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Q2 - LESSON 6 Student’s name:................................................. Class: 10A ...........

Complete the notes below.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 1

I. Complete the participle clause at the start of each sentences using the information in brackets.
1. ………………………… strongly, she was able to cross the river in just a few minutes. (She swam
2. ………………………… in oil, Colin got out from under the car. (He was covered in oil.)
3. ………………………… in Latin, the two letters were sent in 1406 to the French king. (They were
written in Latin.)
4. ………………………… them twice this year already, Bayern Munich are favourites to win again
against Real Madrid. (They have beaten them twice this year already.)
5. ………………………… how to use the software, I found it easy to design my own website. (I was
shown how to use the software.)
6. ………………………… eaten anything for hours, I was starting to feel a bit faint. (I hadn't eaten
anything for hours.)
7. ………………………… her glasses, she began to read her speech. (She put on her glasses.)
8. ………………………… Portuguese, I found travelling in Brazil difficult. (I can’t speak Portuguese.)

II. Change the words in italics.

0. Ann can’t eat dishes that are made with milk.  dishes made with milk
9. The students who were taught by Oliver all got excellent results.  ……………………………………
10. Cars that are parked in this street will be towed away.  ……………………………………
11. I thought that the girl who was talking to Patrick looked really nice.  …………………………………
12. Whose are those books that are piled up on the stairs?  ……………………………………
13. I can’t hear myself think because of the birds that are singing outside.  ……………………………
14. We need to reduce the amount of plastic that is used for packaging.  ………………………………
15. There is a special price for people who are studying full-time.  ……………………………………
16. A letter that was posted in 1986 has just been delivered to my sister.  ………………………………
17. We do not have all the books that were requested; we are sending those that are in stock.
 ……………………………………
18. Please let me have all the tickets that are available.  ……………………………………

III. The famous quotations (19 – 23) are missing infinitive phrases. Match the infinitive forms (A – E)
in the box to complete the quotations correctly.
19. ‘To err is human, ................... divine.’ (Alexander Pope) ………… A. to have loved
20. ‘One should eat .................. not live to eat.’ (Molière) ………… B. to look natural
21. ‘It is better ……………. and lost than never to have loved at all.’ ………… C. to live
(Samuel Butler) D. to forgive
22. ‘To be or …………....: that is the question.’ (William ………… E. not to be
Shakespeare) …………
23. The best thing is .................... but it takes make-up to look
natural.’ (Calvin Klein)

IV. Read this extract from a blog about a visit to London. Rewrite the underlined parts using a
participle clause, to-infinitive or reduced clause.
(0) While I was in London I just had to go to the British Museum. There's so much to see and I only
had time to spend a few hours there. First, I went to the collection of clocks and watches. (24) When I
saw the pocket watches, I was reminded of the old watch my grandfather used to wear. I don’t think I
ever saw him without it Then I went to the Money Gallery. They've got an incredible collection of coins,
(25) and some of them are over 2,000 years old. Next stop was the Chinese collection. (26) Because I'd
lived in Hong Kong for so many years, I was very interested in this. Some of the jade objects were
stunning. (27) After I looked at the Chinese collection, I had hoped to see the Mexican collection.
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 2
Unfortunately, (28) when I got there I found that it was closed. (29) Because I'd spent the whole morning
walking around the museum, I decided that I wanted to do something very different in the afternoon. So
I went to the London Eye (30) in order that I could get a bird's-eye view of the city. (31) When they are
looked at from the top of the Eye, some of the biggest buildings appear quite small - even St Paul’s
Cathedral, across the river After that, (32) because I was tired from all the walking, I went back to my
hotel room and slept for a couple of hours (33) before I went out to have dinner.
0. While in London … 29. …………………………………………………
24. ……………………………………………………. 30. …………………………………………………
25. …………………………………………………… 31. …………………………………………………
26. …………………………………………………… 32. …………………………………………………
27. …………………………………………………… 33. …………………………………………………
28. ……………………………………………………

V. Complete the following sentences with a suitable reduced relative clause and any necessary
prepositions. Each sentence must have a passive meaning. Look at the example given.
painted parked booked imported stolen born
cooked washed left returned dug treated
0. Children born on or before 1st September should have been vaccinated.
33. Any books ............................ to the library more than three days late will be subject to a fine.
34. Meat ........................... oil or butter contains much more cholesterol than meat which has been grilled.
35. Patients ............................. the new wonder drug showed no greater signs of recovery than those
receiving traditional medicine.
36. Did you know that grapes ................................. to dry in the sun turn into raisins?
37. Tickets ................................ phone must be paid for within 24 hours.
38. The management declines all responsibility for property ................... from cars …............ this car park.
39. The skeleton ............................... the building site last month turned out to be over 2,000 years old.
40. Yes folks, it’s true. Clothes ............................... new ‘Spumo’ won’t lose their colour. We guarantee it!
41. Looking round a junk shop one day, Stanley came across a picture ..................................... by
42. Dogs .......................... Britain from another European country must spend three months in quarantine.
43. Baggage .......................................... unattended may be destroyed.

VI. Complete the sentences using the prepositions in the box. Use some prepositions more than
about on during back to at in
44. Some traditions, like eating lamb at Easter, go quite a long way .............
45. I'd like to welcome you here ........... this very special occasion.
46. ............. the end of the recipe, the chef says that it should be served cold.
47. I wrote the number of the restaurant ............. a bit of paper, but I've lost it.
48. How much do you know ............... the history of your country's food?
49. I've always been interested .............. food from different countries.
50. We often eat special food …............ traditional celebrations.
51. My parents went .............. an expensive restaurant for their wedding anniversary.

VII. Read the passage again. For questions I-10, think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning.
Are you interested (0) in world cuisine?
Do you know anything (52) ………… Chinese food? I wonder (53) ……...... you have ever heard of fortune
cookies. Fortune cookies are small biscuits that are traditionally served (54) …….... the end of a meat in

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 3
a Chinese restaurant. They are sweet and have a piece of paper inside them. Written (55) ....... the piece
of paper is your fortune. They often say things like ‘You will write a book one day' or ‘You will be lucky
(56) ………. love’.
Do you know how far (57) …………... the tradition goes? The Chinese have always given each other
sweet Moon Cakes (58) ………. special occasions. When the Mongols occupied China in the 13th century,
the Chinese needed a way to send secret messages to each other. They put the messages inside Moon
When gold was discovered in California in 1849, many Chinese people went (59) ………. America to
work (60) ………. the railway. Life was hard, but (61) ………. celebrations they put messages of hope
inside biscuits. When they settled in California and opened restaurants, they continued the tradition.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 4
Q2 - LESSON 6 Student’s name: ........................................................... Class: 10A .............
I. Complete the text with words from the box.
capacity child-centred classroom educators foster graduate
images influence method needs potential whole
Maria Montessori was one of the most important early years (1) ……………………. of the 20th century.
She was the first woman to (2) ……………………. from the University of Rome medical school and became
interested in education through her work as a doctor, treating children with special (3) …………………….
When she went on to establish schools for the disadvantaged children of working parents in Rome, she
approached their education as a scientist. She used the (4) ……………………. as her laboratory for
observing children and finding ways to help them to achieve their full (5) …………………….
It soon became apparent that Dr Montessori had developed a highly effective teaching (6)
……………………. which could be used with great success with each and every child. She began to travel
the world, establishing schools, lecturing about her discoveries, and writing articles right up to her death
in 1952. She was a true pioneer of (7) ……………………. education. Her innovative classroom practices
and ideas have had a profound (8) ……………………. on the education of young children all over the
Montessori saw that children learn best by doing and that happy self-motivated learners form positive
(9) ……………………. of themselves as confident, successful people. She created specially designed
resources to (10) ……………………. independence and a love for learning from an early age.
The Montessori approach is holistic, that is, it aims to develop the (11) ……………………. child.
Fundamental to this approach is the belief that a child’s early life, from birth to six years old, is the period
when they have the greatest (12) ……………………. to learn.

II. Match these words and phrases with their definitions.

0. special needs ……… a. person who is the first to develop an idea
13. disadvantaged ……… b. able to work at something without encouragement
14. achieve your potential ...0…. c. requirements due to physical or mental problems
15. pioneer ……… d. new and original
16. child-centred ……… e. suceed to the best of your ability
17. innovative ……… f. based on the needs and interests of children
18. self-motivated ……… g. without the necessary education, money, etc. to succeed in life

III. Choose the correct adverbs for the adjectives in bold in these sentences.
19. The newly / firmly established early years centre is already serving a large number of local families.
20. The historic university is newly / firmly established as top choice for international students hoping to
study in the city.
21. We are seeking advice on how to recruit the highly / poorly educated workforce needed for these
skilled roles.
22. He plays the character of a highly / poorly educated caretaker who has an innate gift for
23. His theory was increasingly / highly influential in the development of educational practices in the
latter part of the century.
24. The department will become increasingly / highly influential as the publication of its papers in top
journals continues.
25. Focus groups showed that parents were strongly / politically motivated to do the best for their
offspring whilst being wary of other parents' competitive behaviour.
26. The announcement today of additional grants for poorer students has been seen as a strongly /
politically motivated attempt to deflect allegations of a U-turn.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 5
IV. Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in capital letters at the ends of the lines.
Mechanical Engineering is among the most diversified of the (0) traditional TRADITION
engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers design and build machines and devices
that (27) …………………… humans to live and work in space, in the air, on the ground, ABLE
and under water. Their machines can extend our physical (28) …………………… and CAPABLE
improve our health and standard of living. Students acquire an (29) ………………...… UNDERSTAND
of the fundamentals of mechanics and of the thermal energy sciences. They learn to
perform (30) ………………………… design tasks using computers and to select INTERACT
appropriate materials for a specific (31) ………………………… They also become APPLY
familiar with the chemical and (32) ………………………… sciences, which are often ELECTRIC
essential to the total design and (33) ………………………… of a mechanical system. REALISE
We have a small but active group of faculty (34) …………………………, graduate RESEARCH
students and undergraduates who share a passion for
Mechanical Engineering.

V. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap.
Some scientists believe that asking people how happy they are is (35) …………... asking them
about an event they’ve attended in the past - there’s a lot they (36) …………... no notice of during the
experience, so how do they know? These scientists think that anyone studying happiness should pay
more (37) …………... to people’s experiences at the time they occur, not afterwards.
Other scientists say that we are actually (38) …………... up of our memories. They suggest that
studying moment-to-moment experiences at the time (39) …………... too much emphasis on temporary
pleasures, and that happiness goes (40) …………... than that. They identify three key (41) …………...
for happiness: pleasure, engagement (how involved we are with family, work, romance and hobbies) and
meaning (how we use our personal strengths to achieve important (42) …………...). It is interesting that,
(43) …………... to what might be expected, pleasure seems to play the smallest part in what makes us

35. A. similar to B. close to C. typical of D. consists of

36. A. gave B. took C. got D. kept
37. A. focus B. concentration C. attention D. regard
38. A. made B. built C. created D. developed
39. A. sets B. puts C. fixes D. rests
40. A. stronger B. lower C. deeper D. greater
41. A. ingredients B. parts C. factors D. items
42. A. intentions B. plans C. marks D. goals
43. A. against B. opposing C. contrary D. contrast

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 6

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