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Nuts that
can save
your life
locks are the
AIR SHE IS - Diane Witt, a beautiful

H brunettewhoseRapunzel-like locksstretch
12 feet eight Inchesfrom headto whoa!
There's no splitting hairs when it comes to who's
the best-tressed woman in the Guinness Book of
Records. It's delightful Diane who's head and shoul-
ders above the competi-
tion. by JENNY LYNN.
The lush locks are a sci-
entific marvel. fun and versatile," says
Many experts believed Diane from Boston.
such growth spurts were The aspiring actress
impossible. usually keeps her hair
But every time she lets piled high upon her head.
down her hair, Diane sets Remarkably, her crown-
a new record. ing glory is kept in place
Tressesflow with just a pair of pins.
Diane's family lends a
The five-footseven-inch hand when it's time for
model last cut her luxuri- hair conditioning because
ous locks in 1981. Over 18 shampooing and combing
inches of the thick stuff can take several hours.
were trimmed away to Imagination
leave her famous hair
floor-length. Then it takes a braidy
But 13 years later, Di- bunch of people to get the
ane has to watch where lovely hair wrapped just
she walks because the in- right, piled and pinned • DIANE LAST cut her hair In 1981and now has the world'slongestlocks
credible tresses floy.,be- back on its precarious
hind just like a long perch. legacy will live on for a act. So what does Diane she says with a sexy
bridal train. The joint effort makes long do with her long locks at smile. "It's a special
e DIANE'S LUSH locks "I just keep growing it Diane a living family However, the hallowed bedtime? "I'll leave that boudoir secret I have."
are a scientific marvel because long hair is sexy, hairloom. It's certain hair hair often gets into the up to your imagination," Nice brush off, Diane.

A COMPUTERHAS killed five men and Is now SUN STORYby BILL ISLAND should die on the dates that he has specified,"
about to claim Its sixth victim - the very man who aya Sargeant Malcolm Davies. "I just can't be-
programmed the machine monster. me," says Arthur. "I had no Idea It would all come Have his story about a demon computer. I don't
As an April Fool's joke, Arthur Rubella pro- true." havemuch faith In the paranonnal. I trust In good
grammed his computer to predict the time and day One by one, his doomed friends paued on. One old Instinct - and my gut feelingla thathe bumped
of death for five of his friends. drowned after knocking himself unconlCloua div- off his buddies."
ing Into the shallow end of his pool. One washit by But Arthur argues that he hadablolutelyno mo-
Doomed friends a drunk driver and another was fatally shot In a tive to do away with them.
When he showed them what he had done, they hunting accident "I loved those guys Hicebrother'a," says. ''The
all had a good laugh - but were soon fearing for The only man not to die on his fateful day flung fact that I was seen In the vicinityIn ch of their
their lives when Gordon Padgham, 35, dropped himself from a suspension bridge rather than wait deaths doesn't mean a thl I theirfriend."
dead of a heart attack at the exact hour that Arthur to face an unknown - and perhapsmore horrible For now, Arthur waits for of doom. "It's
had programmed. -end. ThepoliceIn Darwin,Australia have stepped only a couple of weelca ya, terrified.
"I thought it would be funny if the computer pre- In and arrestedArthur for the deaths. "Maybe I'll be safe In JalL1'111
•~indtKt by bars
dicted an early death for each of them, Including "It's too much of a coincidence that these men and guards. What could go re?"

2 - SUN - February 15, 1994 •

,Hy'-nosis takes
man back to
'-rehistoric ag!
wiped out the Earth's di-
nosaurs, according to
someone who should
know - a dinosaur rein-
carnated In the form of a
modem man.
The sensational regres-
sion took Levi Johnson
way back to a past life as
a plesiosaurus, a long-
necked creature that lived
in water. He vividly re-
called watching his fellow
dinosaurs dying off from
a mysterious virus that eLEVI OFFERSexciting
spread like wildfire from proof of real reason di- eEVEN THOUGHLevi waslooking at the world through dinosaur~ he could understandwhatwasgoing on
one beast to another. nosaurs becameextinct
world through dinosaur
Infertile tell me what's going on eyes, he could understand
The giants who sur-
around him.
"It was a terribly sad
vived the virus were left time. These giant beasts
infertile and incapable of were suddenly laid low by
what was going on.
Levi says everyone can
kill off their global warm-
reproducing. some sort of 'foul air' as
"Levi offers exciting Levi described it under
proof not only of reincar- hypnosis."
ing and giant meteor the-
ories of extinction.
"We died from an invis-
ible killer that we
floodwaterinto cash
nation, but of the real rea- Levi began visiting Dr. WHEN TEN-YEAR-OLD Paul
son why dinosaurs became Coxe after having weird breathed into our lungs," SUN STORY by DEAN JAMES
extinct," says psychologist dreams. Levi would bolt he says. "No one was safe. llpton scooped floodwaterInto a
Brandon Coxe,who's been out of bed after seeing It affected those ofus liv- bucket, little did he know he'd But the young entrepreneur
working with the 34-year-- himself as someone else. ing in water as well as make $500 In the next from St. Charles wasn't out
old Colorado truck driver those living on land. few days - by selling just to make a buck. Two-
In each dream, the
for the past three months. Denver bachelor was
"His soul has survived someone else from a dif-
Youngones the muddy water at thirds of the profits on the
"Half of my family died $7.50 an ounce. $15 souvenirs go to the Red
for millions of years. But ferent era in history.
even I was shocked to "I was men, women and quickly. The rest of us The Missouri boy ·o Cross and the Salvatlon
learn it once inhabited a even children - it was dri- were lucky enough to sur- Intended to send a bit Army. Even so, he hasn't
dinosaur. ving me nuts," says Levi. vive the convulsions that of It to his grandmother escaped the stigma
"My patient has been "I had a nagging feeling accompanied the awful after the horrendous that's associated with
able to look through that these were more than smell. But we never had floods of 1993. And then a those who sell sou-
poor creature's eyes and dreams. young ones after that. thought came to him: ven lrs after disas-
"Everything and every- "We were doomed to Would people buy it if it
grow old and die. There ters. One day Paul
one was so recognizable. were packaged right? was selling the flood
I was certain I'd been in were three other crea-
those places. I thought tures still living when I Within days, Paul and his bottles under the Arch
Dr. Coxe could help me died a,nd they were on five-year-old brother had sold and experienced It firsthand.
get some rest. their way out as well." 100 of his commemorative sou- "I was ragged out by a man
"I never dreamed I'd Dr. Coxe has helped venirs - two-ounce bottles of who thought I was taking ad-
find out I once roamed the Levi with his haunting Missouri rlverwater glued on a vantage of the flood victims,"
earth as a dinosaur!" dreams. But at the same marble base under a small repli- says Paul. "That really hurt my
Hypnosis helped Levi time, the psychologist can
regress to the Mesozoic bring the fascinating past ca of the St. Louis Arch. feelings. The first thing on my
"When, haveyou been all era when his doomedfam- back to the present "I just couldn't go to steep the mind was to give some money
day? I've been lookingall ily last lived. Even though through deep hypnosis. night I thought of It," says Paul. to the people who need It."
over the place for you." he was looking at the -WILUAII ROCK
February 15, 1994 - SUN - 3
A YOUNG MAN with a death wish stunned
hospital officials when he calmly opened up the
window to his sixth floor room, stepped outside
on the ledge clutching a book - and then leapt

to his death
Into space.
Seconds later, 29-year-old Ampol Saenpinit hit
the pavement with a sickening thud and his brains
were splattered all over the sidewalk.
The suicide plunge by VIC KR/STOL
happened so quickly
PUSH-UPSCANMAKE that it took officials at
the Bang Khunthian
Hospital in Bangkok,
suicide leaper is seen
tearing sheets from his
book while another pa-

YOUBEi IER AT SEX Thailand completely by

Incredibly, a photog-
tient on the floor below
pleads with him not to
jump. But, instead, the
IF YOU WANT the by DEAN JAMES Increase In testos- rapher across the street distraught man drops
secret to great sex, terone has the sameef. caught the life-and- the book, clasps his
then try a few push- feet on women as on death drama on film - hands in front of his "lly daughterwill be
ups as foreplay. men." as these pictures show. chest as if praying- and right down. Want to
According to ex- In the first photo, the plunges to his death. watch a movie or two?"
perts, exercise just be-
fore sex ls the key to
better blood circula-
tion and muscle tone.
"A man's erection
depends on blood cir-
culation," explains
James White, former
professor of physical
education at the Uni-
versity of C&IHomlaat
San Diego.
"Vaginal lubrlcatlon
and the swelling of the
clitoris are enhanced
by increased blood

4 - SUN - February 15, 1994

b~I~~~ Fa~~Ab~~ob:fJ~
like men and growing
mustaches and even hair
on their chests - because
of their excessive •
weightliftingroutines. _b_y_s_a_NN_Y_Fi_a_m_"Al_'H_'E~I
-I first sign of this is when
That's the stunning their breasts begin to
conclusion of a panel of op massive arms and shrink. "And many of them
top sports doctors who chests and start to look can't bear children be-
say the bodybuilding like men - and that's be-
cause their reproductive
craze has stripped cause they're really mas-
culine in some ways. systems are thrown out of
many female athletes
of their feminine hor- "This is a very serious balance."
matter that is not being Different
spoken about. What's Bliss and other experts
Disaster happening is that the say moderate exercise is
strenuous weightlifting is fine but building massive
"It's a crying shame causing a hormonal im- muscles just isn't meant
what's happening to these balance in these female for females.
young girls in gyms all athletes.
over the United States," "Nowadays, many wo-
"Their estrogen levels
says Dr. Robert Bliss. are being depleted and men every
want to be equal in
way t.omen. But na-
"They think that they they are experiencing a ture just
are doing a good thing by massive increase in tes- that way,"didn't plan it
says Dr. Fred
engaging in vigorous tosterone, the male hor- Winer.
weightlifting training, but mone.
the true results are dis- "In effect, they are be- "Men and women are
astrous. coming men without hav- basically different - and
"After pumping up for 'Vive la difference,' as
ing to go through a sex- they
change operation. The say in France."
a few months, they devel-
WHATA PLACETO Despite the warnings of
the blue-ribbon panel,
many girl bodybuilders

STASHTHECASH like Gloria DeRitzes of

Chicago say they're not
going to give up pumping
A ROBBERYSUSPECT with his hands cuffed be-
hind his back mystified police when he admitted to "It's a new day, baby,"
stashinq cash under the front seat of the squad car says Gloria, 32. "No one
hewasm. can tell women anymore
"He must be ambidex- l by BILL ISLAND I how they have to look or
trous or something," behave. Ifl want to have
says Officer Bob Bieniek seat of the squad car. a muscled body, that's my TYLADYw/11
of Willingboro Town- "While in handcuffs he business. never look
ship, New Jersey. was able to remove the "I don't care what any mascullne but
money from his person doctors say. Besides, all other female
Pickedup and put it under the those so-calledexperts are weight-lifters
According to police, front seat of the patrol all men. are beginning
Jeffrey Waters, 31, held car,"says baffled Officer "And I'm sure they're to grow mus-
up a convenience store Bieniek. threatened by women like taches
clerk at gunpoint and Wa_tersis being held me who look good and can
demanded money. OD $8,500 bail. kick their butts."
The clerk handed over
$50 and called police,
giving them a descrip-
tion of the suspect.
Township officer Wes-
Angryover·haircut,man destroysbarbershop
ley Hardy picked up Wa- ANANGRY22-year-old man cut. Police in Hengelo,Nether- becausehe'd asked for a slight returned with vlslbly shorter
ters a few blocks away broke Into a barbershop late at lands say the man caused an trim - and the barber chopped hair and demanded a refund.
and returned him to the night and smashed all the mir- estimated $50,000damage. A off 12 inches. Stylist Marty "The man was a bit crazy,"
store for a positive ID. rors, chairs and sinks - be- suspect later confessed. He Asslnk says he gave him a reg- says Marty. "He wanted his
Police later found the cause he'd gotten a lousy hair- told police he was unhappy ular haircut and later the man hair put back on his head."
$50 stashed under the
February 15, 1994-SUN-5
girls wait for
tourists on Ma/a-
in Havana,


FIDEL CASTROand his crackpotCommunistgov-

ernmenthavefouledup Cuba'seconomyso badlythat
thousandsof decent young glrls have become pros-
titutes so they can feed their families.
'Tourists who've recently visited Cuba say the streets of Ha-
vana are lined with hordes of
hookers displaying their by SONNY FONTAINE
. beautiful assets for all to see.
The bottom line is that the pesos, and she puts food on
desperate young women will the table."
do anything to get their hands business Prostitution used to be big
in Cuba during the
on some hard currency. 1940s when Havana was a fa-
Skin-tigirt vorite playground for jetset-
So they stand on stree cor:. ters and Mafia gangsters.
ners during the day in skimpy power When Fidel Castro came to
in 1959, he promised
attire and parade around the to wipe it out because it was
discos and hotel lobbies at an evil offshoot of capitalism.
night in skin-tight dresses,
trying to entice foreign Desperate
tourists to buy their wares. But now that the Cuban
Many of the hookers, some economyis hopelessly broken • ROEL CASTROhas fouled
as young as 16, come from down under Castro's iron up the Cuban economy so
good h omes. hand, many of his nation's badly that young girls must
But out of devotion to their finest young women have tak- se/1themselvesto stay alive
families, they turn to prosti- en up the trade that Fidel 1-
tution to help make ends promised to banish. me become a prostitute. Once ~
meet. "There's nothing else we we get him out of power, I f,l
"My daughter is a prosti- can do," says Maria, an olive- want to go back to school and~
tute," admits Felipe, a proud skinned 19-year-old beauty. become a doctor. o.
plumber in his 50s. "People here are desperate "But for now I have to sell ~
"But what can I tell her? I for money. myself to help my family stay !
can't support my family with "I hate Castro for making alive." u L-,1_.___~.....___..s:;;__a:.-........,:_=--'---'--------------"'•


IT SEEMS a doggone shame, by SUZANNESTYLES

but bulldozers had to be called
in to dig up the grave of a dog be buried in a cemetery meant
which was lovingly buried in a for humans.
human cemetery by her owners. So, on a cold winter's day,
Willis Payne had buried the Chippy Sue's owner, Willis, lent
family pet, a dog named Chippy a helping hand as her grave was
Sue, between plots purchased exhumed.
for him and his wife. Rest in peace, Chippy Sue.
Chippy Sue died in 1991 and ~=====-11111111111111111111111111111
had rested in peace for over two

years at the Huntsville Ceme-
tery in Huntsville, Ohio. = Sun spot
I But her eternal sleep was in- §
I Conceit Is a strange dis-
i• WILLISPAYNE( right) and David Reames remove the remains of ChippySue
terrupted after a court order
was issued, saying she couldn't
§ ease.
I h makes everyone sick
except the one who has It.
.._ _________ _

l 18- SUN - February 15, 1994

GIRL,14, D
THE TINY frail patient
has slipped into memo-
ry-robbing senility and
will live out her last days

at the care
rant bliss.
cloud of igno-
facility in a her·10
Her face is deeply wrin-
kled and her walk is su-
per slow, but Ma Xing
isn't the ailing 70-year-old
woman she appears to be.
The pitiful patient is ac-
tually a teenage victim of
the cruel aging disease
known as progeria.
Ma was just three years
old when her fearful fam-
ily could no longer handle
her rare condition and
callously abandoned the
sickly child in a public toi-
let in Shanghai, China.
She's been in the spe-
cial home for children e THE CARING COUNSELORS feel It's never too
ever since. But experts late to teach the old-looking child new tricks
don't expect her to be
there much longer. out skin pores, so she
Despite her youth, Ma must bathe often to keep
is dying of old age. It's a her body from overheat-
sad fact that most proge- and weighs a wispy 23 ing.
ria patients don't live to pounds. eMA XING Is a teenage victim of the cruel aging disease known as progeria
see out their teens. The Counselors keep a close Coolestbunk several classes and has year-old, it's enough to
average age of death is a
heartbreaking 15.
Watching the girl strug-
watch on Ma because her The progeria victim has
bones are brittle. The the coolest bunk and
slightest jostling by the wears anti-skid shoes to
developed a love for sing-
She's capable of dress-
make her empty life seem
a bit fuller.
Ma's sad tale is about to
gle with her daily routine
is enough to bring t.ears to
healthier kids could do help keep her on her feet.
major damage. The caring counselors_
ing herself and keeping
her little bed neatly made.
come to an end, but her
smile will remain behind
the eyes of the strongest
man. She stands a slight
Ma also needs extra feel it's never too late to
special care. The dreadful teach the old-lookingchild
It may not sound like
much. But to a girl with
with those who had the
opportunity to work with
threefeet, four inches tall disease has left her with- new tricks. Ma attends the intelligence of a three- the uncomplaining child. A FAMILY'S SHEEP-
DOG proved that dog
is man·s best friend

Millions of Americans suffer from

MILLIONS OF Americans find it
when he licked the
faces of a deaf couple
to alert them to a fire
in their house.

restless leg syndrome

hard to stay in one place for long pe-
riods because they suffer from a
bizarre medical condition
Thanks to their dog.
hearing-impaired Pat-
rick and Tammy Gal-
called Restless Leg Syn- ine the legs, kicking, walking, and that was it," she says. "I lagher and their two
drome. or jumping up and down tem- could stay in bed for two hours sons made it out alive.
They can't sleep more than a porarily relieves the feeling. and that was it. I was sleepy "Within a minute. the
few hours a night, or sit, work vary from patient to patient, Bedtime is the most co11Q11onbut I had to get up and walk." whole top floor was en-
or ride in a car for more than but most describe an unpleas- time for the creepy-crawly syn- The condition can sometimes gulfed by flames ... says
an hour because their legs ant feeling in their legs like drome to strike. be treated with medications, in- neighbor Albert Fal-
refuse to remain still. "something is crawling or Juanita Therrell, who's had cluding Valium, levadopa and cioni. "Within two min-
Symptoms of the disorder creeping under the skin." Mov- the condition for 20 years, was opiates, but the side effects are utes. windows started
popping out.··
in her late 30s when she first sometimes as bad as the condi- Authorities in Car-
FOUR HIGHSCHOOLgirls got second and third-
degree bums on their backsides when they tried
felt the "terrible, terrible rest- tion. It's also difficult to diag-
lessness" in her legs at night nose. "You can't see it,,, says
negie. Pennsylvania
ROSY longest.
to see who could sit on blocks of dry ice the
The stunt was part of a pep rally at SIi-
and whenever she had to sit for Therrell of Bellevue, Washing-
ruled the blaze acci•
dental and said its ori-
an extended period. ton. "Youcan't X-ray it and you
verton Union High School in Oregon.
"I could sit about one hour can't test it in a lab."
gin was electrical.

February 15, 1994- SUN -19

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24- SUN - February 15, 1994 L--------------------------------------J


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26- SUN - February 15, 1994

-- ......................................................................

GIE MARTINEZ sprouted nearly two feet In less than three days
when her absent-minded doctor left her strapped to his back-
~ tretching machine.
The now lanky lady went from a pudgy four feet 11 inches to a towering six
feet nine inches in just 64 hours, thanks to her daffy doc's goof. Angry Ang-
ie says she was in awful pain the entire time.
"I kept waiting for him or a nurse to return and let me loose, but no one came,"
saysthe peeved 56-year-old patient. "Af- I
ter several hours it felt like the machine _ SUN STORY by JENNY LYNN
was tearing me apart.
"It kept stretching and stretching un- mad at me. rve cured her back pains and
til I thought my back would snap. I was her weight problem all in one weekend."
numb from head to toe by the time the But Angie isn't satisfied by any stretch
doctor came back in Monday morning of the imagination - and she's suing.
and found me." The numbness has disappeared, but
she now has to buy an entirely new
Goodfaith wardrobe. Instead of short and chunky,
Dr. Carmello de Hoya completely for- she's turned tall and spindly.
aotabout his last patient of the week. shoes,""The only things that still fit are my
He was in a hurry to catch a plane to ter, but she says. "My back may feel bet-
LasVegas and raced out of his office in I've developed an awful ache in
MexicoCity without first releasing Ang- the wallet.
ie from her torturous traction. "Everyone looks at me like rm a freak.
The doctor has apologized for his ma- My husband Lester has been nice about
jor mistake and as a show of good faith the mess, but it must have been a shock
won't charge Angie for her regular $100 to find his wife had been transformed
aession. into a bean pole.
"She grew close to two feet, but other "I think Dr. de Hoya owes me more
than that suffered no lasting damage," than a free session on that torture rack.
18.ys Dr. de Hoya "In fact, her back trou- Only by God's grace did I survive that
blesare completely straightened out. weekend in Hell without being crippled
"She should be happy with me, not for life."
,-.-,checkthis out Hubby Lester thought his wife had
gone to visit her sister after her treat-
A BRITISHBUSINESSMAN tookhis ment. He was speechless when she came
bankmanagerout to lunch and was home Monday morning a stretched-out
charged$220for the man'stime. shell of her former full-figured self.
ChrisReddallreceivedhis month- Experts say Angie may shrink a bit
ly bankstatementandwasstaggered in time, but she'll never get back to her
to see an extrachargefor two hours normal height. She's been suffering
and40 minutesof themanager's time. headaches since her stretch on the trac-
Anunrepentant spokesman for Bar- tion contraption because she keeps
clay's Bank In London said: "Our bumping her head on things.
managerhad to read up on the flle Dr. de Hoya will remember the screw
before lunch and spenda lot of time up that shrank his income. He's been
doingpaperworkafterwards." slapped with a six-month suspension by
a government medical commission. • ANGIE USED to be shorter than Lester (Inset) but now towers over him
February 15, 1994 - SUN - 27

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28 - SUN - February 15, 1994
~. GARUc. L-~~!!:!:::e~~~u
AMERICA'S GULF War vets came marching home as con-

querlng heroes, but Saddam Hussein may have the last

laugh because there's shocking new proof the Iraqi mad-
man was able to smuggle a deadly plague Into America I
Pl ggled
with returning U.S. troops.
The killer disease, which so closely resem-
bles a particularly nasty strain of the flu, was
brou~ht ba~k hidden among mountains of aguesmu ID

ftghting eqwpment.
Army intelligence sources say the highly
contagious disease_ wa~ sprayed upon the
weaponry and has since infected anyone who
came in contact with it. Because of the flu-

withGuIf Warvets
like symptoms, it's possi-
ble thousands of cases of
the so-called Saddam's
Sickness have been mis-
diagnosed by unsuspect-
ing doctors.
Government officials
arein a state of panic be-
cause the super-conta-
sious killer could easily
apread like wildfire across
Researchers recently
eatimated that as much
u half the population will
be feeling the effects of
the normal flu bugs that
have besieged America. e TOP SCIENTISTSsay the worst Is yet to come if
But top scientists say Saddam'sSickness continuesunchecked
theworst is yet to come if loose. Emergency workers tween Saddam's Sickness
Saddam's Sickness con- are readying top-secret and the flu is a bright red
tinues unchecked. e THE DREADED disease was smuggled to the U.S. on tainted equipment isolation warehouses for rash that develops on the
•Jt's a scary scenario the thousands of victims victim's chest.
becausewe're now deal- with a vaccine for this hung for his decision to they expect to quarantine
Ing with a flu that's actu- by WILUAM ROCK
modem-day plague. Reg- unleash this plague on by month's encl Monthleft
alfy a horrible killer in ular flu shots have no ef- his enemies. Millions "We believe Saddam's "Our lab workers have
disguise," says Dr. Xiao overworked doctors to iso- fect on the virus. could die by the time we Sickness is potentially never seen such a fast-
Ping, who's been moni- late the victims of Sad-
"There's nothing avail- develop a way to fight more dangerous than multiplying germ like this
toring this year's flu hot dam's Sickness. able to fight this horrible it." AIDS," says a source at one. We figure we have
IJ)Ots from Beijing, Chi- Many sufferers are be-
germ," says Dr. Karl Top-ranking officials about a month to bring it
ing treated for the flu in- Kirchdoefer, who's head- are desperately trying to the World Health Orga- under control.
•1t appears the Iraqis stead of the killer germ ing a team of German re- keep a lid on this horri- "Right now, the best "If we don't, the Amer-
rted to germ warfare that has infected their searchers. fying plague. way to fight its spread is ican population could be
qainst the UN forces throats and lungs. "I watched several They fear there could to isolate all the victims. decimated.
during the Gulf War. A team of the world's tough soldiers laid to be panic in the streets if "And from what we've "The other nations of
Start truth top scientists is working waste by this awful dis- the public learns there's seen so far, the only dif- the world will start drop-
-Tue American and al- feverishly to come up ease. "Saddam should be an unseen killer on the ference in symptoms be- ping like dominoes."
lied equipment was in-
tentionally contaminat-
ed by Saddam's agents.
Manyof the cases of this
ftu-like illness have
THE PASSAGEof time may scattered through coughing
cropped up in the U.S. be the best prescription for PRESCRIPTION
THEFLU and sneezing.
"'Iraqi scientists took a weathering the flu, but there til the flu has run its course or ing the aches and pains of the The experts say you should
,train of the common flu are other ways to make the you may end up with a relapse. various strains, it is important see a doctor if you have:
and added a deadly germ nasty virus more bearable. J.-""Keepthe liquids flowing. to know if it's really the flu that • difficulty breathing or
that heightens the effects Top medical institutions, in- Sufferers need plenty of flu- has got a grip on you, or per- chest pains while breathing
to the point where it be- cluding the Mayo Clinic and ids. Top choices include herb haps it is an associated sick- • lightheadedness and feel
oomesa powerful killer." the American Medical Associ-· like fainting
Doctors were at first ation, annually offer valuable teas, warm broths and good, ness such as a cold or pneu-
perplexed by the mysteri- old chicken soup. monia. • a temperature of 101 or
illness. But finally af- tips on how to fight the frus- Attack the symptoms. Non-
J.-1"' The influenza viruses - more
r two years of intense trating effects of the super- aspirin pain killers can ease the both A and B types - love to • awful ear pains
_.,._.,.,.,.h,they've come up contagious illness. hurt and break the fever. When attack your nose, throat, • rusty-colored or greenish
th the startling truth. J.o"'Bedrest is the best way to chills strike, bundle up. Try a bronchial tubes and lungs. sputum
The peak period of the handle the aches, pains and ex- cough syrup with an expecto- A recent Mayo Clinic Health • a nasal discharge that's
season has begun and haustion that accompanies the rant when congestion strikes. Letter says the nasty virus is foul-smelling or greenish-yel-
t makes it difficult for flu. Stay under the covers un- With half the population feel- passed in the tiny droplets low.
February 15, 1994- SUN - 29
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Mllldwn, ON. L3R 'NI, Canada. WliOLESAI.EBAIIOAINS,hebltt, give- NEVER-ENDING Cash flow! Secrets FREE SAMPLES,Whle Crosses, $11.00 $17.49 for 80 day tupply: 01-,a HH!tll (803)448 4836.
closeola. 90%uw,gs:Wholasala, revealedfree!: 1-(800)236 9122. per thousand:l-{800) 833'076. Plan, PO Box43-200,Chicago, IL 80643.
BIIOAOWAYARTS! Large corporation aways, Box 5148&-GM,Ontario,CA 91781. ------''---"c;.;.._;_;;_ ___ , WOW! SENSUALpower1 Trflll estrogen 0< LOAtJS AtJD FlrJArJCIAL
Mtda glass beadedearring assemblers. HOMEIIPORT rnalotdtr ~- Start FREE MONEYMAKING catalog! Reveals GET THIN Stay Thin, lose 5-10 Iba. per teatoaterone. $10.00.Other lonnulas, cata- OPPORTUrJITIES
No experience necHnry. Send self•
"' F oulstanding homt-bued businessopportu- ~ ~ F_,. dieliclln'a rw- log, $2.00: LIFE, Box 1,40424,Edgewater,
acldrnaed, stamped envelope to: San wIthout ca.,.tal. rH report Mellinger, nitiesl Survivehard tirnes1(HL.w!yl): GNPG, olutionarywegol loll program. 4 Mtk PIO- CO80214. OVERDUEBILLS? Bed crtdll's no prob-
l'tandlcoJewllry,Inc., C.S. 8014-G, San Dept.C1862,Woocland His, CA 91367. JunctionCity,CA 98048-0100. grtm $19.95,8 WIN!k program$34.85.(Add c=REJUVE~-'i'::,CNA'-,TING=-,-,-,-HE,.......-RB_healed
__ every
__ aait- leml Licensed/Bonded. Appllcallons to
IWlll,CA94912. $5.00 IO<rush delwly.) Mai: Cash,died<, ,-,ci· SOMA. Box Bbd. MS39533 $50,000.00. Not a loin company: MC,
EARNINGSUNUlolTEDI Mailour burglar MONEYFR011The governmentto finance 1040• • Dept.B14, Box35500, PhotnlX,,.:Z.85069;
tt• WEEKLY!MaJ11ng our reports. Frw alarm advertisements from home!: ABM your business. Rtquesl frff Information!: moneyorder. Nu-W~ 1266 West Paces •
~ IBME, Box 721169,Houston,TX Men:handising.Box 59314-G,Chicago, IL SBG atc-61, 2235 32nd Avenue, Fargo, F9ny Road,Stile 418, Manta. GA30327. HELPwmt Canc:er: Brtut. brain, bladdtr, 0< 1-(800)788 1141.
mr.1-11119. proatata, lung. uterus, kidney. Only five BORROW S10"·~100
60659. NO58103. THERIIOGENESIS, RECENTLY dilcov• hefbal trtalmtnls. Succlssful, Brochure, .,... ,000.001 Full
taWEEK possiblepreparingrnailngs at EXPLOSIVE900f opportunilyl$15,000.00 lNCREDIBLEIIONEYI Ownyour own 900 ered metabolic formula. Lose weight, $1.00: Lancelot.
llolnt. Paychecks malled every Friday. montllly earning pcunlial. No ir-tmanl ~ men1a1, phyeical -iw. 1n1o1sarn- ac. HSR 3R2.
165-103Stralhyre,Laealfe, ~~.
:S· Plano,
lile. 1-(800)745 30311.
Ruellatamped envelope: Home/ Jobs,
Details:BCD, Box 820562-G, Vicksburg, HOMEMAIUNG PROGRAM $5.00 plus 1304, Illa Verde,PR 00979.
pie, $4.50:Ecouvt, Castilo dt Mar, Suite HEMORRHOIDSCURES $5 oo· Al Mart MONEY PROBLEMS? Immediate loans
m-G llttecbr. Ntw YOik,NY 10014.
envelopes. Get STlMUl.AHTS
CP 450l2. Clwny, 0C. G8X 3R4: CantdL• and outrighl grantsto individuals rtluaed
ft BUY newspaper cllppings. $781.23 MS39182. so,r. commiuion S1u111ng DIETS Decongestants. vita- tlsewhtre. 98% eligible!: Associates-AS,
Wltllly.Send~ enYttope:Edwards, HOWTO start and operate yourown lawn paid dalyl: B&8 Nlladlonl/12. Box898, rnlns, body bulding dtanlers. crouu AIDS P_REVENTIONGuaranteed latest Box 9008, Baldwin, NY 11510-9008; 1-
hearta, magnums', black'1, yellow's: ~ $5.00: Box
81111417159MG, Alllnta, GA30346. and gardening business. Making up to Jones,OK 73049. 1585
• An:acia,CA (800)2350507.
IINIOAY in your mailbox! Send aelf- $4,000.00 a month. Send $10.00 to: The GET WEALTHY! Be your own boss! ~~~ sampler, lowest pricing:1-(800) NERVOUSBREAKDOWN.Ssl-lelts, pre- ~,~f~~~f:;)~~~ checking
■---1, stampedtnVtlope to: Roger D. Lawn Barber,4224 Porter S1ree~Oakland, Amazing new secret makes $$$ In just
lmlll.279 Higllvlew Lane, Beaver Dam, CA 94619. days. Free Information. Wrb today! Send ventlon, rtCOYtry. New 20 page booldtt. $$$$$! FREE ca$h grant$! $$$$$1Writl:
ICY42320. self-addressed, stamped envelope: R. WEIGHT-LOSS~I I hlYII loll 25 lbs. In S Stnd $10.00 to: Dr. Conrad Melton, Dept NOW! Bo DDA 206 C F
YOU WILL bt I millionaireIn 30 days, 0< Sandsl10mPublahing, 8795 A11grtCourt, WHksl You can tool Learn howl Ctll: 1· D11, POBox7789,MisslonCity,CA 91345. , x ·1 , enter or Mor
T IIONEYI Stuffing em,etopeslFree 11pay you$500.001Free laC1slRUShIeng, BocaRalon,FL 33433. (900) 255 1010, Ext. 789. ($2.00 ptr INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY& Health cu, t,Riches ...·c..:.:.:.•
NY-=ll 934-.c.....7208.c=;:.:.:...,.
... ____ _
peckttl Rush stamped envelope: self-addressed,ttamped envelope:Payne, minute.Avttagtcal, 3 mlnulll.)AverageI F IMMEDIATE LOANS! $1,000.00-
--..ON$, PO Box 113, RousN Point, PO Box 1857-G, Goldsboro, NC 27533· MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Opportunl1y. cott, $6.00 • maximum cost, $10.00. ~ ; .:.d=e~o~: $75,000.00. Same day processing! (Call
NY 12879-0113. 1857. Mostpeopla... too busy workingto rnlllcl Touchtonlr ~ requirwd. .95
Under18, get send 519 plus $3.00 postage, (Canada Irle): 1-(800)452 9869.
11,000 MONTHLY malling letters! No START YOUR own homl business. For any money.Find out how to get one rnlllon
peopleto send you $5.00. You dN.w to parent's permouc,n.Cull. Strv., Strauss $25.95) to: PO Box 548276. Bal Halbour, BORROW~.000.001 Overnight.On
ldvtrtlalngl FrH postage, supplies!: Comm.. Cannel,CA:(408) 6251910. FL 33154. signature. Keep Indefinitely: Action, Box
Nllwork-G3, Box1621,Spring,TX 77383. lnlorrnationsend sel-lddt~. ltamped be finencielya«lft. Stop drNming about
envelope to: Jackson, 11072 1375 San iottelltl. Slop bet~ yourMII withllrtll. LOSE 15 pounds In 14 days. The citt Is -THE--HOLL--YWOOO---Diet-Oulde--Stcllla--ol 5◄89-GL. Diamond Bir, CA 91795.
PiiOCESS OUR mall! Par Weekly! PabloAYIIW. El Cer!lto,CA 94530. Change lht COUl1I yourlife today! Rush euy, fun, and tlleciivt. Send $5.00 to: S1arsand Modlla'AmazingAeuts! $14.95 FREEIIONEYI Cash gr-I ,_., repay!
~. supplies provided Bonuses! $3.00 and legal IIZI, 1tll-1ddrHltd, Diet, 9 Htron Drive,~. YK. Y1A check, rnoneyorderto: C.I. Inc., PO Box M1llion1availablll Just ask oncel Free
...... opportun1tytStamped tnvtlopt: EARN UNLIMITED Income! Al home, stamped envtlopt to: Jtromt, 99 Pat1c SAS,Canada. 2829, Holywood,CA 90078. padcel!:MESA-c3,Box4000,Cordova,n.,
A!Mnlage.Publcatlons, 12685 Dorsell·J, evenings, weekends. Easy. Hones1.For Avenue,SIAte421, N1wYorlc.NY10018. 3801
lllryllrlll Heiglla. t.1063043. Er.,PLOYr.1ErJTltJFQRr.1AT:OrJ AVON PRODUCTS. You love them, but 8-4000.
information rueh $2.00, long self-
EXAMt1ERla looking nobody lo lluy from? Probltm IOlvtdl Cal: FEDERALLOANS for smallbulirm&,_
URN $1,000 weeldy wilh yourP.C.I Begin lddrtssed, stamped envelope: McLeod, IT'S TRUE! Sl ,000,000.00from • $20.00 GLOBEMATIONAL tor.,,. n•cl•dMN• IO< ptfflWWII part- 1·(800) 281 9425 lor a free product IVtilabll: 1-(800)m 6342 lor fnle dtllils.
_, Frw delaJls. Rush ael~. 1037 Nor1h Grand 1151 , Covina, CA investment. Frff lnlormation: IOL, Box
91 4- _ 5605, Buffalo Grove, IL 80089 or call:1- Urnepotltlons to visit major atoree In lhe ;:;brochur9..;.;;;;=·:..._________ BORROW$500-$100,000.00. 911%ellgl)le.
~ envelope:Bears International, PO 72 2048 (BOO) 269 5221.
811119458, CanogaPark,CA91309. UnitedStalesand Canada.Idealfor home- STOPSMOKING! Punlslry sec:rw1meals CMmight service:1-(800)441 3012.
IIAKE$500 a dayusing your answering PRESTIGIOUS IIAILORDER Buslness.rNMfl andrtllrNS.~ bt avallable1 1o how. $5.00 complete Information: R. CATCH UP past due bltlslll: 1-(800) HI
IMO WEEKLY!Paid in advance!Free machine. Frff AdYtftislng: 1-(800) 791 Start withoutcapital.Free details:lfl1)0fl. 3 days per wttk. Driving Involved. Carboni,480 Eat 115flAvenue,v.-, DEBTS, Ext. 045 or (205) 823 8515. 24
MIPlts andpaidvacations!:GLAY, 216 3112.24 hours. 810South 12751,NewOtteens,LA 70178. Insurance tnd dftvtra licenM mandatory. BC.V5Tm, Canada.
AliantaHighway, Cumming, GA 30130- hour Slllllic:e. ~- FrM appll-
11411; (,404) 717 4880! EARN $50,000 first year. Rush long Stnd yournamt, lddrtN andphone run- FEEL BETTER,live longer with vitamin cation. No co-signers, no collateral.
bar, to: Globe Malketing Strvicea, DtpL power. Send $1.00 ralundablt 10< calllog of Canadian tnd rnllitary welcome. Brokers
IINIINE BUSINESS,l.llder$50.00,mon- stamped envelope: BNC, Box 70, DRUG RAID Sslzures: Dirt cheapl Cars, SA, 5401 NW Broken Sound Blvd., BoCI II-natural vitamineand nutrientsfor com- invited: Credi-Care, Inc., PO Box 13007,
e,llldc guarantee. Detalts,$5.00 money- Chal1estown,MO 21914. houees,fumHure, computers: Selzuree, Raton, FL 33487.Job opportuniliee avail- plett health: Dtnex Corporation, Box Dept.045,Blrmingllm. AL35202-3007.
enltr/cuh: Dublin Press, Box 34-SOK, $2,000 DAILY lrom your telephone Box5148&-G,Onlario,CA 91781. ableuponopeningsIn 1rt1. 144789,CoralGllbles,FL 33114. BORROW $500-$100.000.00! '1rnmalallly."
........ 11.80969. answering machine! I've made over EARN MONEYsellinggold, slverandcos-
..,_ EIIPLOYIIENT: Majorcompanies $1,000,000.00 using mint!: (303) 874 tumejewelry,rings. walches • Buy direct EASY WORK! Exctlltnl pay! Assemble LOSE WEIGHT! Trpa to decrease lat in OnS91111Jr8. Keep~: Credi, Box343-
producta at home. Toll lrH: 1-(800) 487 your recipes. $2.00 plus seff-addresaed, D2, fomball, TX 773TT-0343:(713) 639
~ nNd honest WOlkel5. Send$1.00 2219. Rec:olded dtlaile. Wholesale prices. Catalog, $1.00: Anica· 5566, Ext.2505. stamped envelope: Unicorn Manor. 880 4297•
.., ltl-acldreaed, stampedenvelopeto: HD, 40 Freeway Drive, Craneton, RI
IIAICErM,priaes, 1441 HuntingtonDriYt, $2,000 MONTHLY lddtesslng envelopes 02920-7936. STOP1LOOKINGfor 1ag11ir1ate hamt - Sr,dplperLane,Casselbtny, FL3Z107. DO YOU need money? Gel lrH grants.
lull 29S, SouthP---, CA91030. at homel Must have typewriter or good 11Nff1b1ing ~ ProgramguarW'1lttd! STOPCONSTIPATION!Fast, easy, mu1s. Any purpose. Stnd sell-1ddrtsstd,
handwriting: Unlled-GS, Box 1809, Spring. FREECATALOG! WholaAIIjlwelry/nov- 1-(800)377 8000,Ext.6130. $3.00fsell..cldreaed, lllmped envelope: ~ envelope:lnlormed. Box 271108,
••ooo A Month. Fast profit two ways. etties: KJ&M Dilltributor-GL, Fllkevile, RI ..,_.;.:..._c;.;..;.:.;:...:..:...:..:.:..._ ____ ,Tom Alexander, 100 Hope Strttt 114, Dalu. TX75227.
l>etallslreel Rush stamped envelope TX77383. 02823.
IClcleyl: Golden Opportunity, PO Box FREE SUPPLIES! Enjoy good steady $1,000 WEEICl Y stuffing envelopesl SeW- Slarnford,CT 06906. BILL PROBLEMS? Bad c:reclt?No ad?
CERTIFICATES addressed, atamped envelope to: Tippett ,::,NAc::TUIW.;,,;,:.;.::.;:..;W ...A... ___-ig-Sale--and-We can help you now. Free applications
Y:..:to to
a,1175,TlfflPII,FL 33&87. Income malllng shopping guides: Marketing, PO Box 166, Augusta, MN t1zyl Send 53 _00 along with a stll• $25,000.00.!AC. Not a loan company:1·
OAlltINCOME Using amazing new ~ ConsumerServicts,88-G, Spr1ngfield,NJ BIRTH CERTIFICATE lcitcan obtain dri- 04330. addressed, stamped envelope: Natural (800) 338 3444.
.... Eam $500.00 to $1,000.00 WM!dy 07081-0008.(Rushlllmped envelope.) vet's!icetwt,SSN,Vosa/Mulelcatd:Free
Information, Dtpl-01, Box 9766, Fort PROVEN RESULTS.Employmen1Guidi. Wly,POBox48◄,Loulaville,KY40201. UNSECURED PERSONAL Loans to
• -· Incomein 2 weekS, -
11myaurrtClivehome, II Sla1Iup IUPf)lies fur• GOLD RUSH hetltth cart and nutritionfor l.audtldallFL 33310. Dtlails, $2.00, sell-acldfNeed envelope: CHEIIICAlBREAKDOWN Diel Lose 10 $10,000.00. BIii consolidations to
lllllltd, not a get rich quick schema, f,etct the 21st century. Official llcenaet 01 the ,-,U-N-IV_E,....R.,.S""ITY_D_I_P_LO_M_A_s
___90_d_it-,e-re-nt JASO, P0Box873, Sonwsel.PA 15501. pounds In 3 days. Send $3.00 and self- $75,000.00:1-(800)7580130.
.._ lnoomlilNd moneyproducer,easy Unl1edStales Olympics. Stn-addmsed, photo I.D. cards. Free catalog.Largeself- GAr,1BL1rJG& HORSEPLAYlfJG lddrtsaed. stamped envelopt to: PO Box NEEDA $50.00 loan? Checking ICCOUllt
ID.,._, moneyback guarantae. For our stamped envelope: NU Freedom, 1343 addressed, ,tamped envelope: Ideal 1402,Frlendlwood,TX 77548. required.Cal Money ExpreN: 1-{800)537
plln aid seW•addreued, Slampedbusi- RoflestonStree~Harrisburg.PA 17104. SERIOUSPLAYER$. Wn owr 110%ct al
Studio's,Box 41156-G,Chicago,IL eo641.
cycles playedat Casino Bladcjack when 1rJSTRUCT:crJ EDUCATIOrJ LOAN.
- size envelopeplus $10.00 cash or
--,onltf to: MegaMallorder Comptny, $1,000 WEEKlY poasibleprocessing out FREEDEGREESt Ccxne1i,g1Mellphysicslyou use the Win Power techniqutl Send TERIIPAPERS:19,278IVlillblel 306-page QUICK CASH guaranteed. No colaterall
,0 Box 24214, Richmond, VA 23224- mall. Free auppliu. postage. Rush self- Hotislicl Hypnotherapy! Parapsychology! $13.95 to: Win Power, PO Box 111568, catalog• Rush $2.00: Research, 11322 No credilcheck:1-(800)417 CASH.
1114. Imitate our success. Go with 1 addrHstd, stamped envelope: H.P.$. Reflgloual P.U.L.C., Box 276285-G, Tacoma, WA 98411-1568. Moneyback Idaho, t206GC, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
Enterprises.Box831, Austin,MN 55912. Sacramento,CA95827. guarnN In packet! (310)477 8226. corrnrJUED orJ rJEXT PAGE
February 15, 1994 - SUN - 31
GOOD MONEY! Weekly! Stuffing DISABLED, ELDERLY and alone. Need EGGLESS, MILKLESS, Buttertess cake. DELICIOUS CLASSIC Bean Pie. T-
envelopes! Free supplies, postage! ,.,._,?Wan. to help? lnfonnallon,$3.00plus And Olhers,$3.00,self-addreaed,stamped yourtonguewith a protein •-t If you
OPPORTUtJITIES Bonuses! Start lmmedlatelyl Rush aell•addreued, stamped envelope. Write: HAIRPIECES. SAVE$$$. Write: King envelope,to: D.A. Eddy,PO Box16539,St. have the time,you cw, even make money
OVERDUE BILLS. ReduceInterest. Cut 1t1mped envelope: Foodmaster-MTC, Am,. Box1418,Mlddlebl.lg. FL 32050. 2730OclavfaSlrNI.San Francisco, Paul,MN55116. selling this pie. Send $5.00 and sell·
payments.Cal:1,{800)SAVE-ME-2. BurntHills, NY 12027. NEW, EXCITING award winning gossip. ___ 23 _._________ CUBAN DISHES $3, aelf•addreased, addresaed, stamped envelope to: C&B
$100 PAYDAY Loans fast. Checking START YOURown t900 inlonnation num- Hohywood Startine. Sinfully, sizzling hot MEHiWHAT Do Women Really Want And &lampedenvalope:Cuh, POBox5217, Key Gounnet Co., PO Box 43148, Northwes1
sUI: 1-(900)945 0004. $2.95/minlM. 18+. Need?: 1·(900) 950 0318. Must be 18+. West, FL33045. Washington,DC 20010.
aooountrequired:1·(800),483 3547. ber. College course handbook, proven
success! Send $24.99 to: Reality "BE LOVED, Rich & Happy". Live your $l.OOperminute.Length4 minutes. MOCKLOBSTER. $3.00, ael·addressed,10 SINFULLY delicious cheesecakes! A
T00 IIA Ny bill1? Not enough money? Communications, 4325 Briggs Avenue, Ideal life, now. Lifetime gilt. $4.99: slamp8denwlope:S. Bametl,8951 Bonita rrust for arry~ loverlRushlong,
Reduce payments. Don, bankrupt Credit setf-addrelsed, l1ampedenvelope,$5.00:
counselingsince 1934.Licensedand bond- Montrose,CA 91020. Endeavour Enterprises, 5468 Dundas WOW! SENSUAL power1Trial estrogen, Beach Road, Suite 525-1288, Bonlte
PO Box 14553,Bradenton,FL 34280.
ed: 1-(800)341 0005. MAKE MONEYwith recipes. We do. You StrNt Wes~ Suh 833, Toronto, ON. M9B $10.00. True bust developer,olher fonnu- SpMgs, Fl 33923.
ESTABLISH CREDIT! Erase bad cmfiU can tool Special Business Plan Study 6E3, Canada. las, catalo~$2.00: LIFE, Box 140424, MRS. FIELDS Cookle Boote.too recipe• COOKIES, 10 recipes,$3.00 to: Cookies,
Avoid expensive legaVprofeasionalIMS. Guide • $6.95: Clementina'sCookefy, Box HOTTESTSOAPDeBy:1-(900)TT6 2225, Edgewater, 80214. fromMrs.Fields.$15.45payable to: Special Box301, Pendleton. IN48064.
lnalder secret, revealed In "Bankers 586-G,Mt. Jule!. TN37122. Ext.111. $2.95/minute.2 minut81/ca1.18+. CHEATINGHUSBAND?or boyfriend? Fond Edltlona, 32265 Crest, Union City, CA HOIIEIIADE ICE CREAM recipes!
Exchange Credit Repair Sy1tem•. Send GUARANTEEDINCOME: $2.00 for every lnfoaeNlce,LA(213) 9933366. out yourself.Guaralltaed acUtary datection 94587. $5.00/sell•addresaed, ltampedenvelope:
$19.95 to: Banker's Exchange, 757 envelope secured. Send sett-addressed, HOW TO legaly cash a bad check when manual. Send $5.00, self-addressed, HEALTHY MEXICAN Recipes. Send StephensonEnterpliae·A. PO Box 5024,
Highway 98E, Unit 14-308, Destin, FL stamped envelope: B-PAC, WT Jeff8'101l, there is not enough money in the bank to stamped envelope to: Personal lnvestigllion $2.00'sel-adcnssed, stamped envelope to: Holy Springs,MS 38634.
32541. Aurora,MO65605. cover It. Detalls, $7.50: "ARVON", Box Services,9903 Santa MonicaBllid., Suite Sall Boy,Box212, 9118RedondoAveooe, SEVENSAVORY SeafoodDishes.$3.00,
3241,Fa,go, NO58108. 259, BeverlyHills,CA92012. LongBeach, CA 90804. sett-addressed, stampedenvelope: OTB,
LOAN HOTLINE. Cuh loana,just show EARN $90,000in 90 days fromyour home PO Box58-0, Wildwood,FL 34785.
p,ool of employment. Borrow up to your part time.Proven p,ogram. For complete DEPRESSED?STRESSED? ean, cope? SPICE UP yourmarriage. Try our exciting HELP! BAKERS needed.Malordered frul
yearlyincome.24 hours,7 days: (404)973 start up package. Send $5.00 cash Ind Dial Cal-Help: 1-(900) 225 4357. $3.99 a newways. Send $5.95: ODA Publl1hlng, breads, )'9111'round.YOUI:ownpace. $10.00 VAIi BISCUITS, $2.00, self-addressed,
9100. self-addressed, stampedenvelopeto: C.R. minute.(Averagecall 20 ninules)for pro, 201 North Squirrel Road, Suite 1606, for reci>esend packet:Aspen S-, Box Slampedenvelope: Vera, PO Box 41481,
BE DEBTfree, incruse your credit Sand Fonanc:ial Group, 172NarragansettAvenue, INalorlll advice,not treatmentor therapy,AuburnHas, Mt 48326. 1393,GlenwoodSprings,co81601. Washington. DC20018.
$5.00 tor reportto: Debt-FrN, SUMe260, Eal Providence, Al 02915. to callers 18 or older: Ca~Hetp C/0 ISB WOMEN! WHAT Do Men Really Want & "THE RICH & Famous' Secret Recipes". BEEF JERKY. Fast, economical and
7982HoneygoBlvd.,Baltimore,MO21236. GET THEMfreeor for pennies. We paybig Corp., ADl2, Box 36, New Rlnggotd, PA Need?: 1-(900) 787 1528. MUii be 18+. Smoking,Alln Punch,5 more.Send $3.00, good. Send $5.00: Koch, 4010A South
17960, $1.00permtrute.Lllngth4 miruN. 111-adchaed, lllmpld erMllope:Box710, Poptar,Box 65, Caper, WYtl2601.
FINANCES UNMANAGEABLE? Send buclca.Fun info, $4.00: 226 South Oakes,
$1.00: A&RBooks, Box 130116,Edmond, San Angelo, TX76903. ADOP'TEES, BIRTHParents, loet liblingl. SEXFULLYDESIGNEDbooklet 11st1ng 50 BedloRI His, NYl0507. BE A hero when ~rvlng my awn~
International Search Index, send $4.50, romanticphraaeamen loYe lo heart Very EXOTICDESSERTS, $5.00,self-addressed, towChotelterot -· $2.99, 4 rec,pes:
OK73013. EARN THOUSANDS processing mall.
self-addressed, 1tamped envelope and popular!$5.00 to: D<eamscapes, PO Box stamped envelope: PO Box 28520, Master Chef, 11140 Rockville Pike,
CASHBETWEENft...........,. G"•-~--' Rush $2.00 and aelf-addr~. stamped object of aearch lo: Provenance, PO Box 5793,Challottesvllle, VA 22905. ~ PA 19149. Rockvlll, MD 20852 .
.-,~-- ...,.,,....., envelope, to: Universal Enterpriaes, PO 270215,Nashvle, TN37227.
overnightloans. $100.00-$1,000.00.Prool .,_ 71913 Cha TN""407
emplOyment-dlecldng 8CCOlrol: 1-(800)469 """ • llanoogll, .,, • LONELY? EXCITING newbooklet shows HELP SAVE yourself or daughter from AIERICAN 1ND1AN t,y bread rac:lpe.Send POSITIVELYPALATEpleasing prowlCial
how to mfft friends! Guaranteed! Send attackers.Effective Pepper Spray uaed by $3.00 to: Recipe,PO Box2025,Duncan.OK l)lstrfea. Thirteengteat Canadian redpes1
.,..2560_.__,,...,....,.,...,..-------· 1 BEST llONEY makers!15 plans. Bookwith $5.00:lnloglobe, l6-l Southdown l250, F.B.I. $15.00 for one or $28.00 for two: 73534. 'ro order rush $5.00 to: "Chrissy", 687
$10,000LOANS. $122.6&'monlh.~ ri1k dellefahip. Send $1.00: Verorich-0, Box 375 998 MoralH Drive, Comox, BC. V9M 1AS,
lenders:1-(800)9860515. 9017,Naplea. FL 33941. Mtealsuuga,ON. LSJ221, Canada. J.R.H.,PO Box , Marco,FL 33989-0998. 12 GREAT, healthy, simple vegetable
Oigltal. Canada.
WANTEDto make clowns THE REALScoop on MichaelJacklOllthe PACIFIER THERMOMETER. FDA recipes. $5.00: DST, 8926 Greenwood,
cl9dil with ,--
end All malarialsfumiahed.Write media won't tell. All the Inside secrets. approved. $13.95: A&M, PO Box 10211· t176, Niles,L60714.
employment. Fut approvall l-(800) 858 to: Dickens & Mat1on, 21206 Gratiot, Send $5.00 check or moneyorder to: W. GW1' BoundBrook,NJ 08805.
20 LOVERS' reclpea. Send $5.00,
HILLBIU Y RECIPES. 2 for $3.00. Sett• stamped envelope: Box 6735, Kansas
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32- SUN - February 15, 1994

She earns cash
to beat cancer su11
CURVY CARMEN LOEB has become an exotic
dancer - In a desperate bid to save her life.
The dark-skinned beauty's lovely body is so wracked
with killer cancer that she needs the tip money to
pay for treatments.
The married mother of by WILLIAMROCK
one sometimes has to
struggle to finish her sexy cleaning up in her thigh-
stage act, but manage- high white boots and
ment at Goldfinger's club curve-hugging clothes.
in New York has been Club regulars, who know
very understanding. the gutsy gal by her stage
Brainy name Ashley, recently got
together for a fundraiser
Carmen can make up to at the high-class strip joint.
$400 a night by flaunting The 31-year-old contin-
her figure and flashing ues to dance while she
her breasts for donations. can despite throat and
Every crumpled bill that lung cancer and a possi-
pts tucked in her garter ble brain tumor.
goes toward lifesaving "In a weird way,it takes
chemotherapy treatments. my mind off my troubles,"
The flashing lights and she says. "I just want to
wolf whistles are a far cry beat this cancer for good
fromcourageous Carmen's and be well again. Going
lut job on Wall Street. topless helps pay my bills
The brainy brunette was and believe me there are
out to conquer the world a lot of them. We have our
offinance until cancer de- son Jack Jr., and with
stroyed her thyroid.
She soon lost her 9-to-5 their love rm going to pull
job, but last year gained a through this." eCURVY CARMEN Is a popular attraction st 'Goldflnger's' In her white boots and figure-fitting clothes
lovinghusband in city san-

itation worker Jack Loeb.
His insurance helped some
withthe mounting medical
bills, but Carmen knew
she had to find another A BRAVEfive-year-old by SUZANNESTYLES
way to make ends meet. boy called 911 when he
found his diabetic dad
Uketodance unconscious In bed - and I feeled his forehead,
"I desperately needed and then flawlessly per- and I called rescue 911."
to make money,but it had formed life-saving pro- Nick says he knew just
to be a good-paying job cedures on him as dis- what to do because he
that wouldn't be 9-to-5 patchers gave him In- watches the TV show by the
and where my boases structions. same name, Rescue911.
wouldn't be mad if I was Thanks to little Nick Nick calmly explained
too ill to work," she says. Perleberg, his dad David the situation to dispatch-
"My husband drove by is still alive. ers, gave his address and
Goldfinger'sone day and I The father and son had did exactly as they told cle's house. Luckily,
jokedI oouldprobablymake been watching TV togeth- him to save his dad's life. David's blood-sugar level
morethere than he brings
hmne.Then I thought about
er in bed at home in
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Openhisairway returned to normal a cou-
ple of hours later. Doctors
it and since I like to dance, when they dozed off. He put one of his hands say he might not have
I figured why not? The As a result, David didn't on his dad's forehead, and survived but for his small
manager was very under- eat his usual late-night placed the other under his son's heroic actions.
ltanding when I told him snack to keep up his blood neck to tip his head and Meanwhile, authorities
aboutmy problems." sugar. open his airway. Then he are still marveling over
Now it's Carmen who's When Nick woke up at checked his dad's breath- the little boy who saved
1:30 a.m., he checked on ing and pulse as the dis- his dad's life.
his dad and found him patchers talked him "It's remarkable that he
SUNSPOT unconscious. through the procedure. had the foresight to be
Those who think it "I knew he was diabet- Within moments, rescue able to keep himself un-
la permissible to ic, and I thought he might workers were knocking at der control and do what
1811 white lies soon have an insulin reaction," the door. They rushed he did," says Tom Madi-
becomecolor-blind. eCARMEN SAYS with the love of her husband Jack says the bright kinder- David to a hospital, while gan, director of County
and their son Jack Jr., she will pull through garten student. "I wokeup, policedrove Nick to an un- Rescue Services.
February 15, 1994- SUN-33

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34- SUN - February 15, 1994 33436
THE NEWEST PHOTOS of the surface of the moon show a copy of The
SUN lying in a shallow crater.
Recently, ex-NASAresearcher Eric Warren shot high-resolution photographs of the
1urface of the moon. What he saw amazed him, and he immediately contacted The
SUN with the exciting news.
"I was studying the photos so that I could make an updated map of the moon when
I came across something I knew was totally out of place," says Warren.
•rhad a copy made and ran it through my computer. After I enlarged it, I recog-
nized it right away."
But Warren had to con-
1ult his wife to know for
lure that he could believe
what he saw.
•she buys The SUN
fferJ week," says Warren.
-when I showed her the
pictureshe smiled, think-
ln1 I had doctored it to
"I assured her it was
real, and she produced
the same issue that was
ln the moon crater."
The photo shows the
ovember 6, 1993 issue
o( the SUN lying in a
There's no mistaking eTHE
the well-known logo. discovery
Bluffed provesman
hasn't been the
"I don't know the rea- only being to landon
lOn for the appearance," • SPACE ALIENS left a copy of the SUN on the surface of the moon the moon'ssurface
•YB Warren. "But it may to warn President Cl/nton of their Impending visit to the planet Earth
ve been left behind by is persistent in his at- know what I'm talking
very aliens that grace
the cover."
Warren read the article
IP-ace aliens left it tempt to warn the world,
and doesn't mind the
ridicule he receives from
"The aliens are on to
Kennedy's bluff and the

there, saY.sexP-ert
titled How JFK Saved the his friends and neighbors. world may be in store for
orld and realized why "I know I'm right," he a surprise from outer
e aliens picked up a says. space.
oopy. "The super-science that
In the story, Kennedy against an alien attack. sist them," cautions War- hoax," says Warren. "I Sua,rise is in the hands of ex-
bluffed the aliens into "They may have been ren. know if someone showed "And I'll keep at it as traterrestrials is like
thinking the United fooled back in 1962, but "They may be prepar- it to me that I would long as it takes to open nothing we have ever
States had powerful wea- now they know we do not ing a return visit and this think they were putting the eyes of my fellow seen or dreamed of.
pons to defend itself have the strength to re- time no amount of meon. Americans. "We must continue to
rhetoric will get us out of "But I have the pictures "If President Clinton watch the skies because I
trouble." to prove it and no one thinks he's the next JFK, know they will be coming
~ T'S TERRIBLE! "The boys at NASA
probably think it's a
seems to care."
Nevertheless, Warren
then he ought to listen to sometime soon."
me," warns Warren. "I -BILL ISLAND
MOST PEOPLE FEAR a bat biting them,
the furry mammals In the South Pacific ADVERTISEMENT
the victims.
Fruit bats on Guam and other South Pacific ls--
are being eaten to the brink of extinction,
rdlng to the World WIidiife Fund In Wash-
, D.C.
Some of Guam's Inhabitants pay up to $40 for
tasty fanlhl, or fruit bat.
Now that the supply Is getting low, people are
ng their culinary fix from "batleggers" smug-
In frozen specimens.
The prepared bats-which taste like dark turkey
- are sold at roadside stands, grocery stores
door to door and are even sent as gifts to ex-
tes as a reminder of their home country.
February 15, 1994 - SUN - 35
Black male, 34, seeks intelli-
gent, sincere, voluptuous
pretty, slender, monogamous
female, for friendship, love,
130 lbs., drug/diseasefree.
Seeks honest woman, 20-
drinker, drug-free.Let's corre- through correspondence,
spond for starters. Recent possible future meeting.
KY.506-354 Wanted: Attrac- female, who is interested marriage. Take a chance. 30, with sense of humor, to photo, phone first letter. Ohio, Long trips require patience
tive, romantic woman, who in developing a friendship Photoplease. spend time alone/with Mich.,WISC. area. and long letters. Photo
can make hot biscuits/gravy, and possible relationship. ONTARIO 506-372 Toronto. friends, to make a home U.S.A. 506-389 Md. Cute, bi- please.Letters exchanged.
part nurse,who's handy witha Age, race not important. Sett-employedmale, seeking with. Tobacco/alcohol in racial police officer, 37, S'S-, CANADA 506-398 Relocat-
hammer,wor1tson cars,sews. Trust and loyalty are. nonsmoking, down-to-earth moderation, okay. Photos 200 lbs., light eyes, black able, handsome, white
He'sa truthfulwhite male, 40, Anticipated release 8/25/95. female sweetheart. Age, exchanged. curly hair/mustache; tired of Mormon male, 6'1", needs
5'10", 190 lbs., nonsmoker/ TENN. 506-364 Good-look- nationality unimportant. ARIZ. 506-380 White male, gold-diggingwomen. Is there attention! Seeking healthy,
nondrinker. i ng, never-married white Come, be with him. Any let- pushing 70, 5'5", 145 lbs., a faithful, loving, caring marriage-minded, financially
OHIO 506-355 Divorced male, 35, 6', 180 lbs., seeks ter welcome. clean, neat, owns small busi- woman out there? Photo, secure lady who is romantic,
white male, 37, with daugh- that very special lady who N.Y. 506-373 CORREC- ness. Seeks petite, non- phone please. spiritual,enjoys reading, gen-
ter 13, seeks marriage-mind- is shapely, exotic, secure, TIONAL.INSTITUTEINMATE. smoking/drinking lady, to TEX. 506-390 Single white tle music, walking, biking
ed white female, 30-39. All loving. Photo please. Financially secure, relocat- share his vault full of love. male, 28, honest and caring; together.Must have spark, be
he has to offer is a home N.H. 506-365 Never-married, able, single, cultured black N.J. 506-381 CORRECTION- looking for relocatable, petite okay discussing feelings, be
flied with lots of TLC. Photo, very nice single male, 31, male, 36, green eyes, solidly AL INSTITUTE INMATE. white female, 21-33, for pos- open, honest, sincere. Photo
phone. Ohio area a plus. 5'11", red hair, brown eyes. built, released early In 1995. Incarcerated(10 years) black sible serious relationship. No please.
IICH. 506-356CORRECTION- Seeks warmhearted, sin- Seeks open-minded female, male, 42, presently em- head games. Photo, phone MICH. 508-399 White dad,
AL INSTITUTEINMATE.Noo- cere, Oriental woman, under for correspondence; future ployed. Seeks slender,never• please. 49, 5'9", 135 lbs., dark
Ylolent. nice-lookiigwhitemale, 30, who likes home life, the relationsh~.Raoe,age,looks married female, 18-30, who PENN. 506-391 White male, hair/eyes,jeans type, country
25, 5'10", 175 lbs., in good outdoors. Light smoker, irrelevant. never had children,for mean- 44, 6'4", loyal, caring, humor- home, very young-at-heart,
lhape. Seeks slim, attractive drinker okay. No drug user, MONT. 506-374 Divorced i ngf u I relationship. Race ous, protective, romantic, financially secure; enjoys ,
lady,25-30, nonsmoker,non- inmate, case, flirt or white male, 50, 5'11", 190 unimportant. enjoys traveling, simple home life, sunshine, the out- 1
drinker, drug/disease free. liar. Marriage-minded, relo- lbs., brown hair, blue/green U.S.A. 506-382 Single white lifestyle, back-rubs, cuddling, doors, rock'n roll, likes touch-
Pholosllettersexchanged. catable. Photo please. New eyes, likes electronic darts, male, 23, blond hair, blue togetherness,peaceful home ing, holding someone spe-
WASH.506-357 Gentleman Englandor Quebec a plus. movies, comedy, dining out eyes, likes long walks on the life. Seeks attractive, slen- cial. Seeks female compan-
has lots of love, kindness, U.S.A. 506-366 Retiring and much more. Wants a beach, traveling, more. der/average,pleasant, down- ion, 30-60, who is slim/trim,
1lncerlty, honesty to offer male, 62, 5'10", in good relocatable female in his life Seeks female, 18-27, for to-earth female, 35-50, 5'5"- wants to start a new life, is
lady, 50-75. Has no money health, nonsmoker, non- now. You should be of aver- friendship, possibly more. 5'11",to share life, love, mutu- relocatable. Children wel-
due to business failure and drinker, relocatable. Seeks age height and weight, have Photo please. al respect.Photoplease. come. Photo, phone please.
divorce, enjoys simple complete woman, any race, good sense of humor. If IOWA 506-383 White male, OKLA. 508-392 CORREC- CALIF. 506-400 White male,
. Photo appreciated. in good health. Photo now, you're looking for a one- 50, 5'10", 170 lbs., brown TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. 54, 5'8", 180 lbs., clean-cut,
NN. 506-358 Tired of phone please. woman man, and lasting hair, blue eyes,not bad look- Soon to be released, attractive young, loving,owns secluded,
games. Tall, black slender IND. 506-367 Divorced white relationship, please send ing, has daughter 7; enjoys white male, 24, 5'9", 160 lbs., fenced mobile home. Seeks
male,44, drug free, nonalco- male, 38, 5'8", 160 lbs., athlet- photo, phone. fishing, togetherness, home seeks white female, for long- nonsmoking woman, 30-48,
halc, nonsmoker.Seeks lady, ic build,brown hair, blue eyes, OHIO 506-375 Divorced, for- life, mentally stable, honest, lastingrelationship.Photo, letter. wimngto relocate.Photo.
26-66.Antrace.Photoplease. handsome, gentle, caring, saken, attractive, poor, hard- loyal, doesn't argue/fight,not TEX. 506-393 Single Asian N.J. 506-401 Relocatable,
ALA. 506-359 Submissive, honest Seeks marriage-mind- working white male, 47 mean or bad-tempered, American,Christianmale, 28, very handsome, highly edu-
llngle white male, 37, 5'9", ed Asian/Oriental female, to (looks 37), 165 lbs., brown social drinker. Seeks nice- nonsmoker, secure employ- cated, childless, drug-free,
155 lbs., professionally relocate. Prefers attractive, hair/eyes. Seeks attractive looking, nonoverwelght,one- ment, enjoys music,traveling, nonsmoking, nondrinking
employed,has MBA, loves petite, fit, honest lady, any white woman, 30s-40s, non- man woman, to 50, with reading. Seeks understanding, Indian male, 34, seeks
fashion, pampering, gives age. Photowith letter. drinker, drug free, poor or same interests, who could marriage-minded, Asian/ monogamous relationship
grNt foot massages. Seeks ARIZ. 506-368 Never-mar- with low income. She's lov- love them both, and share L.aln'European lady.No games. with lady, 18-45. Any nation-
caring, take-charge type ried, marriage-minded truck ing, caring, romantic, under- their lives. Willing to relocate. Pleasewrile.Phok>, phone. ality, location. Proportions
lldy,for possible romance. standing, a one-man woman, Photo, phone first letter.
driver, 27, 6'1", blond hair, N.Y.506-394CORRECTION- unimportant, but prefers
OHIO 506-360 Single white green eyes, a big man, for serious relationship, pos- N.J. 506-384 White male, AL INSTITUTE INMATE. shapely,slightly overweight.
male,29, 5'9", 185 lbs., brown enjoys traveling (on his job), sible marriage. Butler, SO-years-young, looking for White male, 38, 57", 185 lbs., W.VA. 506-402 Fairly attrac-
hair/eyes,easygoing,honest, free time going to the Warren,Montgome,yCounties top-heavy, well-endowed, college educated, physical- tive male, 31, 5'11", 260 (los-
no children, not rich, hard movies, dining out, casual preferred, but other area relocatable female, alcohoV ly/emotionallyhealthy,due for ing) lbs. Looking for a kind
worker,likes walks. Desires conversations, vacations, okay. Children welcome. drug free, for friendship, release in 1995. Interests- woman, any age, drug/dis-
apen-minded, single/divorced camping out, music (rock'n Photo,phone, date of birth. companionship, relationship. camping/traveling/old rock, ease free, for friendship,
White female, 27-35, mar- rolValtemativepreferred, but TEX. 506-378 White country No children, no games. Age, boating, motorcycles, etc. romance,who is relocatable,
lllge-minded.Red hair, green enjoys other kinds too). Now gentleman, tired of the single race open. Inmate welcome. Seeks female, 21-48, for rela- for possible marriage. Looks,
IY•• a plus. Nonsmoker, it's time to find a caring lifestyle, very interested In OHIO 506-385 CORREC· tionship/marriage. Race race unimportant. Any letter,
IOClal drinker. No inmate. woman, 20-30. Maybe we never-ending marriage. If TIONALINSTITUTEINMATE. unimportant. photo welcome.
Pholos,lettersexchanged. can fill the void in each oth- interested,please be relocat- Incarceratedblack gentleman, CALIF. 506-395 Nice-look- OHIO 506-403 Caring, mar-
LIF. 506-361 Mexican ers lives. Let's get to know able, honest, drug/disease 37, seeks correspo11dence with Ing, "Francals." marriage- riage-minded man, ready to
male.51, S'S-,170 lbs., mus- each other. Will travel any- free. Any age. Photo, phone. sincere,mature,singlewoman, minded male, 49, looking for relocate, looking for number
llche.semi-retired,nonsmok- where. West preferred. U.S.A. 506-377 CORREC- to share interests. Loneliness true happinesswith that spe- one-a good woman, for
•• nondrinker.Seeks Mexican Smoker,nondrinker.Photo. TIONALINSTITUTEINMATE. is his constant companion. cial someone. Nationality reciprocalTLC. Hurry!
or white, shapely, beautiful ONTARIO 506-369 English- Honest, Aquarius,single black Age, looks, nationality unim- unimportant. You won't be IDAHO 506-404 Never-mar-
, 20-45.Photo,phone. man, 53, 6', 210 lbs., pleas- male, 30, 5'9", 230 lbs., body- portant::oonest)'
isl sorry. Sincere. Mille baises. ried male, 35, attending col-
LL 508-362 White, divorced ant appearance, nonsmoker, builder,first/lasttime incarcer- ILL. 506-386 Relocatable, Photo, phone. lege for small engine repairs,
bullnessrnan, 6'1", 180 lbs., world traveler,self-employed, ation, sincere, drug free. healthy widower, nonsmoker, ARIZ. 506-396 Military veter- enjoys movies, fun times,
dark hair, millionaire, enjoys loves nature, gardening, pho- Seeks loving/attractive/hon- nondrinker, dislikes hunting, an homeowner, 63, loves camping, traveling, hunting,
tmelng, boating, mountains, tography. Seeks a new wife est/understandingwoman,21- loud music, sports. Seeks nature, dining out, traveling, boating,animals, river rafting,
IN coast.mostsports, sports and new surroundings. 50, for frlendshlp/posslble plump lady, 50Ish, who flowers, walks, togetherness, walks,dining out on occasion,
cars,country living, animals, KANS. 506-370 Nice-looking marriage.Any race. WiHtrav- needs an ambitious handy- sharing. Seeks relocatable, classical, Celtic, hillbilly, soft
children, family life. Seeks white male, 50, 5'11", 190 el. Photo necessa,y. man, not afraid of work, nice, clean, younger, pretty, rock music. Seeks lady with
permanent relationship with lbs., looking for loving KY. 506-378 Divorced, mid- loves quiet country living, slim, kind woman, any age. same interests, who enjoys
lady, 21-35, who is sincere, woman, to share his life. dle-aged white gentleman, sharing, pets, togetherness. Recent full-length photo. house work, cooking, clean-
elm,attractive,wiHingto leave Must be relocatable. Photo, Photos exchanged.
6'1", good build, dark hair, MISS. 506-397 Single, white, ing, with similar interest in
t,e past behind. Photo,phone phone please. handsome, real estate TENN. 506-387 Divorced, attractive Southern male, 41, music, loves and wants chil-
. Canadian welcome. U.S.A. 506-371 Successful, owner, developer, millionaire, white Christian male, 45, 6', 185 lbs., blond hair, dren, doesn't mind a smoker,
NN. 506-363 CORREC- handsome, clean, kind,decent enjoys traveling, the out- 5'10", small build, average Merchant Marine. Extremely and who would not mind car-
TIONALINSTITUTEINMATE. white male, 48, wants very doors, ranch living, boating, looking, steady worker, non- interested in finding a ing for an elderly lady. Must
weekends, golf, animals, smoker, nondrinker, drug Southern Belle, 23-?, open- have driver'slicense.
w bNfl UMU,. ellout joining S""1a Wood'• Han A-Frlfftd home life, and long-term free. Seeks sincere reply minded, well-proportioned, ONTARIO 506-405 Want to
.,,,, nolorr»rMr-,ulW for alngl-. commitments. Seeks slim, from white or Oriental who enjoys and is able to teach an old d~ new tricks?
mffllff,,,,_handbookfor,,_ of you ldlo-., _,, _.,. sincere, honest, mature, Christian lady. Photo, phone
on,_ IO:,,,.,_.., ad or r-.ply lO-, put torw.d your wear lace to leather well. Share some yuks, he's got
,,.,,., - - ,_,. durlnlJ
,,,., ,,,., .,,,, ,,,,,,.,,,,,, drug-free lady, 24-36, willing please. Must be able to swim, be the bucks! Retired plastic
.,,,, ~ - he/pflll hint& Don't,., your__,,,,,,_,, you to forget past mistakes. CANADA 506-388 Single employed, like affection. This surgeon, 50s, 5'6", 168 lbs.,
CM be purdfaNd by Nffdln(I $1.2.$ to S,,..,. Wood,
Photo, phone please. white male, 53, 5'8", 170 lbs., lonely sailor, has great tired of looking at empty
~Box~ Roe.- Fulnt, N. Y. 12111P-0033. TENN. 508-379 Good-look• lookingfor sflm lady.AIJe,
race appreciation for beautiful faces. Wants a woman with
ing, single white male, 57", unimportant. Nonsmoker/ women. Seeks friendship character.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• February 15, 1994-SUN-39

Aus TR AL I A 6 o6. 4 4 3
reading, correspondence,
beinga lady; lovesfamily/cats.
Seeks professionalwhite gen-
TENN. 606-464Grandmother,
59, likes hugs, yard sales,
camping. Needs grandpa for
movies,writing poems. Seeks est, old-fashioned values, honest, enjoys travel, nature,
attractive, honest, romantic, looking for special, secure, reading, pets, home life.
single white gentleman, 20· responsible man who enjoys Looking for warm, depend-
Sophisticated, model-type tleman with similar interests. lifetime of togetherness & 39, for companionship or reaching for the pot of gold able, financially secure gen-
blonde, 24, seeks generous/ Ministera plus. understanding. He must be friendship.Send first letter. at the end of the rainbow. tleman, interested in a sin-
caring·gentleman for lasting GA. 606-453 Divorced white kind, nonsmoking. Photo, ALA. 606-4TT Sweet, plus- Why search alone when we cere/caring relationship.
relationshlp, when she visits female, 48, petite, humorous, address. sized country gal, 19, 5'3", could walk fogether? MICH. 606-495 CORREC-
USA. Let's correspond for enjoys life, animals. Seeks WASH. 606-465 White curly blond hair, hazel eyes, ONTARIO606-487 Divorced, TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE.
starters. honest, fun-loving, down-to- female, 36, 5'8", 160 lbs., seeks funny Christian guy, white Christian woman, 41, Down-to-earth,sophisticated
SINGAPORE606-444 Petite, earth man. Let's make mem- seeks older gentleman, 60 18-30, to correspond with. petite, pretty, dark hair & lady, beautiful brown eyes,
never-married Oriental lady, ories together.Photo,phone. plus, for friendship. Drug/disease-free. Photo eyes, has hearingimpairment, full of TLC. Seeks lovable
seeks never-married, under- N.V. 606-454 Pleasant-look- MICH. 606-466 CORREC- _.ap._.p_recia_·
_ted_.____ _ but can read lips to perfection; gentleman, 33-65. Race un-
standing Catholic gentleman, ing white lady, wants to meet TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. MO. 606-478 Independent, is fit & healthy,has own home important.
31-38, with high morals, for a good, honest man, 65-70, Stop! This "38 special" is white Taurus female, mid- and comfortable lifestyle.
life-long relationship. Race who likes music, travel & very lonely-wants fresh 40s, brown hair, blue eyes, CANADA 606-496 Sincere,
Seeks warm, strong, affec- attractive, Cancer female,
unimportant.Photofirst letter. togetherness.Write soon. beginning. Beautiful woman, lonely, enjoys the outdoors,
tionate man, 40-57, rich or 29, 5•4•, 120 lbs., brown hair,
OHIO 606-445 Very lonely, N.J. 606-455 Black Christian wants to assist you, 45 plus, C&W/oldies music. Seeks
marriage-minded, queen- widow 53 5~ queen • ed in making life complete. Care caring white male who would poor, to become soul mates, green eyes, hopeless
sized female, 28, is looking affectionate,
' '
I '
kind,-s,z '
under- to join her? l'k
' e t o Iearn t o Iive, Iaug h
for a white, one-womanman, standing,full of laughter,plus PHILIPPINES606-467 Kind, and love together.
30-45, interested in lifetime mJChmore.Seeksgood,hon- lonely, never-marriedFilipino ILL. 606-479 Single white
relationship.Send photo. est man for friendship& mar- girl, 28, enjoystravel, the out- female, 43, diminishing from ()L UJ~A-FRIENDI"")
__ ~_
CANADA606-446 Attractive, riage. Good men are hard to doors, cooking. Wants good- full figure, auburn hair, ~~HAVE-
tall, slim, warm, romantic find-so are goodwomen.Must humored, kind male to share buxom, giving, affectionate,
lady, 35, Jehovah's Witness, relocate to S.C. No games- life's happiness. Age/looks smoker,enjoys camping/fish- 10 PLACE AN AD: Send $1.50 for the first 25 IWDl'ds or
trustworthy,honest, divorced, please be honest. Photo, unimportant-sincerityis. ing.lanlmals.Lookingfor affec- ,... (pluB 50¢ for each extra word). ro ANSWER ADS:
with daughter 8, drug & dis- phonefirst letter.Loveof fishing FLA. 606-468 Attractive tionate, financially secure Enclose $3 with eachletter you ah to have forwarded
ease-free,loves travel, hiking aplus,butnotamust. female, 41, tall, slender, teddybear.Truckerwelcome. - or takeadvantage of our special offer and have thrN
in the mountains,walking by LA. 606-456 Divorced white hazel-eyedredhead,sincere, KANS. 606-480 Home-style, letters forwarded for $1. Letters to adnrtJsers should
the sea, and happy home life. woman, 32, caring, honest, caring, honest, loves country considerate, contemplative, each be placed In a _,,.,.,. unmarked envelope with
Lookingfor financiallysecure, enjoys music, football, box- life and quiet nights. Looking semi-retired arts teacher, the key number of tM ad, and your retum addren,
loving, sincere, marriage- ing, writing to people (for for her one-heartman. wants to find sweetheart/ clellrly marked on the back of the enllelope. Address all
mall to Sheela Woodc/o THESUN, P.O.Box 33, Rouses
minded gentleman, 40-55, to friendship). Seeks corre- KV. 606-469 CORRECTION- mate.If you're45-60, like mat- Point, N. Y. 12979-0033.Shetlla,..,,,.. the right to edit
treasure & care for them. spondence with male with AL INSTITUTE INMATE. =~?~~ t~•=p~ :;;::: or ,e/ect any copy. Notice to dating servlcell and other
~n:,,~t~~~i:!:-te for same interests.
MICH. 606-457 CORREC-
Appealing, refined, shapely,
well-endowed, single black
type, hooked on life, love and
her man.No drinker/dn.,,user.
companies:This columnIs strictly for personalads and
not for commtJrr:lal sollcllatlons.
CALIF. 606-447 Divorced TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. female, 180 lbs., enjoys trav- ,...,.
white female, beautiful red- Small-town, blue-eyed beau- eling, cuddling, quiet or not- MICH. 606-481 Life is lonely romantic, has son 7. Seeks
headed charmer, 70-years- ty, is looking for her knight in so-quiet romanticeveningsat now. Are you a nice gentle- to love, honor and obey. strong, sincere, drug-free
young, lives in Visalia area; shining annor (still believesin home. Seeks honest, caring, man, 58-65, who's looking Pleasereplywith photo. male, 64-66, who loves kids,
traditional values, financially/ happy endings). Needs sin- financiallysecuregentleman. for a lonely, warmhearted ANYWHERE 606-488 This Mustangs, sunsets & life.
emotionally secure, loves care/responsible gentleman TENN. 606-470 Blue-eyed lady? Please write. princess is ISO her prince.
Photo please.
dancing/good conversations/ to share life with. blond lady, 56, sincere, TEX.606-482Oilloroedfemale, She's very attractive, single,
45, S 1", 130 lbs., fair, doesn't childless, heartbroken, lone- FLA. 606-497 Attractive
family.Wants healthy/physical ESTONIA 606-458 Never- easygoing, loyal, kinda mom of four, 32, full-figured,
relationship. Man must be married, attractive, active plump, enjoys movies, dining consider herself physically ly; a professional, light-com-
sharp dresser/neat person. attractive he~- plected black woman, 33, blue-eyed brunette, nursing
female, 45 (looks 35), 5'4", out, traveling, walking. ,

aiu.......,."""" , drug/disease-free. No student, enjoys swimming,

Together, we'll enjoy whatever 130 lbs., blue-eyed blonde, Seeks caring, kindhearted, enjoys working out; above inmate/vices.
life has to offer. Nonsmoker. everyth1·ngshe's a Chn'stian camping, holidays and more.
honest, caring, good morals, secure Southern gentleman, , •
Will exchange letters only if Seeks an honest financ·1ally KV. 606-489 Lonely woman, Seeks patient, supportive
.........,..~ included. nonsmoker,drug-free.Seeks preferablyIn Fla/Tenn. , man for friendshipand love.
1-""' ..... t->'..,,.., someone with good values, PHILIPPINES 606-471 stable man, 48 •60, Mexican, 55, 5'1", 95 lbs., has home
MICH. 606-448 CORREC- for committed relationship. Wanted: Secure, profession- Anglo or Jewish. Minimal for the right person; seeks KV. 606-498 CORRECTION-
TlONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. ______ ___,,_ knowledge exSpcri;h preferred. kind, caring, considerate AL INSTITUTE INMATE.
Blue-eyed brunette beauty, DEL 606-459 Filipino nurse, al, kindhearted Anglo man, u•S.A. ......-.-.
- A,...Tired of being man, willing to relocate. Let's Spirited lady of color, 27,
25, 5'2", 105 lbs., long black who wants a devoted, loving, enjoy what's left of life. alluring, appealing, warm-
28, seeks loving companion- hair, pretty, petite, happy faithful Filipino lady, 42. Will alone too long. Divorced,
hearted, candid; desires
!~ipm!~ ~~n!•a~rs'~~~~~ smile, working in Saudi. relocate and treat you like a attractive, European-born FLA. 606-490 Attractive, poised/affectionate male,
L00 ki f M R"1 ht, 25-45 king. Age unimportant.Photo. white female, late 40s, medi- blue-eyed blonde, 49, tall, valiant of social qualms, for
laughterto brighten his day. ng or r. 9 • MICH. _ CORREC- um size, blond hair, honest, divorced, lives alone/very
CALIF. 606-449 Divorced WASH. 606-460 White/ 606 472 caring, understanding,sense lonely.Just lookingfor a kind, significant relationship. Age/
white female, 52, natural Hawaiian female, 19, 5', 115 TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. of humor, varied interests, caring man, 40s-50s,for last- raceopen. Photo/phone.
blonde, well-endowed, edu- lbs., brown hair/eyes, lonely, Sweet, kind, long-legged, smoker,drug/disease-free,no ingrelationship.Write. Photo. N.V. 606-499 Golden year?
cated, attractive/charming, bored, college student. honey-brown,loving woman, children, relocatable.Desires KV.606-491 CORRECTION- Sensible, considerate lady,
old-fashioned country girl, Seeks nondrinking,drug-free ~~~:eo~::r ~~~e~I~~~ good-natured,marriage-mind- AL INSTITUTE INMATE. 40s, in sobriety, not rich or
physicallyfit, financially/emo- white male, 19-27, for corre- ed, trustworthy,securegentle- Petite, appealing white pretty; seeks best friend/pen
tionally secure, nonsmoker, spondence.Photo please. deepeSt dreamscome true. man, for correspondencefirst female, early 30s, brown pal. No profanity please.
likes golf/dancing/flying. N.V. 606-461 White widow, ORE. 606-473 Full-figured Handicappedokay. No heavy eyes/hair, honest, warm- MICH. 606-500 Attractive
Seeks friendship with appro- likes to travel. Wishes to cor- widow, 40s, old-fashioned drinker. Sincere only. Please hearted, friendly; ready for blonde,27, likes to have fun,
priate gentleman writing to respond with/meet older, values, homebody,likes chil- write.Photo. Mr. Right to sweep her off released soon, looking for
her. It'll be the best thing you brown-skinned American dren, sports, movies, ani- _W_A,....,SH,--.-606-484----N-.--E-.__
E_lde_rtyher feet! Where are you? fresh start in life. Seeksfinan-
ever do for yoursett. Photos/ gentleman, for friendship, mals. Seeks same in dis- (non-Oriental), outdoorsy MICH. 606-492 CORREC- cially secure, honest, faithful,
phones exchanged first letter. future. Driver a plus. ease-free gentleman. No female, financially stable, on TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. understandinggentleman.
N.V. 606-450 White woman, KANS.606-462 This middle- smoker,drinkeror drug user. S.S., educated, rose grower. Tired of games? Want N.DAK. 606-501 Sincere
46, full-figured, red-haired, aged, very attractivewoman, SINGAPORE 60 6-4 7 4 Seeks horticulturist/nursery more? Gorgeous blonde attractive woman, 47, 5'3",
hazel-eyed, is looking for a is looking for that special Filipinolady,34, 5'6", 150 lbs., man, 70 plus, with car/same wants to bring you happi- brown-eyed blonde, large
cuddlybear-a black Christian guy. She's loyal, loving and hard-working,sincere. Seeks qualities, relocatable/tall/ ness. Top priority-romance, bosom, great sense of
man, 40-50, for lasting reia- honest. If you are drug-free, marriage-minded, drug/dis- slim/outdoorsy, marriage- not finance, friendship, humor, jeans-to-lace, clean,
tionship. Let's start the new serious, and would like com- ease-free, one-woman man. minded,white/Indian,for cor- hopefully more. Will relo- honest, classy, very affec-
year right Photo. panionship,your letter would Anyage.Seriousonly. cate.
-=res~po.,..n.,.,den=-=,..,.ce.,..,·=---::--::-::--=Write. Phone. tionate, compassionate,
KANS. 606-451 White lady, be appreciated.Photo. TEX. 606-475 Central. White PHILIPPINES 606-485 AUSTRALIA 606-493 So- romantic, high morals, fun
69, 5'2", 145 lbs.,seeksclean, MICH. 606-463 CORREC- Gemini widow, 58, 5'1", has Petite Filipino female, 29, 5', phisticated, model-type to be with, nondrinker/
honest, loving, younger hus- TIONAL INSTITUTEINMATE. love and hugs for Mr. Right. 100 lbs., college graduate, blonde, 24, seeks generous, smoker, enjoys home life,
band, with humorousspirit.No Tall, blond beauty queen, 30, No games. Tobacco/alcohol- pretty, never married. Seeks caring gentleman, for lasting lots of TLC, enjoys taking
drinking,cursingor filthiness. is looking for her king. Do free. Photo, phone first letter. loving, faithful, honest, mar- relationship (when she visits care of and pleasing her
S.C. 606-452White Christian you have royal dreams, like OHIO606-476Attractive,sin- riage-mindedgentleman. USA),for correspondence first. man. Looking for fun/honest
widow, nonsmoker/ drinker/ she does? Age/race unim- gle whitelady,23, red hair, blue KV. 606-486 Very attractive, CANADA 606-494 Retired man for friendship, possible
drug-free, enjoys handballs, portant. Phone please. eyes, enjoys dancing, music, provocative lady, 30, mod- teacher, 58, cheerful, loyal, marriage.
38- SUN-February 15, 1994 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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