch, attendance officer, attendance was good

E E Roberts absent the whole week attending Queens Scholarship examination. Miss L J
Thom absent. School closes Friday morning for Christmas Holiday.

H M I Report 30 Sept 1898

This school is pleasantly conducted, the tone being remarkably good. The teaching is good,
though somewhat mechanical in some of the oral work.
Special effort should be made in the coming year to develop the intelligence of the scholars.
The new piano is a great acquisition. More pictures are needed in the enlarged classroom
used by the 6th and 7th Standard scholars.

Emily Jones Head Teacher.
Lilian J Thom Assistant Teacher
Adah L Pulpher “
Myafnwy G Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Grace Williams “
Phoebe Roberts “
Harriet E Davies “
Elizabeth E Roberts Pupil Teacher
Eliza A Chowen “
Elixabeth A Jones Monitress


Miss Watkins, late assistant Mistress at the Boys school commenced duties taking charge of
Standard 6 and 7. Attendance very poor some days owing to inclement weather.
Holiday on Monday and Tuesday on account of School Entertainment. Misses Williams and
Taylor have sent their resignation to Board meeting held this week.


School entertainment repeated this evening, Holiday tomorrow (Friday) Holiday on Monday,
the few children who attended were not in a fit state to remain, their feet and clothes being
too wet.
Elizabeth A Jones resumed duties, she has this week sent in one months notice to
terminate her engagement as Monitress. E E Roberts has been appointed Sewing Mistress at
the Board meeting held yesterday.

Miss G Williams, Assistant and Miss Taylor, Sewing Mistress left on Tuesday. Standard 3 is
now in charge of Miss Moss. No applications have been received for the vacancy caused by
Miss Williams leaving. Holiday on Wednesday, St David’s Day.
Attendance very low owing to illness. Messrs Hugh Jones and T E Thomas, members
of the Board called and examined the registers.
E A Chowen absent all week owing to death in the family. E A Jones terminates her duties as


Edith Wilcoxon commenced duties on Monday assisting Miss Thom. I have not been able to
attend duties owing to illness at home. Miss M G Jones terminates her duties as Assistant


Sunday School trips

were the highlight of
the year for many.
Children were treated
to a day of sports,
games and dancing
with food and tea often
provided by the
wealthier people and
Transport was what
was available, usually a
horse and cart, and in
the case of these lucky
youngsters even a
steam engine.

I am engaged with Standard 5 this week as no applications have been received for the
position of Trained Certificated Assistant. Laura J Mitchell commenced duties as P T on
Monday. Miss S J Davies, formerly Pupil Teacher at Llanarmon School commenced as
Assistant Mistress. Holiday on Tuesday, for the marriage of the eldest daughter of Mr G J
Jones, Head master.
School closed this morning, Sunday School excursion.

Am not yet able to leave Standard 5, no applications for the appointment of Assistant
Mistress. I cannot devote time to any other classes.
Miss Moss had to leave school owing to illness and has been absent since, her class is in
charge of Edith Wilcoxon and L J Mitchell during her temporary absence.


Miss Moss resumed duties bit was unable to remain the whole of any day, Medical
Certificate received. Holiday on Monday, excursion of Sunday Schools to Rhyl.
Attendance very low on Tuesday and Wednesday owing to inclement weather. School
closed at noon for Midsummer Holidays, one month.

No settled teacher has yet been obtained for Standard 5. A few girls from the top standards
have left school. Miss Thom absent on Tuesday owing to family bereavment. On Wednesday
R Rhyddrch Esq. paid the first visit of Inspection and remained during the afternoon.


Holiday on Monday, general harvest thanksgiving. No teacher has yet been appointed for
Standard 5 so I still have charge of the class. Second quarterly examination of Pupil Teachers
today to enable them to attend Art Class on Saturday morning.
Half holiday on Monday, Musical festival being held in neighbourhood.


Attendance was very fair all week until this afternoon. School had to be closed owing to
stormy weather, the clothes of the few children who came to school were not in a fit state for
them to remain. Mrs Roberts, Miss Watkin, E E Roberts are all absent.


I still have charge of Standard 5. Have not been able to attend school owing to indisposition.
Eliza A Chowen has been allowed to remain home all week as to rest and prepare for Queens
Scholarship Examination next week. Numbers very poor owing to the rough weather. School
closed for the Xmas Holiday.

Inspectors Report for year ended 30th Sept 1899.

This school is well equipped with both apparatus and staff. The paper work is well done with
great neatness, but vigorous and unrelaxing measures should be taken to secure greater
intelligence in the oral work, particularly in the oral Arithmetic and the class subjects in
which the instruction is imparted on mechanical lines. The teachers are earnest and devoted
to their work, and there appears to be no reason why the school should not attain a very high
state of efficiency in the coming year.
New pictures have added to the comeliness of the rooms.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Lilian J Thom Assistant Teacher
Margretta Watkins “
Winifred Moss “
Phoebe Roberts “
Sarah T Davies “
Harriet E Davies “
E A Chowen Pupil Teacher
Edith Wilcoxon “
Laura J Mitchell Monitress


Miss H Baines commenced duties as Assistant Mistress (Ex PT), has taken charge of
Standard 5. E Wilcoxon and L J Mitchell worked papers in connection with Mr Clough`s
quarterly examination today. School visited by R Rhydderch Esq. Sub Inspector. Needlework
specimens worked in the afternoon.
Owing to inclement weather school had only been kept open on Tuesday this week. Numbers
very low, numbers of girls suffering from influenza.


Examination which should have been given this week was not given as I was not at liberty to
conduct it and numbers so low. Have charge of part of standard 2 all this week, Mrs Roberts
being absent on account of illness and death of her mother.
Attendance much better with improvement in the weather, but numbers are still absent on
account of illness. Some girls not allowed to attend owing to Scarlet Fever in their homes.


Miss Thom absent owing to indisposition. E Wilcoxon and L J Mitchell absent today, their
examinations taking place Saturday .Miss Watkin unable to resume duties owing to


During the second Boer War on 26th

December 1899 Baden-Powell
launched an attack to the North of
Mafeking. The siege lasted for 217
days until the Relief of Mafeking on 17
May 1900.
The victory by the British over the
Boers made Baden Powel a national
hero. 212 died and over 600 were
wounded during the siege, the Boer
losses were much higher. When Baden
Powell founded the Scout movement a
few years later, his fame ensured its
success with young men nationwide.

Measles and Scarlet Fever seem to be spreading. Holiday on Monday owing to a Musical
Eisteddfod in the neighbourhood. Miss E A Chowen, L J Mitchell , Miss Thom, Miss Baines,
Miss Watkins all absent at some time owing to illness.
A Holiday was given in Honour of the Relief of Mafeking and a children’s meeting being
held at Adwy Chapel in the afternoon.


Holiday on Tuesday so that all members of the staff may attend the funeral of Mr Bristow,
late Head Teacher of Bersham Village School.
Some of the girls who were absent owing to epidemic have returned but several are
still absent from the same cause. Have had to take charge of Standard 3, Miss Moss being
absent suffering from Bronchial Catarrh, Medical Certificate received.

Very poor attendance on Monday and Tuesday, several Sunday school excursions to Rhyl
and elsewhere. Several treats in the neighbourhood, all teachers have been present and work
has gone on as usual.. School closes for Midsummer Holidays, one month.


Reopened school with good numbers present. Miss Watkins, Laura J Mitchell and Miss
Moss were all absent.


R Rhydderch Esq. Sub Inspector paid a visit yesterday afternoon when candidates for Queens
Scholarship were taken for Reading, Recitation and Teaching. Edith Wilcoxon and L J
Mitchell absent on Monday attending class at the County School, Wrexham.
Misses Thom, Moss, H E Davies and Mrs Roberts absent on Wednesday. Misses S T
Davies, and K Baines on Thursday, and Miss Watkins on Friday all attending the Eisteddfod
at Liverpool.
Attendance not so good, several children are away suffering from colds.


School closed on Monday afternoon, Musical Festival held in neighbourhood. Have devoted
the whole of my time assisting Mrs Roberts with Standard 2.
Eliza A Chowen assisting with Standard 1 as Edith Wilcoxon is allowed three days per week
for study. Numbers of children away owing to influenza and sore throats. Weather being very


This afternoon all girls who had attended regularly during the last fortnight had a lantern
entertainment in the Boys department.
Have received Medical certificates for children who have Measles at their home. Work going
on as usual, numbers are lower than last week owing to the epidemic.


Attendance very low owing to Measles and Scarlet Fever. Have allowed Eliza A Chowen and
Edith Wilcoxon to remain home this week to prepare themselves for Scholarship
Examination next week.
School closed for one month by order of Medical officer owing to Measles and
Scarlet Fever. Miss M Watkins terminated her engagement as Assistant Mistress.

Report of H M Inspectors Report for year ended Sept 1900

The order and discipline are very good, and much sound work is being done. Greater oral
practice should be given in all the ordinary processes of Arithmetic so as to secure greater
quickness and dexterity in the working of figures.
Some of the lessons in Geography should be more graphic and realistic. I am glad to know
that Map Drawing is a strong feature in the instruction of this subject and that the
blackboard is freely used in illustrating the lessons in addition to maps, globes and other
The Directress of Needlework reported the needlework sent to her for inspection to be “

Emily Jones Head Teacher
Lilian J Thom Assistant Teacher
Margretta Watkins “
Winifred Moss “
Phoebe Roberts “
Sarah T Davies “
Catherie E Baines “
Harriet E Davies “
E A Chowen Pupil Teacher
Edith Wilcoxon “
Laura J Mitchell “


Wrexham County
School for Boys was
opened in 1895 and
the Girls school was
opened the following

Mr W J Russell and
Miss A Jones were the
first Headteachers at
the schools.

School reopened on Monday. Am still in charge of the Higher standards, no teacher having
entered upon duties to take the place of Miss Watkins.
Edith Wilcoxon and L J Mitchell are again attending the County School, Wrexham twice a

Very poor attendance all week owing to the weather and sickness. Marching in the room has
been taken instead of outdoor recreation. Miss Edith Jones commenced duties on Monday
taking charge of Standards 6 and 7. Holiday on Wednesday afternoon owing to inclement

Miss Baines terminates her engagement as Assistant Mistress. The Board appointed E A
Chowen as temporary assistant. Holiday on Monday; school being used as polling station for
County Council Election. Received fire guards today.
Result of Scholarship examination has been received. Miss Edith Wilcoxon obtained
a place in the 1st Class and Miss E A Chowen in the 3 rd Class. Miss Chowen`s appointment
has been confirmed by the Board. Mr Wilcoxon, Chairman of the Board called this morning.
Weather has been very bad this week, consequently poor attendance.


Resumed duties after Easter Holidays on Monday with a very fair attendance. Holiday on
Monday afternoon, Wesleyan Sunday School Festival. Numbers are lower again this week.
School visited by E Morris Esq. Sub Inspector

22 nd April
I wish to draw the attention of the Board to the irregular attendance in the Girls department.
It was only 69 per cent per week ending 20th April. This irregular attendance is a serious
drawback to the efficiency of the school.
E Morris, Sub Inspector.


Miss E A Chowen absent suffering from Neuralgia. Messrs Wilcoxon, H Jones, J T Rogers
and Rev T E Thomas visited the school on Thursday. Holiday on Monday afternoon, Musical
Festival being held at Adwy C M Chapel.


The average attendance is lower this week owing to stormy weather on Thursday. Work of
all the classes has gone on as usual. Holiday on Tuesday for Independent Meeting.


Several cases of Measles, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough have been notified this week.
Edith Wilcoxon has been appointed Temporary Assistant until the time she enters
Cardiff Training College. She is to continue her attendance at the Wrexham County School
till the end of the term.
Half Holiday on Monday, several Sunday School excursions and meetings. Numbers
very low on Wednesday afternoon, which was very stormy, also Whooping Cough is the
cause of absence of many girls. School closes for Midsummer holidays, one month.


Resumed duties on Monday. Many children were prevented from attending owing to the
weather. Admitted a number of children from the Infants school.


Made an application to the Board for an additional teacher to take part of Standard 1, as the
children who have been transferred from the Infants Dept. differ very much in their
attainments, and Miss Edith Wilcoxon leaves at the end of this month.
It was decided that Miss C M Lewis, Assistant in the Infants Dept be at once
transferred and remain here till the end of March. She has not yet been transferred so the
work goes on as usual.
Laura J Mitchell and Gladys Rogers will now be absent on Mondays and Wednesdays
attending the County School.


Received letter from Thomas Bury Esq. Clerk of the Board stating that at the last meeting it
was decided that Miss Lewis return to the Infants School and Miss C Kitto to take her place
to the end of March.
Numbers lower this week owing partly to weather which has been stormy also several at
home suffering from colds. Holiday on Monday for Harvest Thanksgiving Service. A great
many absent owing to illness. Several cases of Mumps and sore throats reported.


Close of a very stormy week, consequently poor attendance, the average being lower than it
has been for some time. Children were so wet on Tuesday morning that I considered it a
advisable to send the home.


Miss Kitto absent all week as she attends Kings Scholarship Examination next week. Laura J
Mitchell absent with Mumps and Miss Thom owing to illness.
Owing to inclement weather had to close school yesterday and today. School closed this
morning for Xmas Holidays.

H M Inspectors Report for year ended Sept 1901

Much creditable work is done in this department, which is in a good condition of efficiency.
Increased attention should be paid to paragraph 3 of the Revised Instructions issued by the
Board of Education. Steps should be taken to abate a nuisance caused by dirty matter
percolating through the boundary wall near the girls `offices`
M H Inspectors remarks on the girls premises should receive careful attention.
H E Davies is continued under Article 38 of the Code. G A Rogers is not old enough for a
shortened apprenticeship. The certificate of Miss E J Jones will be issued upon the
application of the School Board after the completion of 18 months recorded service. The
exact dates of such recorded service should be given in the application.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
L J Thom Assistant Teacher
Edith Jones “
Winifred Moss “
Phoebe Roberts “
Sarah T Davies “
E A Chowen “
Harriet E Davies “
C M Lewis Temporary Assistant Teacher
Edith Wilcoxon Pupil Teacher
L J Mitchell “
G A Rogers “


A great number absent owing to illness. Scarlet Fever the cause of several. Pupil Teachers
are again attending County School for tuition. The whole of my time has been devoted to
Standards 1 and 2.

Close of a poor week respecting attendance owing to inclement weather. Children were sent
home on Monday morning, many not being in a fit state to remain. As I am still in charge of
the 1st Class have not been able to do the whole of my work in connection with examination


Misses Thom and Moss absent on Wednesday afternoon attending a funeral. Much better
attendance this week and girls are more punctual. Work of all classes has gone on as usual.


Resumed duties on Monday, but yesterday afternoon numbers were very low, many of the
children having gone to the Pleasure Fair.
Miss Edith Jones resumed duties after an absence of nine weeks. The Board has
decided to keep Miss Kitto to the staff if she is approved of by H M I.
April 18th to May 23rd. Have not been able to attend to duties during this period owing to
illness, Miss Thomas took charge during my absence.
May 30th, Have resumed duties but only been able to stay for part of each day


Attendance much lower this week, especially this afternoon, many of the girls getting very
wet going home at noon. Miss Thom tendered her resignation to the Board to expire when
school closes for Summer Holidays.

The Coronation of Edward V11
took place in 1902, he reigned
until his death on 6 May 1910
having been preceded by his
mother Queen Victoria.

His consort was Alexandra of

Denmark whom he married
on 10th March 1863, Edward
was 21 and Alexandra just 18

Before his accession to the

throne Edward was heir
apparent to the throne
longer than then anyone else in

School closed for rest of week owing to Coronation. Have received Medical certificates for
several girls absent owing to influenza and sore throats. Miss Thom terminates her
engagement as Assistant Mistress today. School closes for Midsummer Holidays, 4 weeks.


Holiday in the afternoon for Baptist Musical Festival. Miss Annie Williams commenced
duties as Assistant Mistress taking charge of Standard 1. My time has been occupied in
examining Infants transferred and classifying them.


L J Mitchell is allowed three days a week for Private study till Kings Scholarship
Examination. Coralie Williams has passed the examination of Central Welsh Board.


Last week of financial school year. Holiday on Monday afternoon, Musical Festival in the
neighbourhood, and for general Harvest Thanksgiving.
Prizes for regular attendance distributed on Wednesday . Close of a week of very
rough weather, but attendance has been good up till today. Miss Williams terminates her
employment today.


No applications having been received by the Board for the vacancy caused by Miss Williams
resignation, have taken charge of Standard 1 myself. Messrs H Jones and R Daniel, members
of the Board called on Monday afternoon.
Miss W Moss terminated her engagement as Assistant Mistress this week.

Have taken charge of Standard 3, leaving Miss Kitto and Coralie Williams in charge of
Standard 1 as Misses Jones and Owen who have been appointed to fill the vacancies are not
able to commence until after the Christmas Holidays. Miss L J Mitchell absent all week as
she is attending Kings Scholarship examination. School closes for Christmas Holiday, two
Inspectors Report for year ended 30th Sept 1902
The premises have been coloured and painted during the summer vacation and now have a
pleasing appearance. The teaching is careful and painstaking, and the progress made during
the past year was in most respects very good. More time should be given to physical
exercises as required by Schedule 3 of the Code. Several of the pupils in the lowest class
seem to have been promoted too early from the Infant school.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Edith J Jones Assistant Teacher
Annie Williams “
Winifred Moss “
Pheobe Roberts “
Sarah K Davies “
Eliza A Chowen “
Harriet E Davies “
Clara Kitto “
L J Mitchell Pupil Teacher
G A Rogers “
Coralie Williams “

School opened on Monday, numbers low on account of the weather. Misses J M Jones and
Esther Owen commenced duties as Assistants.
The three Pupil Teachers now attend the Central Classes on Monday and Thursday.


Nothing of importance to relate, weather still affecting attendance.


Standards 1,2 and 3 went out to pick wild flowers and buds for Nature Lesson. Miss Edith J
Jones terminated
Better known her as engagement
Roberts asofAssistant Mistress. Very stormy weather.
Kandahar, the Right Honourable
Frederick Sleigh was born in APRIL
Cawnpore, India in 1832 and
received his first commission as
Second Lieutenant in the Bengal
Artillery at the age of nineteen.
He was created a Baron in 1892, in
connection with his famous services
in Afghanistan. He went to the
Transvaal, and engaged the Boer
forces about Johannesburg,
Pretoria, and Diamond Hill on June
11 and 12, 1900.
He was visiting the Royal Welsh
Fusiliers in their HQ in Wrexham.
“Bobs” as he was known, died in St
Omar after a visit to the
Western Front in France in 1914.
Holiday on Monday owing to visit of Lord Roberts to Wrexham, and Annual Pleasure Fair.
Closed for Easter Holidays, one week.


Holiday for Wesleyan Musical Festival and Sunday School Festival. School closes for the
week on account of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Wrexham.
Miss Hooson, Certificated Assistant commenced duties on Wednesday. J Price Evans
Esq. County Surveyor called on Tuesday.

Numbers have not been as good as last week owing to Meetings on Monday and school treats
on Thursday.

Holiday on Monday for Baptist Musical Festival. Poor attendance remainder of week, several
cases of Measles reported. L J Mitchell terminated her apprenticeship. Miss L J Mitchell
appointed as Assistant. School closes for Midsummer Holidays, four weeks.


School will now be carried on as a Junior Mixed School. The boys in Standards 1 and 2 at
Tabor Hill School were drafted to this school, and girls of Standard 3,4,5,6, and 7 drafted to
the Boys.
Infants were also transferred Miss Hooson, transferred to Senior Dept, and Miss S G
Davies from Infant dept to the Junior dept. Attendance keeps good. School visited by E
Morris Esq. when Pupil Teachers were taken for Reading, recitation and Teaching.

Pupil Teachers to take an extra day each week for private study till after the Kings
Scholarship examination in December. Attendance very low. Several Medical Certificates
have been received.

Holiday on Monday, Harvest Festival being held in Parish hall. Standard 2 children have
commence drawing in books this week and Standard 1 have plain slates for their drawing.
Brushwork books not yet received.


Holiday on Friday owing to rooms in Tabor Hill School being wanted in the evening.
Holiday on Monday, laying of Memorial Stones at one of the chapels.
Miss Mitchell and Pupil Teachers attending Kings Scholarship examination this week.
Prizes for regular attendance distributed by Thomas Bury Esq. Clerk of the School
Board. School closes for Xmas Holidays.

H M Inspectors Report for year ending 30th Sept 1903

The conversion of the Girls school into a lower standard school has led to a large growth in
the number of scholars, and some of the classrooms are now overcrowded. The main room
ought to have a partition and the playground is very rough for the drill exercises. The
instruction is not quite uniformly good; but there is reason to believe that good progress will
be made under the changed instructions. If C Kitto`s recognition under Article 68 is desire,
she should be presented to H M Inspector for approval at the next instruction.

Emily Jones Head Mistress
Josephine M Jones Cert Assistant
Sarah G Davies “
Phoebe Roberts Assistant
Sarah T Davies “
Eliza A Chowen “
Esther Owen “
Laura J Mitchell “
Harriet E Davies “
Clara Kitto “
Gladys A Rogers Pupil Teacher
Coralie Williams “
Thomas Bury, Clerk.


Transferred a number of Boys and Girls from Standard 3 to the Senior department owing to
want of room. Misses Griffiths, Bryn Darland and Miss Allmand, Wrexham called on
Tuesday. Attendances rather poor all week, there are some cases of Whooping Cough

Holiday given on Wednesday, children having got their feet and clothes wet, and it was not
thought advisable to keep them in school. Miss Mitchell and G A Rogers have both been
absent owing to illness.

March 11th to April 22nd owing to illness I have not been able to attend school, work being
carried on by the assistants. Have attended for a short time each day this week. Miss Mitchell
terminates her engagement as assistant Monitor.


Holidays given owing to Musical festivals in connection with several of the Chapels. Nothing
of importance to relate.


Mr J R Lloyd, the newly appointed Attendance officer called on Wednesday when he took
the names of several children who attend very irregularly. Several names have been taken off
the register this week, the parents leaving the neighbourhood for South Wales.
Holiday on Wednesday owing to a Preaching in connection with Wesleyan Conference,
which has been held in Coedpoeth this week.


Misses G A Rogers and C Williams commenced duties as Assistants. Mr Thomas Roberts,

Member of the Local Committee called re repairs needed. On Wednesday Messrs P
Williams, Thomas Charles and Thomas Roberts, Managers of the Grouped Provided Schools
School closes for annual Midsummer Holiday. One month.


Numbers very low owing to weather. Misses Rogers and Williams taken for Reading and
Recitation, in the afternoon both gave an object lesson on the `Plum`.
Several girls in Standard 3 have commenced their garments and knitting.


Very poor attendance, many children attending the Musical Festival at Adwy. Several are
absent suffering from colds and there are also some cases of Scarlet Fever


In 1833 Thomas Taylor

Griffiths, a physician and
philanthropist opened the first
dispensary in Wrexham on
Yorke Street, fundraising soon
began for a hospital and the
Wrexham Infirmary on Regent
Street opened in 1839. Working
men, wealthy patrons and
charity events raised a large
amount of money and an
operating theatre was paid for
by 1862 and a fever ward
opened in 1866. The building is
now the Arts` College.
Miss S G Davies absent on Thursday visiting her sister who is very ill at the Fever Hospital.
Numbers very low all the week owing to stormy weather. Several children having poor boots,
others suffering from colds.


Holiday today owing to inclement weather, the few who attended were not in a fit state to
Misses G A Rogers and Coralie Williams absent all week attending Kings Scholarship
School closes 22nd for Christmas Holiday, one week. Distributed cards and booklets, which
had been given by several firms at close of morning school.

Report for year ending 30th September 1904

Mixed school. Juniors.
This school continues to be well taught. I am glad to find that Drawing and brushwork are
taught to the girls as well as to the boys. More desks are urgently needed, some of the
children have to kneel on the floor and write on loose benches. The new partition in the main
room has added much to the effectiveness of the room for teaching purposes.
Report on Premises
Two new shelters have been put up in the playground. Steps should be taken to abate a
nuisance caused by offensive matter percolating through the boundary wall near the Girls
Offices. Attention to this was called in the report for 1901
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Josephine M Jones Certificated Assistant
Sarah G Davies “
Phoebe Roberts “
Sarah T Davies “
Eliza A Chowen “
Esther A Owen “
Gwladys A Rogers “
Coralie Williams “
Harriet E Davies “
Clara Kitto “

Numbers have been low all week, a great many suffering from Influenza. Percentage this
week only 61. Closed school on Tuesday owing to inclemency of weather. School closed for
fourteen days by order of the Medical Officer of Health, owing to Influenza.


Resumed duties on Tuesday, numbers better than they have been since Christmas. A great
many still unable to attend owing to illness.


Was unable to attend on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday owing to a severe cold. A few
cases of Measles have been reported and most children who have been absent all week are ill.


Very poor attendance all week, several fresh cases of Measles reported. Miss C Willams and
Miss E A Owen absent owing to illness. Messrs Wilcoxon, Rogers and Carrington, Members
of the Local Education Committees called on Monday.

Report on Visit of Inspection, April 12th 1905

Junior Mixed Department
A pleasant tone prevails in this Department, which is very creditably instructed by Miss
Jones and her staff. Increased attention should be paid to the reading and oral work. New
reading books and additional desks are urgently needed.


H C Davies, Organiser of Education called on Wednesday. Work has gone on as usual.

Numbers have be a little higher this week.
Several children in Standard 1 are very weak in Reading, have devoted part of my time to

Holiday on Whit Monday for Thanksgiving Services in the whole district. No new cases of
Measles reported. Work has carried on as usual; there is nothing of importance to enter.


Two boys are absent, one suffering from Scarlet Fever and the other on account of Fever in
the house. Otherwise the attendance has been very good, School closed for one month.


Reopened school on Monday, transferred 91 children to the Senior department and admitted
109. Numbers are not good this week, several cases of Scarlet Fever notified.
Miss C Williams absent by order of Medical officer for seven days, her sister
removed to Hospital suffering from Scarlet Fever.
Dr J E H Davies, M O of Health visited the school and examined all present. Scarlet
Fever seems to be spreading and as the Hospital is full at the moment all the children in
several families must remain home for the whole period.


Two children attended on Tuesday having been absent by Order of the Sanitary Inspector for
the necessary period. I find that since their return there are two other cases in the same house,
so the children are again absent. Mr Lloyd, Attendance Officer called on Monday and
Holiday on Monday, Harvest Thanksgiving Services. Numbers very low, much sickness
among the children.


Attendance has improved, some of the children who had been removed to the Fever Hospital
have returned. Miss S T Davies absent all week owing to illness at home, her brother having
to undergo an operation.


Miss J M Jones, Trained Assistant terminated her duties today. Messrs D S Davies, W G
Dodd, E Roberts and J Wilcoxon, called today. School closed on Thursday for Christmas
Holidays, two weeks.

Copy of letter received from Education Offices, Ruthin, 22nd Nov. 1905.
Penygelli Council School .
Adverting to out letter of the 9th inst, we beg to inform you that the Board of Education have
returned the ground plans supplied by you with a letter in the following terms;-
I am directed to inform you that the above school is now recognised by the Board of
Education as providing accommodation for not more than the following numbers.
Higher Grade Mixed. 432
Junior mixed 366
Infants 249
Total 1047

We are sending the tracings to the County Architect by this evenings post as the Building
Committee on the 17th inst, passed a resolution that plans of all School Buildings are to be in
his custody.
Signed, Evans and Roberts, Secretaries.


Resumed duties on Monday with all teachers except Miss E A Owen present. Miss C A Jones
formerly an Assistant at Tabor Hill School took charge of Standard 3. Had to send several
children home on Thursday afternoon, as they were so wet. The few who remained were
dismissed early, their clothes being wet.


Numbers were very good up until yesterday. Today very poor attendance owing to the
weather. Mr Lloyd, Attendance Officer called twice every week.

Mrs Roberts absent all week suffering from a gathered face. Miss C A Jones who
commenced duties in January leaves today, transferred to Senior Department. Have had
charge of Standard 3 all week a no one appointed to fill the vacancy. A large numbers absent
suffering from coughs and colds.


Attendance has been poor all week owing to Annual Pleasure Fair in Wrexham and “Good
Attendance” half-holiday in the Senior Department this afternoon.. Am still without a settled
teacher for Standard 3. Miss S T Davies is not able to resume duties, suffering from


E Morris Esq. called for Reading and Teaching of Certificate Candidates, Misses G A Rogers
and Coralie Williams. Holiday on Monday, Musical Festivals in Calvinistic and
Congregational Chapels.
Miss K Griffiths at present at Hereford Training College has been appointed Certificated
assistant, but will not be able to commence duties until 9th July.


Numbers very poor, several absented themselves on account of half Holiday in the Senior
and Infant department. Am still in charge of Standard 3.


Misses S T Williams, G A Rogers and Coralie Williams absent all week attending Certificate
Examination. Miss Roberts, sewing mistress attended in order to assist the teachers who had
grouped classes.
Miss Griffiths, Certificated Assistant commenced duties on Tuesday 10th. School closed for
Midsummer Holidays


Misses E A Owen and C Kitto sent Medical Certificates stating they are unable to resume
duties. Attendance has not been good, several children are ill; others are not able to attend
regularly owing to the great heat.


Misses S T Davies, G Rogers and C Williams have been informed that they have been
successful in passing the Certificate examination and are qualified as Certificated Teachers
from 1st August
Miss Owen is still absent and writes stating her Doctor considers her unfit for duties for a
fortnight. Work has not been as satisfactory in progress this week as several teachers are
absent owing to illness.


Holiday on Monday, General Harvest Thanksgiving. Misses S J Davies, Eliza A Chowen and
H E Davies absent owing to illness. Miss Clara Kitto absent all week owing to death of sister.
Attendance has not been very regular this week. Several children suffering from colds, others
kept to assist in potato rising.


Distributed a number of Quarterly cards to all children who had attended full time during last
quarter. Several children absent owing to Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria. One case of Measles
reported yesterday.
Numbers very low especially this afternoon; a heavy shower came on just in time for
assembling. Received new stock of books etc. E Morris Esq. visited the school on Tuesday to
take Needlework specimens.


Miss H E Davies absent with permission on Thursday, funeral of relative. Mr Wilcoxon

distributed prizes for Regular Attendance on Wednesday. School closed for Xmas Holidays.


J C Davies Esq. M A visited the school on Friday. Holiday on Tuesday owing to meetings of
the Free Church Council.


“Good Attendance” Holiday given in the Senior and Infant department made the numbers
much lower this afternoon. Misses Griffiths and Kitto have been absent part of the week
owing to illness. Was absent myself for two days for the same reason.
Only very few children attended on Tuesday and Wednesday morning owing to the
weather. The majority of these were not in a fit state to remain so the whole were dismissed.
Attendance has been very bad this week, children absent owing to Measles, Scarlet Fever and
Influenza. Medical Officer called and sent notice that school is to be closed for a fortnight
owing to Influenza. I have not been able to attend to duties owing to illness.

Copy of letter Received. February 21st 1907 Wrexham District Rural Council.

I beg to inform you that an Order has been issued for the closing of Penygelli Council
Schools (Junior and Infant Department) for a period of 14 days commencing from February
25th in consequence of the prevalence of an epidemic of Influenza in the district of
J Oswell Bury, Clerk to the Council.

School reopened on Monday, but there are still some cases of Scarlet fever and Mumps.
Full timers for 1906 were photographed on Tuesday Afternoon by D G Thomas, Wrexham.
School closed on Tuesday, rooms required for polling for District and Parish Council.


Philip, Son and Nephew were one of

the oldest stationers and booksellers
of the 19c. George Philip was born in
1800, he went to Liverpool and set up
business in 1834 and by 1848 his son
George had become a partner. His
nephew, Thomas Dash Philip joined
the firm in 1851 and in 1859 the
company Philip, Son and Nephew was

Holiday on Monday afternoon, Wesleyan United Sunday School Festival. Several children
suffering from Mumps. Received goods from Philip, Son and Nephew on Thursday.


Half holiday on Monday, two Musical Festivals in the neighbourhood. Three cases of Scarlet
Fever reported.

Miss Chowen absent on Tuesday attending Meetings of Presbytery. Mrs Roberts absent
yesterday anxious to see a relative who is seriously ill. Mr Lloyd, Attendance Officer has
called three times this week. Cases of Scarlet Fever reported again this week, cases removed
to Hospital.
Congregational Musical Festival at Mold on Monday was the cause of low attendance.
The County Architect called to report what repairs are needed so that the work may be done
during the Midsummer Holiday.


Numbers have been much lower all week. There were two Sunday School treats on Monday.
Time devoted to the examination of Reading in Standard 3 and preparation of Schemes and
Time Table for next year. School visited by E Morris Esq. and R Rhydderch Esq. H M I Sub
Inspectors, all classes took drill. School closes for Midsummer Holidays.


Transferred 115 scholars, the whole of Standard 3 children to Senior Department. My time
has been devoted to classifying during the greater part of the week. Miss Chowen takes
Standard 3 c, Miss Coralie Williams 2 b and Miss H E Davies 2 c


I find some children have left the district so names have been removed from Registers. List
of Full Timers was sent to Mr Kendrick this week.
Forty three Infants have been admitted this week, have made these into a separate class in
charge of Miss Chowen. Two boys have been removed to the Fever Hospital.

End of Financial Year last Monday. Have not been able to devote time to any class this week
as returns required making up for Form 9. Find that some children are absent this week
suffering from colds.
J C Davies Esq. M A Organiser of Education visited the school on Wednesday.
Had to leave school in charge of Miss S G Davies on Monday owing to illness. Numbers
have varied very much this week, heavy showers coming on just at school time. Holiday on
Monday, Harvest Thanksgiving, Children’s Service at 9.30 am.


Much sickness among the children, probably owing to the changeable weather. Numbers
very low on Tuesday owing to stormy weather, the few who came in were not in a fit state to
remain so school was closed.


Miss G A Rogers resumed duties, her class taken by Mrs Roberts during her absence and
Welsh lessons by myself. Several of the weak readers in Standard 1 have been drafted to
their respective classes, and children who are able to read short words, now join the
remainder of weak readers.
Messrs. Sturge, Wilcoxon, Jones, Thomas, Evans and Jones, Members of the Committee of
Grouped Managers visited and distributed photographs to Full Timers, also Certificates to all
children who had made 95% and upwards of possible attendances during 1906 & 1907.
Miss S T Davies terminates duty as Certificated Assistant. Miss E M Davies, Mold appointed
as her successor to commence duties on reopening of school. School closes for Christmas
vacation, 2 weeks.


Am devoting my time to the Reading in Standard 1 and the Welsh Reading of Standard 3.
Many children absent owing to sickness. Miss E A Chowen absent owing to influenza. Miss
E M Davies absent owing to indisposition.
Have been absent myself for the whole of a fortnight suffering from influenza, Misses
S G Davies, E A Owen also Mrs Roberts have been absent part of the time for same cause.
School closed by order of the Medical Officer of Health for 14 days.


Resumed duties, numbers very low owing to stormy weather. Rev T E Thomas, one of the
Managers called and tested the registers. Mrs Roberts absent by permission on Thursday,
funeral of a relative.


Poor attendance all week owing to sickness among the children and Annual Pleasure Fair in
Wrexham. Holiday on Monday afternoon, Wesleyan Musical Festival.
Two cases of Scarlet Fever and one of Measles notified.

School closed on Tuesday afternoon, the few children who came were not in a fit state to
remain. Holiday on Monday, Children’s Annual Festival at Adwy C M Chapel.
Left school in charge of Assistants on Wednesday, as I wanted to attend funeral of a
relative. Miss Coralie Williams absent on Thursday attending Wesleyan Synod at
Llangollen. History lessons this week on ` Empire and Royal Oak Day`


Dismissed children at 3.30 on Wednesday, a thunderstorm coming on. School closes this
morning for Wesleyan Festival and Whitsuntide.


Attendance has improved very much this week. Several children who have been absent
owing to Whooping Cough have been allowed to attend. School closes for Midsummer
holidays, five weeks.

Summary of H M Inspectors Report on visit April 1908

Junior Mixed Dept.
The discipline is excellent and the teaching has improved very much as regards the
intelligence of its aims. The Clay Models used to illustrate the geography lessons and the
Cardboard Coins used instead of symbols to train the pupils to make simple calculations in
money are noticeable improvements in the methods of instruction.
Some of the Assistant Teachers should attend classes with a view to making themselves more
proficient in teaching Drawing and Brushwork from actual objects.
Chorus answering should be discouraged, and it would be well to re-arrange the time-table
so as to avoid taking two noisy lessons at he same time in one room. Welsh has been
introduced with benefit of the instruction.
The younger scholars answer questions and recite with much greater confidence in their
Mother tongue than in English.
Some of the desks are too large for the children using them. Better ones should be provided.
Some means should be taken to enlarge the playground.
Emily Jones Head Teacher
Josephine M Jones Certificated Assistant
Sarah G Davies “
Phoebe Roberts “
Sarah T Davies “
Eliza A Chowen “
Esther A Owen “
Gwladys A Rogers “
Coralie Williams “
Harriet E Davies “
Clara Kitto “


Transferred over thirty children who were ten years of age on or before the 31 st July to the
Senior Department and admitted over forty who had reached the age of six years from the
Infants Department. This is in accordance with a resolution passed by the Education

The Harvest Festival is an

ancient pagan tradition. It was
celebrated by singing hymns
and bringing food, fruit and
vegetables to decorate the
Chapels and Churches. The
goods were then distributed to
the needy and the poor of the

Several children are absent this week suffering from Colds and Chicken Pox. `Good
Attendance Holiday` given this afternoon. Holiday on Monday for General Harvest
Thanksgiving, and again this afternoon for Cycle Carnival.
Have received cheque for 10/- from L J Roberts Esq. H M I, portion of the sum given
by A T Davies Esq. towards buying Welsh books for School Libraries in the Elementary
Schools of Denbighshire on condition that the same amount is given locally.


The History lesson this morning was `The Gunpowder Plot`. A few cases of Chicken Pox
have been reported. Half Holiday on Monday, Musical Festival at Salem Congregational
Work has gone on as usual, devoted the whole of my time to Standard 2 and Welsh
Conversation and Reading in Standard 3.


Weather has been very unfavourable this week. Children dismissed on Tuesday afternoon,
their clothes were not in a fit state for them to remain in school. A heavy shower came on
when they were on their way to school.
Examined all classes in Writing and Arithmetic. The writing needs attention as
regards spacing and formation of several letters. Have requested all the teachers to give one
or two lessons weekly until there is an improvement.
Miss Owen absent owing to illness, she received the permission of Manager to leave
for home. School closes today for Xmas Holiday, 2 weeks.


Have not been able to attend during this period owing to Bronchitis. Miss S G Davies was in
charge. Time has been mostly occupied examining stock and preparing Registration Sheets.

A number of children are absent owing to Influenza and Chicken Pox. The work of all
classes is now being carried on in charge of the responsible teachers, all the staff being
present with the exception of Miss H E Davies who was indisposed yesterday afternoon. E
Morris Esq. H M I Sub Inspector visited for taking the measurements of the different

Holiday to be given tomorrow, school required for Polling for Parliamentary election. Have
been unable to carry on examination in Oral work this week suffering from loss of voice.
Mr E Griffiths, Headmaster of Glanypwll Council School called on Monday


Holiday on Monday afternoon, Calvinistic Methodist and Wesleyan Sunday School Festivals.
Standard 3 had first lesson in Clay modelling this afternoon. Numbers were low on Monday,
Chapel Anniversaries and a Circus in Wrexham were the cause. Miss Kitto absent suffering a
heavy cold.

Salem Welsh Independent Chapel was

built in 1858, and rebuilt in 1891-2 to a
design by a local man, John Harrison
of Coedpoeth, it was modified again in
This photo dated 1905 is taken from the
gallery, which surrounds three sides of
the interior and is mounted on cast
iron fluted Corinthian columns. The
pews all date from the nineteenth
Salem is now classified as a listed
building, and may not be demolished,
extended or altered without special
permission from the local planning
authority. It can only be hoped that it
does not suffer the same fate as
Rehoboth. Salem has it`s own

Owing to Band of Hope Demonstration the attendance was much lower on Monday
afternoon and Tuesday morning. Messrs DE S Davies and J Wilcoxon visited the school and
saw all the classes at work, a Nature lesson being given at the time.
The average attendance is the lowest during the quarter, a number of children attending
Anniversary Services at Salem Chapel. The weather is very unfavourable.

Half holiday given in Senior Department, and several children taken to Eisteddfod at Rhos.
Miss E A Chowen absent all week owing to illness and death of her mother.
School closes this afternoon, 31st for the Midsummer Holiday, one month. Schedules
of work and timetables for next Educational Year sent to Mr Davies, Organiser of Education.

Was engaged examining children transferred from Infants Department for purpose of
classification. Reading is very weak, the greater number are not able to read words of two
letters and many more do not know their letters either the name or sound. Find that I will
have to devote a great part of my time assisting Standard 1 teachers, as all the children are in
such a backward state.
Miss Owen received permission to absent herself today, having received news of brother’s
illness. Attendance has been good this week, a few absent owing to Colds and Skin Disease.
`Good Attendance` holiday given this afternoon.


Close of a very wet and stormy week. One case of Measles reported, all members of the
family absent by order of the Medical Attendant. Miss Chowen absent, cold on chest and
loss of voice. Received Drapery Goods from Messrs W & J Pritchard.
Holiday on Monday, Harvest Thanksgiving children’s meeting at 9.30am. Attendance
very low this week, several children with their parents rising potatoes, others are ill.



There is a great deal of sickness among the younger children and a few are not allowed to
attend owing to Ringworm and Eczema. Four children are absent, Scarlet Fever in their
homes, but as the cases have been removed to the Fever Hospital they will be allowed to
attend during next week if there are no fresh cases in the home.
Two more cases of Scarlet Fever are reported and as one case is not to be removed to
the Hospital all members of the family will be absent for at least eight weeks. Prize Books
received this week. Full Timers for year ended July last were photographed on Tuesday.

Children have been unable to attend, the early part of the week there was a deep snow. Mr
Wilcoxon distributed photographs and certificates for regular attendance, also books for
general progress on Monday. School closes for Christmas Holidays.

School reopened, numbers were low. Now that all teachers are present I am able to devote
my time to the backward readers in different classes and Welsh reading of Standard 3.
Called attention of Attendance officer to several cases of absence since before
Christmas, cause of absence sickness and Eczema.


Several children who have been absent have returned, great attention must be given to
children who have been away some time. Owing to absence of teachers have been unable to
give attention to classes, which I generally take. Classes had to be grouped together so that
work could not be carried on as usual.

Clay modelling lesson in Standard 3, Model an Ivy leaf. Weather is very stormy and numbers
are much lower. Have been engaged taking stock of the Books and unable to carry on the
examination work.

Stock of exercise books came in on Thursday. Numbers have varied very much this week,
Pleasure fair in Wrexham. Stormy weather prevented many from attending.


Edward was regarded as a `playboy` prince

and had many mistresses throughout his
married life.
He socialised with many well known women
including Lily Langtree, Sarah Bernhardt
actress, Lady Randolph Churchill, and
Alice Keppell
It thought that fifty-five liaisons had taken
place but how far these s went is not always
Edward always tried to be discreet, but this
did not stop society gossip or press
speculation. Edward never acknowledged
any illegitimate children
Camilla Parker Bowles, wife of Charles
Prince of Wales is the Gt grand daughter of
Alice Keppell.

History lessons this week bearing on the death of King Edward 7th and proclamation of
George 5th. Was absent myself suffering from sore throat. Holiday given Friday for the
occasion of the funeral of His late majesty King Edward 7th.

Miss Ethel M Davies is still absent, Mrs Rogers, Eyton has charge of her class. Holiday on
Monday, Local Eisteddfod.
Mrs Rogers left on Wednesday and as Miss Ethel M Davies has not returned this
class is again without a teacher.
Was unable to attend myself owing to illness. Mrs Phoebe Roberts has been absent all
week suffering from a sprained ankle.


Mr Carrington, member of the Committee of Grouped managers called and tested the
registers. The whole of my time has been devoted to examining the classes in Composition
and Arithmetic. School closes for four weeks Midsummer Holiday.


Transferred Standard 3 children to Senior department and admitted children from Infants
department and Frondeg school.
Examined Infants in Reading and find them very backward. The majority only able to
read words of two and three letters, others not able to read at all.
Miss Griffiths resumed duties but was absent again owing to Neuralgia. Miss Owen
has not resumed. Medical Certificate sent. Miss Kitto absent owing to illness of Mother.
Standard 1 children do not get the attention they require being in such a backward state.
One case of Scarlet Fever has been reported but has been removed to the Fever
Hospital. Several children have left school this week, parents leaving the district.


Miss Ethel M Davies absent due to Tonsillitis. A week of wet and stormy weather has
affected the attendance. Had to leave school as I was suffering from cold on chest.


Numbers have been lower since we re opened after Mid Summer Holiday. Many children are
suffering from colds and sore throats.
Dr Llewelyn Williams Medical officer of Health and Dr K Drinkwater visited for the
purpose of examining children who had been transferred from Infants Department and at
time of their last Medical Inspection were not favourably reported upon.
School closed on Wednesday owing to inclement weather, a few children made an
attempt but the slippery state of the roads made it impossible to come the whole way.
Received drapery goods from Messrs W&S Prichard on Thursday.


Miss E Davies absent owing to loss of voice. Miss Griffiths absent owing to sickness. Goods
received from Messrs Philip Son & Nephew.
Holiday on Tuesday, school used as Polling Station for parliamentary election.
Miss Ethel M Davies terminates duties as Assistant Mistress in this department today.


Received a letter from J C Davies, Organiser of Education stating that Miss Hannah Morgan,
Newtown and Miss A E Jones, Penygroes, Machynlleth have been appointed to fill the
vacancies caused by the resignations of Misses C A Griffiths and E M Davies.

Miss Katie Griffiths terminated duties as Assistant Mistress. Two parts of Standard 3 are now
without settled teachers. A great many children are absent suffering from Colds and Mumps.
Received a letter stating that Miss A E Jones will not commence duties now until 1st March.


Wern chapel was the `mother`

chapel for many of the chapels
in the area. It was built in 1805,
rebuilt in 1825 and 1875. The
first minister of the Wern was
William Williams who was
ordained in October 1808. He
stayed for 30 years when he
received a calling from
Liverpool. He was followed by
Rev. John Parry of
Machynlleth 1840-45 then
William Lloyd in 1846. In 1868
a schoolhouse was built and in
1872 a house for the minister.
The building has now been
demolished and the graveyard
is sadly in a very neglected

Holiday given on Wednesday, St David’s Day. Part of Tuesday afternoon was devoted to
singing Welsh songs and to Welsh recitations. Rev Evans, Wern visited the school on
Thursday. I was unable to attend owing to Bronchial Cold.
Miss Morgan left school having received news of death of relative. Find it will be
impossible to continue the Terminal Examination as Miss Owen has not resumed duties.


Holiday on Monday, Wesleyan Musical Festival, also several Anniversaries which children
wanted to attend.


Miss Owen resumed duties after absence of nine weeks. Attendance very low, on account of
Chapel Anniversaries.

Most of my time has been devoted to sending notices to parents and filling in cards for
Medical inspections. School closes for Coronation week. History lessons this week on
On Wednesday, Proclamation of Eisteddfod in Wrexham. Treats to children of certain
districts have affected attendance.


On 13th July 1911:

Edward VIII, as Prince of
Wales was presented as
Prince of Wales to the
Welsh nation at
He ascended the throne in
January 1936, abdicated
in December 1936, and
was created Duke of
Windsor in 1937.
It was his intent to marry
Wallis Simpson that led to
the abdication; the couple
married the next year and
remained together until
his death 35 years later.

The tradition of investing the heir of the monarch of Britain with the title of
"Prince of Wales" began in 1301, when King Edward 1 gave the title to his heir,
Prince Edward. Llwywlyn the Last had deposited his crown with the monks at
Cymer Abbey for safekeeping at the start of his final campaign in 1282. When he
was killed that year it was seized and presented to King Edward 1st of England as a
token of the total annihilation of the independent Welsh state.

Holiday on Monday, three children’s choirs from the neighbourhood competing at Rhos
Two boys absent, a case of Diphtheria removed from their home to Isolation Hospital.
History lessons this week bearing upon Investiture of Prince of Wales at Carnarfon next
week. School closes for remainder of week Holiday given to celebrate the Investiture.
Children assembled in schoolyard for singing of National Songs. School closes for
Midsummer Holidays.


Admitted children from Infants department, only two in the whole number read fluently, a
number do not know either sound or name of letters. Miss Anita Griffiths and Miss Grace
Hale commenced duties as Student Teachers.
Attendance not good this week, some children ill, others have been taken for holiday.
Miss Morgan is absent ill and has been ordered away for change and rest.
Miss E A Owen, Uncertificated Assistant terminates duties today.


Miss Bertha Wilcoxon, Uncertificated assistant commenced duties on Monday. Miss Anita
Griffiths now attends County school on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Instead of Story
telling, Standard 3 children had a Shopping Game this afternoon.
Blodwen Evans a pupil in Standard 3 was requested by the Medical office to be down
in Wrexham on Monday to have her eyes tested by an eye specialist.


Miss A E Jones has received permission from the Education Committee to arrive in school at
9.10 or 9.15 am during winter months on account of train service. School closed for
Thursday and Friday, meetings of C M Association being held.
There is a slight improvement in the work of all classes, some of the Standard 1 in
drawing and Standards 2 and 3 children in ruler drawing and paper cutting. Attendance has
been poor this week, six cases of Chicken Pox reported, weather has also affected, several
parents state that the children’s boots are too poor to send them.


Dr Catherine Drinkwater conducted Medical Inspection, four cases excluded from attending,
two owing to breaking out on hands and in the head. District nurse requested to attend to
these and report in a week’s time, one girl suffering from Tonsillitis and one boy to visit a
specialist and be excluded till glasses have been changed.
Miss H E Davies and Mrs Roberts both absent suffering from severe colds. School
closes for a fortnight.


Re opened school, all teachers present. Wednesday was very stormy, school closed for
remainder of week, there being deep snow, children could not attend.


Much sickness amongst children, coughs and chest troubles very prevalent. Order received
from Medical officer to close this Department as many children are suffering from Influenza
Copy of Order for Closing School.

I hereby certify that the Penygelli Infants, Juniors and Senior Departments have been closed
under my advice and with my approval from the 2nd February to 19th February 1912 owing to
Influenza Colds and I further certify that this certificate is given under the provisions of
Article 45(b) of the Code.
Signed Llewelyn Williams. School Medical officer.

School reopened, weather more favourable for children who have been too ill to attend.
Prize distribution on Monday, Books prizes for Regular attendance and Highest marks at
Terminal examinations. Certificates to all who had made 95% of the possible attendance.
Present - Mr J Stephens Jones who distributed the prizes, Mr J Wilcoxon, Revs Evan Jones,
T E Thomas, and J Jones, school managers.


Holiday tomorrow afternoon, St David’s Day. Lessons on St David given in all classes. had
to close school owing to inclement weather, many of the children’s boots are poor so they
were not in a fit state to remain in school.
The first lesson in the morning has been interfered with, a number of children are
provided with breakfast in the Cookery Room of the Senior Dept and are not able to arrive in
time for opening, two or three of the Assistants are also in attendance. Am not able to begin
work till after 10 o clock.


Holiday on Monday, Musical Festival in connection with Congregationalists. Have not been
able to finish examination of Oral work, as so much time each morning has to be given to the
Children taken in to the yard to witness the Solar Eclipse, lesson given on the same in the
afternoon. Standard 3 out this afternoon for `Spring Ramble`.


Made application to the Relief Committee for part of the Balance in hand since Soup Kitchen
was closed, to buy boots for children who were unable to attend school because they had no
boots, also others who had very poor boots and parents not in a position to buy boots for
them at present. Submitted list of the most necessitous cases, £4 was granted and 23 pairs of
boots supplied.
Dr Catherine Drinkwater visited on Monday and examined several Special Cases,
mostly Tonsillitis and Adenoids, others suffering from defective eyesight and hearing. The
District Nurse will attend on certain days to see that the ears of some are syringed also to
apply ointment to the eyelids of others. Several suffering from defective eyesight to be tested
for glasses when notice is received that the Specialist appointed by the County Council will
attend. History lessons bearing on Empire Day given throughout the school this week.
School closes for Whitsuntide holiday.

Miss Sarah Edwards, a former pupil who is on a visit to this country from America visited
the school. Clay modelling taken by all classes as a change from Paper Modelling.
Was absent on Wednesday owing to serious illness at home.


Work of all classes is progressing well. The whole of this week has been taken up examining
classes in paper work, all the results mostly satisfactory.


Misses A E Jones, H Morgan and C Williams absent all week attending Welsh courses at
Aberystwyth. Was absent myself on Monday, children taken to be examined by eye
specialist. School closes for Midsummer Holiday, 5 weeks.

When the railway was
completed in 1860
Aberystwyth became as
`tourist` town. One of the
many hotels built was `The
Castle` but after bankruptcy
it was never used as such and
was sold cheaply to the
Welsh National University
Committee. From this
beginning the University
College Wales was founded in
1872. The first Principal was
Thomas Charles Edwards
1837-1900 who was a Welsh
minister and academic.
The Motto is:
Nid Byd, Byd Heb
(A world without knowledge is
no world at all)

Admitted 91 children form Infants Departments and 4 from Frondeg School. Left school in
charge of Assistants on Monday, four scholars taken to Wrexham to meet Dr Trevor
Williams, eye specialist.
Miss Anita M Griffiths terminates duties as Student teacher today, leaving on Monday to
undergo training at Aberystwyth. Miss Eveline Lloyd commenced duties as Student Teacher
on Monday.

Numbers very low, many children suffering from colds and sore throats.
Miss Sutton a teacher from Liverpool who is on a visit in the neighbourhood called on
Wednesday. Holiday for Annual Harvest Thanksgiving children’s services.


Miss Morgan sent in Medical Certificate, she is unable to attend suffering from Shingles.
Miss J A Parry, supply teacher has attended this week to take charge of Standard 3 during the
absence of Miss Morgan.
Work in all classes is improving slowly, Standard 1 children are getting to understand
and be able to work their addition sums without the aid of counters, but some are still in a
backward state. Holiday given today due to the weather, as children who arrived were not in
a fit state to remain.


Attendance very poor due to inclement weather and children suffering from colds.
Prizes for Full Attendance were distributed by Mr Wilcoxon and Rev Evan Jones, Managers.
School closes for Xmas Holiday.

Summary of H M Inspectors Report on visit of 1st to 5th JULY 1912.

In order to secure the maximum of efficiency it is essential that there should be entire co-
operation between the three departments of the School. It would be well for the three Head
Teachers to meet periodically to discuss their schemes of work so as to arrange for a proper
grading in the Syllabus and ensure uniformity in the methods of tuition. An interchange of
visits of observation might advantageously be made, more particularly in the case of the
teachers of the First Class Infants, and First Standards, Junior School on the one hand and
Fourth standard, Senior School on the other. This would make the passage from one
department to another easier, and help to dovetail the work of the three Departments more
It would be well to consider the advisability of modifying slightly the present regulation,
which requires every child to be automatically promoted, irrespective of attainments from
the Infants and Junior Departments on reaching the age of 6 or 10 respectively before the
31st of July, which is the end of the School Year. The rigid application of this rule hardly
works satisfactorily. It might be better to arrange for the promotion to take place twice a
year, viz, after the Midsummer and after the Christmas Holidays, but to stipulate that no
child shall remain in the Infants or Junior Department if 7 or 11 years of age respectively
before the next date of promotion. In this way the most backward children could be kept
down for a time while attention could be mainly concentrated on the Elementary subjects. A
large number of Infants are admitted to School in the early summer and this sudden increase
renders it difficult to devote due attention to the older Infants about to be drafted to the
Junior School. The adoption of the above suggestion would, probably partially remedy this.
It is also recommended that children of exceptional merit should not necessarily be retained
for the full three years in the Junior School.

Junior School
It has not yet been found practicable to carry out the recommendation made in the last
report about enlarging the playground. It is understood however that it is shortly to be
There are a number of old cumbersome desks without rest for feet or back still in use in this
school. It is to be hoped they will gradually be replaced by others of modern design. Two
small cupboards would e a welcome addition in classrooms 1b and 1c. This department is in
charge of an experienced and earnest Head Teacher. There is a very pleasant one
throughout and the School has evidently a refining influence on the children. The teaching is
industrious and sympathetic and much of the work done is of good quality. In spite of an
honest attempt to give special assistance to backward children there appears to be
considerable unevenness in the attainments of Classes in the same School Year, especially in
Reading and Spelling. The top classes acquitted themselves satisfactorily in the mechanical
exercises in Written Arithmetic but with very few exceptions were unable to apply this
knowledge to the working of very simple problems. There is a tendency to do too much for
the children. They should be encouraged to rely more upon their own resources. Oral
Arithmetic is taught in all the classes according to approved intelligent methods.
Too much transcription form the blackboard is done in the English Lessons. A
commencement should be made with written Composition, at least in the top Classes.
The singing is very good and much of the hand and eye work is also very satisfactory.
The Boys and Girls should be taken separately for Physical Exercises.

Emily Jones Head Teacher
Anne E Jones Certificated Assistant Teacher
Hannah Morgan “
Sarah G Davies “
Gwladys A Rogers “
Coralie Williams “
Phoebe Roberts Uncertificated Assistant Teacher
Eliza A Chowen “
Bertha Wilcoxon “
Harriet E Davies Supplementary Teacher
Clara Kitto “
Anita M Griffiths Student Teacher
Grace B Hale “
Signed Joseph Wilcoxon


Reopened school, four cases of Whooping Cough reported. Miss Parry, Supply Teacher is
doing duty during the temporary absence of Miss H Morgan who is at present at a
Sanatorium in South Devon. Miss Bertha Wilcoxon is absent for some time owing to chest
infection. Miss Grace E Hale terminated duties as Student Teacher on Thursday. Several
children are ill others absent because boots are too poor.
Considered it advisable to close school this afternoon, the roads being in such a bad
state and many of those present this morning have wet feet. Am still in charge of Standard 1c
but am unable to do very much work as I am continually called away from the class.
Have been absent one and a half days this week owing to the illness of my Mother.


School left in charge of Assistants all week. I was unable to attend owing to my Mothers
death. Miss Kitto now takes charge of Standard 1c, Miss Bertha Wilcoxon having being
appointed to take charge of Frondeg School.


Holiday on Monday, school used for Polling purposes, County Council Election. Owing to
inclement weather the numbers are low again. Mr Carrington, Vice Chairman of Local
managers called to test the Registers.

Three children have received exemption Certificates after the Medical Examination last
week, two will be absent for some time, one having ` St Vitus`s dance ` and Rheumatism,
and the other Spinal Curvature.


Am pleased to find improvement in some of the classes in Spelling and Composition.

Holiday on Monday, Children’s Festival, and Thursday and Friday, Wesleyan Synod held in
Miss Morgan resumed duties after an absence of close on five months. Mr Williams,
Clerk of Works called to see what repairs are necessary and Mr Wyles, Architect, Members
of Education Authority and Local managers visited to see the playground.
Numbers are very low this week, several children have Measles, others not allowed
to attend because members of the family are ill.

Received notice that school is to close owing to epidemic of Measles.

Copy of Notice for closing school. I hereby certify that the Penygelli Junior C School has
been closed under my advice and with my approval from the 2 nd June to 16th June owing to
Measles and I further certify that this certificate is given under the provision of Article 45 b
of the Code.
Signed J Roberts, School Medical Officer.
Received notice that the School is to continue closed from the 16th June to 30th June
Extension of Closure. I hereby certify that the Penygelli Junior Council School has been
closed from the 30th June to July 14th owing to Measles. J Roberts ,S M O.


Resumed duties, school having been closed for six weeks. Find children backward with their
work so have instructed teachers to pay special attention to Reading, Spelling and

School opened after Midsummer Holidays, all teachers were present. Over 100 infants
admitted to this department. Miss G A Rogers terminates duties as Certificated Assistant.


Miss Mellar, Certificated Assistant commenced duties on Monday. Work is progressing

favourably, Standard 3 boys are taken for Basket Weaving during the time the girls are taking
Needlework. Another section will be taken when these are able to go on alone. Standard 2
boys are taking up Paper Modelling. The materials for Raffia Work and Wool mats are not to
Miss Hannah Morgan terminated her duties on Wednesday; she has been compelled
to take this step owing to ill health. Miss L M Thomas, an Emergency Teacher took up duties
on Thursday. Miss Eveline Lloyd, Student Teacher terminates duties, she enters College next

John Sidney Rigden lived in

Coedpoeth from about 1897.
This group was photographed by
him, its thought it may be Mr
Danson and taken at Minera Hall
In 1903 J S Rigden married
Catherine H S Odgers (Carrie) at St
Tudfil, Coedpoeth.
In 1913 Coedpoeth Directory, J S
Rigden is listed at 49 High Street

Several fresh cases of Measles reported so attendance is not good. Mr J S Rigden

photographed all classes on Tuesday afternoon.
Dr W Williams H M I visited Mr Edwin Jones, Correspondent of Local managers
called and tested the registers. Holiday on Monday, Harvest Thanksgiving.

Work has carried on as usual; excepting that Miss Mellor now takes charge of Standard 3
boys for Basket Weaving as I find it impossible to attend to that work. Have been unable to
begin the Terminal Examination this week, as Miss Thomas and Miss A E Jones are absent.


Miss Parry absent all week attending the Certificate Examination. Miss Kitto absent suffering
from Influenza and Miss Chowen absent owing to death of relative. Miss A E Davies absent
on Monday attending funeral of relative. My time since Monday has been devoted to
Terminal Examination.
Owing to illness I have been unable to attend school and was unable to examine the
remainder of Standard 1. School closes for Christmas Holiday.


Am short of two teachers, Miss L M Thomas, Supply Teacher has not resumed duties, and
owing to the death of Miss Kitto, Miss Parry has charge of two sections.
Have been unable to attend school since Wednesday owing to illness.


Resumed duties but have not been present for the whole of the day. This Friday afternoon is
devoted to recitations and Songs bearing upon St David’s Day.


Have been unable to attend school during the last two weeks owing to Bronchial attack.
Owing to inclement weather school was closed on Monday.
Attendance has improved, but is not near as good as it should be; some have been
absent for weeks. Registers closed this morning at 9.30, children dismissed at 11.30 to enable
us to assemble earlier in the afternoon, staff attending the funeral of Mrs G J Jones.


Miss M G Mellar, Certificated Assistant terminated duties, being transferred to Old Colwyn,
no one appointed to fill the vacancy. Miss C M Jenkins Supply Teacher commenced duties in
place of Miss Mellar. School closed for Easter.


Made application for a long loose table to be put up in the Cloak Room for use during Cane
Work lesson. Miss A E Jones terminated duties yesterday. Miss Jenkins has left and Miss M
E Roberts another supply teacher has taken up duties.
Holiday whole of Wednesday, Congregational Union meetings


The first days of the week were devoted to making list of irregular attenders for Managers in
readiness for Special Meeting.
Several children absented themselves owing to Children of Senior Department being granted
a holiday, a number of them being members of Juvenile Choir competing at Pentrecelyn


Practically every large

village in Wales held their
own Eisteddfod. It’s thought
the tradition started as long
ago as 1176 when a Bardic
competiton was held by
Lord Rhys in Cardigan
Castle. Poets, artists, writers
all entered the competitions
using a non-de plume so
that they would not be
known and only be judged
by their work.

`Hedd Wyn`. Ellis Humphrey Evans was born in 1887 near to Trawsfynydd. He
had a great interest in poetry from an early age and was regular competitor in the
Eisteddfodau. Early in 1917 he joined the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and sailed to
France in June. Within a month he was killed in the Battle of Pilken Ridge. In
September the Eisteddfod was held at Birkenhead, and the winner was
announced as the author of` Yr Arwr ` (The Hero) but could not take part in the
ceremony as he had been killed in battle. The Chair was draped with a black cloth
and the assembled audience was grief-stricken. A bronze statue of `Hedd Wyn`
dressed as a shepherd stands in the centre of Trawsfynydd, unveiled by his
mother in 1923.

Holiday on Monday as several children who are members of Juvenile Choir were going to
Rhos Eisteddfod. Standard 3 is still without a settled teacher. School closes for Midsummer


Attendance officer reported that some children have left the district. Miss Parry has
commenced Raffia work with Standard 1, Miss Roberts, Beadwork with Standard 2 and
Basket weaving taken by myself in Standard 3. Several girls in Standard 3 are now making
garments in which stitches learnt in Standard 2 are used.
Mrs Reece was absent this week suffering from cold on the chest.


Miss Roberts, Emergency teacher terminated duties on Wednesday, Miss Clark, Supply
teacher took up duties on Wednesday.
Received notice from medical officer that four children of Mr Edward Hughes, Penygelli
Road are not to be admitted till I receive Certificate that the home is free from infection, a
case of Scarlet Fever, the child removed to Hospital.
Mrs Roberts absent this week owing to severe cold. Several children absent owing to illness.
Received notice this morning this morning that Dr K Drinkwater will visit for purpose on
Medical Inspection on Monday.
Miss Clarke absent attending funeral of relation. Miss S G Jones has received
permission to terminate duties today as she is leaving for New Zealand earlier than she had


No teacher appointed in place of Mrs Jones so have been in charge of class all week. Mrs
Roberts has been absent suffering from Influenza. Very poor attendance owing to inclement
weather, was unable to take Cane Work as I was short of staff.
Mary Jones commenced duties as Pupil Teacher, she will attend Wrexham County
School (Girls) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Miss Edwards and Miss Parry absent
owing to illness.
As Mrs Roberts is still absent am unable to commence terminal examination. The
work of the other classes has not been carried on as usual as classes had to be grouped.
Several girls in Standard 3 are now able to knit with four needles very nicely.


Mrs Roberts resumed duties after an absence of over a month. Miss Parry absent all week
attending Certificate Examination. Attendance very low owing to inclement weather and
Was absent three days owing to illness. Examined remainder of classes in paper
work, have been unable to devote any time to teaching. Miss Chowen absent owing to illness.


School reopened after Christmas Holidays. Attendance is poor all week. Some children
absent owing to Whooping Cough, others have to remain home, members of the family
having Whooping Cough.
Transferred 33 children to the Senior Department, received instructions from
Organisers that the teacher who had been in charge of the class was to go up to the Senior
School. Miss Grace E Hale has been transferred.
Miss Bertha M Clarke, Supply Teacher has been transferred to Rhos Council School.
Miss Jones, Llandulas has been in charge for the last two days, she leaves today.
Miss Morris and Miss Roberts, Abergele have been sent to do duty during the temporary
closure of their school. Miss Sibyl Edwards has been absent all week owing to the death of
her father.


On the following pages are some photographs that were sent to me for use.
Even though they’ve not been used in with the Log Books they are too interesting to
leave out completely and so have been added here. They all relate to Coedpoeth and the
surrounding area and I’m sure will add to the overall interest of this project.
Many thanks to everyone who donated them.

John Richards was the first superintendent at Coedpoeth Cemetery;

he had been injured when he was a coalminer, and was given the
postition, by 1901 he was living in the Lodge with his wife Jane.

J S Rigden`s postcard with John sitting on the bench close to his

This unknown group photograph seems to be taken from the cemetery. It’s
thought the photographer J S Rigden supplied the tent and possibly used the
table and chairs from John Richards home. In the background the land
slopes down to Pant Twyll and rises again up to the lead mines, Graig Fawr
and New Brighton, which are visible in the background.

This `pillar` is cut in the rock at Graig Fawr quarry, which is just above
New Brighton. It was probably left like this to support the overhanging land
and to prevent it collapsing
Another card by J S Rigden. It`s unsure who this group are but it `s
believed the man in the centre may be Mr Danson of Minera Hall.

This was taken about 1893 outside Maelor House, New Brighton, which is
still standing, It is Mine Captain Peter Williams, wife Frances Blackwell,
his mother-in-law Mary Blackwell (nee Kelly) their children and one
The man with the pony was a Major Brown, and his wife and daughter are in
the trap. The boy with his hands behind his back by the wall was Tecwyn
Evans b 1901 and who was living in Old Mill Cottages, Minera when this was
taken outside Minera Post Office.

Minera School 1935

Minera lime workers c 1924.
Apart from the dog there is only one head without a cap!

Bersham House c 1928. This lovely building is hidden away

under the by pass close to the Heritage centre
Another one of Rigdens cards. This is the bridge at the bottom of Wern Road,
just above you can see Minera Church and the Tyn Y Capel Inn.

Outside the Cross Foxes, Coedpoeth.

Ty Hir. Isaac Belton and family members.

Minera school teachers

William Barker Jones (1891-1942) Dep Head, back row left--next to him
is Muriel Griffiths who went on to be a Head Mistress in Wrexham, next
to her is poor Caroline (Carrie) Evans who was murdered in Pant Twyll,
Coedpoeth 6/7 Oct 1945, the murderer was never caught.
Mr David Griffiths in front row was the Headmaster and father of
Minera Sunday School Nativity
c 1936

Many of these photographs have been donated by `25` Tommy Jones, who
is the son of the headmaster of Minera School, William Barker Jones.
Bathafarn Chapel, Talwrn, Coedpoeth. A recent photograph which
has been modified to show how it may have looked when first built.

Peniel Chapel. Bwlchgwyn.

Nebo Chapel. Bwlchgwyn.

Bethesda Chapel, Bwlchgwyn

Machine House. This was taken c 1905 and was on land owned by
John Burton Esq, manager of the Plas Mostyn Colliery. In 1851
Joseph Chaloner aged 75 and his family were living there. In 1841
Joseph had been working as a checkweight man at Plas Mostyn.
The house is still standing and has not changed much over the years.
It is quite close to the Five Crosses Inn.

Gwern Hall was situated on the road from Four Crosses to

Rhydtalog. It was set back on the right hand side.
Minera School 1927
Megan and Maldwyn Jones front row left, David Griffiths is the
headmaster on the right.

Kathleen Evans was crowned the May Queen in Minera schoolyard c 1934
Tom and Mary Evans.
Thomas was born in
1821 and died in 1902.
Mary Michael was
born in 1822 and died
in 1904.
This was taken about
1890 and they were
living in Brookside
cottage in 1891.
Sometime later it was
renamed Newbridge

Band of Hope. Salem. April 1902

Coedpoeth Bowling Team c 1960.
Some known people in the picture are Evan Thomas Williams, his
brother William, Teifion Mitchell and Trevor Roberts

Thomas Wilcoxon born 1881was the son of Joseph Wilcoxon and brother
of Edith and Bertha who are mentioned in the book. At the age of 15 he
left County School and joined the Principality a four masted barque
owned by William Thomas. On leaving the sea he worked for Wrexham
RDC as a surveyor and later went to France during WW1 as a road
Thomas joined on duty on 25th March 1917. His request for a Welsh
Division was turned down and he was posted to No. 2 Labour Convoy,
Middlesex Regiment.
He was admitted as Temp. Lieutenant and sent to the Southern Front.
During his time there he suffered from gas poisoning. Thomas was
released from duty on December 21st 1919.
Thomas returned to work with the Wrexham District Council, until his
early death at the age of 49. He was buried on April 30th 1931 in
Coedpoeth Cemetery. These are his brothers. Harold was awarded the
MC twice. Joseph Oswald on the right was killed in the Somme in 1917
aged 22. Thomas was my Grandfather.

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