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Previewing the Text

Title of Text_______________________________

Analyze the text title. What will this book / course cover?

List the type of information covered prior to Chapter 1. Look at all of the pages before chapter
1 starts to figure this out.

Looking at the Table of Contents list what each of the units in the book will cover.

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________

Is there a glossary? If so what page does it start on? ___________

Is there an index? If so, what page does it start on? ___________

Is there an appendix? If so, what page does it start on? __________

Describe the differences between the Glossary, Index and Appendix

Chapter Preview / Text Structure
Before chapters are read, students should preview or survey what they are about to read.

1. Analyze the chapter title: Read the title to predict what will be included in the
chapter. Ask the following questions:
• What do I think this chapter is going to cover?
• What do I already know about this topic?
• How do I think this chapter might relate to previous information or material
we have learned?

2. Read and think about the chapter objectives, if provided. When objectives are
provided they guide the reader to be aware of what it is that the author expects the
reader to learn from that part of the book.

3. Identify key vocabulary: Skim through the chapter to locate vocabulary,

focusing on italicized or boldfaced words and lists of key words at the beginning
or end of the chapter.

4. Analyze the headings and subheadings: Skim through the chapter to locate and
read any subtitles. Ask the following questions:
• How is the information organized in this chapter?
• What information did I gather that supports what I already know about this topic?

5. Look for review questions: After skimming through the chapter, look over the review
questions at the end of the chapter to verify key concepts.

6. Analyze the visual aids. Carefully study the visuals. Ask the following question:
• What information do the charts or graphs contain that I will read more about
in the chapter?
• How will the illustrations and visual aides support the information covered?

7. Read the introductory paragraph. Read to discover how the information in the
introduction fits with the information gathered in the first four steps of the
Reading Selection Review Process.

8. Read the chapter summary and/or concluding paragraph. Discover what the
author has identified as the key concepts to be covered in this reading selection.

Chapter (or Section) Survey Guide Form

Chapter/Section Title_______________________________ Pages _______ - ______

Analyze the chapter or section title. What will this portion cover?

List key vocabulary covered in this chapter or section.

Identify at least two of the objectives, if they are included.

Identify at least two subheadings or subtitles.

Analyze visual aides. What types of visual aides are included?

Explain how reading the information in the chapter or section summary and/or reading the
questions at the end can help you prepare for the reading and completing the exercises.

What experiences have you had that relate to what will be learned in this chapter or section?


What to do:

1. Choose ONLY 1 any fiction OR non-fiction book which the group

wants to analyze.

2. For page 1, answer all questions inside the table based on the book

which the group choose.

3. For page 2, write answers (only those sentences which have question

mark) from number 1 to 8 in a paragraph based on the book which

the group choose.

4. For page 3, choose only 1 chapter of the book which the group choose

and answer all questions inside the table.

5. Submit your work in PDF File on Schoology. ONLY 1 file per group

should be submitted on Schoology. File name must be:

Name of the group’s leader – NIM of the group’s leader – K-(?)

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