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Q2 - LESSON 5 Student’s name:................................................. Class: 10A ...........

Questions 11 – 12. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
11. Who is Mrs. Sutton worried about?
12. What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together?

Questions 13 – 17. Complete the table below.

Name of Number of doctors Other information Information about
Health doctors
Dean End Dr. Jones is good with
(13) ………………………. Appointment system (15) (16)
……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….
……………………………. …………………………….
than South Hay Dr. Shaw is good with
small children
South Hay Dr. Williams helps people
(14) ………………………. Building less modern than with (17) …………………
……………………………. Dean End …………………………….

Questions 18 – 20.
Question 18
Doctors start seeing patients at the Health Centre from …………………………………… o’cloc.

Question 19
Choose TWO letters A-E. Which TWO groups of patients receive free medication?
A. people over 17 years old
B. unemployed people
C. non-UK residents
D. people over 60 years old
E. pregnant women

Question 20
The charge for one item of medication is about £ ………………………………….

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 1

I. Underline the correct answer(s) in (b) to make a second sentence with a meaning as close
as possible to the sentence in (a).
0. a. With a student card you can get a discount at the bookshop.
b. If you will have / have a student card you can get a discount at the bookshop.
1. a. I didn't know you were a vegetarian, otherwise I wouldn’t have cooked lamb.
b. If I know / had known you were a vegetarian, I wouldn't have cooked lamb for dinner.
2. a. By using more efficient light bulbs, there could be a 5% reduction in electricity
b. If we used / have used more efficient light bulbs, there could be a 5% reduction in electricity
3. a. You can borrow my e-reader as long as you promise to bring it back soon.
b. If you promise / promised to bring it back soon, you can borrow my e-reader.
4. a. I don't have a reliable car, so I probably won't drive to France.
b. If I had / have a reliable car I will / would probably drive to France.
5. a. I wasn't promoted, so I didn’t have to move to our head office in Madrid.
b. If I am promoted / had been promoted, I had to / would have had to move to our head
office in Madrid.
6. a. You'll have to leave the house by 7.00 to catch the 8.30 train.
b. If you leave / will leave the house by 7.00, you will be able to catch / are able to catch the
8.30 train.
7. a. I didn't study hard, and that's why I have such a poorly paid job now.
b. If I studied / had studied harder, I won't have / wouldn't have such a poorly paid job now.

II. Complete the sentences using a word or phrase in the box and the verb in brackets.
even if even though if unless
0. I didn’t tell my parents I was coming to a dub. If they knew where I was, they'd be really
annoyed. (know)
8. It's so cold, it would be surprising ……………… we ……………… snow tonight. (not get)
9. She didn't seem at all tired ……………… she ………………... all day. (drive)
10. I haven’t lost any weight ………………. I …………………. lots of exercise. (do)
11. …………………. it …………………. soon, there will still be water rationing in this part of the
country. (rain)
12. I could pick you up at about eight, and we could go to the party together …………………. you
…………………. to go on your own, of course. (prefer)
13. …………………. a buyer …………………. be found for the company, it is likely to close by
the end of the week. (can)
14. The latest opinion poll suggests that …………………. the election …………………. to be held
today, the ruling party would again have a huge majority. (be)

III. Match the sentence beginnings and endings, joining them with one of the words or
phrases in the box.
in the event of on condition that but for
in case providing otherwise

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 2
0. I’ll be in my office just before the exam …D.... A. they remained outside a ten-mile zone
15. Aid must reach the refugees before ……… around the nuclear power station.
the rainy season starts. B. the traffic isn't too heavy on the
16. The demonstrators arrested were ……… motorway.
allowed to go free C. a head-on collision.
17. Car airbags were designed to prevent ……… D. anyone has any last-minute questions.
chest injuries to the driver E. his poor health.
18. He would have gone on working until ……… F. many thousands will die.
he was 65
19. We should get to the airport by 5.00 ………
0. I’ll be in my office just before the exam in case anyone has any last-minute
15. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
16. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
17. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
18. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
19. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as conditionals.

0. Eric was with us so we didn’t get lost.
 If Eric hadn’t been with us, we would have got lost.
20. We got soaking wet on Sunday and now we’ve all got colds.
 If ………………………………………………………….....................................................
21. I’m afraid I don’t know so I can’t tell you.
 If ..................................................……………………......................................................
22. Because the train was 10 minutes late I managed to catch it.
 I ......................................................................................................................................
23. The weather could be bad on Saturday, in which case we’ll have to cancel the barbecue.
 We .................................................……………………....................................................
24. I’m living in Italy because I got married to an Italian.
 I ……………………....................................................…………………….........................
25. Sorry I didn’t phone you but I lost the bit of paper with your number on it.
 I .......................................................................................................................................
26. We don’t get on very well because she’s so aggressive.
 If ......................................................................................................................................
27. There’s the possibility of a train strike on Monday so I might not be able to come.
 If ......................................................................................................................................
28. We’ve got a broken window because you and your friends were playing football in the back
 We ...................................................................................................................................
29. They’re so reserved that I speak to them very infrequently.
 I .......................................................................................................................................
30. I missed the end of the film so I don’t know who the murderer was.
 If ......................................................................................................................................
31. Jimmies father might buy him a new bike; it depends on him passing his exams.
 If ………………………………………………………………................................................
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 3
32. As we’d already seen the film we didn’t go to the cinema.
 We ...................................................................................................................................
33. Zoe tripped and fell just as she was about to win the race.
 Zoe ............................................. .....................................................................................

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27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 4




French fries


jacket potato



Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 5
B f
c b

a g

chefs recipes



meal snack



Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 6
Conciousness catagories
Q2 - LESSON 5 Student’s name:................................................. Class: 10A ...........
I. Complete the text with words from the box.
biased categorise connotations neutral sexes stereotypes
English words with sexist (1) ……………………... lead those who speak the language to
subconsciously (2) ……………………... people by their gender. Human language is deeply
rooted in the subconscious and it is said that the language of a culture is clear evidence of the
values and beliefs of that culture. Many gender - (3) ……………………... words exist in the
English language. It follows that our choice of language has had an impact on our society and
culture. Does sexist language contribute to how we think of both (4) ……………………... today?
Is it possible to impose a gender - (5) ………..……….…... language on today’s society? It is my
view that our society should be concerned about perpetuating gender (6) ……………………...
through language.

II. Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in capitals at the ends of the
The positive outcomes of sport for gender (0) equality and EQUAL
women's empowerment are constrained by gender-based (7) DISCRIMINATE
……………………….. in all areas and at all levels of sport and ACT
physical (8) ……………... This is fuelled by continuing stereotypes of ABLE
women's physical (9) ……................... and social roles. Women are
frequently segregated involuntarily into types of sports, events and COMPETE
(10) ……....…………... specifically targeted at women. Women's LEADER
access to positions of (11) …….…….……....….... and (12) DECIDE
…………………….. making is constrained from the local to the
international level. The value placed on women's sports is often lower, ADEQUATE
resulting in (13) ………………………............................... resources EQUAL
and (14) ………………..
unequal wages and prizes. In the media, women's
sport is not only marginalised but often also presented in a different
style that reflects and reinforces gender stereotypes.

III. Match the words in the box with less formal words which have similar meanings.
complete deem overt participate predominantly pursue

15. do ………………………
pursue 17. finish …………………….
complete Overt
19. open ………………………
16. consider ………………… predominantly
18. mainly …………………… participate
20. take part in ……………………

IV. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap.
Are the roles of parents interchangeable? No - and (21) ………………………. never will be,
although both are crucial to a child’s development. Surprisingly, even (22) ……………………….
women actually carry the babies, (23) ………………………. art of parenting isn’t necessarily
instinctive. A child’s relationship with his mother is different from the one he has with his father,
but men can care for children every bit as much as women. Both men and women discover (24)
………………………. and
to raise their children through a process of trial (25) ……………………….
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 7
When children fail to achieve some goal they have set (26) ………………………. or have
arguments with their friends, it is often the mother (27) ………………………. longs to make
things right for them. The father is more likely (28) ………………………. keep his distance and
let the children fight (29) ………………………. own battles in order to learn from them. But it is
a matter of balance, and the equal involvement of both parents is becoming the pattern of
modern life.
Reading: 30A 31C 32C 33B 34D 35B Homework 35
V. Read the article and choose the answer which you think fits best according to the text.
With 7,500 members, Rock Choir has filled Wembley, signed a record deal and is now the
subject of a TV show. Alice-Azania Jarvis meets the woman behind it.
Nicholas Williamson had never done anything like it. ‘I’ve always liked music, but I’d never
taken any opportunities,’ explains the twenty-year-old student. ‘I wasn’t very confident.’ But when
his mother joined a local choir and his girlfriend expressed interest in doing the same, he decided
to give it a go. Before long, the pair had signed up as members of Rock Choir, Glasgow City
Centre. ‘I wanted to be part of something big - and now l am.’
Rock Choir is, by all accounts, ‘something big’. With 7,500 members nationwide, the choir
has signed a three-album record deal and in May, filled out Wembley Arena to give a special
performance to 3,500 spectators.
The whole thing is the brainchild of Caroline Redman Lusher. A professional singer from the
age of fifteen, she studied contemporary music at Salford University before spending four years
as a member of a band, entertaining guests at a top London hotel. ‘I was lucky to make a living
for so long.’ she reflects. Eventually, though, she gave it up and took up a post as a teacher.
It was while she was teaching performing arts and music that the Rock Choir model began
to take shape. ‘I had all these students who wanted to sing, but hadn’t necessarily had any
training; it was about bridging the gap between amateur and professional.’ What began as a
small gathering of about twenty quickly swelled to a far more challenging 170. ‘Before long, I
had the mums and dads begging for their own version - that’s when I realised that there was a
market amongst the general public.’
And so it was that, in 2005, Lusher quit her job, borrowed £1,000 from her family and pinned
a poster up in her local coffee shop. ‘I was hoping for twenty people,’ she says of her first choir
practice. ‘My dad and I laid out forty chairs. In the end, seventy turned up.’ They were people of
all ages, backgrounds and abilities; crucial to Rock Choir’s appeal is the fact that there is no
selection process, meaning that even the least confident, most inexperienced of singers can
relax and enjoy themselves.
For the following three years, Lusher remained the only teacher at Rock Choir, but
eventually demand became too much and she had to recruit other instructors. Doing so was a
risk since her charisma accounts for much of Rock Choir’s success. She is energetic,
enthusiastic and imaginative, playing the piano and calling out instructions into her microphone
headset to choir members who learn only by repetition. Her teaching style combines
professionalism with accessibility. Imitating it is certainly not easy.
Stef Conner had never heard of Rock Choir until she applied to be an instructor for a new
group in Yorkshire. ‘I was studying for a PhD in classical composition and I needed a job that I
could do while I was studying.’ With only a limited knowledge of pop music, working with the
new style was a challenge for Stef - but one that has paid off. ‘I spend a lot of time in isolation,
composing. Rock Choir has opened up a whole new world to me: a new style of music, but also
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 8
a place where I can go and be an extrovert.’ Williamson feels the same way: ‘You’re part of a
team having fun,’ he reflects.
It’s precisely this sort of experience - among both teachers and pupils - that accounts for the
choir’s rapid success. May’s appearance at Wembley was typical of Rock Choir: over the years,
it’s pulled off a host of similar stunts - from flash mobs to Guinness World Records. The next
project will be even bigger and better, says Lusher. ‘One day I’d love to perform at the Royal
Variety Show’ she says, ‘and there’s been some talk of the Olympics too. Ultimately, it’s about
what the members can say they’ve done. The sky’s the limit.’

30. What has Rock Choir meant for Nicholas Williamson?

A. It has allowed him to fulfil an ambition.
B. It has given him self-confidence.
C. It has given him and his girlfriend a chance to do something together.
D. It has made him aware of his musical ability.
31. Why did Caroline Redman Lusher decide to start Rock Choir?
A. She found it hard to make any money as a musician.
B. She was tired of teaching people who were not very talented.
C. She realised how much people enjoyed singing.
D. She knew this was what her parents wanted her to do.
32. Why do people like being in Rock Choir?
A. They meet people from many different walks of life.
B. There are always people of their own age in the choir.
C. No one judges the members’ singing ability.
D. There are no members who can’t sing in tune.
33. What does ‘so’ in line 24 refer to?
A. running Rock Choir
B. recruiting other instructors
C. being the only instructor
D. being in demand
34. In what way has Stef Conner benefited from being a Rock Choir instructor?
A. She has met new people.
B. She has learnt to compose pop songs.
C. She has been able to pay for her studies.
D. She has found an outlet for her personality.
35. How does Caroline Lusher see the future of Rock Choir?
A. She wants it to become even bigger.
B. She wants to fulfil members aspirations.
C. She wants to set clear limits and not expand too quickly.
D. She wants to attract more publicity.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 9

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