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Course Code: CSS2151

Effective Listening

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 1

• Course Objective:
• To develop a deep understanding of the fundamentals of
communication, and to improve communication skills by
EFFECTIVE appreciating the importance of listening and learning essential
techniques to improve the same.
LISTENING • Course Contents:
Semester 1
• Module I: Fundamentals of Communication
Course Code: CSS2151 • Purpose of communication: 7 C’s of Communication
Credit Units: 1 • Barriers to effective communication
• Forms of Communication: one-to-one, informal and formal
• Module II: Communication Skills
• The process, importance and types of listening
• Effective Listening: Principles and Barriers

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 2

Module III: Enhancing Listening Skills
Guidelines to increase listening
Activities to enhance listening

Examination Scheme:

Components Written CAF V/P GD/Extempore A


Weightage (%) 40 25 20 10 5
CAF- Communication Assessment File, V/P- Viva/Presentation, GD- Group Discussion, A- Attendance

Text & References:

• Ramon & Prakash, Business Communication, Oxford.

• Sydney Greenbaum Oxford English Grammar, Oxford.
• Successful Communications, MalraTreece (Allyn and Bacon)
• Effective Technical Communication, M. Ashraf Rizvi.
• Anjanee Sethi & Bhavana Adhikari, Business Communication, Tata McGraw Hill

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 3

Sharing information

Can be verbal and non-verbal

Module I: Can be formal and informal

Fundamentals of Contributes significantly to personal and

organizational success

Communication Creating and delivering an effective

message requires a basic understanding
Logical arrangement, legible , audience
focused to bring effectivity

Feedback serves as the final link.

Can make or break the future

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 4
• W.H. Newman and C.F. Summer Jr. defines
communication as, “Communication is an
exchange of facts, ideas, opinions, or
emotions by two or more persons”
• Peter Little defines communication as the
process by which information is transmitted
between individuals and/ or organizations so
that an understandable response results.

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 5

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 6
Exchange of information
Solving problems
Client sustenance /development
Decision making
Coordination & Negotiations

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 7

7 C’s of Communication

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 8


▪ Complete message
▪ Convey all facts and figures
▪ Answer all queries and necessary information
▪ Saves time and cost
▪ Evokes positive reply
▪ Helps in Decision Making
▪ Builds Reputation

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Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 10

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 11

Company , Model , Manual /AMT
Features , Availability
Price, Quantity
Enquiry for Capacity, Quality
Washing After sales service, Maintenance
Machine Warranty, Design size , Colour
Mode of transaction
Efficiency etc.
Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 12

▪ Free from grammatical errors

▪ Maintain accuracy and precision
▪ Proof reading message
▪ Use proper punctuations and spellings
▪ Ensure correct facts and figures
▪ Use correct level of language

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 13

Common mistakes
• The woman which works here is from Japan.
• She’s married with a dentist.
• She was boring in the class.
• Police is coming to investigate the case immediately.
• Each of the participants was willing to be recorded.
• Everyone have done his or her homework.
• Which shirt do you wants for Christmas?
• A pair of plaid trousers are in the closet.
• It is not the faculty members but the president whom decides this issue.

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 14


▪ Writing easy-to-read and easy-to-

understand messages.
▪ Any compromise on the clarity of
expression may cause communication
▪ Make use of exact words
▪ Emphasize on a single goal at a time
▪ Frame logical sentences
▪ Avoid technical jargons
▪ Use familiar words and plain language
•To impress: According to surveys conducted by experts in the field, data consistently shows that
worker satisfaction, a truly worthy goal of any enterprise is increased together with a correspondent
increase in net profit by prudently investing in a superior on-the-job training program.

•To express: Surveys consistently show that investment in on-the-job training increases profits and
improves worker satisfaction.

My roommate is going through a rollercoaster of emotions.

She rose with alacrity and moved away

Secretary embezzled from church with her estranged husband — the pastor, NC cops say.

New words are constantly being coined, some will prove ephemeral , others are here to stay.

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 16

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 17
▪ Precise and to the point
▪ Avoid the lengthy sentences and try to convey the
subject matter in the least possible words
▪ Eliminate wordy expressions
▪ Focus on relevant information
▪ More appealing and comprehensible
▪ Saves time and cost
▪ Avoid repetition

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5. Concreteness

▪ Implies being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general
▪ Supported with specific facts and figures
▪ Makes use of words that are clear and that build the reputation
▪ Concrete messages are not misinterpreted
▪ Use vivid image building words : The camera has a system that gives good pictures.

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▪ Respect that we show to others

▪ Be polite, sincere, enthusiastic, and reflective.
▪ Understand the feeling of the receivers
▪ Use gender specific words
▪ Use positive and courteous tone
▪ Appreciate receiver
▪ Avoid usage rude and offensive language

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Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 28
How can I be courteous? How can we show courtesy?

1.Hold the door for others. • Show respect for others.

2.Offer to get a drink for those seated nearby • Always apologize when you do something wrong.
when you get one for yourself. • When someone is having a conversation, do not
1.Always put your used dishes in the proper place. interrupt.
2.Smile. • When you change your plans, let others know.
3.Express gratitude for work well done. • Respect the needs of others in public.
4.Listen before offering your opinion. • Never embarrass another person.
5.Always be courteous and expect the same from • When refusing an invitation, be kind and honest.
others. • Respect your everyone.

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 29


• Preparing message keeping in mind receivers' interest

& needs
• Convey pleasant facts and news
• Understand concern & problems
• Focus on ‘You’ instead of ‘I’ & ‘We’

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 30

You attitude
• Talk about the reader, not about yourself.
1. Without you-attitude: We at the Amity School of Language train the students
to become better writers.
2. You-attitude: You’ll improve as a writer by obtaining training at the Amity
School of Language
• Don’t talk about feelings, except to congratulate or offer sympathy. In most
professional settings and situations, your feelings are irrelevant.
1. Without you-attitude: We are pleased to offer students writing consultations on
Sunday evenings.
2. You-attitude: You can now visit the Amity Language Center for Writing on
Sunday evenings, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
3. You-attitude: Congratulations on your promotion to Assistant Manager! I was
pleased to read about it in the company newsletter

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 31

• Use you more often than I in positive situations.
• Doing so accentuates the good news associated with the reader.
1. Without you-attitude: I will make every effort to ensure you
get an appointment.
2. You-attitude: You will be notified of your appointment time
within 24 hours.
• Avoid the word you in delivering bad news, as it can be
interpreted as accusatory and over-accentuate the negative.
1. You-attitude: A number of proofreading errors have been
made in the paper.
2. You-attitude: The paper includes a number of proofreading

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 32

• We are glad to inform you that we have facilitated ATM services 24*7
for our customers.
• You can now access ATM facility 24*7.
• You will be happy to know that now you can access ATM facility 24*7
at your location.

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Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 35
To achieve clarity, keep in mind the following points: –

▪ Use common and simple language.

▪ Construct effective sentences and short paragraphs.
▪ Use concrete words instead of abstract words.
▪ Avoid unnecessary information.
To achieve correctness, follow these guidelines: -
• Check the accuracy of facts and figures.
• Check mistakes in punctuation, grammar, and capitalization.
• Check misspelled words.
• Use the right level of language
Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 36
To achieve conciseness, To achieve courtesy, keep in mind the following
observe the following points:

• Remove the wordy • Be sincere.

expressions • Use expressions that show respect.
• Include only relevant • Be thoughtful and appreciative of the
material receiver’s point of view
• Avoid unnecessary • Avoid humor
• Avoid discriminatory language i.e., race,
color, gender, creed etc.

Prof Anil Ahire, Amity School of Languages 37

To achieve concreteness, consider To be considerate, the following points
the following ways: should be kept in mind:
• – See your material from your
reader’s point of view.
• Use clear and image building • Focus on “you” instead of” we” e.g.,
words. • Be sure about the benefits of the
• Use specific facts and figures. receiver.
• Use active voice than passive • Consider the needs and problems of
voice. the receiver

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