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Volume 4, No 3, 2014

© Copyright by the authors - Licensee IPA- Under Creative Commons license 3.0
Research article ISSN 0976 – 4380

Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for

land capability assessment of urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr1, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini2
1- Graduated MSc, Environmental Department, Science and Researches Faculty, Islamic
Azad University.
2- Natural Resource and Marine Science Faculty of Tarbiat Modares University. P.O.BOX:
46414-356, Noor, Mazandaran, Iran


Background and aims

Occurring the environmental problem, in different dimensions, is result from not observing
the environmental considerations and criteria in locating new cities.Since the environment
has a limited ecological potential for human uses ,the ecological potential assessment
provides a well suited bed for environmental planning thus The main purpose of this article
is to compare different criteria based on librarian studies and expert opinions and determining
suitable criteria to determine proper criteria by applying multicriteria decision-making
Methods for land capability assessment to establish new cities.


In this research, multicriteria assessment approach includes Weighted Liner

Composition(WLC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) are utilized in ecological
potential assessment of Zardrud basin of Khouzestan Province for urban development by
using geological information system (GIS) based on 13 criteria which includes: slope,
evaluation, aspect, rainfall, average temperature, land type, soil, land use, distance to river,
distance to industries, distance to road, earthquake bearing and fault zones. Land capability
map is developed in which it shows prioritized and proper areas for urban development in the
aforementioned range.


Research results show that most import ants factors on urban development were earthquake
bearing, land use and soil and show that northern, part of zard basin and in the terms of
political partitions Ghale Tol of central part of Baghmalek town is of the most rank in urban
development. Results obtained from this study can be used as a pattern to be utilized for
urban planner and designer in order to well suited urban location with respect to observing
the environmental considerations.

Keywords: WLC, AHP, Land Capability Assessment, GIS, Urban development

1. Introduction

Environmental protection requires balance between development and natural resources area.

Submitted on October 2013 published on March 2014 435

Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Land capability assessment is a process that has trying through the human relationship with
nature, and worthy of development in harmony with nature can provide. Land
capability importance as a decisive stage, a large part of the construction costs and
other economic planning projects, it has the attention of managers and decision making.
According to the limited ecological environment for human use, land capability assessment
can the core of environmental studies for the prevention of crises, provides a good
platform for environmental planning. Ecological capability evaluation in recent years in Iran
as well as a necessity in land use planning has been proposed and in the local programs of
economic, social and cultural Islamic Republic of Iran has been manifested. Urbanization is a
continuous process and it is important to identify suitable housing areas for future
development. Urbanization is now a common feature of all third world countries.
Environmental problems in different dimensions, resulting from the non-compliance
with environmental considerations and criteria in the site selection of new cities and direction
of urban development. Expansion of cities without the program has been the source of many
problems and crises of the environment. A obverse side of urban
development, prosperity and other adverse effects of accelerated development,
and without the program. In this study, the application of standards consistent
with environmental considerations have been made to determine the criteria and weighting
pattern and compare different criteria based on librarian studies and expert opinions and
determining suitable criteria in order to evaluate the environmental potential to establish new
cities to achieve urban permanent development having the least Adverse effect at present and
in the long term. The aim of this paper was determination of a new framework for site
selection of new cities with environmental consideration with Multi-criteria evaluations
(MCE) and utilizing Analytical Hierarchical process (AHP) and WLC in ecological
potential assessment of khuzestan zard basin for urban development in GIS environment.

2. Material and methods

2.1 Study area

Understanding the natural features of the study area can be important in determining the
structures constructed in public places and places more safety be effective also in
development. Study area includes part of the basin of the Zard Khuzestan. Therefore, to
investigate, within the following areas of R11 and R10 and R 9 and R8 and R7 and R6 and
R4 and R3 classify and study separately each of these areas .Terms of geographical area
under study central part of city Baghmalek is located. The land investigated in research
located in Baghmalek (Khouzestan province) and has the area of 514 square kilometers
between latitudes of 31°20´and 31°31´N and between longitudes of 49°42´ and 50°10´E at
Up-stream of Jareh Dam.This area of 8 sub, small and large has been established that the area
of R 6 with 3.39 square kilometers, the smallest sub-zones in the basin is considered.
subsequent natural basin in the north, mountains and plains and forest and mountains and in
the south is dry. River, Zard River from north to south, covered with branches after
Abolabbas(Mongasht), Golal and near the village of Zard River valley about seasonal and
several branches

(Mazhin) and downstream of the dam Jareh River joins exquisite. Regional weather
conditions and relatively diverse in terms of altitude under different climates, which leads to
high levels of diversity is good. With annual dominant wind direction during the year rose in
the southwest are evaluated. Industrial zone including crushing, asphalt unit, factory spaghetti,
pump house, No. 3, Industrial Estate Baghmalek the central part of city Baghmalek are

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 436

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

located. In the Zard River the most polluted rivers around the city Baghmalek the epicenter
population of the region is seen. Baghmalek in several points around the city sewage directly
into rivers and makes a lot of pollution and contamination when water is added. Figure (1)
shows the study of area.

Figure 1: Map of study area in Iran

2.2 Method

In this study, according to the desired goal of library procedures (documents) and field
studies have been used. Field studies include visits to the study area to identify the natural
features, vegetation status, and region were taken with GPS ground control points from
topographic maps at 1:25000 scale geological map of block 77 Ramhormoz and scale of
1:100000 (geological and mineral exploration), and map natural resources and land units
(land capability) with the scale of 1:100000 (Department of natural Resources Khuzestan
province) has been used.

Classification map of slope, aspect and altitude of a digital elevation model (DEM), the main
map, the distance from the industries and the distance from the river using existing
topographic maps are provided. Mapping the digital elevation model (DEM) from the
1:25000 scale topographic using Microstation V.8.1 software and maps from the menu under
Export to XYZ coordination of all information to a txt file and then using the converted
ArcGIS software and software using the IDW digital Elevation Model (DEM) was
constructed in the region. The layers of software into the environment, then they became
Shape format to use in their software. UTM system, the image was considered equal for all
layers. Determine the weights of criteria (impact layers of both) and also determine the
classes of each layer of information (weight of the a layer) to design a questionnaire
completed by the experts concerned. This stage of the weighting of the software Expert
Choice has used. After determining the weights in the Attribute Table, all the layers field as
weight was added, and the weights of each class of the information entered. Then to called
final layer of the Query in the software ArcGIS was used. Weights determined using software
criteria in table (1) are shown.

2.3 Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)

Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) or Multi-attribute decision making (MCDA)

interchangeably used. Issues based MCDM usually associated with a set of options used is
based on the conflicting and inconsistent been evaluated to be word criterion (criterion) is

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 437

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

considered as a general term that the concepts of attributes (attribute) and goals (objectives)
(objective) is included from so many different aspects of MCDM can be divided into two
general classes: Multivariate decision making (MADM) multi-objective decision making
(MODM). In multivariate analysis, decision making (MADM) also select the best options,
the options seem to be appropriate, specified, or options to be ranked in a descending order of
priority and the options will be a priority. In decision models Multi Objective (MODM)
unlike linear programming (which has only one goal) are faced with multiple objectives.
Approaches based on MODM, the decision criteria (objective) and the decision variables are
laid Methods of MADM to the method of (simple additive weighting method), (value / utility
function approaches) and (analytical hierarchy process), (ideal point method) (concordance
methods) pointed out. Therefore, according to the description and purpose of this study, and
comparisons using weighted linear combination (WLC ), the operations can be assessed and
the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for weighting and fuzzy method (Fuzzy), was used
for standardization of criteria that describe each of these methods continue to be paid. The
availability of GIS and Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods allow combining
knowledge derived form different sources to support land use planning and management.

2.4 WLC (Weighted linear combination)

Weighted linear combination, or simple additive weighting, is based on the concept of a

weighted average in which continuous criteria are standardized to a common numeric range,
and then combined by means of a weighted average. This method is based on the weighted
average. This component is used as a compensatory models and scoring and scoring models
are subgroups. GIS overlay process for the combination of factors and limitations of a
method that uses weighted overlay process. The method can be executed using any GIS
system with overlay capabilities, and allows the evaluation criterion map layers to be
combined in order to determine the composite map layer which is output. SAW techniques
can using the GIS overlay capabilities are invested, are performed. The methods can be
implemented in both raster and vector GIS environments. Some GIS systems, e.g. Idrisi, have
built-in routines for the WLC method, and there are available freeware modules or scripts, e.g.
for ArcGIS to perform that kind of MCDA of this sort. The method of weighted linear
combination (WLC) in a GIS environment Operations can be assessed for urban development,
the WLC method is used. When the overall scores were calculated for all options, the option
is selected with the highest overall score. In this method for evaluating the value of each
alternative or option, or Ai following formula is used. Table (1) process weighted linear
combination method shows.

suitability Map = ∑[ foctor map ccn]* weight( wn) * constra int(bo / .1)

Cn: Cells by standard raster layer

Wn: Weights obtained from AHP method
B0/1: Restriction maps using Boolean

In this research, each criterion or sub criterion was weighing using pair wise comparison
method and to selecting the preferred criteria, the preference’s value table of the Saaty is used.
To ease the calculating of the weights in purpose of preference degrees and hierarchies the
Expert choice software was used. To applying the weighted linear combination (WLC)
method, the following steps were performed: Determining of evaluation criteria collection (in
form of map layers) and total score of each option

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 438

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Standardizing and converting of scale of values (evaluation criteria), Determining the

weight of criteria i.e. weight and relative importance of each criterion and layer information
Generation of weighting standardizing map layer Generation of final map usages and
determining of total score overlaying maps and union function on standardized weighing map

2.5 Normalization (standardization) with fuzzy

Set the suitability values of the factors to a common scale to make comparisons possible and
it is hard to compare different things. Most indicators have been different scales and they are
conflict with each other. Some indicators are positive aspects and some negative aspects.
Therefore, in order to compare the different scales of measurement should be no scaling
(normalization) can be used. Various indices, and significant sums are dimensionless and so
are classes that can be compared with them. Fuzzy Membership Functions are used to
standardize the criterion scores. The fuzzy membership values higher, higher compliance and
lower membership values, the lower their compliance. Among the known functions from the
Sigmoidal, Linear and J-Shape named. Another factor in determining the threshold is fuzzy
maps of standardization that they are called control points. Each of the functions in the
ArcGIS environment and then programming on any Map layers were applied.

2.6 AHP methods

There are many factors to be considered in making a decision on urban land use. Existing
methods are mostly qualitative and all factors are considered descriptive which cannot be
quantified therefore, it is difficult to analyze the integrated impact of all these factors.
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is considered an effective approach to quantify the
qualitative factors, thus the integrated impacts of these factors can be obtained in quantitative
terms. This method hierarchical process (AHP) was developed in 1980 by saaty. Weight
determined in accordance with this method compare to that of both criteria. The paired
comparison method to compare the relative importance of criteria in a continuum is divided
into 9 class .In this method, after identification criteria, must weigh the relative importance of
each criterion in relation to the desired target can be determined. AHP is a mathematical
method for determining the priority of the process and criteria in the evaluation process and
decision making. The main reason is that the AHP helps decision makers to a complex
problem into a hierarchical structure to break and then pay to solve it .The AHP analysis of
the nature of transparent and clear rationale for selecting the various options creates. Ease of
use and multilateral cooperation of the various methods, thinking, reasoning and the
efficiency and improves group decisions. In this study, the Consistency Ratio (CR) of the
matrix of paired comparisons is 0.06.

2.7 AHP Conceptual model pattern to Land Capability Assessment for Urban Land use
in GIS

In this conceptual model for finding the most suitable locations for new cities using weights
obtained from AHP method is presented in GIS software.

Conceptual model of decision-making process in the AHP model is done in 5 levels below
which includes:

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 439

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Level 1: The main objective of general hierarchy: finding the best location for the
establishment of new cities are at the highest level.

Level 2: determining of main criteria for selecting the suitable location of new cities:
Criterion 5 of the land form, climate, ground, environment and access-buffer has been

Level 3: determining of Sub-criteria: Level 3 includes the following 15 criteria that

included :Land(slope, elevation, aspect)Climate(mean rain mean
temperature),Ground(geology, soil),Environment(land use planning),Access-Buffer(river,
road and network transport ,industry, fault, earthquake).

Level 4: A three-storey scale: Given the different nature of their parameters, it is difficult to
compare them to the couple. Criteria to reduce the number of elements and a comparison of a
three-storey classification is used.(good, medium. poor)

Level 5: Different options for site selection: Modeling based on the total space allocated to
the regular networks and values for all criteria before they are calculated. Therefore, cell size
and area, a large number of candidate models is in place.

3. Results

3.1 Comparison of criteria weights

One of the important results of this study is related to criteria and weights that are obtained
according to experts and library studies. The criteria for earthquake prone areas, land use, soil
faults, geology and slope, respectively, have had more weight than other criteria for urban

3.2 The final model of WLC

Based on the weights and layers of a map created using the fuzzy method, the weighted linear
combination model for evaluation of urban development can be achieved. Therefore,
increasing the number of parameters and its implementation in other areas can be optimized
for the same conditions.

WLC:[earth] * 0.2373 + [re-ab3] * 0.0138 + [re-aspect3] * 0.0155 + [re-baran3] * 0.0274 +

[re-dem3] * 0.0095 + [re-disfalt3] * .1206 + [re-geo3] * 0.0725+ [re-karbari3] * .163 + [re-
sanayea] * .0225 + [re-slop3] * .059 + [re-soil3] * .2175 + [road-asli] * .0394

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Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Diagram 1: WLC and fuzzy method procedure for land capability assessment for urban land

Diagram 2: The hierarchal structure of assessing land capability for urban land use

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 441

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Table 1: Major criteria and minor criteria to locate new cities

Final Compare Main
weight Weight Sub-criteria Weight Goal
weight criteria criteria
0.0397 0.723 Good 0.055 slope L1 0.08 Land form
0.011825 0.215 Medium
0.00341 0.062 Poor
0.0068685 0.723 Good 0.0095 Elevation L2
0.00204 0.215 Medium
0.000589 0.062 Poor
0.0133775 0.723 Good 0.0185 Aspect L3
0.0039775 0.215 Medium
0.001147 0.062 Poor
0.0191596 0.723 Good 0.0265 Mean rain c1 0.033 Climate
0.0056975 0.215 Medium
0.001643 0.062 Poor

Assessing Land Capability for Urban Land use

0.0068685 0.723 Good 0.0095 Mean
0.0020425 0.215 Medium temparatureC2
0.000589 0.062 Poor
0.04807 0.723 Good 0.0665 Geology G1 0.290 Ground
0.01429 0.215 Medium
0.004123 0.062 Poor
0.1355 0.723 Good 0.1875 Soil G2
0.040312 0.215 Medium
0.011625 0.062 Poor
0.07772 0.723 Good 0.1075 LAND 0.163 Environment
0.02311 0.215 Medium USE E1
0.0066 0.062 Poor
0.01482 0.723 Good 0.0205 River A1 0.434 Access-
0.004407 0.215 Medium Buffers
0.001271 0.062 Poor
0.0307275 0.723 Good 0.0425 Road and
0.00913 0.215 Medium network
0.00263 0.062 Poor transport A2
0.020605 0.723 Good 0.0285 Industry A3
0.0061275 0.215 Medium
0.001767 0.062 Poor
0.1080 0.723 Good 0.1495 Fault A4
0.03214 0.215 Medium
0.00926 0.062 Poor
0.2013 0.723 Good 0.2785 Earthquake A5
0.05987 0.215 Medium
0.01726 0.062 Poor

4. Conclusion and discussion

The land suitability map was divided into five classes: most suitable, suitable, moderately
suitable, poorly suitable, and unsuitable. Table 4 shows that comparing between AHP and
WLC methods for the Urban Land use suitability and urban development. AHP method has
the highest percentage in the “Suitable” with 36.72% of the study area and WLC method, the
highest percentage in the’ Moderately suitable’ with 43.10% of study area. At both methods,
the lowest percentage of class is ‘Unsuitable’. The results show that the separation sub-zones

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 442

Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

that The AHP method, the largest area the sub-zones of the R4 and R10 is a poorly suitability
capability and Minimum Area, R11 and R10 sub-zone with the unsuitability capability.
The WLC method, the largest area under the R11 and R10 sub-zones with moderately
suitability and a minimum area of about R9 and R7 sub-zone capability is unsuitability.

R3 sub-zone, the results of both methods shows that the greatest area of
capability is unsuitable and Eastern and northeastern parts are not suitable for urban
development. In order to prioritize areas the final map, all of pixels, the Natural breaks
through class 5 very good, good, moderate, low and very low with the AHP method was
developed and applied in layers ultimately limits the fault, earthquake areas, slope,
forest ,height and privacy restrictions the final map of can be obtained through Boolean
methods. Overall, the watershed in terms of political divisions, Ghale tol district of the city
Baghmalek central part of urban development is the highest priority.

Table 2: Statistical analysis comparing between AHP and WLC methods for the urban land
use suitability map
class Area(hectare) Area (%)
Most suitable 10554 14076 20.7 27.33
Suitable 11024 18913 21.41 36.72
Moderately suitable 22221 11525 43.10 22.38
Poorly suitable 6455 4005 12.44 7.77
Unsuitable 1211 2990 2.35 5.8

Figure 4: The final urban development site selection map obtained from WLC method

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Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Figure 5: The final urban development site selection map obtained from AHP method

Figure 6: The final urban development site selection map obtained from Boolean method

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Volume 4 Issue 3, 2014
Comparison of Multi-criteria evaluation (AHP and WLC approaches) for land capability assessment of
urban development in GIS
Bamshad Shenavr, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini

Based on the model parameters in order to locate suitable areas for urban development in the
watershed zones was implemented Zard Khuzestan. The results show that the spatial
information system a great tool for analysis and planning support in space. The analysis and
results can be any of the following priority areas, the survey can be divided in two parts ie
each sub-watershed areas and the entire province has been zard. The results of this study
using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and WLC to evaluate the environmental
watershed level has been established. Can be used as a model of macro management in order
to in accordance with the development plan consistent with environmental principles and to
improve management policies used at the macro level. The most important issue in the
method used, proper selection of weights and optimum use of the data layers, so that lack of
proper weight in decision making despite the use of multiple data layers, the results will be
inappropriate to the times. GIS and WLC as analysis tools are valuable tools that can support
the decision makers to find best possible urban development sites. The GIS analysis requires
collecting data from different sources with different formats to create a complete uniform

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