Unit - IV: Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations (MCQ)

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Unit – IV: Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations [MCQ]

1 To solve the ordinary differential equation (dy/dx ) - x = y , y(0) = 1 , by Euler’s method, you need to
rewrite the equation as

A (dy/dx ) - x - y = 0, B (dy/dx ) - y = x , y(0) C (dy/dx ) = x/y , y(0) D (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0)

y(0) = 1 =1 =1 =1

Correct Answer: D

2 Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2) using Euler’s
method is most nearly

A 1.32 B 1.18 C 1.2 D 1.22

Correct Answer: D

3 The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given by (dT/dX) = -
2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24) using Euler’s
method is most nearly

A 513.33 B 486.66 C 333.33 D -13.33

Correct Answer: B

4 The differential equation dy/dx + x^2 y = 2x + 3, y(0) = 5 is

A liniear B nonlinear C liniear with fixed D indeterminable to be

consant linear or nonlinear

Correct Answer: A

5 Taylor's Series Method can be used to find numerical solution of ODE


Correct Answer: A

6 Taylor's series Method is powerful single step method if we can find the

A Successive derivatives B First two derivatives C Second and forth D

easily easily derivatives easily

Correct Answer: A

7 Simple Laplace Method is used to find solution of

A Ordinary Differential B Partial Defferential C D

Equation(ODE) Equation(PDE)

Correct Answer: B

8 A second order differential equation can be solved by reducing it to a lower__________________


A ordinary differential B partial differential C polynomial D interpolation

Correct Answer: A

9 The methods of second category are called ____________methods.

A direct B indirect C point wise D step by step

Correct Answer: C

10 An equation which expresses a relation between the independent and dependent variable is called

A Differential equation B Partial Defferential C Linear equation D Polynomial Equation


Correct Answer: A

11 Taylor's series method will be very useful to give some initial starting values for powerful methods such

A Euler Method B Modified Euler Method C Newton Raphson D Runge Kutta Method

Correct Answer: D

12 The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A straight line B ellipse C chord D points

Correct Answer: D

13 The simplest method in finding the approximate solutions to the first order equations is ____________

A Euler's method B Modified Euler's C Runge-Kutta method D Taylor's Method


Correct Answer: A

14 In Euler's method: Given initial value problem y'=dy/dx=f(x, y) with y(x0) = y0, then approximation is
given by

A yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, B yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, yn) C yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn) D yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn-1)


Correct Answer: C

15 y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A Modified Euler B Euler C Taylor's Series D Runge-Kutta

Correct Answer: B

16 The error in the second order Runga Kutta is of the order

A h B h^ 2 C h^ 3 D h^ 4

Correct Answer: C

17 What is the order of the differential equation given by dy/dx+4y=sinx?

A First Order B Third Order C Second Order D Zeroth Order

Correct Answer: A

18 For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A Hyperbolic B Parabolic C Elliptic D Circular

Correct Answer: C
19 The Poisson's equation ∂2u/∂x2+∂2u/∂y2=f(x,y) is a example of ------------------

A Elliptic PDE B Parabolic PDE C Hyperbolic PDE D Circular PDE

Correct Answer: A

20 A partial differential equation requires:

A Two or more B Exactly one C More than one D Equal numbers of

independent variable independent variable dependent variable dependent variable

Correct Answer: A

21 Laplace 2D heat flow method is the…..…….for partial differential equation

A Boundary value B Initial value problem C Valued Problem D Unvalued Problem


Correct Answer: A

22 Parabolic equation is also referred as ……………….. Heat equation.

A 1 Dimensional B 3 Dimensional C 2 Dimensional D 0 Dimensional

Correct Answer: A

23 These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A Algebraic equation B Physical principle C Mathematical model D Boundary condition

Correct Answer: D

24 The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A Wave equation B Heat equation C Laplace equation D Elasticity equation

Correct Answer: C

25 Classify uxx−2uxy+uyy=0

A Parabolic B Hyperbolic C Eliptic D Circular

Correct Answer: A

26 Using the finite difference method, find y(0.25) satisfying the differential equation y′′(x)+y(x)=x subject to
the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(1)=2.

A 0.5443 B 0.6443 C 0.5643 D 0.6643

Correct Answer: A

27 Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking
h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A 0.0451 B 0.00451 C 0.4501 D 0.04051

Correct Answer: A

28 Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0 when y(0)=2,
y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)
A 5.42 B 5.52 C 5.62 D 5.32
Correct Answer: D
29 Solve the boundary value problem y′′=xy subject to the condition y(0)+y′(0)=1, y(1)=1, taking h=1/3, by
finite difference method. Find y(0)

A -0.9991 B -0.9992 C -0.9993 D −0.9880

Correct Answer: D

30 Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A 0.2244 B 0.2151 C 0.2355 D 0.2555

Correct Answer: B

30 Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary conditions u (0, y) =
0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3. for u1

A 3.67 B 4.67 C 5.67 D 2.67

Correct Answer: A

32 Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A 0.9 B 0.8 C 0.6 D 0.7

Correct Answer: A

33 Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh length =1 find


A 51.0833 B 25.7915 C 76.5417 D 55.0833

Correct Answer: A

34 Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100. Compute u1 for the
time-step with h = 1

A 40 B 20 C -40 D 30

Correct Answer: B

35 Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 using explicit finite difference scheme at t=0, u= sinπx (0 < x <1) at x=0 & x=1 ,
u= 0 for all values of t. take increment for t is 0.002 (0 to 0.006) and for x as 0.2 (0 to 1). Find u1 value

A 0.6657 B 0.5766 C 0.7766 D 0.5577

Correct Answer: B

36 Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0 < x < 3. Take
increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1
A 1.1333 B 1.1222 C 1.3111 D 1.3222

Correct Answer: A

37 Using the finite difference solve y’ – y = 0 of y(0)=0, y(1)=1, n=2.

A 0.3333 B 0.4444 C 0.5555 D 0.2222

Correct Answer: B

38 Solve y”+ y=0 with boundary condition y(0)=0, y(1)=0. Find y(0.5), using finite difference method.
A 0.13285 B 0.12285 C 0.14285 D 0.15285
Correct Answer: C
39 Solve by crank Nicolson’s implicit method, ut = uxx, 0<x<1,t>0 with u(x,0)=100(x-x2), u(0,t)=0,
u(1,t)=0. Compute u for one time step with h=0.25

A 8.82, 14.29 B 9.82, 14.29 C 9.82, 12.29 D 8.82, 12.29

Correct Answer: B

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