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Final Examination

Prof. Anita Lie, Ed.D.

Arranged by



I imagine myself to be a principal in a private senior high school. Although I do not

know the real field in the school, I try my best to describe the educational leadership in this

school and carry out my school to be a learning organization.

Table 1. Teacher Capacity

Quadrant III: Quadrant VI:
Analytical Observers Professionals DL Low Medium High
BB AN AR 10-20-30-49 50-60-79 80-90-100
YT  FL  WJ  YA  EF  LN  AN
 NK  SN  SH  GJ  YT  AR
DN SH  EN  KP  DN  BB  DL
 CB

CB Table 2. Teacher Commitment

FL EN Low Medium High
NK 10-20-30-49 50-60-79 80-90-100
 BB  KP  YA  SH  AR  EP
Quadrant I: Teacher  D  AN  CB  SN  YT  EN
Quadrant II:
Dropout Unfocused Workers N  LN  FL  NK  WJ  DL
 GJ
Chart 1. Four types of teachers.

Because I am a leader in this school, I put myself in Quadrant VI. It means that I have

to be professional and be an example to other teachers. This is the first step to make my

school be a learning organization.

Then, I analyze all of teachers and put their names in Chart 1. The result shows that

there are three teachers in quadrant I. These teachers have not only low level of capacity, but

also low level of commitment.

Those teachers, who have low level of capacity, will be confused of problem, not

know what to do, and need direction. Hence, as a leader, this is my job to direct these

teachers to know what to do and lead them to solve their problems. Encouraging them is also

my job to increase their capacities, so they can solve their problem by themselves. The

problem that they have a low level of capacity can be overcome by guiding them and giving

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encouragement. These things cannot be done alone by me as a leader. Therefore, I invite and

encourage other teachers to help me in guiding these teachers.

Another problem is that these teachers apparently also have low commitment. It can

be assumed that they have the wrong motivation when working. This problem is quite

difficult for me, because teachers who have a low level of commitment tend to not care about

students, not willing to spend extra time and effort for school and students, and care only

about their jobs. This problem is not enough just to be solved by giving them encouragement

and motivation. It depends on their volition. Therefore, I have to be their mentor to give them

understanding what the real jobs of teachers are. Guiding them to be better in capacity and

commitment is my job as a leader. Indeed, I cannot do it alone, so I need all teachers to be

involved, especially the teachers who are in Quadrant IV.

Next, I have four teachers in quadrant II. Three of them have medium level of

commitment and the other has high level of commitment. All of these teachers have low

capacity, so that I have to redirect them and try to provide what they need to improve

themselves. I can handle the teacher (EN) who has high commitment by coaching,

redirecting, and encouraging her to improve her capacity, so she can move to professional

level. In the other hand, increasing people commitment is hard for me as a leader. As I say in

the previous paragraph, there must be a willing/ volition in them. However, they have

medium level commitment and not low. This became an opportunity for me to motivate them

and redirect them to make more efforts to increase their capacity and commitment to make

this school better. Providing them with a lot of training is also one solution to increase their


In quadrant III, there are six teachers. All of them have low commitment level.

However, their capacities are medium and high. As a leader, I can ask them to help some

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teachers who have low in capacity. I also need these teachers to give some. Although they

don't want to give extra energy to make the school better, they can provide ideas for people

who want to improve their abilities and have a high commitment to the progress of this

school. Therefore, this is what is called cooperation. however, this does not mean that people

with low commitment cannot be led. Leadership style that is suitable for teachers in Quadrant

III is the supporters. As a leader, my jobs are to provide the facilities they need, make

decisions with them, listen to their problems, encourage and motivate them. That way, this

school will have great people who want to take this school to a better direction.

The last is quadrant IV where teachers in this category have high capacity and high

commitment. As a leader, it is time for me to prepare the people who will be the next leader.

So, I provide the teachers in these people empowerment to solve their problem independently

and appropriate resources for them to be successful. I also ask them to help me if I cannot

handle other teachers.

How about the school culture?

There are some syllabi and rules which must be obeyed by teachers. They are that

teachers must follow programmed syllabus and that they must always be up to date and use

creative ways of teaching. This is determined so that students are not bored with the lesson

and is a program so that teachers do not get stuck with old culture. The problem is that I don't

supervise teachers every day. As a result, many teachers still use the old ways of teaching and

are trapped in their comfort zones.

To be a professional teacher, people must be brave to leave their comfort zone.

Comfort zone is a condition when people feel at ease of their jobs, their place, and their

situation or afraid of learning or taking something new. Therefore, it will be a challenge for

some leaders to guide people leaving their comfort zone.

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I, as a leader, must take an action to those teachers who live in comfort zone. Hence, I

can build my school to be a learning organization. My big question is “how can I do it?”

Because a leader must be an example for his employees, I empower myself by learning,

searching, and reading from many sources. By empowering myself, I can guide those

teachers and motivate them to try something new. If it works, I will encourage, motivate, and

support them when they are in fear zone until they can go to the next zone and learn

independently. It does not mean that I leave them alone.

Furthermore, to build culture of learning, I build safety first in my school. As a leader,

I must be a humble open-minded person. Acting friendly to my employees is the first step. I

invite my employees or teachers in my school to solve problem together if they cannot handle

it. I want to build the feeling that “I am not alone in this school” and “I am safe.” Then, what

happen now? I look at my staff or teachers, almost all of them respect me and friendly. Some

of them do not hesitate to give their opinion in front of me. However, the others are still

afraid of me or doubt and need more times to adapt in my leadership style.

Next, to make them feel that they are needed importantly for advancing this school,

asking for their decisions is required. We share our vision and mission together. I cannot

decide everything that makes these teachers uncomfortable in my school, so their

involvement is needed. I can make my people feel safe, close, and want to share a future

together. Then, people can see that some majority teachers have no doubt in giving their

opinion or their vision. However, the decisions depend on other teachers and me, or voting.

The next step building culture of learning is that I have to share vulnerability. I have

an idea for this. I will provide them some questionnaires to know their need to make

themselves effectively. Then, I ask them which currently things I do that the teachers like or

do not like me to continue. I give them questionnaires, so that they do not feel guilty. The

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result shows that they tend to want me to present a lot of training especially in the field of

ICT, and not advise them when they know what is best for them to advance this school.

While reading the report, I was unable to respond. However, I like their honesty. There are

also teachers who want me to raise their salaries so they work more effectively. I can only

smile and consider this matter later.

The last step is establishing purpose through stories/narratives. I can call this as

evidence that my leadership style is successful when there are teachers feel that their job

mean for them. First, I tell them my story to motivate them that this school is where I come

from, where I can achieve my outcomes, and where I am meant to be. Then, I will see their

progress. If there is a teacher feels the same ways that this job and this school is their life, I

will assume that I am a successful leader for them. In fact, I still do not see teacher like this in

my school, so I have to seek what is wrong with my leadership style.

Leadership Reflection

If I look at how I lead teachers in my school, there are so many weaknesses. I tend to

motivate and encourage them to do something that maybe they do not want to do it. I can say

that my leadership style tends to be proficiency leadership style. How do I know that? From

my explanation above, I tend to encourage them to be like this and like that. I know that my

purpose is not also to make this school to be a learning organization, but also to make

integrity among teachers. However, not all my advice can be suitable to their teaching style.

Some of them still get stuck in their comfort zone and tend to take no notice of my


I also think that my style is a combination between proficiency and creativity

leadership. I know it because I want to build the feeling of unity by making teamwork, so

they feel that they are not alone like I say in the some previous paragraph. I also give them

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freedom to teach in class creatively. Although my way of leading tends to direct them, I give

them the freedom to choose the material and the best way to teach but not out of topics in the


I still have not found anyone in my school who feels that the school I lead is very

meaningful to them. Maybe there are those who feel that way, it is just that I don't know yet.

So, this is a problem that I cannot overcome optimally. This is also related to teachers who

still have a low level of commitment. This is a challenge for me and also the vice-principals

who will be the next leaders to solve and increase their commitment.

I have several vice principals who will be the next principal's delegation. Now I try to

help them by providing many sources of leadership. That way, they have preparations in the



This is the picture of the school that I imagined. Although perhaps my way of leading

is almost perfect, I do not know the facts or situation in the real field of school.

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