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Coaching Philosophy

My philosophy while coaching is that when the season is over, I want my players to not
only become better people but better at the sport than when we first started the season. Teach
them the proper way to take care of their bodies while playing sports. I coach every year,
whether it's basketball or soccer, and every year I sign up to coach a team. My love for it grows
stronger every time as I improve as a coach each season. The players are not only learning
something from me but are also allowing me to learn from them and become the coach I need
to be. There are many reasons I coach, and there isn't just one that sticks out to me more
because they are all crucial. I love helping people learn new things or helping them perfect a
craft they enjoy. I also love sports dearly, thus, making me quite competitive. After the season
is over you realize you just helped a group/team of kids become better overall athletes and
people which makes me overjoyed because I value everything from athletics, it is my life.
Athletics is where you meet new friends, a place you can become competitive, become
healthier, it's amazing to see your own/one’s development in a sport and win.

My coaching style is an approach I take that comes naturally. I try to become close with
my players, and although I am 21 I still look very youthful, which allows the kids to treat me as
their coach and friend. I try not to be super strict and only try to create an environment where
the kids feel comfortable and know that we are all a team. When kids are comfortable then they
play better and learn better. I also love when kids make mistakes because that's how you get
better at something. I don't yell at my kids when they mess up or sub them off, rather I just tell
them how to approach the same situation differently or what they can do to avoid the mistake
they made. The environment is usually friendly but also competitive. Without competition then
you won't get better, you need someone pushing you to get better. I think the kids on my team
can tell I care about them and that I want them to succeed. I am always giving them advice,
especially on things I didn't know growing up. One thing I always emphasize to my team is how
to eat and stretch properly or it will come back to bite you in the future. As for officials, I always
show the officials kindness as I was once an official and know how hard it is and the pressure
that comes with it. I obviously will be mad over a bad call; however, I will always let the officials
know how thankful I am they reffed that game as I have a lot of respect for them. For
opponents, I always show respect. Same as when I play a sport, its competitiveness while
playing but after the game, it's the utmost respect.

My coaching style with the NYS Athletic Framework Mission Statement in many ways. I
don't yell at my kids, I let them be themselves while playing and in practice. I correct them and
give them feedback on things they can do differently in situations but I let them be themselves
on and off the court. This helps people build character instead of turning them into robots by
being a super strict coach. I let them create their behaviors, character, and civility. I don't try to
turn them into a personally they're not. I don't let them get away with being rude or having bad
sportsmanship, but I let them get competitive and be themselves. I also constantly preach how
important it is to be good teammates to each other and polite to the officials. I do not tolerate it if
my team shows poor sportsmanship towards the official, their teammates, or the opposing team.
Coaching is something I love to do and plan to continue doing for the rest of my life. I
want my team to get better at their skillset than when the season first started. Sometimes I can
tell when the kid doesn't enjoy the sport and just does it because their parent makes them. But I
still try to give them good value, being teaching them other things like sportsmanship and
healthy habits. I hope that my teams can learn a few things from me over the course of the
season and hopefully things they will use for the rest of their lives.

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