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Application Form

Autumn School for

Sustainable Entrepreneurship
22 – 26 October 2018, Stuttgart (Germany)
You will find all necessary information about the aims, the contents and the logistics of the Autumn
School in the Call for Applications and on our website

Please send the application form and the required documents (in English!) as a pdf to by 24 June 2018. We accept digital signatures and scanned
documents. Only complete applications will be accepted.

Requirements for applicants

The Autumn School is aimed at entrepreneurs guided by social and ecological principles. This year’s
focus lies on innovative ideas that offer solutions through digitalization. The format is particularly
suited for entrepreneurs who are in the early implementation phase of their project and who aim to
maximize their social impact. You can apply for the Autumn School for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

 you are aged 21-35

 you are fluent in English
 you are a resident of an African country or Germany
 your project aims to tackle a relevant social or environmental challenge via digitalisation
 you are strongly motivated to think and learn globally and to act as a multiplier for sustainable
business in your home country

A complete application must include...

 a filled-in application form

 your CV (max. 2 pages)
 a relevant reference showing your experience in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship

An offer by with its with funding from the

Personal Information

Surname: Given Names:

Date of birth: Nationality:

Passport No.: Address:

Email: Phone:


1. Please describe the sustainable business or sustainability project that you are currently
working on by answering each of the following. (max. character number varies per question)

a) Which professional sector do you operate in (i.e. agriculture; education)?

Health Education and enlightenment sector

b) What are the overall aims of your business?

This project aims at providing Aid through counselling for depressed people and those contemplating
suicide as their solution. We also intend to provide permanent solution especially in financial, emotional,
and psychological depression. We also hope to help those battling addiction (drugs, sexual and other bad

c) Who are your cooperation partners?

Most of our partners are established counsellors in different fields. we have psychotherapist,
We have professional marriage counsellors, psychologist (clinical and mental), we have
medical practitioners, and some rehabilitees who have survived depression and suicide

d) In no more than 3 sentences, please provide a description of your business model.

e) How is your business related to sustainability?

f) How is your business related to digitalization?

It is basically online therapy and not physical...clients are anonymous unless they want otherwise, at
some point clients are allowed to put calls through to us (toll free).

g) How advanced is the project/business?

The project is at the early stage with few subscribers

h) Please also add website links about your project if available!

www.hajjifatai.we care

An offer by with its with funding from the

2. What is your motivation to apply for the Autumn School (expected benefits,
personal/professional goals, etc.)? (max. 1000 characters)

Sincerely having to help people with various degrees of depression and life issues is challenging
but there was this my friend and neighbour name withheld, he messaged me once that when i
return home that day, i would not meet him as he would have gone to hang himself.. although
we knew he was going through financial crisis as he was unemployed, lost his girl friend due to
inability to cope with financial obligations. His mother often compared him to his mates who
where doing well and stable..
I got a text of his contemplation for suicide and i told him to let me give him my parting gift, i
rushed home and i met him at an isolated place. The only gift i had was the word of
encouragement from my heart. I was glad i could help him change his mind and he is doing well
today. So i thought to myself that there are several people going through issues and have nobody
to talk to....that was my motivation!

I expect to get more experience from the autumn school, here the stories of other people and
learn from there, i also intend to expand the reach of our services.
My personal/professional goal is to be able to impact and rehabilitate as many as possible
thereby reducing the rate of suicide and other social problems.
Also for the rehabilitees to be able to impact others too as i have impacted them.

3. What is your personal understanding of “sustainability”? Where do you see the role of business
and the private sector for promoting sustainable development in your country/region? (max.
1000 characters)

Well sustainability for me is for this project to be able to stand the test of time under so many
challenges, and proper delivery and positive impact. Having wider influence and outreach over time.
Private sector in any economy tends to deliver more than the public sector due to more discipline
instilled in their employees. If the private sector is encouraged with the implementation of “ease of
doing business platform ” embarked upon by the Nigerian Government, there will be an uprise in
social economic development, reduction in poverty in the middle and lower class citizens.

4. Where do you see the role of digitalization for social business? (max. 1000 characters)

The world has turned into a global digital market such that we are all connected through digital
mechanisms. Digital platforms avail easy access to spread and receive information, more outreach and
awareness. Digitalized communication allows for easy reach at lesser cost..for example, facebook is an
online community where friends and community members can meet despite distance between them.
Digitalization is an advantage to this project.

Once we are able to identify our target audience (those that need help)we try to reach out to
them via our digital platforms. Our target is mostly the youth and research shows that youths

5. Where do you see the main challenges

An offer by and chances of a German-African
with its exchange in thewith funding
field of from the
Sustainable Entrepreneurship? (max. 1000 characters)
The experiences here in Africa Nigeria are quite different from those in Europe. Poverty level is on
the high on this side and it is one of the reasons of depression among the populace
I also think the African-German exchange will give the opportunity to exchange ideas and
experiences, also to learn how some social businesses worked in Europe and how it can apply to
Africa and make it a better place for us all.

Nigeria is a multi ethnic and multi lingual community, this in itself is a challenge. Various regions
with various challenges. We hope to see and learn during the exchange how the cope and manage their
social problems
First of all i think one of the challenges we might face is the different economic situations and social
problems. For example in Africa, and various religious beliefs, people in the Southern and Northern
Nigeria face different

6. How can you personally contribute to the Autumn School? What experiences or skills of yours
could be valuable for the other participants? What can you share? (max. 1000 characters)
The experience i have gathered in this counselling and rehabilitation project is worth sharing with
other participants, my psychotherapy skills are also very crucial for any participant who wants to share
and learn. I can share unique stories of depression in my country, causes and how it was handled, both
the positive and negative outcomes.

7. During the online coaching programme preceding the Autumn School, you will be assisted by
alumni and by your peers to find solutions to specific challenges related to your business. What
challenge(s) are you most interested in getting assistance with? Pease name one or several topics,
or formulate one or several questions/goals which could be the starting point of your coaching

8. What experiences have you had so far in the area of international youth exchange? (max. 1000
For now, Non and i hope this will be my beginning.

9. How did you find out about the Autumn School 2018?

Date and signature

Before submitting your application form, please remember to attach your CV (max. 2 pages) and a relevant
reference showing your experience in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship.

Applications are to be sent via email to by June 24th, 2018.

An offer by with its with funding from the

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