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MODULE 4 All about Recruitment

After human resource planning which is discussed in the previews chapter, now the next topic
to be discuss is all about recruitment. This module involves the process of recruitment, sources
of applicants, factors affecting recruitment and other process of recruitment.


At the end of this module, students are expected to:

 Explain and understand the process of recruitment;

 Differentiate the sources of applicants;
 Know the different factors affecting recruitment; and
 Explain other process of recruitment

Key terms:

Recruitment internal recruitment external recruitment

Applicant pool job advertisement campus recruitment

Employment agencies walk-ins internship

online recruitment Special event recruitment

Module 4: All about Recruitment

What is recruitment?
Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable
candidates for jobs.

Process of recruitment
1. Formulating a recruiting strategy
The first step in the recruitment process is to have a recruiting strategy. It is either
internal or external recruitment.
a. Internal recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from within
existing work force.
b. External recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from any
suitable applicant outside the business.
2. Searching for job applicants
The applicant search may involve traditional recruiting methods such as
newspaper advertisements, help-wanted posters, campus recruiting, public and
private employment agencies and professional associations.
3. Screening applicants
Applicants should be screened to eliminate individuals who are obviously
4. Maintaining an Applicant Pool
Maintaining who has an interest in suitable job.

Sources of Applicants
A. Internal Sources
 Promotion of existing workforce.
 Referrals. An internal source wherein employees are asked to encourage friends or
relatives to apply.
B. External Sources
 Job Advertisement are placement of help-wanted advertisement in newspapers, in
magazines, pamphlets, radio or television.
 Employment Agencies are agencies that charge a fee for each applicant they place.
Companies usually hope in such agencies if they do not have their own HR
 Walk-ins are those who walks in without any appointment to a certain company. It
happens because of companies’ good reputation and applicants are attracted to be a
part of their organization.
Module 4: All about Recruitment

 Campus recruitment is usually coordinated with university or college placement

center. Organization visits campuses to look for potential applicants, basically
applicants are the upcoming graduates or graduating students.
 Internships are those students who undergo with their OJT (On the Job Training) and
sometimes the organization evaluate some of this students and absorb them in their
 Special events recruiting are external source wherein organizations joining or
sponsoring an event where they can conduct job fair or employment fair.
 Online Recruitment refers to the sourcing of candidates using the internet. This can
be done in a variety of ways from social media recruiting to online job boards.
Factors Affecting Recruitment

 Size of the organization;

 Employment conditions in the community where the organization is located;
 The effectiveness of past recruitment efforts;
 Working conditions, salary and benefits packages offered by the organization and
 The growth of the organization
Other Process or Step for Recruitment
1. Profile the position
Job profile is the summary of information about the job. The skills and competencies
required for carrying out that job, the challenges, the deliverables of the job and key
performance indicators shall be mentioned in the job profile.
2. Prepare the job description and the job specification
After understanding the job profile, the organization can prepare the job description
and job specification. (Job description and job specification is mention in the previews
3. Choose where to hunt for candidates
In this step you are formulating a recruiting strategy. The options are the internal or
external sources depending on the situation.
4. Review your application
This is the time for screening the applicants.
5. Conducting interview
6. Checking references, drawing up a contract and offering the job
7. Help your new hotshot settle in
Hotshot is someone who is skillful and successful at something. This is the person who
successfully become part of the organization and its time to help him to adjust and be
orient in the companies’ culture
Medina, Roberto G. 2006.Personnel and Human Resources Management. Published in the
Philippines by REX Book Store
Corpuz, Crispina Rafol. 2006. Human Resource Management.Published in the Philippines by REX
Book Store
Module 7, retrieved from: Tiangsing, Joly T.

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