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DIRECTIONS. Essay. Analyze and explain the following quotation, statement, and/or question.

1. "And then she said "merci" again several times, always timidly, and went out. I gazed
after her, thinking how very easy it is in this world to be strong." Explain the realization of
the employer to Yulia, and give some insights or experiences relating to this. Response
must be at least 3 paragraphs. (15 points)

In this story “The Ninny”, it shows how Yulia take the cheating of her boss. Even it seem
like they treating Yulia as a slave, she doesn’t make any complaint because she know that they
will pay for her as she commit her service to be a governess of their children. She don’t make
any complaints because in other employer/boss, she is not paying any rubles.

I would like to share my experience as Yulia’s experience as an employer. When I

worked as a staff in a restaurant, the salary is low and I don’t have any choice but to continue in
my work. Even though it is hard in that kind of situation, I choose to stay for me to help my
parents in financial needs. Until I made my decision to quit in the job because I need to continue
my study and to finish my course so that I can help more to my parents.

In our life, we will meet a person that will treat us like a slave. But as an employer lor a
worker, we should know our rights. If we think they are abusing us, we can quit in that job. We
can have a written agreement which stated in that agreement the rules and regulations about
the job. How the salary settle and the proper way of treating our employers.

2. In the story "War" by Luigi Pirandello, for most of the story, the old man hides what he
really feels. Why do people sometimes try to hide their true feelings from themselves
and others? Use specific details for support. Response must be at least 3 paragraphs.
(15 points)

People try to hide their true feelings themselves and others because they want to
hurt or to feel like they are weak. Most people smiles but deep inside they are in deep
hurt. They do this kind of gesture to show that they are strong and not to give up. It also
helps to motivate themselves to fight and to push through.
The reality is different people have different reasons. Some keep their true
feelings much more hidden than others do. To really understand people, we must
understand their motivations for keeping feelings hidden. The reality is hidden feelings
are actually sublimated emotions. Trying to escape or hide emotions can cause a lot of
problems for the person holding them.

People often hide emotions to protect their relationships. When someone you

care about does something upsetting, you might choose to hide your annoyance. Yes,
their actions bothered you. But if they react negatively when you tell them how you feel,
you could end up triggering an even more painful conflict.

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