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Decisional Balance Worksheet

Goal: My goal is to go to the gym more.

Not Changing Behavior Changing Behavior

What is something good that could come from What is something good that could come from
not taking this action? taking this action?
1. I could work more 1. I would be in better health
2. I could have more time for homework 2. I would have a better-looking body
3. I would feel good and confident

What is something bad that could come from What is something bad that could come from
not taking this action? taking this action?
1. I would start getting unhealthy 1. I wouldn’t have enough time for
2. I wouldn’t feel confident homework
3. I wouldn’t have the ease of moving 2. I would start to become stressed with
around school
Readiness to Change: My readiness to change on a scale from
0-10 is about a 6.

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