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Microscopy and Microanalysis (2018), 24, 647–656


Original Article

Exploring Photothermal Pathways via in Situ Laser Heating in the

Transmission Electron Microscope: Recrystallization, Grain Growth,
Phase Separation, and Dewetting in Ag0.5Ni0.5 Thin Films
Yueying Wu1,a, Chenze Liu2,a, Thomas M. Moore3, Gregory A. Magel3, David A. Garfinkel2, Jon P. Camden1,
Michael G. Stanford2, Gerd Duscher2 and Philip D. Rack2,4
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA, 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA, 3Waviks Inc., 10330 Markison Road, Dallas, TX 75238, USA and 4Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

A new optical delivery system has been developed for the (scanning) transmission electron microscope. Here we describe the in situ and
“rapid ex situ” photothermal heating modality of the system, which delivers >200 mW of optical power from a fiber-coupled laser diode to
a 3.7 μm radius spot on the sample. Selected thermal pathways can be accessed via judicious choices of the laser power, pulse width, number
of pulses, and radial position. The long optical working distance mitigates any charging artifacts and tremendous thermal stability is
observed in both pulsed and continuous wave conditions, notably, no drift correction is applied in any experiment. To demonstrate the
optical delivery system’s capability, we explore the recrystallization, grain growth, phase separation, and solid state dewetting of a Ag0.5Ni0.5
film. Finally, we demonstrate that the structural and chemical aspects of the resulting dewetted films was assessed.
Key words: in situ TEM, laser heating, TEM instrumentation, optical delivery system
(Received 8 June 2018; revised 19 October 2018; accepted 28 October 2018)

Introduction and collection (Miller & Crozier, 2013; Allen et al., 2017; Joseph
et al., 2017). Furthermore, over the past few decades, a few
Rapid materials synthesis and characterization of materials
groups across the world have developed very complex and
systems is critical to advances in a wide variety of applications
specialized ultrafast electron microscope or dynamic TEM sys-
from electronic devices to more fuel efficient automobiles. To
tems using photo-cathodes that are exposed to short laser pulses
accomplish this, one critical pathway is the development of
to generate electron beamlets (and single electrons), that syn-
combinatorial approaches to rapidly synthesize multicomponent
chronously arrive at the sample in time relative to another
material libraries (Xiang et al., 1995; Klein et al., 2005; Wu et al.,
pulsed laser directed at the same sample (Kim et al., 2008;
2011). Another critical need is the development of in situ and
Barwick et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2014; Barwick & Zewail, 2015; Li
rapid ex situ characterization approaches, so that materials can
et al., 2016; Shorokhov & Zewail, 2016; Kaplan et al., 2017).
be exposed to external stimuli and the subsequent responses can
be measured to elucidate, for instance, the free-energy landscape
of various phase transformations. Among the various char-
acterization techniques (scanning) transmission electron In Situ Photon Delivery System Overview
microscopy [(S)TEM], and its associated spectroscopic com- Motivated by the above and the desire to develop a commercially
plements, is one of the few techniques in which this information available and more ubiquitous system useful for a variety of
can be gathered with atomic scale resolution. Thus, there has optical in situ studies, Waviks Inc. has developed a new photon
been a concerted effort to develop various in situ accoutrements delivery system which can be mounted on any (S)TEM system.
for the (S)TEM (Zheng et al., 2015; Taheri et al., 2016; Zheng & Figures 1a and 1b are photographs of the system mounted on the
Zhu, 2017), examples include: in situ heating stages, gas (Jiang Libra 200 (S)TEM. Figure 1c is a computer-aided design sche-
et al., 2018) and liquid cells (Chen et al., 2015), optical delivery matic overview of the system with magnified images of the:
Figure 1d the lens assembly subsystem which houses the focusing
Author for correspondence: Philip D. Rack, E-mail: optics that images the fiber optic ends; Figure 1e the flange
Yueying Wu and Chenze Liu are co-first authors. adaptor, in vacuo shaft carrying the fiber optics, and part of the
Cite this article: Wu Y, Liu C, Moore TM, Magel GA, Garfinkel DA, Camden JP, x–y–z nanomanipulator; Figure 1f the protective shield for the
Stanford MG, Duscher G and Rack PD (2018) Exploring Photothermal Pathways via
in Situ Laser Heating in the Transmission Electron Microscope: Recrystallization, Grain
individual fiber optics (3 shown in the diagram in purple) which
Growth, Phase Separation, and Dewetting in Ag0.5Ni0.5 Thin Films. Microsc Microanal 24(6), are cabled and carried via a ~10 m fiber optics to the control box
647–656. doi: 10.1017/S1431927618015465 which houses the laser/light sources and electronic drivers (not
© Microscopy Society of America 2018

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648 Yueying Wu et al.

Figure 1. a, b: Are photographs of the optical delivery system mounted onto the Libra 200 (scanning) transmission electron microscopy. c: Is an overview computer-aided
design schematic of the system with magnified views of the (d) lens assembly end piece, (e) vacuum mounting flange and in vacuo shaft which carries the optical fiber and part
of the x–y–z nanomanipulator, and (f) protective shielding for the fiber optics which are cabled and carried to the control box which houses the laser/light sources and
electronic driving units (not shown). g: Is a screen shot of the Waviks Inc. software which controls the nanomanipulator and laser drivers.

shown). Figure 1g is a screen shot of the Waviks Inc. software is installed on the energy-dispersive X-ray analysis port, which
which interfaces with the nanomanipulator and the laser drivers. is perpendicular to the sample entry and provides convenient
This system has been adapted from a system previously developed access to the sample via simply tilting the stage. Future options
for the dual scanning electron and ion microscope (Roberts et al., under development include co-mounting the system with the
2012), and used for in situ laser-assisted nanoscale electron aperture strip or integrating the system with the sample entry/
(Roberts et al., 2013; Stanford et al., 2015; Lewis et al., 2017) and manipulation system. Figure 2a schematically illustrates the end
ion (Stanford et al., 2016a, 2016b; Stanford et al., 2017) beam of the optical probe in proximity (~1 cm) to the TEM substrate
synthesis. and Figure 2b is a schematic illustrating that a vast array of
The alpha prototype used in these experiments contains two thermal pathways can be achieved via different combinations of
optical delivery channels/fibers. Peak powers up to >200 mW laser power, pulse width, number of pulses, and radial position.
are delivered to the sample from a 785 nm wavelength laser For instance, from left to right we can run the laser cw, and
diode system coupled through a 5 µm mode field diameter various pulse widths (>1 ns), and various power densities (up to
single-mode fiber. The laser is gated by a software-controlled ~500 kW/cm2). Figure 2c are simulated (see methods for
pulse generator that can vary the laser pulse width from a few details) time-temperature profiles of the center of the laser spot
nanoseconds to continuous wave (cw) at repetition rates up to for a 200 μs laser pulse at various laser powers irradiating the
16 MHz. A second optical channel, containing a 100 µm core Ag0.5Ni0.5 film.
diameter broad spectrum multimode fiber, is available for While in a future publication we propose to demonstrate the
coupling to any excitation source in the wavelength range from system’s ability for studying photoexcitation, the goal here is to
200 to 2,100 nm using a standard subminiature assembly fiber demonstrate the photothermal heating modality via in situ ima-
connector. The system is mounted to a 3 axis (± x, y, z) ging of the recrystallization, grain growth, phase separation, and
nanomanipulator for easy focusing to the electron/sample solid state dewetting of a Ag0.5Ni0.5 film (see supplemental
coincident point (with sample tilted at ~45°) and uses a lens information for a table summary of all laser conditions and
system to re-image the fiber optics (1 × magnification) at a associated figures). Furthermore, while our microscope does not
working distance of ~10 mm. The working distance is suffi- have a pulsed cathode, and is thus limited to longer acquisition
ciently long so as to not introduce any charging artifacts when times, we will show that valuable information can be obtained via
the optical probe is inserted and aligned, and minimizes re- a so-called rapid ex situ data acquisition mode, which can reveal
deposition of material onto the lens system. The current system sub-microsecond information. Notably, in all the experiments

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Microscopy and Microanalysis 649

Figure 2. a: Schematic illustrating the end of the optical delivery system which re-images a laser-coupled single mode fiber optical fiber onto the transmission electron
microscopy sample. b: Schematic illustrating that various laser conditions can generate numerous in situ photothermal pathways via different combinations of laser power (up
to 215 mW), pulse width (1 ns to CW), number of pulses and radial position. c: Time–temperature plots from a finite element photothermal simulation of 20-nm thick Ag0.5Ni0.5
film on a 20 nm SiO2 membrane exposed to various laser powers explored in this study.

shown here, no drift correction was done during or after the laser maximum magnetoresistance value of 2% was realized, which
exposures. corresponded to nickel particle diameters of 1.28 nm.

Thin Film Sputtering

Material and Methods
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron co-sputtering was used to
The AgxNi1 − x system deposit an ~20 nm Ag–Ni film of Ag0.5Ni0.5 on three 20-nm thick
The Ag–Ni equilibrium phase diagram is interesting as it contains SiO2 substrates. The 50 mm diameter Ag and Ni targets had RF
regions where both the liquid and solid state have limited solu- powers of 20 and 70 W, respectively, to induce corresponding
bility. At the Ag0.5Ni0.5 composition, above ~2,950 K liquid Ag deposition rates of 3 and 2 nm/min. Sputtering was conducted at
and Ni are soluble, whereas between ~2,950 and 1,700 K the two a pressure of 5 mTorr with Ar flowing at a rate of 25 sccm. In
liquids separate into Ag-rich and Ni-rich phases. Below 1,700 K a order to ensure a uniform film, the samples were rotated for the
Ni-rich solid solution with <2.5 at% Ag precipitates and is in duration of sputtering. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
equilibrium with the Ag-rich liquid with <5 at% Ni. Finally, near (7 keV) using a Zeiss Merlin scanning electron microscope was
the Ag melting temperature at 1,234 K, a silver rich solid solution used to confirm the film stoichiometry which was estimated to be
with <1 at% Ni is in equilibrium with a Ni-rich solid solution of Ag0.47Ni0.53.
<1 at% Ag. Below this temperature, the solubility of each phase
gradually decreases for the minor constituent. AgxNi1 − x films Electron Energy Loss Spectra (EELS) Experiments
have been studied previously with most of the thin film investi- EELS experiments were conducted in a Carl Zeiss LIBRA
gations catalyzed by Berkowitz et al.’s work on heterogeneous (Oberkochen, Germany) 200MC (S)TEM operated at 200 kV. The
bimetallic giant magnetoresistance observed in immiscible Cu–Co STEM images were performed with a convergence semi-angle of
alloys (Berkowitz et al., 1992). Several studies have investigated 10 mrad, and a collection semi-angle of 15 mrad. All core-loss
the magnetic (Kitada, 1985) and magnetoresistance properties of EELS spectra were quantitatively analyzed using the Quantifit
AgxNi1 − x alloys (Kubinski & Holloway, 1995) where a magne- software (Mohsin et al., 2018). To quantitatively estimate the
toresistance value of ~7% was observed in gas flow condensation silver fraction in the film, the reference cross section model from
grown nanoparticles (Dimesso & Hahn, 1998). Furthermore, X-ray photo-absorption spectra was applied to fit the core-loss
microstructural and magnetic properties of dilute nickel in silver edge after background subtraction.
alloys have been investigated, which revealed that clusters having
fewer than six atoms have a reduced associated magnetic moment
Laser Heating Simulations
due to charge transfer between the Ni sp and d orbitals (Garcia
Prieto et al., 2015). Of particular relevance to this study, the The temperatures presented in what follows are estimated by
evolution of silver rich AgxNi1 − x films at various compositions finite element simulations as described below. The simulations
and annealing temperatures have previously been studied (Proux assume a continuous uniform film with the relevant parameters
et al., 1999, 2000a, 2000b). For x > 0.85, as-deposited films were and assumptions listed below. Importantly, the simulations are
single phase, where all the nickel atoms are substitutional in the valid for the continuous film and will change when dewetting
silver lattice forming a supersaturated solution. For occurs, as the incident angle and thickness will change, as will the
0.65 < x < 0.80, the films consisted of the supersaturated solution thermal conduction, which for the continuous film dominates via
and nanometer-sized nickel grains. Upon annealing, all the silver- the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film and for isolated islands and particles is limited
rich regions of the films experienced nickel out-diffusion from the by conduction through the SiO2 membrane. High-resolution
supersaturated phase, with nickel nucleation and growth for pyrometry and/or patterned thermistors are planned in the
x > 0.85 and nickel growth for 0.65 < x < 0.80. Finally, the mag- future. Importantly, while the laser power is sufficient to sig-
netic properties of these films were also measured and correlated nificantly photothermally heat on thin membranes due to the
to the nickel precipitate size (Nagamine et al., 1999) and a limited thermal conduction in effectively the radial direction, the

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650 Yueying Wu et al.

overall power is low and thus it is easily dissipated in the sur- Table 1. Material and Laser Parameters for the Thermal Simulations.
rounding silicon substrate.
Simulations of laser-induced heating of the Ag0.5Ni0.5/SiO2 Parameters Value Description
membrane were performed using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 a
commercial finite element method software package. The simu- wx 3.7 (µm) Laser 1/e 2 irradiance radius—x
lation used a thickness of 20 nm for AgNi and the SiO2 mem-
wy 5.2 (µm) Laser 1/e 2 irradiance radius—y
branes. The membranes were 50 × 50 μm in length and anchored
onto a Si heat sink, to emulate the geometry of TEM membranes. R 0.69 Reflection coefficient of AgNi at
The expression for heat delivered to the substrate from the laser is 785 nm
derived from the Beer–Lambert law: A 5.52E5 (1/cm) Absorption coefficient of AgNi at
2Ac 785 nm
Qin ðx; y; zÞ = Po ð1Rc Þ Gðx; yÞexpðAc z Þ; (1)
πwx wy P0 12.8–22.2 (mW) Laser power
where P0 is the optical power of the laser, R the reflection coef- Pulse 200 (µs) Laser pulse width
ficient, A the linear attenuation or absorption coefficient, G(x,y)
the Gaussian laser irradiance profile, wx and wy the 1/e 2 irra- Cp(AgNi) 340 [J/(kg*K)] AgNi heat capacity
diance radii of the Gaussian laser profile in the x and y directions,
ρ(AgNi) 9,700 (kg/m3) AgNi density
respectively, and z the depth from the substrate’s surface. wx and
wy were experimentally determined to be 3.7 and 5.2 µm, κ(AgNi) 88 [W/(m × K)] AgNi thermal conductivity
respectively, as described above. A linear 10 ns laser ramp time
Cp(SiO2) 710 [J/(kg × K)] SiO2 heat capacity
was assumed for this simulation and the laser pulse width was
200 μs. All absorption was assumed to occur in the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film, ρ(SiO2) 3,440 (kg/m ) 3
SiO2 density
since the extinction coefficient for 785 nm photons in SiO2 is ~0.
κ(SiO2) 1.0 [W/(m × K)] SiO2 thermal conductivity
The following time dependent heat equation was used to simulate
the heat transfer throughout the Ag0.5Ni0.5 and SiO2 membranes,
as well as the silicon heat sink:
dT range of 100k pulses, where bright-field TEM and selected area
ρCp + ρCp u  ∇T = ∇  ðκ∇T Þ + Qðx; y; z Þ; (2) electron diffractograms (SAED) were periodically collected. The
second experiment uses the same laser conditions (22.2 mW
where ρ is the material density, Cp the heat capacity at constant power and 200 μs pulse width) on a different film area, where this
pressure, u the velocity vector for thermal transport, and κ the time complementary STEM images and EELS were collected and
thermal conductivity. Convective heat transfer to the surrounding correlated to first experiment. The third experiment compares
atmosphere was neglected since irradiation conditions were under STEM images taken at various regions along the radius of films
high vacuum and T0 was defined as 293.15 K. Notably we have exposed to (1) 200 μs–12k pulses and (2) 20 μs–2.5 M pulses both
ignored radiative heat loss in the simulation where including at a 36.5 mW laser power. The fourth experiment illustrates the
radiative heat loss would lower the simulated temperatures and cw modality by capturing high-angle annular dark-field
have a more pronounced effect on higher temperature simula- (HAADF) STEM movies of the dewetting dynamics/timescales of
tions. A backward differentiation formula time-stepping method the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film at four different laser powers from 12.8 to
with strict time steps was used to generate the temporal tem- 22.2 mW. The fifth experiment illustrates the rapid ex situ mod-
perature evolution during laser irradiation. Table 1 reports rele- ality and the system stability as a high magnification pulse study
vant simulation and material parameters used to simulate the from 1–35k pulses was performed at 16.6 mW and 200 μs pulse
temperature temporal evolution induced by the 785 nm laser width. Finally, we illustrate how complementary core-loss and
pulse. The Ag0.5Ni0.5 and SiO2 heat capacitance and thermal low-loss EELS can give useful information about the phase
conductivity were approximated for thin films in accordance to separation and plasmonic activity during various stages of the
the following references (Langer et al., 1997; Lee & Cahill, 1997; solid state dewetting process.
Chen & Hui, 1999). For the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film, heat capacities and Figures 3a and 3b show TEM and STEM images, respectively,
densities were averaged for each element to estimate the values for of the as-deposited ~Ag0.5Ni0.5 film. At room temperature, the
the alloy. The thermal conductivity was estimated based on the Ag0.5Ni0.5 region of the Ag–Ni phase diagram suggests a mixture
literature, which suggests that Ni thermal conductivity is inde- of Ag- and Ni-rich phases with very limited solubility (<1%). The
pendent of thickness (Langer et al., 1997), and at 20 nm, Au as-deposited images (and radially averaged selected area electron
thermal conductivity will be ~20% of the bulk value (Chen & Hui, diffraction pattern in Fig. 3) confirm that the films are nano-
1999), which is applied to the Ag bulk value. granular phase-separated Ag-rich and Ni-rich grains. The bright
spots in the HAADF STEM images are silver-rich regions as
confirmed by EELS (see Supplemental Information). The diffuse
Results and Discussion diffraction rings are attributed to the nanoscale grain size; fur-
Presented below is a series of experiments designed to illustrate thermore, the rapid quenching during the Ag–Ni condensation
some of the photothermal heating capabilities of the in situ laser results in supersaturation of Ni in Ag and Ag in Ni and likely
delivery system. Table 1 in the Supplementary Information file micro-strain. An estimate using Vegards law and based on the
overviews the details of all the figures and laser conditions, but we peak positions of the as-deposited films suggests a composition of
briefly introduce the experiments here. The first experiment Ag0.91Ni0.08 for the Ag-rich phase and Ag0.17Ni0.83 for the Ni-rich
illustrates the laser spot size and the evolution of the Ag0.5Ni0.5 phase. Figures 3c to 3f present a low-magnification series of
film irradiated at 22.2 mW power and 200 μs pulse width over a bright-field TEM images with SAED insets taken as a function of

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Microscopy and Microanalysis 651

Figure 3. a: HAADF scanning transmission electron microscopy and (b) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the as-deposited Ag0.5Ni0.5 film. Low-magnification
TEM images of the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film exposed to (c) 1, (d) 1.5k, (e) 15k, and (f) 100k 22.2 mW and 200 μs laser pulses (see more exhaustive image set in supplemental information). g,
h: Radially averaged and normalized selected area electron diffraction patterns taken of the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film as a function of the number of laser pulses (noted in the legend);
indexed peaks are blue for Ni, and green for Ag. Inset in (g) is the lattice constant determined from the Ag <111 > and Ni <002 > peak positions of the selected area electron
diffractograms patterns.

the number of 785 nm laser pulses delivered to the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film as-deposited rings form discrete spots and sharpen. Progressing to
(22.2 mW power and 200 μs, see supplement for more exhaustive 500 pulses, the Ag <111 > and Ni <111 > lattice parameters
series). SAED patterns were taken using a 20 μm condenser undergo a slight lattice expansion and contraction, respectively, as
aperture and the selected area is about 500 nm in diameter. evidenced by the slight SAED peak shifts, which is accompanied
Figures 3g and 3h are the radially averaged and normalized by a gradual peak narrowing. The figure inset Figure 3i illustrates
intensity, as a function of inverse wavenumber, for the SAED the lattice parameter for the Ag-rich phase determined from the
patterns taken as a function of the number of laser pulses noted in <111 > peak position and the Ni-rich phase determined from the
the legend. Figure 2c illustrates that at this power and pulse width, <002 > peak position as a function of the number of laser pulses.
a steady-state maximum temperature of ~890oC is reached in just The peak shifts are consistent with out-diffusion of super-
~25 μs. At the end of the pulse, the temperature decays rapidly to saturated solute atoms in the Ag-rich and Ni-rich solid solutions,
less than 50oC in ~25 μs. Thus each pulse constitutes an which both have very limited solubility for the other component
approximately 175 μs 890oC anneal. After the first pulse, the and thus approach the pure Ag and Ni lattice parameter,
images and SAED patterns have evidence of recrystallization as respectively. This is consistent with previous work on AgxNi1 − x
distinct Ag-rich and Ni-rich regions emerge, and the broad alloys that show significant Ni supersaturation of up to 13.5% for

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652 Yueying Wu et al.

Figure 4. HAADF scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images of the same region of an Ag0.5Ni0.5 film (a) as deposited and (b–h) as a function of different number
of 22.2 mW and 200 μs laser pulses. b,c: Were initially offset by 5 μm from the laser center and (d–h) are images after the region was shifted to the laser center and subsequently
pulsed again. i: Is the corresponding electron energy loss spectra and the calculated Ag content.

Ag0.65Ni0.35 in the silver-rich as-deposited material (Proux et al., bimetallic Ag–Ni nanoparticles and eventually individual nano-
1999). Furthermore, they showed a progressive increase in the Ni- particles consisting of primarily Ni. The net silver loss observed in
rich phase, and a decrease in the Ni supersaturation in the silver- the images is confirmed via the EEL spectra in Figure 4i. For the
rich phase with increased annealing temperature. Pulsed laser first 100k pulses the EEL spectra were taken in the offset position
deposition of AgxNi1 − x alloys also demonstrated a mixed phase consistent with the STEM images in Figures 4a to 4c. Subsequent
alloy consisting of silver- and nickel-rich phases as well as a to the first 100k pulses the laser center was aligned with the
supersaturated phase with total solid solubility (van Ingen et al., electron beam and pulsed for another 50k pulses. As noted, when
1994). Again, modest annealing up to 400oC caused the meta- at the centered position, the silver peak dramatically decreases in
stable phase to decompose into the equilibrium phases with the 20k pulse spectra and is negligible in the 50k pulse spectra,
negligible solubility. Progressing from 1.5k pulses the normalized which is in good agreement with the SAED patterns where the
silver peak intensities uniformly decrease until they essentially silver peak vanishes at 30k pulses.
vanish at 30k pulses. Simultaneously, the nickel peaks uniformly As the laser irradiation profile on the sample is approximately
increase over this pulse range, indicating a net silver loss con- Gaussian and the confined thickness limits thermal diffusion to
sistent with preferential silver evaporation due to silver’s almost the radial direction, the time-temperature profile varies with
five order of magnitude higher vapor pressure relative to nickel. radius. Figure 5a is a plot of the simulated temperature as a
Figures 4a to 4h illustrate higher magnification HAADF function of radius at various times and Figure 5b is a two-
images of a new series taken in a new field of view using the same dimensional temperature map of the surface temperature at
laser conditions (22.2 μW and 200 μs) at an electron beam posi- 200 μs for a 200 μs and 36.5 mW pulse. The temperature map
tion initially aligned ~5 μm from the laser center. Figure 4i are exhibits the elliptical irradiation profile on the sample surface
complementary EELS of the same region shown in Figures 4a to caused by the ~45° sample tilt with respect to the incident laser
4h with the resultant estimated silver fraction. Comparing beam (see Fig. 2a). Figure 5c is a low-magnification overview and
Figures 4a and 4b the re-crystallization and phase separation is Figures 5d to 5h are HAADF STEM images taken at different
clear after the first pulse. The silver and nickel grains undergo radial positions after 12k pulses. Clearly, the radial thermal gra-
significant coarsening during the entire pulse progression. The dient results in various dewetting morphologies from single
circles noted in Figure 3e are silver-rich rings, which the pro- particles to coalesced rivulets to continuous films with varying
gression reveals lead to dewet holes, a network of rivulets, degrees of grain growth. From Figure 5a the center temperature

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Microscopy and Microanalysis 653

reaches ~1,445oC, whereas at an 8 μm radius, for instance, the range from 520 to 890oC and Figure 6e illustrates that the time to
temperature only reaches approximately only 940oC. reach the nanoparticle morphology evolution has the expected
To demonstrate the effect of laser pulse width, Figure 5i is a exponential temperature dependence consistent with the thermally
low-magnification overview and Figures 5j to 5n are HAADF activated diffusive solid state dewetting (Thompson, 2012). The
STEM images as a function of radius for an area exposed to 2.5 M results are in agreement with Niekiel et al. (2015) who exhaustively
pulses at 20 μs pulse width and 36.5 mW power. Though the studied the solid-state dewetting of thin gold films in situ using an
cumulative laser exposure time for the 20 μs pulse width exposure electrically heated TEM system. The estimated temperatures are
(50 s) is much longer than that for the 200 μs pulse width (2.4 s), consistent with dewetting morphology and timescales as compared
the temperature is continuously rising during the 20 μs pulse and to the comparably thick Au films (22 nm). For the gold films a
only reaches a maximum temperature of ~1,310oC. Comparing similar dewetting profile as shown in Figure 6d was achieved at
Figures 5d to 5h with Figures 5j to 5n, it is clear that the inte- 1,000 s at a homologous temperature of 0.58. The simulated tem-
grated thermal budget is much lower for the shorter pulse width; perature of the Ag0.5Ni0.5 film for the 1,005 s image in Figure 6d has
the 20 μs and 2.5 M pulsed sample reveals very early stages of re- a homologous temperature range from 0.46 to 0.64 and an average
crystallization and grain growth observed in Figures 5j and 5k, of 0.54, in reasonable agreement with the Au film. Comparing the
and virtually no significant changes relative to the as-deposited cw 22.2 mW and 200 μs pulsed evolution in Figure 3 (and in the
material in Figures 5l to 5n. Supplemental Material), the morphologies are fairly consistent, as
As shown in Figure 2b, various powers, pulse widths, pulse expected, since the cumulative time of 3 s is accomplished at ~17k
numbers, and radii can generate different temperature pathways. pulses (assuming the 175 μs per pulse annealing). In Figure 3g the
Figures 6a to 6d are image captures taken at different times and dewetting stage is initiated at ~15k pulses and individual nano-
similar dewetting profiles for cw experiments where laser power particles are formed by 20k pulses (Supplemental Material). This
was varied from 12.8 to 22.2 mW (see Supplementary Material for illustrates the power of the pulsed mode in that thermal time
full movies). The movies illustrate the tremendous stability of the stamps shorter than the (S)TEM acquisition time can be accessed
system even at the highest temperature where rapid nanoparticle via the rapid ex situ imaging, which is enabled by the fact that no
diffusion occurs. From Figure 2c, the steady-state temperatures discernible drift artifacts are introduced by the laser system. For

Figure 5. a: Simulated surface temperature versus position for various times illustrating the spatial and temporal temperature evolution for a 36.5 mW power and 200 μs pulse
width (b) two-dimensional plot of the surface temperature at 200 μs for the 36.5 mW power. c: Low-magnification HAADF scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)
image after 12k pulses of 36.5 mW power and 200 μs pulse width and (d–h) are the associated high-magnification HAADF STEM images as a function of radius [noted by the
dashed red arrow in (c)]. i: Low-magnification HAADF STEM image after 2.5 M pulses of 36.5 mW power and 20 μs pulse width and (j–n) are the associated high-magnification
HAADF STEM images as a function of radius [noted by the dashed red arrow in (i)].

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654 Yueying Wu et al.

Figure 6. a–d: Image captures of continuous wave experiments exposed to various powers and collected at different times with comparable dewetting morphologies (see the
Supplemental Material for full movies). e: Plot of the image capture time for each image in (a–d) versus simulated temperature, which illustrates the expected exponential time
dependence of the solid state dewetting process.

Figure 7. High-magnification bright field transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of an (a) as-deposited Ag0.5Ni0.5 and after (b) 1, (c) 100, (d) 10k, and (e) 35k laser
pulses of 16.6 mW power and 200 μs pulse width (see Supplemental Information for exhaustive image set). f: Are radially averaged and normalized fast Fourier transforms of
this image series.

example, a drift rate for the 12.8 mW cw experiment was estimated high-magnification images are shown in Figure 7f. It is again clear
to be 2.2 nm/min. from comparing the as-deposited and 1 pulse image and fast
To illustrate the rapid ex situ mode, a high magnification pulse Fourier transform (FFT) that the film is recrystallized after the
study was performed at 16.6 mW and 200 μs pulse width. Figure 7a single pulse, which according to Figure 2c represents a ~175 μs
reproduces the as-deposited image in Figure 3c and shows a series 630oC anneal. While the FFT images do not change significantly,
of bright-field TEM images taken in the same field of view after there is obvious grain growth that occurs. This series illustrates the
various numbers of pulses (see the Supplemental Material for tremendous stability of the system as again no drift-correction was
exhaustive series). Radially averaged fast Fourier transforms of the applied during the experiment.

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Microscopy and Microanalysis 655

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