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The Linear

Books in the Classics in Applied Mathematics series are monographs and textbooks declared out
of print by their original publishers, though they are of continued importance and interest to the
mathematical community. SIAM publishes this series to ensure that the information presented in these
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texts is not lost to today's students and researchers.

Robert E. O'Malley, Jr., University of Washington

Editorial Board
John Boyd, University of Michigan
Leah Edelstein-Keshet, University of British Columbia
William G. Faris, University of Arizona
Nicholas J. Higham, University of Manchester
Peter Hoff, University of Washington
Mark Kot, University of Washington
Peter Olver, University of Minnesota
Philip Protter, Cornell University
Gerhard Wanner, L'Universite de Geneve

Classics in Applied Mathematics

C. C. Lin and L. A. Segel, Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences
Johan G. F. Belinfante and Bernard Kolman, A Survey of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras with Applications and
Computational Methods
James M. Ortega, Numerical Analysis: A Second Course
Anthony V. Fiacco and Garth P. McCormick, Nonlinear Programming: Sequential Unconstrained
Minimization Techniques
F. H. Clarke, Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis
George F. Carrier and Carl E. Pearson, Ordinary Differential Equations
Leo Breiman, Probability
R. Bellman and G. M. Wing, An Introduction to Invariant Imbedding
Abraham Berman and Robert J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences
Olvi L. Mangasarian, Nonlinear Programming
*Carl Friedrich Gauss, Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors: Part One,
Part Two, Supplement. Translated by G. W. Stewart
Richard Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis
U. M. Ascher, R. M. M. Mattheij, and R. D. Russell, Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for
Ordinary Differential Equations
K. E. Brenan, S. L. Campbell, and L. R. Petzold, Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems
in Differential- Algebraic Equations
Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems
J. E. Dennis, Jr. and Robert B. Schnabel, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear
Richard E. Barlow and Frank Proschan, Mathematical Theory of Reliability
Cornelius Lanczos, Linear Differential Operators
Richard Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis, Second Edition
Beresford N. Parlett, The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Richard Haberman, Mathematical Models: Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, and Traffic Flow
Peter W. M. John, Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
Tamer Ba§ar and Geert Jan Olsder, Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory, Second Edition
Emanuel Parzen, Stochastic Processes
*First time in print.
Classics in Applied Mathematics (continued)

Petar Kokotovic, Hassan K. Khalil, and John O'Reilly, Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysis
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and Design
Jean Dickinson Gibbons, Ingram Olkin, and Milton Sobel, Selecting and Ordering Populations: A New
Statistical Methodology
James A. Murdock, Perturbations: Theory and Methods
Ivar Ekeland and Roger Temam, Convex Analysis and Variational Problems
Ivar Stakgold, Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics, Volumes I and II
J. M. Ortega and W. C. Rheinboldt, Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables
David Kinderlehrer and Guido Stampacchia, An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their Applications
F. Natterer, The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography
Avinash C. Kale and Malcolm Slaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging
R. Wong, Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals
O. Axelsson and V. A. Barker, Finite Element Solution of Boundary Value Problems: Theory and Computation
David R. Brillinger, Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory
Joel N. Franklin, Methods of Mathematical Economics: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fixed-Point
Philip Hartman, Ordinary Differential Equations, Second Edition
Michael D. Intriligator, Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory
Philippe G. Ciarlet, The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems
Jane K. Cullum and Ralph A. Willoughby, Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue
Computations, Vol. I: Theory
M. Vidyasagar, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, Second Edition
Robert Mattheij and Jaap Molenaar, Ordinary Differential Equations in Theory and Practice
Shanti S. Gupta and S. Panchapakesan, Multiple Decision Procedures: Theory and Methodology
of Selecting and Ranking Populations
Eugene L. Allgower and Kurt Georg, Introduction to Numerical Continuation Methods
Leah Edelstein-Keshet, Mathematical Models in Biology
Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Jens Lorenz, Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations
J. L. Hodges, Jr. and E. L. Lehmann, Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics, Second Edition
George F. Carrier, Max Krook, and Carl E. Pearson, Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and
Friedrich Pukelsheim, Optimal Design of Experiments
Israel Gohberg, Peter Lancaster, and Leiba Rodman, Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications
Lee A. Segel with G. H. Handelman, Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics
Rajendra Bhatia, Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues
Barry C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, and H. N. Nagaraja, A First Course in Order Statistics
Charles A. Desoer and M. Vidyasagar, Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties
Stephen L. Campbell and Carl D. Meyer, Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations
Alexander Morgan, Solving Polynomial Systems Using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific Problems
I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, and L. Rodman, Matrix Polynomials
Galen R. Shorack and Jon A. Wellner, Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics
Richard W. Cottle, Jong-Shi Pang, and Richard E. Stone, The Linear Complementarity Problem
Rabi N. Bhattacharya and Edward C. Waymire, Stochastic Processes with Applications
Robert J. Adler, The Geometry of Random Fields
Mordecai Avriel, Walter E. Diewert, Siegfried Schaible, and Israel Zang, Generalized Concavity
Rabi N. Bhattacharya and R. Ranga Rao, Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions
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The Linear
b ci

Richard W. Cottle
Stanford University
Stanford, California

Jong-Shi Pang
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois

Richard E. Stone
Delta Air Lines
Eagan, Minnesota

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

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Copyright © 2009 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

This SIAM edition is a corrected, unabridged republication of the work first published
by Academic Press, 1992.


All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may
be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of
the publisher. For information, write to the Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cottle, Richard.
The linear complementarity problem / Richard W. Cottle, Jong-Shi Pang, Richard E.
p. cm. -- (Classics in applied mathematics ; 60)
Originally published: Boston: Academic Press, c1992.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-898716-86-3
. Linear complementarity problem. I. Pang, Jong-Shi. II. Stone, Richard E. III. Title.
QA402.5.C68 2009
519.7'6 --dc22

S.L2.JTL is a registered trademark.

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To Our Families
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1.1 Problem Statement ......................................... 1
1.2 Source Problems ........................................... 3
1.3 Complementary Matrices and Cones ........................ 16
1.4 Equivalent Formulations .................................... 23
1.5 Generalizations ............................................. 29
1.6 Exercises ................................................... 35
1.7 Notes and References ....................................... 37

2.1 Real Analysis .............................................. 44
2.2 Matrix Analysis ............................................ 59
2.3 Pivotal Algebra ............................................ 68
2.4 Matrix Factorization ....................................... 81
2.5 Iterative Methods for Equations ............................ 87
2.6 Convex Polyhedra .......................................... 95
2.7 Linear Inequalities ........................................
2.8 Quadratic Programming Theory ............................113
2.9 Degree and Dimension ..................................... 118
2.10 Exercises ...................................................124
2.11 Notes and References .......................................131


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3.1 Positive Definite and Semi-definite Matrices ................ 138
3.2 The Classes Q and Q 0 ..................................... 145
3.3 P- matrices and Global Uniqueness ......................... 146
3.4 P- matrices and w- uniqueness .. ............................153
3.5 Sufficient Matrices ......................................... 157
3.6 Nondegenerate Matrices and Local Uniqueness ............. 162
3.7 An Augmented LCP ....................................... 165
3.8 Copositive Matrices ........................................ 176
3.9 Semimonotone and Regular Matrices ....................... 184
3.10 Completely -Q Matrices ......... ............................195
3.11 Z- matrices and Least-element Theory ...................... 198
3.12 Exercises ....................... ............................213
3.13 Notes and References ........... ............................218


4.1 Invariance Theorems ....................................... 227
4.2 Simple Principal Pivoting Methods ......................... 237
4.3 General Principal Pivoting Methods ........................ 251
4.4 Lemke's Method ........................................... 265
4.5 Parametric LCP Algorithms ................................ 288
4.6 Variable Dimension Schemes ............................... 308
4.7 Methods for Z- matrices ........ ............................317
4.8 A Special n -step Scheme ................................... 326
4.9 Degeneracy Resolution ......... ............................336
4.10 Computational Considerations .. ............................352
4.11 Exercises ....................... ............................366
4.12 Notes and References ........... ............................375


5.1 Applications ................... ............................384
5.2 A General Splitting Scheme ............................... 394
5.3 Convergence Theory ........... ............................399
5.4 Convergence of Iterates: Symmetric LCP .................. 424
5.5 Splitting Methods With Line Search ....................... 429
5.6 Regularization Algorithms ................................. 439

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5.7 Generalized Splitting Methods ............................. 445

5.8 A Damped-Newton Method ............................... 448
5.9 Interior-point Methods ....................................461
5.10 Residues and Error Bounds ................................475
5.11 Exercises ..................................................492
5.12 Notes and References ......................................498


6.1 Global Degree and Degenerate Cones ...................... 509
6.2 Facets .....................................................522
6.3 The Geometric Side of Lemke's Method ................... 544
6.4 LCP Existence Theorems ..................................564
6.5 Local Analysis .............................................571
6.6 Matrix Classes Revisited .................................. 579
6.7 Superfluous Matrices ...................................... 596
6.8 Bounds on Degree .........................................603
6.9 Q 0-matrices and Pseudomanifolds ......................... 610
6.10 Exercises ..................................................629
6.11 Notes and References ......................................634


7.1 A Basic Framework ........................................644
7.2 An Upper Lipschitzian Property ...........................646
7.3 Solution Stability ..........................................659
7.4 Solution Differentiability .................................. 673
7.5 Stability Under Copositivity ............................... 683
7.6 Exercises ............................'......................693
7.7 Notes and References ......................................697

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The first edition of this book was published by Academic Press in 1992
as a volume in the series Computer Science and Scientific Computing edited
by Werner Rheinboldt. As the most up-to-date and comprehensive pub-
lication on the Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP), the book was a
relatively instant success. It shared the 1994 Frederick W. Lanchester Prize
from INFORMS as one of the two best contributions to operations research
and the management sciences written in the English language during the
preceding three years. In the intervening years, The Linear Complementar-
ity Problem has become the standard reference on the subject. Despite its
popularity, the book went out of print and out of stock around 2005. Since
then, the supply of used copies offered for sale has dwindled to nearly zero at
rare-book prices. This is attributable to the substantial growth of interest
in the LCP coming from diverse fields such as pure and applied mathemat-
ics, operations research, computer science, game theory, economics, finance,
and engineering. An important development that has made this growth
possible is the availability of several robust complementarity solvers that
allow realistic instances of the LCP to be solved efficiently; these solvers can
be found on the Website
The present SIAM Classics edition is meant to address the grave imbal-
ance between supply and demand for The Linear Cornplementarity Prob-
lem. In preparing this edition, we have resisted the temptation to enlarge
an already sizable volume by adding new material. We have, however,


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corrected a large number of typographical errors, modified the wording of

some opaque or faulty passages, and brought the entries in the Bibliogra-
phy of the first edition up to date. We warmly thank all those who were
kind enough to report ways in which the original edition would benefit from
such improvements.
In addition, we are grateful to Sara Murphy, Developmental and Acqui-
sitions Editor of SIAM, and to the Editorial Board of the SIAM Classics
in Applied Mathematics for offering us the opportunity to bring forth this
revised edition. The statements of gratitude to our families expressed in
the first edition still stand, but now warrant the inclusion of Linda Stone.

Richard W. Cottle Stanford, California

Jong-Shi Pang Urbana, Illinois
Richard E. Stone Eagan, Minnesota
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The linear complementarity problem (LCP) refers to an inequality sys-

tem with a rich mathematical theory, a variety of algorithms, and a wide
range of applications in applied science and technology. Although diverse
instances of the linear complementarity problem can be traced to publica-
tions as far back as 1940, concentrated study of the LCP began in the mid
1960's. As with many subjects, its literature is to be found primarily in
scientific journals, Ph.D. theses, and the like. We estimate that today there
are nearly one thousand publications dealing with the LCP, and the num-
ber is growing. Only a handful of the existing publications are monographs,
none of which are comprehensive treatments devoted to this subject alone.
We believe there is a demand for such a book—one that will serve the
needs of students as well as researchers. This is what we have endeavored
to provide in writing The Linear Complementarity Problem.
The LCP is normally thought to belong to the realm of mathematical
programming. For instance, its AMS (American Mathematical Society)
subject classification is 90C33, which also includes nonlinear complemen-
tarity. The classification 90xxx refers to economics, operations research,
programming, and games; the further classification 90Cxx is specifically
for mathematical programming. This means that the subject is normally
identified with (finite-dimensional) optimization and (physical or economic)
equilibrium problems. As a result of this broad range of associations, the

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literature of the linear complementarity problem has benefitted from con-

tributions made by operations researchers, mathematicians, computer sci-
entists, economists, and engineers of many kinds (chemical, civil, electrical,
industrial, and mechanical).
One particularly important and well known context in which linear com-
plementarity problems are found is the first-order optimality conditions of
quadratic programming. Indeed, in its infancy, the LCP was closely linked
to the study of linear and quadratic programs. A new dimension was
brought to the LCP when Lemke and Howson published their renowned al-
gorithm for solving the bimatrix game problem. These two subjects played
a major role in the early development of the linear complementarity prob-
lem. As the field of mathematical programming matured, and the need for
solving complex equilibrium problems intensified, the fundamental impor-
tance of the LCP became increasingly apparent, and its scope expanded
significantly. Today, many new research topics have come into being as a
consequence of this expansion; needless to say, several classical questions
remain an integral part in the overall study of the LCP. In this book, we
have attempted to include every major aspect of the LCP; we have striven
to be up to date, covering all topics of traditional and current importance,
presenting them in a style consistent with a contemporary point of view,
and providing the most comprehensive available list of references.
Besides its own diverse applications, the linear complementarity prob-
lem contains two basic features that are central to the study of general
mathematical and equilibrium programming problems. One is the concept
of complementarity. This is a prevalent property of nonlinear programs;
in the context of an equilibrium problem (such as the bimatrix game), this
property is typically equivalent to the essential equilibrium conditions. The
other feature is the property of linearity; this is the building block for the
treatment of all smooth nonlinear problems. Together, linearity and com-
plementarity provide the fundamental elements needed for the analysis and
understanding of the very complex nature of problems within mathematical
and equilibrium programming.


All seven chapters of this volume are divided into sections. No chapter
has fewer than seven or more than thirteen sections. Generally speaking,
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the chapters are rather long. Indeed, each chapter can be thought of as a
part with its sections playing the role of chapters. We have avoided the
latter terminology because it tends to obscure the interconnectedness of
the subject matter presented here.
The last two sections of every chapter in this book are titled "Exercises"
and "Notes and References," respectively. By design, this organization
makes it possible to use The Linear Complementarity Problem as a text-
book and as a reference work. We have written this monograph for read-
ers with some background in linear algebra, linear programming, and real
analysis. In academic terms, this essentially means graduate student sta-
tus. Apart from these prerequisites, the book is practically self-contained.
Just as a precaution, however, we have included an extensive discussion
of background material (see Chapter 2) where many key definitions and
results are given, and most of the proofs are omitted. Elsewhere, we have
supplied a proof for each stated result unless it is obvious or given as an
In keeping with the textbook spirit of this volume, we have attempted
to minimize the use of footnotes and literature citations in the main body
of the work. That sort of scholarship is concentrated in the notes and ref-
erences at the end of each chapter where we provide some history of the
subjects treated, attributions for the results that are stated, and pointers to
the relevant literature. The bibliographic details for all the references cited
in The Linear Complementarity Problem are to be found in the comprehen-
sive Bibliography at the back of the book. For the reader's convenience, we
have included a Glossary of Notation and what we hope is a useful Index.
Admittedly, this volume is exceedingly lengthy as a textbook for a one-
term course. Hence, the instructor is advised to be selective in deciding the
topics to include. Some topics can be assigned as additional reading, while
others can be skipped. This is the practice we have followed in teaching
courses based on the book at Stanford and Johns Hopkins.
The opening chapter sets forth a precise statement of the linear com-
plementarity problem and then offers a selection of settings in which such
problems arise. These "source problems" should be of interest to readers
representing various disciplines; further source problems (applications of
the LCP) are mentioned in later chapters. Chapter 1 also includes a num-
ber of other topics, such as equivalent formulations and generalizations
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of the LCP. Among the latter is the nonlinear complementarity problem

which likewise has an extensive theory and numerous applications.
Having already described the function of Chapter 2, we move on to
the largely theoretical Chapter 3 which is concerned with questions on the
existence and multiplicity of solutions to linear complementarity problems.
Here we emphasize the leitmotiv of matrix classes in the study of the LCP.
This important theme runs through Chapter 3 and all those which follow.
We presume that one of these classes, the positive semi-definite matrices,
will already be familiar to many readers, and that most of the other classes
will not. Several of these matrix classes are of interest because they charac-
terize certain properties of the linear complementarity problem. They are
the answers to questions of the form "what is the class of all real square
matrices such that every linear complementarity problem formulated with
such a matrix has the property ... ?" For pedagogical purposes, the LCP
is a splendid context in which to illustrate concepts of linear algebra and
matrix theory. The matrix classes that abound in LCP theory also provide
research opportunities for the mathematical and computational investiga-
tion of their characteristic properties.
In the literature on the LCP, one finds diverse terminology and notation
for the matrix classes treated in Chapter 3. We hope that our systematic
treatment of these classes and consistent use of notation will bring about
their standardization.
Algorithms for the LCP provide another way of studying the existence of
solutions, the so-called "constructive approach." Ideally, an LCP algorithm
will either produce a solution to a given problem or else determine that
no solution exists. This is called processing the problem. Beyond this, the
ability to compute solutions for large classes of problems adds to the utility
of the LCP as a model for real world problems.
There are two main families of algorithms for the linear complementar-
ity problem: pivoting methods (direct methods) and iterative methods (in-
direct methods). We devote one chapter to each of these. Chapter 4 covers
the better-known pivoting algorithms (notably principal pivoting methods
and Lemke's method) for solving linear complementarity problems of vari-
ous kinds; we also present their parametric versions. All these algorithms
are specialized exchange methods, not unlike the familiar simplex method
of linear programming. Under suitable conditions, these pivoting methods
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are finite whereas the iterative methods are convergent in the limit. Algo-
rithms of the latter sort (e.g., matrix splitting methods, a damped Newton
method, and interior-point methods) are treated in Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 offers a more geometric view of the linear complementarity
problem. Much of it rests on the concept of complementary cones and the
formulation of the LCP in terms of a particular piecewise linear function,
both of which are introduced in Chapter 1. In addition, Chapter 6 features
the application of degree theory to the study of the aforementioned piece-
wise linear function and, especially, its local behavior. Ideas from degree
theory are also brought to bear on the parametric interpretation of Lemke's
algorithm, which can be viewed as a homotopy method.
The seventh and concluding chapter focuses on sensitivity and stability
analysis, the study of how small changes in the data affect various aspects
of the problem. Under this heading, we investigate issues such as the lo-
cal uniqueness of solutions, the local solvability of the perturbed problems,
continuity properties of the solutions to the latter problems, and also the
applications of these sensitivity results to the convergence analysis of al-
gorithms. Several of the topics treated in this chapter are examples of the
recent research items alluded to above.
Some comments are needed regarding the presentation of the algorithms
in Chapters 4 and 5. Among several styles, we have chosen one that suits
our taste and tried to use it consistently. This style is neither the terse
"pidgeon algol" (or "pseudo code") nor the detailed listing of FORTRAN
instructions. It probably lies somewhere in between. The reader is cau-
tioned not to regard our algorithm statements as ready-to-use implemen-
tations, for their purpose is to identify the algorithmic tasks rather than
the computationally sophisticated ways of performing them. With regard
to the pivotal methods, we have included a section in Chapter 4 called
"Computational Considerations" in which we briefly discuss a practical al-
ternative to pivoting in schemas (tableaux). This approach, which is the
counterpart of the revised simplex method of linear programming, paves
the way for the entrance of matrix factorizations into the picture. In terms
of the iterative methods, several of them (such as the point SOR method)
are not difficult to implement, while others (such as the family of interior-
point methods) are not as easy. A word of caution should perhaps be
offered to the potential users of any of these algorithms. In general, special
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care is needed when dealing with practical problems. The effective man-
agement of the data, the efficient way of performing the computations, the
precaution toward numerical round-off errors, the termination criteria, the
problem characteristics, and the actual computational environment are all
important considerations for a successful implementation of an algorithm.
The exercises in the book also deserve a few words. While most of them
are not particularly difficult, several of them are rather challenging and may
require some careful analysis. A fair number of the exercises are variations
of known results in the literature; these are intended to be expansions of
the results in the text.

An apology

Though long, this book gives short shrift (or no shrift at all) to several
contemporary topics. For example, we pay almost no attention to the area
of parallel methods for solving the LCP, though several papers of this kind
are included in the Bibliography; and we do not cover enumerative methods
and global optimization approaches, although we do cite a few publications
in the Notes and References of Chapter 4 where such approaches can be
seen. Another omission is a summary of existing computer codes and com-
putational experience with them. Here, we regret to say, there is much
work to be done to assemble and organize such information, not just by
ourselves, but by the interested scientific community.
In Chapter 4, some discussion is devoted to the worst case behavior
of certain pivoting methods, and two special polynomially bounded pivot-
ing algorithms are presented in Sections 7 and 8. These two subjects are
actually a small subset of the many issues concerning the computational
complexity of the LCP and the design of polynomial algorithms for certain
problems with special properties. Omitted in our treatment is the family
of ellipsoid methods for a positive semi-definite LCP. The interior-point
methods have been analyzed in great detail in the literature, and their
polynomial complexity has been established for an LCP with a positive
semi-definite matrix. Our presentation in Section 9 of Chapter 5 is greatly
simplified and, in a way, has done an injustice to the burgeoning litera-
ture on this topic. Research in this area is still quite vigorous and, partly
because of this, it is difficult to assemble the most current developments.
We can only hope that by providing many references in the Bibliography,
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we have partially atoned for our insensitivity to this important class of



Many years have passed since the writing of this book began, and in
some respects (such as those just suggested) it is not finished yet. Be that
as it may, we have managed to accumulate a debt of gratitude to a list of
individuals who, at one time or another, have played a significant role in
the completion of this work. Some have shared their technical expertise
on the subject matter, some have provided the environment in which parts
of the research and writing took place, some have assisted with the in-
tricacies of computer-based typesetting, and some have criticized portions
of the manuscript. We especially thank George Dantzig for siring linear
programming; his continuing contributions to mathematical programming
in general have inspired generations of students and researchers, including
ourselves. The seminal work of Carlton Lemke did much to stimulate the
growth of linear complementarity. We have benefitted from his research
and his collegiality. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the diverse con-
tributions of Steve Brady, Rainer Burkard, Curtis Eaves, Ulrich Eckhardt,
Gene Golub, George Herrmann, Bernhard Korte, Jerry Lieberman, Olvi
Mangasarian, Ernst Mayr, Steve Robinson, Michael Saunders, Siegfried
Schaible, Herb Shulman, John Stone, Albert Tucker, Pete Veinott, Franz
Weinberg, Wes Winkler, Philip Wolfe, Margaret Wright, a host of graduate
students at Stanford and Johns Hopkins, and colleagues there as well as
at AT &T Bell Laboratories. To all these people, we express our sincere
thanks and absolve them of guilt for any shortcomings of this book.
We also thankfully acknowledge the Air Force Office of Scientific Re-
search, the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and
the Office of Naval Research. All these federal agencies—at various times,
through various contracts and grants—supported portions of our own re-
search programs and thus contributed in a vital way to this effort.
The text and the more elementary figures of The Linear Complementar-
ity Problem were typeset by the authors using Leslie Lamport's LATEX, a
document preparation system based on Donald Knuth's ThX program. The
more complicated figures were created using Michael Wichura's PICThX.
We deeply appreciate their contributions to the making of this book and

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to mathematical typesetting in general. In a few places we have used fonts

from the American Mathematical Society's AMSTEX. We extend thanks
also to the staff of Personal TEX, Inc. In the final stages of the process-
ing, we used their product Big PC 'IEX/386, Version 3.0 with astounding
results. Type 2000 produced the high resolution printing of our final . dvi
files. We are grateful to them and to Academic Press for their valuable
No one deserves more thanks than our families, most of all Sue Cottle
and Cindy Pang, for their steadfast support, their understanding, and their
sacrifices over the lifetime of this activity.

Stanford, California
Baltimore, Maryland
Holmdel, New Jersey
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Rn real n- dimensional space

R the real line
Rn X Tn the space of n x m real matrices
R+ the nonnegative orthant of Rn
R+ + the positive orthant of Rn


zT the transpose of a vector z

{zv} a sequence of vectors z 1 , z 2 , z 3 , .. .
eM an m- dimensional vector of all ones
(m is sometimes omitted)
HI anormonRm
xT y the standard inner product of vectors in Rn
x>y the (usual) partial ordering: x i > y2 , i = 1, ... n
x>y the strict ordering: x z > yz, i = 1, ... n
x >- y x is lexicographically greater than y
x >- y x is lexicographically greater than or equal to y
min(x, y) the vector whose i -th component is min(x, yz)
max(x, y) the vector whose i -th component is max(x, y2)
x*y (xjyj), the Hadamard product of x and y
zI the vector whose i -th component is I zz
z+ max(O, z), the nonnegative part of a vector z
z— max(O, —z), the nonpositive part of a vector z
z- the sign pattern of the components of z is


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A = (az^) a matrix with entries ai d

det A the determinant of a matrix A
A- ' the inverse of a matrix A
a norm of a matrix A
p(A) the spectral radius of a matrix A
AT the transpose of a matrix A
I the identity matrix
Aß (aid )jca, E,Q, a submatrix of a matrix A
Aa . (aij)jca,all j, the rows of A indexed by cti
A.ß (aid )all Z, Eß, the columns of A indexed by ß
diag (a,,. , a) the diagonal matrix with elements al, ... , a n,
laa (AT)ctia = (A a a) T
the transpose of a principal submatrix of A
`A-i Aaa)-1

the inverse of a principal submatrix of A

A-T (A - i)T = (AT) i -

the inverse transpose of a matrix A

(A/Aaa) Aca — A Actia `Lctia

the Schur complement of A. in A

A^ the sign pattern of the entries of A is
A<B a2^ <b 3 for all i and j
A<B az^ < bz3 for all i and j
p a (M) the principal transform of M relative to Maa

Index sets

^ the complement of an index set ci

i the complement of the index set {i}
supp z {i : z2 0}, the support of a vector z
a(z) f i : zi > (q + Mz)z}
ß(z) {i : z = (q + Mz)z}
ry(z) {i : zz < (q + Mz)2}


S nonpositive
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E element membership
not an element of
the empty set
C set inclusion
C proper set inclusion
U, n, x union, intersection, Cartesian product
Sl \ S2 the difference of sets Si and S2
S1 O S2 \ _
(5 1 \'S2) U (S2 Sl) (S1 U S2) \ (S1 n S2) ,

the symmetric difference of S l and S2

S l + Sz the (vector) sum of Sl and S2
the cardinality of a finite set S
SC the complement of a set S
dim S the dimension of a set S
bd S the (topological) boundary of a set S
cl S the (topological) closure of a set S
int S the topological interior of a set S
ri S the relative interior of a set S
rb S the relative boundary of a set S
S* the dual cone of S
O+S the set of recession directions of S
affn S the affine hull of S
cony S the convex hull of S
pos A the cone generated by the matrix A
[A] see 6.9.1
g(f) the graph of the function f
Sn -1 the unit sphere in Rn
£[x, y] the closed line segment between x and y
£(x, y) the open line segment between x and y
B(x, S) an (open) neighborhood of x with radius S
N(x) an (open) neighborhood of r
arg min x f (x) the set of x attaining the minimum of f (x)
arg maxi f (a) the set of x attaining the maximum of f (x)
[a, b] a closed interval in R
(a, b) an open interval in R
S the unit sphere
23 the closed unit ball
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f : D -* 1Z a mapping with domain D and range R

Vf (8 f2 /axe ), the m x n Jacobian of a mapping
f:Rn-^Rm. (m > 2)
V ßfa (aff /äxß )ZEä , a submatrix of Vf
VO (OOB/öaj ), the gradient of a function 0 : R Th 3 R
f'(,) directional derivative of the mapping f
f -1 the inverse of f
0(t) any function such that limt _^ o =0
0(n) any function such that sup )' < oc
HK(X) the projection of x on the set K
inf f (x) the infimum of the function f
sup f (x) the supremum of the function f
sgn(x) the "sign" of x E R, 0, +1, or -1

LCP symbols

(q, M) the LCP with data q and M

(q, d, M) the LCP (q + dz o , M), see (4.4.6)
fM (x) x+ - Mx -

Hq ,M(x) min(x, q + Mx)

FEA(q, M) the feasible region of (q, M)
SOL(q, M) the solution set of (q, M)
r(x, q, M) a residue function for (q, M)
deg M the degree of M
deg(q) the local degree of M at q
CM(ct) complementary matrix corresponding to index
set a (M is sometimes omitted)
K(M) the closed cone of q for which SOL(q, M))4 0
K(M) see 6.1.5
G(M) see 6.2.3
ind(pos Cm (a)) the index of the complementary cone pos Cm (a)
indM index (can be applied to a point, an orthant,
a solution to the LCP, or a complementary cone)
see 6.1.3
(B, C) the matrix splitting of M as B + C
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The chapters of this book are numbered from 1 to 7; their sections are
denoted by decimal numbers of the type 2.3 (which means Section 3 of
Chapter 2). Many sections are further divided into subsections. The latter
are not numbered, but each has a heading.
All definitions, results, exercises, notes, and miscellaneous items are
numbered consecutively within each section in the form 1.3.5, 1.3.6, mean-
ing Items 5 and 6 in Section 3 of Chapter 1. With the exception of the
exercises and the notes, all items are also identified by their types (e.g.
1.4.1 Proposition., 1.4.2 Remark.). When an item is being referred to
in the text, it is called out as Algorithm 5.2.1, Theorem 4.1.7, Exercise
2.10.9, etc. At times, only the number is used to refer to an item.
Equations are numbered consecutively in each section by (1), (2), etc.
Any reference to an equation in the same section is by this number only,
while equations in another section are identified by chapter, section, and
equation. Thus, (3.1.4), means Equation (4) in Section 1 of Chapter 3.


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