Sunrise Party - Funding Proposal Paper

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Sunrise Party Funding Proposal:

As of October 20, 2021, the US financial debt is up to 28.8 trillion dollars. This number
is gradually rising. We, the Sunrise Party will do whatever it takes to steer America out of this
financial distress. We plan to tax the top 1% to pay off the deep financial debt our country is
facing. Three ways we could go about taxing the rich are: one – taxing high-income earners, two
– taxing capital income as most of the income of the super-rich comes from capital income, or
three – taxing the stock of wealth directly. We as a party feel that the best way to go about this
issue is by taxing high-income earners. A wealth tax will reduce wealth inequality, increase tax
revenue to the federal government, and create a more level playing field for people with less
While financial debt is a crucial issue that we are eager to fix, it is also essential that we
raise enough money for our political campaign. We propose to raise money for our campaign by
seeking and accepting money from PACs. We’ve chosen the following PACs based on the
number of donations they’ve made throughout the history of elections and based on the
organizations they come from. For example, we plan on seeking money from the American Assn
for Justice PAC. The AAJ is a federal PAC that supports the races of pro-civil-justice candidates
and incumbents from both sides of the political aisle. As a party, we believe in giving as much
support to everyone, despite where they are on the political aisle, so this committee seems to fit
our motto as a party. This action group has donated more money to Democratic candidates than
Republican candidates since 1990. However, they have not raised or spent any money against
Republican candidates during elections. Research has shown that the American Assn for Justice
spent a total of $8,060,488 and raised a total of $8,000,711 from the years 2019 to 2020. Based
on this information, we trust that this PAC will give us the money that we need for our campaign.
We also plan to receive money from the American Federation of State/Cnty/Munic Employees
(AFSCME) PAC. AFSCME organizes for the social and economic rights of their protectorates in
the workplace through political action and legislative advocacy. From 2019 - 2020, this
committee has spent $21,421,473 and has raised $23,893,571. With the help of a PAC like this,
the Sunrise Party will be able to create the best possible campaign we can. The Sheet Metal, Air,
Rail & Transportation Union is a group that promotes air efficiency and produces and provides
vital services that move products to market and passengers to their destinations. The Sunrise
Party is invested in combating climate change as it is such a crucial issue that if not addressed
immediately, will detrimentally impact our future. This PAC raised a total of $4,018,557 and
spent a total of $3,701,489 back from 2019 - 2020. All of these PACs have helped several
campaigns by donating millions of dollars and the Sunrise Party can count on that to ensure that
we can put tons of money into our campaign.
But to ensure we have exactly enough money to pull off our campaign we have planned
to get money from several Super PACs as well, starting with the Women’s Vote! Super PAC. The
Women’s Vote! Group is a Super PAC founded to help motivate women voters to elect
Democratic candidates who support legalized abortion. This group, which makes independent
expenditures, is affiliated with “EMILY’S LIST”, a progressive women’s organization that
supports pro-choice women running for office. As a party that is pro-choice and advocates for
women’s rights and gender equality, we know that this PAC will be open to contributing money
towards our campaign. The total number of independent expenditures this political committee
spent from 2020 - 2021 was $1,951,325. They spent $1,027,536 for Democrats but spent
$923,789 against Democrats. Though the number of spending money towards each political
party is very divided, based on our common focuses we the Sunrise Party believe that this PAC
will contribute to raising money for our campaign. To ensure financial security in building our
campaign, we have two more Super PACs in mind that we will want to seek money from as well,
the Black PAC and the Police and Trooper Support Super PAC. The Black PAC was founded to
help build Black political power and to increase the diversity of voices participating in solving
our nation’s most challenging problems. Their viewpoint is liberal, but the history of their
political action hasn’t been targeted towards going against republicans. The Black PAC raised
$721,755 for Democrats and spent a total of $721,755 on Independent Expenditures in 2020. The
Police and Trooper Support PAC is a bipartisan Super PAC that endorses lawmakers who
recognize the importance of enacting legislation that provides better police training. Although
this Super PAC doesn’t account for any specifically-big issues that our party believes in, based
on the history of their donations they donated a considerable amount to both Democrats and
Republicans. The grand total spent on the 2020 federal elections was $1,156,094. Exactly
$578,047 were spent for Democrats and Republicans. Based on the bipartisan support of this
Super PAC and the amount of money they donated, we feel as though they are a good group to
get money from.
In addition to PACs and Super PACs, we have chosen to seek out dark money from
non-profit organizations, such as the Environmental Defense Action Fund. The 501(c)(4)
organization’s main priorities are to take on climate change and other grave threats. The Sunrise
Party is a firm believer in combating climate change so we safely conclude that this organization
will be open to helping us out. From the most recent reports of how much the organization spent
on elections, it was calculated that they spent $1,602,792 total. We also plan on putting our faith
into organizations like the US Chamber of Commerce 501(c)(6) organization and the Climate
Reality Action Fund 501(c)(4) organization. The US Chamber of Commerce organization spent a
total of $34,514,842 the last time they were reported on. The Climate Reality Action Fund spent
a total of $1,431,414 the last time they were involved in the process. Finally, we plan to get
money from the defending Democracy Together organization, which spent $15,412,477 during
their last political involvement. We hope that with the help of these four non-profit organizations,
this amount of dark money can help compensate for the expenses of our political campaign.
In conclusion, we believe these PACs, Super PACs, and non-profit organizations will
help build our campaign. This funding plan will be the best way to ensure that our party is
politically ready for any challenge to come our way.

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