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Date: __________ Name: _______________


I. A. Choose the option that best completes the sentence.

1. She’s on the phone at the moment. She’ll call you back in few minutes.
(in/ on/at/talking)

2. She has been working at that company for 3 days.

(since/ for/ to/ago)

3. Has she done this type of work before?

(have/ has/ did/ is)

4. I think this type of work is not as easy as it appears to be.

(as easier/ as more easy/ as easy/ easiest)

5. Having good qualifications is very important if you want to get a good job.
(to have/ having/ to having/ has)

6. This company has been chosen as the best place to work at.
(has/ been / have been/ has been)

7. We’re not very sure what’s going to happen in our country, but there might be a
fluctuation in the value of the Uruguayan peso.
(must/ might/ certainly/ my)

8. I haven’t sent the email yet, but I promise I will do it today.

(have sent/ haven’t sent/ didn’t send/ didn’t sent)

9. When we lived in Argentina we used to travel around the country in our vacations.
( travelling/ travel/ travelled/ trip)

10. I know that man, he has an office downtown, doesn’t he?

( hasn’t / has / doesn’t / don’t)
I. B. One of the underlined words is incorrect. Find and mark the error.

11. Now that I think of it I’m believing (I believe) that she is in a meeting at the moment.

12. I think she works very efficient, (efficiently) I’m not going to fire her.

13. Since I stopped to smoke (stopped smoking), I’m saving a lot of money.

14. I’m a little nervous about the test but I’m sure that If I will study (study) I will pass

15. New York is dirtier than most cities in the USA and probably one of the more(most) expensive as

16. I know all about that new policy, my supervisor said (told) me to pay attention to it.

I. C. Read the dialog and choose the best option to complete the sentences and make them

17. Last week my boss had a talk with my team and explained the new methodology that we
have to apply in our department. This is the second time that our supervisor has told us about
the importance of this issue.
We have been told the importance of this issue various times.
(have told/ have been told/ told/ been told).
That is the new methodology which we have to apply in our department.
(who/ with which/ which/ whom)
Did anyone explained the new methodology to your department?
(did/ does/ have / has)

18. In most companies you are entitled to a couple of days off a year if you are studying. The
corresponding certification from your University will be requested. Compliance with this
procedure is mandatory even if there are no laws that indicate this procedure in your country.
You are allowed to take a few days off if you are studying (allowed/ let/ are allowed/ can)
You must give your supervisor a certificate even if there is no law about this in your country. ( should
to/ don’t have to / must / must not)
The company will request the corresponding certification (request/ be requested/ have requested/ can

19. Misconduct of a serious nature is prohibited in the building and could result in immediate
removal from the workplace or having your contract terminated. Due to non-adherence to this
policy, the supervisor was fired.
Even though she knew what the policy was, she didn’t comply with it.
(due to/ however/ even though/ despite)
If the supervisor had adhered to the rules, she wouldn’t have been fired
(would be/ would have been/ wouldn’t have been/ wouldn’t be)

If she had had another chance, she wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
(has/ had/ had had/ would have)

II. A. Choose the option that best completes the sentence.

1. I’m being considered for the position, don’t I?

(am not/ aren’t/ don’t / do)

2. Union members are with the strike until they can agree on a new pay deal
(on/ in/ with the/go on)

3. When I couldn’t find my wallet I realized that I had been robbed

(been stolen/mugged/ been robbed/ robbed)

4. By this time next week he will have finished preparing the presentation
(will finish/ finish/ will have finished/ will be finish)

5. I’m interested in working there for a few years

(on/ in/ to / about)

6. Oh no! I forgot to call him yesterday… I will do it now.

(am doing/ will do/ am going to do/ do)

7. I wouldn’t have suggested you as a team leader if I had known that you were always late.
(wouldn’t suggest/ didn’t have suggested/ wouldn’t have suggested/ didn’t suggest)

8. If you confirm the dates then I can have everything sorted out by Monday
(of/ in/ out/ off)

9. No smoking allowed. Please turn off your cigarettes

( turn off/ put off/ put out/ take off)

10. There’s a lot at stake in this presentation. I’m going to do my best; I hope I don’t let you down.
(put/ make/ let / do )

II. B. One of the underlined words is incorrect. Find and mark the error.

11. When we were kids my dad would read us bedtime stories before we went to bed, I don’t know if I

would do the same when I have children.

12. How long have you been having the same email account? I can set up a new account for you if

you’re up for it.

13. The people always want what they can’t have: it is said that it’s human nature not to be satisfied

with what you’ve got.

14. I’ve got so much in my mind now that I’m not sure: I remember sending the e mail but I can’t be

certain that they actually replied.

15. The survey results revealed that a high percentage of people are interested in improving their

economic situation, in spite of only a very low percentage of them were actively looking for another


II. C. Read the dialog and choose the best option to complete the sentences and make them

16. The company has always claimed that the biggest challenge in having Corporate Values
would be to engage everyone around the organization in the process, ensuring that the Values
are not only understood, but owned and lived, by everyone, on a daily basis.
Engaging everyone around the organization is the biggest challenge for the company. (To engage/ if
engaged / engaging/ once engaged)

17. Before launching the program, the company wanted to make sure everyone was not only
familiar but also completely engaged with the process, so they carried out a survey to analyze
the situation.
The survey had been done by the time they launched the program. (was done/ had been done/ has
been done/ is carried out)

The company wanted to make sure the employees had a certain level of commitment to the program
(commitment /compromise/ engaged/ attachment)

18. Upon the completion of the expansion works on our headquarters, our company has
reached another milestone in its drive to further strengthen its unparalleled global delivery
The expansion work in the head office has been finished (has not been ended yet / has been finished/
was already been finished/ is still going on)

The company considers finishing the expansion is an accomplishment. (not finishing/ finishing/ to
finish/ not to finish)
19. Man: What did you think of the email I sent you?
Woman: Did you copy the points from the handbook?
Man: Of course not! Do you have it with you?
Woman: I did… but I can’t find it, maybe I left it in my office.
She may have left the papers on her desk. (may have left/ should have left/ probably have left/).
He refused to copy the points from the handbook. (refused to copy/ denied taking/ admitted copying/
lied about copying)
She suspected that he had copied the points from the handbook. (copied/ had copied/ has copied/
didn’t copy).

20. The company actively addresses climate change and by launching the environmental
protection program in April, the group became the first major global logistics company to set
its own specific, measurable climate protection goal.
No other global logistics company had ever set their own climate protection goals. (set/has ever set/
had ever set/ had never set).

The company is not opposed to changing the current practices as long as they are for the good of the
environment. (of changing/ to changing/ to change/ against changing)

Correct the mistakes in the following short messages (look out for things like punctuation and
use of capital letters):

1. “Please let me know if the issue persist for this user?"

Please let me know if the issue persists for this user.

2. “"I'm checking right now how this services are running and them are just fine."

I'm checking right now how this service is running and they are just fine.

3. "We are working in the remaining ones."

We are working on the remaining ones.

4. “"We have been troubleshooted them and after delete some files. we have set them as running ."

We have been troubleshot them and after deleting some files. we have set them running.

5. “I'm going to monitor this for a couple hours but i'm pretty sure their’s nothing to be worried about.”

I'm going to monitor this for a couple hours, but I’m pretty sure their’s nothing to be worried about

6. “im not in the new york office."

I’m not in the New York office.

7. “Did you try doing what we talk yesterday"

Did you try doing what we talked yesterday?


Writing activity:

You receive the following e-mail from your client

Hi Juan,

I got tied up in another meeting today and I missed our weekly update. Things are a little
hectic and I won’t be able to reschedule - do you think you could give me an update of the
status? Were you able to make the changes we spoke about last time? We’re a little behind
schedule and I’m worried we won’t make the deadline, what are your thoughts?
Can we help with anything from our end?



Answer the e-mail below:

Hi Roger,

No problem, I hope everything is going well, of course, I did the changes you asked for and I
also worked on the next part of the project so you don’t have to worry about the deadline, if we
continue with the great communication, it should be fine.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


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