Q2 - Lesson 9 Student

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Q2 - LESSON 9 Student’s name:...................................... Class: 11A .............

Corrector’s name: .....................................



Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 1
Fresh graduate
Post graduate

11 & 12.
13. references
14. country
15. weather
16. C
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. C


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 2
I. Rewrite these sentences, using compound adjectives to replace the underlined words, as in the
example. Use suitable forms of one word from each box and make any other changes necessary.
car  home  fast  rare confident  expend  hour  manufacture
rapid  self  three make  move  visit expand

0. São Paulo is a city which is getting bigger very São Paulo is rapidly – expanding city.
Who is self-confident.
1. Eleanor is attractive and a person who has ……………………………………………..............
confidence in herself.
The …. Britain’s main car manufacturing region.
2. The Midlands is Britain's main region that ……………………………………………..............
produces automobiles.
They were soon engulfed by the fast-flowing water.
3. They were soon engulfed by the water, which ……………………………………………..............
was flowing very quickly.
Take part in a three hour training session.
4. Each new member of staff must take part in a ……………………………………………..............
training session which lasts three hours.
…. is a very rarely visited part of England.
5. Northumberland is a part of England which ……………………………………………..............
people don't go to very often.
The home-made desserts are the main feature …
6. The desserts, which are produced by ourselves, ……………………………………………..............
are the main feature of our restaurant. GM foods:
II. Complete the article with compound nouns and compound adjectives, using the clues in
brackets, as in the example.
Hypoallergenic cats
A (0) California – based (based in California) company has come up with a (7) ...............................
animal lovers
(engineered by genetics) solution for those (8) ………......................... (people that love animals) that
Asthma sufferers
have an allergy to cats. In Britain alone there are 2.6 million (9) ……………….................... (people who
suffer from asthma) who are allergic to cats.
These allergies are caused by a protein in the cat's skin which causes coughing, sneezing and skin
Research scientists
irritation in sufferers. (10) ........................................ (scientists who do research) have now identified the
Carefully extracted
genes that produce this protein. By examining the (11) ........................................ (extracted with care)
DNA of different cats they have produced a breed that looks exactly like an ordinary cat, but does not
trigger allergic reactions in humans.
Allerca Lifestyle Pets of San Diego has been breeding the (12) ......................................... (free of
allergens) cats and are now offering them for sale around the world.

I. Complete using the words in the box.
benign • former • inferior • mainstream • minister • reluctant
society • subjective • superior • vulnerable
13. Bill Clinton, ................................. President of the United States, arrived in Beijing today.
14. After years in small political parties, I gradually became more interested in ............................... politics.
15. My boss doesn’t know what he’s doing, but I can’t tell him that because he’s ............................. to me.
16. I was ................................. to help her, but I had no choice.
17. You might think people want this law, but that’s just your ................................. opinion and you don’t
have any facts to back it up.
18. A dictator might appear ................................... but you never know when they might start to abuse
their power.
19. We must do all we can to help those who are in a ................................. position.
20. Each department is controlled by a ................................. who is part of the government.
21. Don’t think I’m ................................. to you. I’m just as good as you are.
22. I'm sick of worrying about what ................................. thinks and I’m just going to do what I want.
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 3
II. Match to make sentences.
23. No matter what I said, Chris refused D
………… A. in to this kind of blackmail from the workers.
to back B. off with just 100 hours' community service.
24. Hardly had they locked the shop F
………… C. in at this election because it doesn’t make
25. Only radical action will bring …………G any difference.
26. What annoys me is that the man got B
………… D. down from her position on abortion.
27. The Prime Minister hit H
………… E. over the business and rearranged things.
28. Things have certainly improved since E
………… F. up when the alarm went off.
you took G. about the changes that we so desperately
29. The authorities shouldn't give A
………… need.
30. I don't care who gets C
………… H. back at her critics and claimed she had done
nothing wrong.

III. Choose the correct answer.

31. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is ............ the law.
A. beyond B. over C. above D. onto
32. Apparently, before the fight some of the youths had ............... themselves with knives.
A. fitted B. installed C. armed D. readied
33. The woman was convicted and sentenced ............... six months in prison.
A. for B. on C. with D. to
34. Since it was a minor offence, Derek was sent to ............... prison.
A. an open B. an easy C. a soft D. a weak
35. A middle-aged man was seen running away from the ............... of the crime.
A. place B. scene C. location D. point
36. I work such long hours that I don’t really have time for much of a ............. life.
A. friendly B. outgoing C. social D. free
37. Don’t worry - the documents are safely ............... lock and key at my place.
A. under B. in C. on D. within
38. The most powerful force in a teenager’s life is probably.............pressure.
A. friend B. peer C. company D. crowd
39. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to .............. your request for British citizenship.
A. give B. grant C. permit D. donate
40. We finally managed to ............. our way through the crowd and reach the exit.
A. create B. insist C. move D. force

IV. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space in the
same line.
We have all had the experience, I am sure, of feeling (41) ……………................ POWER
in the face of civil servants. All nations need bureaucrats, but too many have
become (42) ....................................... and inflexible. While some carry out their INSTITUTE
jobs (43) ...................................... others apply the letter of the law but not the DUTY
spirit, and behave in an (44) ................................... manner, relying on computers OFFICE
and rules to tell them what is (45) .................................... and what is not. The PERMIT
number of civil servants has increased (46) …………………................. under this SIGNIFY
current government, which I believe is a good (47) ......................................... of INDICATE
where their priorities lie. I agree with Jack Turner (Letters, 16th May) that it is a
(48) .................................... waste of taxpayers’ money and I find his argument CRIME
that we only need one third of them very (49) ................................... indeed. We PERSUADE
in this country have (50) ..................................... thebiggest civil service in this ARGUE
part of the world and it is time something was done about it.
Yours sincerely,
A. P. Kennedy (Mrs)


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 4
V. Write one word in each gap.
The hooded top, or ‘hoody’, has become something of a symbol of youth crime in Britain. It seems
to get a mention whenever the newspapers get (51) ..................... the subject. Those wearing them are
often classed (52) ..................... against
yobs or hooligans, even when they have done nothing (53) .....................
the law. The problem is that hoodies can easily hide their identity from CCTV cameras. Those (54)
..................... authority in some places such as shopping centres have even gone so far as to ban people
wearing hoodies. They claim that the threat of crime (55) ..................... them the right to do it, but there
is a danger that young people will actually be provoked (56) ..................... behaving in antisocial ways
through rules like this. They may feel that those (57) ..................... power are discriminating against them,
and that they refuse to listen when they deny (58) ..................... done anything wrong. It seems to be a
classic example (59) ..................... older people feeling threatened by the fashions of the young. At the
end of the day, what the members of their peer (60) ..................... think will always be more important to
the young than what people running shopping centres think they should or shouldn’t wear.
Homework: 43
Listening: 10
L9: 60


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 5
Q2 - LESSON 9 Student’s name:...................................... Class: 11A .............
Corrector’s name: .....................................


I. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

dominate • impose • label • liberate • resist • restrict • subject
summon • undermine • victimise
We are (1) .......................... to many different forms of power. There are those forms of power that exist
by law: the right of the government to (2) .......................... laws on a country and to (3) .......................... what
we are allowed to do. There is also the right of courts to (4) .......................... people to appear to stand trial
or to give evidence. There is also, of course, power on a more personal level.
People are constantly struggling for power and social status. This might take the form of attempting to
(5) .......................... a conversation, something that is relatively easy to (6) .......................... since it is so
obvious. It is more difficult to (7) .......................... ourselves from other forms of social power. When we are
(8) .......................... as ‘this’ or ‘that’ by other people and put into a category, that too is a form of power.
Bosses at work might (9) .......................... their employees by making them work long hours. A parent
might (10) .......................... their child’s self-confidence with constant criticism. Power is everywhere and the
more you understand it, the more you may be able to control it.

II. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.
11. We don’t go out during the week as a .......................... but we’ll make an exception tonight.
People must be made to respect the .......................... of law, or we’ll have anarchy.
A good .......................... of thumb is that you should allow 15 minutes per exercise in the exam.
12. Did you hear that the guy who lives in the flat upstairs has been ........................... with burglary?
I couldn’t believe they .......................... me three euros for a bottle of water!
The children ran out of the school gate and .......................... down the hill.
13. We have it on good .......................... that they’re thinking of closing the local office.
The professor spoke with .......................... on the subject of young people and crime.
Responsibility for running the prison has been taken out of the hands of the local ..........................
14. The headteacher punished Aaron severely in order to make an .......................... of him.
Why can’t you follow your brother's ........................... and go to university?
Give me one .......................... of a place round here where young people can go in the evenings.
15. The politician .......................... all responsibility for the prison escape.
The authorities .......................... the couple’s request to be allowed to stay in Britain.
I didn’t believe Abigail when she .......................... knowing who had stolen the money.
16. My parents have decided to lay down the .......................... so I can’t come out this weekend.
This government’s top priority is .......................... and order.
Have things improved since the Freedom of Information Act became ..........................?

III. Complete using the words in the box.

book • hand • head • law • live • powers • strings • tape • thumb • way
17. You can't just bury your ................... in the sand and hope that this problem goes away, you know.
18. My dad pulled a few ................... and got me the job.
19. You can’t just take the ................... into your own hands and attack someone like that.
20. Ian’s really under his boss’s ................... and isn’t allowed to make any decisions himself.
21. It was a difficult game, but I eventually managed to gain the upper ...................
22. Our neighbour’s a bit strange, but ................... and let live, I always say.


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 6
23. The ................... that be have decided to ban skateboarding in the park.
24. I had to get through a lot of red ................... but I finally got the documents I needed.
25. If you let Vanessa have her own ................... all the time, you’ll spoil her.
26. This is the third time Heather’s been caught - they’re really going to throw the ................... at her this

IV. Use the words in brackets to form one word for each gap in the article. Some of the words are
compounds. (You may use hyphenated words, as in example 00.)
PETS FOR PATIENTS is an organisation which provides small pets for those suffering from certain
mental and physical illnesses. It believes it is time to (0) reconsider (consider) our (00) long – held
(long hold) belief that animals should be kept out of hospitals and away from sick people.
For years medical experts have considered animals to be a source of dangerous (27)
............................ (infect), completely (28) ............................ (suit) for an environment containing
vulnerable and sick people. Now new research has shown that rather than posing a risk to patients, pets
can promote recovery and have (29) ............................ (benefit) psychological effects. Patients suffering
from (30) ............................ (severe disable) conditions, such as those which prevent them from leaving
their beds and moving around, have been given small pets to look after.
(31) ............................ (continue) monitoring has shown that while stroking or grooming pets,
patients' blood pressure and heart rates have been (32) ............................ (low). Because of this, their
(33) ............................ (depend) on drugs has been reduced, and feedback from the medical trials has
shown (34) ............................ (consider improve) recovery times for a large number of patients.
Doctors have noted that the effect on patients (35) ............................ (psychology) states has been
(36) ............................ (remark). It appears that the stimulus provided by looking after pets has given
patients a (37) ............................ (height) sense of (38) ............................ (response) and improved
their general (39) ............................ (self confide). According to the researchers, it is almost impossible
t0 (40) ............................ (state) the positive effects of 'pet therapy'.
Pets for Patients is currently raising money to (41) ............................ (able) it to provide small pets
to all the long-term care centres in the country.


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 525 486 7

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