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Sanchay’s Poetry Collection

Man Stuck in a Tree (Limerick)

A man was stuck up in a tree,
At least he had some delicious tea,
But when he looks down,
He begins to frown,
Until a cat came up to set him free.

Summer (Haikyu)
Hot sun shining here,
Sand squishing under my feet,
Kids splashing around.

Yellow (Free Verse Poem)

Yellow is seeing your grandparents and giving them a hug,
Yellow is meeting your friends after months in lockdown,
Yellow is a road trip to the beach on a hot summer’s day,
Yellow is relaxing on a hammock and watching the day go by,
Yellow is lying down in a beautiful bed of sunflowers,
Yellow is the scorching hot sun hitting your skin,
Relaxing on the beach is as yellow as the golden sand touching your toes,
Yellow is as bright and joyful as the sun,
The yellow sunflowers spoke to me,
Yellow is happiness.

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