COA Memo No. 2020-007 - Expanded Maternity Leave

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MEMORANDUM FOR Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines NO.: 0 - OOF Date: : ALL OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES This Commission SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Availment of the Expanded Maternity Leave (EML) under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11210 is hereby prescril Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11210 (105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law) For the guidance of all concerned, the herein Guidelines on the Availment of the EML under I. DEFINITION OF TERMS L Alternate caregiver refers to a relative within fourth civil degree of consanguinity of the female employee or to her current partner. Current partner refers to a person who shares an intimate relationship and lives with the female employee. Emergency termination of pregnancy refers to pregnancy loss on or after the 20th week of gestation, including stillbirth, Employment status refers to the status of appointment in COA. It may be permanent or coterminous. Female workers in the informal economy refer to self-employed, occasionally or personally hired, subcontracted, paid and unpaid family workers in household incorporated and unincorporated enterprises, including home workers, micro-entrepreneurs and producers, and operators of sari-sari stores. Fall pay refers to actual remuneration or earnings paid by COA to an employee which Judes basic salary and allowances as may be provided under existing applicable accounting rules and regulations. Miscarriage refers to pregnancy loss before the 20" week of gestation. Pregnaney refers fo the period from the conception up to the time before the actual delivery or birth of a child, miscarriage or emergency termination. Relative within the fourth degree of consanguinity refers to a person who is related to the female employee by blood and shares the same ancestry or lineage: Degreeor Relatives by Hlood (Consanguinigy Relationship T* Degree | Parent (father/mother) Child (son/daughter of applicant) Page 1 of 12 mL mm. Degresof [Relatives by blood (Consanguinity) Relationship z : : 2Degree | Grand Parent (father/mother of applicant's parents) Sibling (brother/sister/step-sister and spouse) Grand Child (son/daughter of applicant’s child) 3% Degree | Great Grandparent (parent of applicant's grandparents) ‘Aunt/Unele (siblings of applicants parents) ‘Nephew/Niece (son/daughter of applicant’s brother/sister) Great Grandchild (son/daughter of applicant’s grandchild) Degree | Great Great Grandparent (grandparents of applicant's grandparents) Grand Aunt Grand Uncle (sibling of applicant's grandparents) First Cousin (son/daughter of applicant's uncle/aunt) Grandnephew/Grandniece (son/daughter of applicant's nephew/nieee) 10. Solo Parent refers to a COA female employee who falls under the category of a solo parent defined under Republic Act No, 8972, otherwise known as the “Solo Parents* Welfare Act of 2000” COVERAGE This guideline shall cover the following: 1. Female employees regardless of civil status, employment status, length of service in COA, and the legitimacy of her child. 2. Female employees who are solo parents. 3. A male employee who is the father of the child of the female employee, regardless of status and employment status. 4, An employee chosen as alternate caregiver by the female employee availing of the maternity leave, MATERNITY LEAVE BENEFITS All qualified employee shall be entitled to the following maternity leave benefits (MLBs): Employee Benefits with Pay ‘Raditional Benefits without Pay 1. Female employees | 105 days with pay ‘Addional 30 days (For live childbirth) (For live childbirth) 0 days with pay None (For miscariage or emergency termination of pregnancy) 3. Female employees who | 105 days with pay with ‘Additional 30 days are solo parents additional 15 calendar days maternity leave | (For live childbirth) (For childbirth) 0 days with pay None (For miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy) Page 2 of 12 Employee Benefits with Pay ‘Additional Benefits ‘without Pay For Allocation of MIL credits (For live child birth only) 3. Male employee who is | 7 working days** None the father of the child* ‘An employee or @ T working days None person chosen by the female employee as alternate caregiver " faried or not married othe Female employee **aaitonal 7 days on top of te days paternity leave proved under RA. No, 8187 Paternity Leave Act of 1996) GENERAL POLICIES 1. Paid maternity leave benefit shall be granted to all qualified female employees in the Commission, 2. A female employee éan avail of matemity leave immediately upon her assumption to office, regardless of length of government service. 3. A female employee who gave birth on March 11, 2019 and onwards, but was only granted ‘60 days maternity leave based on Section 11 of the Omnibus Rules on Leave, may still complete the remaining 45 days of the 105 days maternity leave with full pay under R.A, No. 11210. 4, The female employee shall secure a clearance from money, property and work-related accountabilities. Money, property and work-related accountabilities as well as pending administrative case shail not deprive the female employee of the availment of her maternity leave benefits. 5. Enjoyment of ML cannot be deferred but should be availed of either before or after the actual period of delivery in @ continuous and uninterrupted manner, and therefore cannot be commuted to cash. 6. ‘The ML can be credited as combinations of prenatal and postnatal leave as long as it does not exceed 105 days or 60 days, as the case may be. A female employee can avail of the ML prior to her delivery date of not more than 45 days for pre-natal purposes. In no case shall postnatal care be less than 60 days. Eg. fora female employee availing ofthe EML before the actual period of delivery Date of child delivery ‘Oetaber 3, 2019. ‘Allowed period of prenatal (up to 45 days before child | From August 19-October 2, delivery) 2019 ‘Allowed period of postnatal (should be not be less than | From October 3-December 1, (60 days) 2019 Page 3 of 12 If the date of the child delivery falls on a weekend or on a holiday, the maternity leave will start on the next working day. However, determining the maternity leave period is based on calendar days. ‘The additional 15 days maternity leave with pay for solo parents and the option for an additional 30 days without pay must be availed right after the last day of maternity leave. If-in case the female employee is advised by her doctor to take a bed rest before the period of her maternity leave, she shall file a sick leave corresponding to the number of days of her bed rest. Example: Period of bed ret (per doctors advice) | April 1-30, 2019 Date of child delivery ‘October 3, 2019 ‘Allowed period of prenatal (up to 45 days before child ‘From August 19-October 2, 2019 Gelivery) ‘Allowed period of postnatal Should be 60 days) From October 3-December 1, 2019, In the above table, the period of bed rest will be filed as sick leave and if her sick leave credits are exhausted, the remaining sick leave without pay will be charged to her vacation leave credits. However, if both sick and vacation leave credits have been exhausted, the remaining sick leave will be on leave without pay. In case of bed rest, an application for leave of absence must be filed immediately together with a letter request addressed to the employee's Cluster/Office Director, medical certificate and COA Central Office Clearance (CCOC) (for 30 days or more) which will then be forwarded to the HRMO for processing, Extended ML. In cases of live childbirth, an additional ML, of 30 days without pay can be availed of, at the option of the female employee, provided that her Cluster/Office Director shall be given due notice in writing at least 45 calendar days before the end of the female employee’s maternity leave. However, no prior notice shall be necessary in the event of a medical emergency but subsequent notice shall be submitted to the Cluster/Office Director. The above period of extended maternity leave without pay shall not be considered as gap in the service. If the female employee opts to use her sick leave credits instead of the 30 days without pay to extend her ML, and if her sick leave credits is exhausted, the remaining sick leave will be charged to vacation leave credits. If both sick and vacation leave credits are exhausted, the remaining sick leave will be leave without pay. Frequency of the Grant — ML shall be granted to a qualified female employee in every instance of pregnancy, miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy regardless of frequency, Consecutive pregnancies and multiple childbirths. In case of overlapping maternity leave benefit claims, e.g., one miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy after the other ‘or followed by live childbirth, the female member shall be granted maternity benefits for the ‘two contingencies in a consecutive manner. Page 4 of 12 16. ‘The female employee shall be paid only one matemity leave benefit, regardless of the number of offspring, per childbirth/delivery. Eg. If the female employee gave birth to twins, she is entitled to only one MLB for the two children, . Death or Permanent Incapacity of the Female Employee — In the event that the beneficiary female employee dies or becomes permanently incapacitated, the balance of her MLBs, if any, shall accrue to the child’s father or to a qualified alternate caregiver subject to the following conditions: a, That the MLB has not yet been commuted to cash, if applicable; and b. That a certified true copy of the death certificate or medical certificate or abstract is provided to the employers of both female employee and the child’s father or alternate caregiver. In case the MLB of the deceased or permanently incapacitated female employee has already been paid to the latter in full, the child’s father or alternate caregiver shall be entitled to enjoy the remaining unexpired leave eredits of the female employee, if there be any, without pay: Provided, That such leave without pay shall not be considered as a gap in the service of the child’s father or alternate caregiver. Grant of MLB After Termination of Employment — ML with full pay shall be granted even if the childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy occur not more than 15 calendar days after the termination of an employee's service, as her right thereto has already accrued. Such period is not applicable when the employment of the pregnant woman employee has been terminated without just cause, in which case the employer will pay her the full amount equivalent to her salary for 105 calendar days for childbirth and 60 calendar days for miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy based on her full pay, in addition to the other applicable daily cash maternity benefits that she should have received had her employment not been illegally terminated. Manner of Payment of MLBs ~ The female employee shall be entitled to full pay during ML. She shall have the option to receive full pay either through lump sum payment or regular payment of salary through COA payroll. If she opts to claim Iump sum payment, she will be deleted from the payroll during the duration of her ML. She will be restored in the payroll upon her submission of assumption to office after her ML. If she opts not to claim lump sum. payment, she will be paid through regular payroll. MLB, being a paid leave, is taxable. Female Employee Who was Placed on LWOP Prior to ML ~ Although the female employee was deleted from the payroll due to LWOP before availing of the ML, she can still claim lump sum payment, and she shall be restored in the payroll upon submission of assumption to office after her ML. If she opts not to claim lump sum payment, she will be restored from the payroll on the date her ML takes effect. Female Employee with Pending Administrative Case. ~The MLB granted under R.A. No. 11210 shall be enjoyed by a female employee in COA even if she has a pending admi Page 5 of 12 22620 17. Female Employee with Decided Administrative Case and Has Been Meted with the Penalty of Suspension or Dismiss Section 56, Rule 10 of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (2017 RACCS) will apply as follows: “Section 56. Duration and Effect of Administrative Penalties. ~ The following rules shall govern the imposition of administrative penalties: oar ©. The penalty of suspension shall result in the temporary cessation of work for a period not exceeding one (1) year. Suspension of one day or more shail be considered a gap in the continuity of service. During the period of suspension, respondent shall not be entitled to all monetary benefits including leave credits. ‘The term “leave credits” only refers to Vacation Leave and Sick Leave credits earned and enjoyed in the service. Maternity leave benefits are on top of the leave credits and other leave benefits in the government service. In case a female employee delivers a child while under preventive suspension or serving the penalty of suspension, she will be allowed to enjoy the maternity leave from the date of delivery, miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy until the full enjoyment of the said leave. Thereafter, she shall be required to serve the unexpired portion of her suspension, However, a female employee who delivers a child after a decision in an administrative case, finding her guilty with a penalty of dismissal from the service, becomes final and executory shall not be entitled to maternity leave. 18, COA shall not discriminate against the employment of women in order to avoid the benefits provided for under R.A. No. 11210. Y. ALLOCATION OF MATERNITY LEAVE CREDITS. 1 A female employee entitled to MLB may, at her option, allocate up to seven days of said benefits to the child’s father, whether or not the same is married to the female employee. The allocated benefit granted to the child’s father is over and above that which is provided under R.A. No, 8187, or the “Patemity Leave Act of 1996”. In case of death, absence, or incapacity of the child’s father, the female employee may allocate to an alternate caregiver who may be any of the following, upon the election of the mother taking into account the best interests of the child: a. A relative within the fourth degree of consanguinity; or b. ‘The current partner, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, of the female employee sharing the same household. Page 6 of 12, 2.2820 3. The option to allocate ML eredits shall not be applicable in case the female employee suffers miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy. If she availed of the 60 days ML due to miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy, she cannot allocate seven days of her ML, {0 her spouse or alternate caregiver. 4, In case the female employee avails of the option to allocate, she shall submit a written notice to her Cluster/Office Director, together with her application for ML. 5. The allocation of ML credits shall be enjoyed by one person only, either by the child’s father or the alternate caregiver. 6. The allocated ML credits may be enjoyed by the child’s father or the alternate caregiver either in a continuous or in an intermittent manner not later than the period of the ML availed of. 7. In case full pay has been given to the female employee, the child’s father or the alternate caregiver, as the case may be, shall only be excused from work (Leave Without Pay (LWOP). ‘The LWOP shall not be considered as a gap in the service. VI. PROCEDURES ‘A. Application for Maternity Leave 1. A female COA employee shall submit to her Cluster/Office Director, for approval, her request to avail of the ML (Annex A), together with the documentary requirements, 30 calendar days before her maternity leave ot as soon as she is aware of the date of her childbirth. The request shall contain the following information: ‘Type of ML. ‘Number of days ML Effectivity date of the leave ‘That she will avail of additional 15 days of ML. (For a qualified Solo Parent) ‘That she opts to claim lump sum payment or be paid through regular payroll. That she opts to allocate seven working days of her ML to the child’s father or to an alternate caregiver. For this purpose, she shall also indicate in her request the following information: ‘the name of the child’s father or the alternate caregiver; ‘+ degree of relationship by consanguinity to the alternate caregiver; and ‘+ the number of days of allocated ML credits. The checklist of documentary requirements is marked as Annex B. 2. The Cluster/Office staff in charge shall evaluate the request and check the submitted documentary requirements for ML. as to its completeness. 3. The Cluster/Office staff in charge of attendance shall reflect the ML applied by the COA. female employee to the Monthly Report of Absences and Undertimes (MRAU) to be submitted to the HRMO. Page 7 of 12 22620 ‘The Cluster/Office shall forward to the HRMO the application for ML of the concerned employee for evaluation and processing of the CCOC. ‘The HRMO leave in charge shall evaluate the requested ML, check the submitted documentary requirements, and process the CCOC. In case of incomplete documents, he/she shall inform the Cluster/Office of additional documents to be submitted by the employee. ‘The HRMO leave-in-charge shall evaluate the submitted MRAU and reflect the approved number of calendar days and period of maternity leave of the COA employee. Application for Extension of Maternity Leave In case of extension of the ML for 30 days without pay, the employee shall notify her Cluster/Office Director in writing, specifying the inclusive date of availment therefor at least 45 days before the end of the 105 days ML. In case of a medical emergency, the employee may file the application for extension of ‘maternity leave immediately after the emergency. ‘The Cluster/Office staff in charge shall evaluate the request and check the submitted documentary requirements for ML as to its completeness, ‘The Cluster/Office staff in charge of attendance shall reflect the ML applied by the COA female employee to the MRAU to be submitted to the HRMO. ‘The Cluster/Office shall forward to the HRMO the application for ML of the concerned employee for action ‘The HRMO leave in charge shall evaluate the requested extension of ML and check the submitted documentary requirements as to completeness. In case of incomplete documents, he/she shall inform the Clustet/Office of additional documents to. be submitted by the employee. ‘The HRMO leave-in-charge shall evaluate the submitted MRAU and reflect the approved extension of ML of the COA employee, C, Allocation of up to seven days ML to a COA employee 1 The COA employee who is the child’s father or designated as alternate caregiver shall inform in writing his/her Cluster/Office Director that he/she will be availing of up to seven working days of the allocated ML, specifying the inclusive date of availment therefor. ‘The Cluster/Office staff in charge shall evaluate the request and check the submitted documentary requirements as to its completeness and reflect the leave applied by the COA employee to the MRAU to be submitted to the HRMO. Page 8 of 12, 3. The HRMO leave in charge shall evaluate the request and the submitted documentary requirements. In case of incomplete documents, inform the Cluster/Office of additional documents to be submitted by the employee. 4, The HRMO leave-in-charge shall evaluate the submitted MRAU and reflect the approved number of days and period of leave of the COA employee who was allocated seven days of ML credits. D. Payment of Maternity Leave Benefits 1. The female employee shall inform her Cluster/Office Director in writing that she will be claiming lump sum payment of her MLB. She shall attach in her letter-request for maternity leave, duly accomplished Disbursement Voucher (DV) and Obligation Requests (OR). 2. The Cluster/Office staff in charge of attendance shall evaluate the request and check the submitted vouchers for ML as to its completeness and forward the same to the Cluster/Office Director for approval. The signed vouchers shall be forwarded directly to the Accounting Office (AO), Planning, Finance and Management Sector (PFMS), for processing. 3. The AO, PFMS shall process the claim, and releases the payment to the concerned employee, in case of lump sum payment. VI. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ‘Female Employee Availing of the ML ‘The COA female employee shall - 1. Submit to her Cluster/Office Director for approval her request to avail of the ML, together with the other documentary requirements, 30 calendar days before her maternity leave or as soon as she is aware of the date of her childbirth, 2. For a Solo Parent availing of the ML, secure a Solo Parent ID, if she has not yet been issued with said ID, and submit a copy of the ID as soon as the same has been secured by the female employee. Ifthe female employee fails to secure a solo parent ID, her 15 days, additional maternity leave for solo parent will be deducted to her sick leave credits and/or vacation leave credits if her sick leave credits is exhausted. ‘Submit fit to work clearance duly signed by the employee's attending Physician, if the COA female employee wishes to report back to work before the end of her maternity leave. 4, After the ML, submit to her Cluster/Director a Certification of Assumption to Duty. 5. In case the female employee was placed on LWOP status and was deleted from the payroll before her maternity period, she shall submit a written notice to the HRMO, thru her Cluster/Office, informing whether she will claim the lump sum of her maternity leave pay and be deleted from the payroll. Page 9 of 12 B. COA employee allocated with seven working days of ML, ‘The COA employee shall - 1. Inform his/her Cluster/Ofice that he/she will be availing of up to seven working days of ML credits allocated to hirw/her by a female worker. For this purpose, he/she shall fill up an Application for Leave for approval of his/her Cluster/Office Director. 2. Secure a Certification of Allocation of Seven Days Maternity Leave. Female worker who is allocating 7 ‘Who will issue the Certification? days of ML For female worker employed in| In Tieu of the Certification, attach to application for CoA, leave a photocopy of the letter of the female worker employed in COA to her Cluster/Office Director (Annex B) For female worker employed in the | The Human Resource Office of the company where the private sector female worker is employed For female worker employed in the | The Human Resource Office of the agency where the public sector female worker is employed For female worker inthe informal | The female worker availing of the ML, if sel econom ‘employed. C. Cluster/Office rector ‘The Cluster/Office Director shall — 1, Evaluate the request of the employee to avail of ML or seven days leave allocated to him/her by a female employee. 2. ApprovelSign the application for leave form, CCOC, vouchers, and the Certification of Assumption to Duty. 3. Ensure that the ML applied by the female employee or the seven days leave allocated to the employee is reflected in the MRAU to be submitted to the HRMO. 4. Submit to the HRMO the application for ML of the concerned employee for evaluation and processing of the CCOC. Cluster/Office Staff-in Charge of Attendance ‘The Cluster/Office staff in charge shall - 1. Evaluate the request of the employee to avail of the ML or the seven days of ML credits allocated to him/her and check the documentary requirements for ML as to its completeness before submission to the Cluster/Office Director. 2. Reflect in the MRAU to be submitted to the HRMO, the number of days of ML applied by the COA female employee, or the seven days of ML allocated to an employee, and the date of assumption to office after the ML of the concerned employee. Page 10 of 12, 22620 E. Planning, Finance and Management Sector (PFMS) 1. Evaluate the claim for payment of ML filed by the concerned female employee. 2. Process any claim for ML pay. 3. Effect deletion in the payroll of employees who have incurred leave without pay before the period of the ML and/or restoration in the payroll upon assumption after ML. 4, Act on any complaint/appeal relating to the payment of ML filed by the concerned female employee. F, Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) 1. Evaluate the request for ML and check the documentary requirements as to its completeness. In case of incomplete documents, inform the Cluster/Office in writing of additional documents to be submitted by the concemed employee. 2. Check the employee's leave credit balances and prepare the Accountability Verification Sheets (AVS) and the CCOC. Release the accomplished CCOC to the employee, thru her Cluster/Office Director. 3. Evaluate the submitted MRAU and reflect in the employee leave records the approved number of days and period of leave of the COA employee who availed of the ML or who was allocated seven days of ML. 4, Coordinate with the Accounting Office, PFMS, on the deletion in the payroll of employees ‘who have incurred leave without pay before the period of the ML and/or restoration in the payroll upon assumption after ML. VIL APPEAL IX 1. Any complaint/appeal relating to the payment of full pay shall be filed by the concerned female employee to the PFMS, thru her Cluster/Office Director, copy furnish the HRMO of the appeal. 2. Ifthe PFMS was not able to resolve the said appeal, the concerned employee shall submit her ‘request for reconsideration to the Commission Proper (CP). If the CP was not able to resolve the dispute, the female employee may file her appeal to the CSC Regional Office having Jurisdiction of COA. COA shall not hold or delay the payment of full pay to the female employee pending the resolution of the dispute, controversy or claim. REPEALING CLAUSE Alll issuances, or part thereof inconsistent with this Guidelines are hereby repealed or modified accordingly Page 11 of 12 022620 X. EFFECTIVITY ‘This shall take effect immediately. For your information and guidance. ii i Page 12 of 12, 22620 Ropublic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Gommontrealth Avene, Quezon City, Bh ippines Annex A Dear 1, REQUEST FOR AVAILMENT OF MATERNITY LEAVE | would like to avail of the matemity leave benefits under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11210 (105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law): (Please place a check (\/ ) onthe appropriate box below) Number of Days Inclusive Period From To [11105 days with pay (or live childbirth) 60 days with pay (For miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy) 1 | Additional 15 days maternity Teave with pay for Solo Parent [Additional 30 days without pay oO ith pay (for ML credits allocated by a female worker) ‘Others: TE days ML with pay oO days ML without pay 2. ALLOCATION OF SEVEN DAYS ML. am allocating __ days maternity leave credits to my legal spouse/partner/alternate caregiver: Name ‘Office [For Alternate Caregiver Datels of ML. Relationship | Degree of | Relationship Ex Mary Santos ‘Manager —| GSS | Tet cousin | dihdegree | Sept 9, 112, 1316218, 2019 3. CLAIM FOR PAYMENT OF ML (Please check appropriate box below) a, On LWOP status Prior to ML and was deleted from the payroll before ailing ML: Claim lump sum payment and be restored in the payroll upon submission of assumption to office after ML. Will not claim lump sum payment, For restoration from the payroll on the date ML takes effect. b. Was not Placed on LWOP Prior to ML Claim lump sum payment and be deleted from the payroll during the duration of the ML. For restoration in the payroll upon submission of assumption to office after ML. Will not claim lump sum payment. Payment of salaries and allowances shall be thru regular payroll. Very truly yours, Signature over Printed Name of Employee Position/Office Annex B CHECKLIST FOR MATERNITY LEAVE (ML) |. Letter request addressed to the COA female employee’s Cluster/Office Director (Annex A) 2. Medical Certificate duly signed by the female employee’s attending physician 3. Photocopy of Solo Parent ID 4. COA Central Office Clearance Form. (Annex C) “Type of Maternity ‘Specifi Tasiructions in filling up the CCOC Leave For Regular ME_ Tndieate 105 days with pay or 60 days with pay Fora Solo Parent Indicate in the CCOC form the additional 15 days of ML, For Matemity Leave — | Indicate the additonal 30 days without pay oF 30 days sick Ieave Tor materi Teve, for additional 30 days without pa ML with alloeation of | Tadicate numberof days the COA female employee is avaling and write “Allocate (number up to seven days | of days) to (name of chil’s father or aerate caregiver, (office where the child's father or matemity leave tothe | aliemate-caesiver is employed), (celationship tothe COA female employes) of Mrs, shild’s father or | (name of COA employes) altemate caregiver. 5. Application for Leave (CSC Form No. 6 Revised 1984) (Annex D) Type of Maternity ‘Specifie Tastructions in filing up the Application Tor Leave Leave For Regular ML ‘On Hem 6(A) (Type of Leave), tick mark “Matemiiy” Teave and on Tem 6(C) (Number of ‘Working Days) indicate number of days and the corresponding period of maternity leave being applied for. For Additional 15 days | On Ttem 6(A), ick mark "Matemigy*Teave and “Others then write “Additvonal 3 calendar ML for Solo Parent” | days maternity leave for Solo Parent” an the space provided. On Item 6(C) indicate the total number of calendar days and corresponding period of materity leave including the additional 15 days fr solo parent, For additional 30 days [On item 6(A), tick mark “Materni9y” leave and “Others” then write “Additional 30 days without pay without pay maternity leave” on the space provided. On Item 6(C) indicate the total number of calendar days and corresponding period of maternity leave including the additional 30 days without pay. For additional 30 days_| On lem 6(A), tick mark “Sick Leave™ then write “Additional 30 days for maternity Teave™ using sek leave fn the space provided. On Item 6 (C) indicate the total numberof days and corresponding credits period of matsmity leave including the additional 30 charged wo sick leave cris, ME with allocation of | On Trem 6(A), tick mark “Maternity” eave and “Others” then write “Allocate (number of up to seven days | days) MI to (name of child's father oraltematecaresiver,(offiee where the child's father ‘matemity leave to the | oraltsmate careiver is employed), (telationship tothe COA female employee) of Mr/Ms.. child's father or | (name of COA employee)” on the space provided on ltem 6(C) indicate number of calendar altemate caregiver, | days and corresponding period of maternity eave being applied for excluding the number of ays being allocated to te child's father or alternate caregiver. {6 Certification of Allocation of Maternity Leave Credits (Uf the female worker allocating the seven days Ml. isnot aCOA employee) 7. Proof of relationship (For allocation of 7 days ML) - Any of the following documents: (a) Philippine ‘Statisties Authority (PSA) or Local Civil Registrar (LCR)-issued Certificate of Live birth; (b) Mariage Certificate; (c) Barangay Certificate; or (d) Other bona fide documents that ean prove filial relationship 8. Fit to work clearance duly signed by the employee's attending Physician (if the COA female employee wishes to report back to work before the end of her ML) 9. Certification of Assumption to Duty (Annex E) ADMINISTRATION SECTOR 2. pntex ©. MAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF COA CENTRAL OFFICE CLEARANCE fr TnrrcieaTion ] Date of Application 0: THE COMMISSION ON AUDIT "nereby apply for elearance from mone, property and other accountabilities fr: Purpose Joric of AssizamenvPasition eee eee eee ee nied ame and signature of applicant [CLEARANCE FROM OFFICE OF ASSIGNMENT. ‘hereby cetfy that his applicant i cleared of accountabilities in tis Office. Efetivtytncusve Peri: Head of Office Jit_JRESULTS OF VERIFICATION OF ACCOUNTABILITIESPENDING ADMINISTRIIVE CASE Js. ACCOUNTABILITIES: Geared [| NotGieared_[ Remarks T_Adiinitation Stor ‘3 Revords Management Services, Genetal Services Mice Procurement, Property & Supply Management Services, General Services Office &._Personnel Welfare & Assistance, HRMO 2 Commisson Cental Library = Legal Office Library b,__Litrary Serves (Statoned st PIDS) F I Plaing: Finance & Management Sexy a Finacial Reporting Services, Acsounting OTT , Transaction, Processing & Billing Serviess, Accounting Office &._ Payroll & Remittance Series, Accounting Ofice T_Frfessional and Tatton Development Seeor Scholarship Services T I ST Olke Financial attaton a PRIGASEA COA Multi-Purpose Cooperative (formerly COA Credit Union) © SLAGA é__CREMC [E._PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CASE: ‘2 Internal Affairs Office, Office of the Chanrpersoa_ I TE) With pending administrative case [)_ with ongoing investigation (no formal charge yet Legal A juication Office, Legal Service Sector ACAUDIT “Thi ceifies tht the Leave Administration and Retiement Servis vere th accountable ofthe apsica! wth he ficetincil inettaton indicted box fouh Accounaiiy Veication Sheets dy sige by tir auoraeé aicals and secordigly inde reat advan in Ue epg sper jrder Box, Senos Oe? Leave Adminstration and Retirement Services [Nt IO 0 receenra ee | Bai Ee “This certifies hat the above-named employee hess “This conte that the above-named employee ie cleared from money and ether ccountablites from the OfficesFiacial Insitutions indicated shove and that helshe has no record of any pending Administrative Case involving any act (or omission constiuting ground for isciplnary ation under the Civil Service Laws, Rules and Regulations or any of the offenses etined and penalized under RA, 3019, a8 amended (Ant Grat and Corrupt Practices At) andthe provisions ofthe Revised Penal Code ‘A tecord of accountabilities a8 shown above Subject of an on-going investigation A record of pending Administrative Case ooOo00 ‘A Respondent of an Ombudsman Case Director 7 Date of Signing: Janez 0 vie ee APPLICATION FOR LEAVE 1 OFFIGHIAGENGY [3 ) NAME Gay Tied ‘(Widals) 3.6) EMPLOYEE NO: | S-DATE OF FILING | & POSTTTON ESALARW(¥Fonthiy GLOLLIL] DETAILS OF APPLICATION 6.) TYPE OF LEAVE 1D Vacation 1D Others (specify) a Sick 1D Maternity OF Paternity 6. e) NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS 6. b) WHERE LEAVE WILL BE SPENT JIN CASE OF VACATION LEAVE Q Within the Philippines O Abroad (specify) 2. IN CASE OF SICK LEAVE 1 in Hospital (Specify) i Out Patient (Specify) 6. d) COMMUTATION APPLIED FOR | CO Requested INCLUSIVE DATES: Oi Not Requested FROM TO. MM | DD |YYY¥| MM| Dp [Y¥YY) Signature of Applicant DETAILS OF ACTION ON APPLICATION 7. 8) CERTIFICATION OF LEAVE Asof, 7. b) RECOMMENDATION CD Approved ‘VACATION ‘SICK TOTAL | B Disopproved due to Personnel Officer Authorized Official 7.) APPROVED FOR: days with pay days without pay others (specify) Authorized Official 7.4) DISAPPROVED DUP TO: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commontoealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines Annex E CERTIFICATION OF ASSUMPTION TO DUTY This is to certify that Ms._________has assumed office at the effective This Certification is issued in connection with her availment of Maternity Leave. Done this__day of___in Head of Office /Department/Unit

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