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Mr. Hiep’s English Classes

Exercise 01:
1. He’ll have to buckle _______ to his work soon if he wants to pass his finals.
A. up B. in C. down D. for
2. His poor handling of the business _______ on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
3. After its engine failed, the small boat _______ with the current.
A. waved B. tossed C. hastened D. drifted
4. There is a rumor that the National Bank is going to _______ the company I work for.
A. take on B. overtake C. take over D. take off
5. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your _______ off your worries.
A. thoughts B. heart C. mind D. head
6. The government decided to _______ down on income tax evasion.
A. press B. crack C. push D. snap
7. If we _______ over the details, we’ll never finish filming this episode by today.
A. niggle B. discuss C. huddle D. mob
8. The Corporation is laying _______ a lot of money on building a new creation center.
A. down B. off C. into D. out
9. She’s decided to _______ her German by attending an evening course.
A. brush up B. patch up C. polish off D. dust off
10. I didn’t really want to go to the party, but I thought I’d better put _____ an appearance.
A. away B. in C. off D. on

Exercise 02:
1. Luckily, the rain ________ so we were able to play the match.
A. gave out B. got away C. went away D. held off
2. I don’t like the way that Jack is always trying to ________trouble between us.
A. dish out B. rub up C. stir up D. spark out
3. I am ________ with work at the moment.
A. snowed under B. piled up C. messed up D. knocked off
4. This scandal has ________ criticism raining down on Mr. Deby from all sides.
A. taken B. got C. brought D. made
5. I see a lot of people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be ________.
A. piling up B. bringing off C. coming off D. catching on
6. Do you think Dennis took the money?’ – ‘I wouldn’t ________ him.’
A. put it past B. think it through C. pass it over D. rub it up
7. Rather than take his time to think about the questions, the interviewee ________ out the first answer that came into his head.
A. blundered B. blurted C. bungled D. botched
8. Whenever there’s some, fresh scandal about the royal family, the public are always eager to ________ it up.
A. flap B. swish C. lap D. gulp
9. She’s one of those people who are always ________ and asking questions about other people’s private lives.
A. poking around B. digging up C. prying out D. spying on
10. The blue sundress set ________ her long blonde hair.
A. up B. off C. forth D. in

T h ầ y H i ệ p S Đ T : 0 9 0 6 1 1 5 1 7 1 Page 1 of 2
Exercise 03:
21. The weather seems to be ____________ up after heavy rains.
A. tuning B. improving C. picking D. bringing
22. Because of the controversy, he packs ____________ his job.
A. out B. in C. over D. up
23. I think she made ____________ the whole story.
A. up B. out C. up for D. to
24. We have a lot of financial difficulties, but at last, we carry it ____________.
A. out B. on C. off D. over
25. Ethan ____________ such a great deal of effort ____________ training for the marathon that it is a pity he broke his leg two
days before it took place.
A. wore/down B. carried/on C. set/off D. put/into
26. Rebecca ____________ on our conversation to tell us that James had just been rushed to hospital.
A. cut in B. faced up C. got ahead D. broke up
27. I waited in Time Square for Alfonzo for more than two hours, but he never ____________.
A. showed up B. hung around C. pulled off D. turned in
28. Isaac wishes that he could ____________ what he had said to Christina because he really upset her.
A. talk out B. take back C. throw up D. tell off
29. If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, I will ____________ with you later.
A. settle down B. settle up C. pay back D. pay up
30. For a whole month, Muslims ____________ eating and drinking during daylight hours.
A. abstain from B. keep from C. stay from D. stand from

Exercise 04:
1. Lack of sleep over the last few months is finally ____________ Jane.
A. catching up with B. getting on with C. coming over D. putting on
2. Despite all the interruptions, he ____________ with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed on
3. When the funds finally ____________, they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
4. We hadn’t ____________ there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane.
A. bargained on B. factored on C. counted with D. accounted with
5. We had arranged to meet at 8 o’clock but he didn’t ____________ until half an hour later.
A. show off B. stick up C. turn up D. put in
6. The dentist told me that when the effect of the anesthetic _________, l might feel a little pain. But it was more than a little.
A. dropped off B. went out C. wore off D. turned out
7. The sky is already dark. It must be ____________ for 8 o’clock.
A. closing on B. getting up C. getting on D. closing up
8. The plan to build a new motorway ____________, due to a lack, of money.
A. dropped off B. fell through C. dropped away D. fell away
9. Their predictions were not ____________ by subsequent events. In fact, the very opposite occurred.
A. carried out B. borne off C. borne out D. carried off
10. It’s been more than ten years since we had the living room ____________. I’m fed up looking at tit. Let’s redecorate it
A. made up B. counted up C. brought off D. done up

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