Large Business User Panel - Mobiles Questionnaire: Go To Question 2 Go To Question 1b

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Large Business User Panel - Mobiles Questionnaire

To feed into the Oftel review of prices of calls to mobiles, we would be grateful if you could spare the
time to complete the questionnaire below. Panel members are assured that any information they give
will be treated confidentially and will not be attributed to themselves or their company.

Once you have completed the form, please return it, by 8 January 2001 at the latest, to Melanie Smith,
Oftel, 50 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JJ (fax 020 7634 8757; e-mail:
In the meantime, please get in touch if you have any queries (020 7634 8741).

Thank you for your help.

1. Are all your company’s phones on the same network (BT Cellnet/Vodafone/Orange/
One2one, Dolphin)? please tick relevant box

Yes go to question 2

No go to question 1b

1b. How many mobile networks does your company use? please tick relevant box

Two networks go to question 2

Three networks go to question 2

Four networks go to question 2

Five networks go to question 2

2. Approximately what proportion of your company’s fixed telecoms bill is made up of

calls to its own mobiles? please tick relevant box

0-10% 51-75%

11-20% 76%+

21-50% Don’t know

all go to question 3

3. How important were the following factors when your company chose all of the mobile
network/s it currently uses? Please tick one box across the row for each factor

Very Fairly Not very Not at all Not

important important important important applicable
Good network coverage

That all your company’s mobile

phones were on the same network

That your mobile phones were on

the same network as your main

Price of rental

Price of handsets

Customer service

Price of subscription

Price for your company to call its

own mobile phones from its fixed

Price for your company to call its

own mobile phones from its
mobile phones

Price for others

(suppliers/customers) to call your
company’s mobile phones from
their fixed phones

Price for others

(suppliers/customers) to call your
company’s mobile phones from
their mobile phones

Price of additional billing features

(eg itemised or individual billing)

all go to question 4

4. How satisfied is your company with its mobile phone service on …? Please tick one box
across the row for each factor

Very Fairly Not very Not at all Not

satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied applicable
Price for your company to call its
own mobile phones from its fixed

Prices for your company to call its

own mobile phones from its
mobile phones

Price for others

(suppliers/customers) to call your
company’s mobile phones from
their fixed phones

Price for others

(suppliers/customers) to call your
company’s mobile phones from
their mobile phones

Price of handsets

Price of line rental

Price of subscription

Network coverage

Customer service

Price of additional billing features

(eg itemised or individual billing)

all go to question 5

5. Which, if any, of the following steps have or would your company consider taking to
reduce the price for your company to call its own mobile phones? Please tick one box across the
row for each factor
Have already Would consider Would not
taken this step taking this step consider taking
this step
Using private wires/leased lines
(connecting companies’ private exchanges
(PBXs) to a mobile network allowing
companies to make and receive calls to and
from mobiles on that network without paying a
fixed line operator to carry that call to/from the
mobile network)

Using mobile to mobile adaptations

(giving companies radio links to a mobile
network allowing companies to call from fixed
phones to mobile phones for the price of a
mobile to mobile call which might be cheaper if
the mobile phones are on the same network)

Changing network

Employees using company mobiles (rather

than fixed line phones) to call fellow
employees on their mobiles, perhaps
because calling from a mobile on the same
network is cheaper than calling from a
fixed line

Negotiating your tariff with your network

Encouraging employees to keep calls to

company mobiles short/perhaps arranging
to discuss detail later when they are not on
their mobiles

Encouraging employees to call the

company’s mobiles at times when these
calls are cheapest

Having all the company’s mobile phones

on the same network

Using some other method (please write

method on line below and tick relevant box
across the row)


all go to question 6

6. Which if any of the following steps have or would you consider taking to reduce the
price for others (suppliers/customers) to call your company’s mobiles? Please tick one box across
the row for each factor

Have already Would consider Would not

taken this step taking this step consider taking
this step
Changing network

Employees keeping calls from

suppliers/customers short/perhaps
arranging to discuss detail later when they
are not on their mobile phones

Encouraging suppliers/customers to call

you at times when the calls to your mobile
are cheapest

Being on the same network as


Employees calling suppliers/customers

back immediately after they have called
you so that your company pays for the call

Your company offering a local rate or

freephone number, so that the person
calling only has to pay for a local call (or
the call is free) even if the person they wish
to speak to is on a mobile

Using some other method (please write

method on line below and tick relevant box
across the row)


Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Please return it, by 8 January 2001 at the latest, to: -

Melanie Smith
50 Ludgate Hill
London EC4M 7JJ

Fax: 020 7634 8757

Phone: 020 7634 8741 (queries)

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