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Site of the First Mass Father Bernard studied all the Pigafetta’s maps, which

place in Mazau off the southern tip of the larger island of

Antonio Pigafetta
Leyte, a check with the modern maps will show that this
The first Catholic Mass in the PH was held on March 31, jives with Limasawa and not Masao or Butuan.
Eastern Sunday
1. The evidence of Albo’s Log book
*Father Pedro de Valderrama 2. The Evidence of Pigafetta
a. Pigafetta’s testimony regarding the route
Located at the Southern Leyte b. The evidence of Pigafetta’s map
popularly known as the birthplace of the church in the c. The two native kings
Philippines d. The seven days at “Mazaua”
e. An argument from omission
Holy First Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism 3. Summary of the evidence of Albo and Pigafetta
in the Philippines 4. Confirmatory evidence from the Legazpi Expedition
1. The name of the place
1872: A monument to commemorate the site of the first 2. The route from Homonhon
mass on the Philippines was erected in Butuan 3. The latitude position
4. The geographical features
1953: The People in Butuan asked the Philippine
a. The bonfire
Historical Committee to rehabilitate the monument or
b. The balanghai
place a marker on the site.
c. House
On the basis of this objection the monument was re d. Abundance of gold
erected but the marble slab atting it was te site of the e. A developed settlement
first mass was removed
Zaide identified Masao in Butuan as the location of the
first mass. The basis Zaide’s claim is the diary of
Antonio Pigafetta, chronicle of Magellan’s voyage
Jaime de Veyra stated that the first mass was celebrated Retraction Letter of Rizal
in Limasawa not in Butuan
- July 31- Left Dapitan
Historian Pablo Pastells stating by the footnote to - August 6- arrived in Manila
Francisco Colin’s Labor Evangelica that Magellan did - September 3- Left Manila for Spain
not go to Butuan but from LImsaswa to Cebu - September 7- stopped over in Singapore
- September 30- Left for Spain
Francisco Albo (pilot of Magellan’s flagship does not
- October 3- ship arrived in Barcelona
mention the first mass ut he writes that they erected a
- October 6- jailed at Montjuich Castle; 8:00 pm
cross on a mountain which overlooked three islands the
sailed for Manila
west and the southwest.
- November 3- arrived in Manila
James Robertson agreed with Pastells in a footnote that - November 20- preliminary investigation began
“Mazaua” was actually LImasawa
Bago siya mamatay: Disyembre 29, 1896
IN the authentic account of Pigafetta the port was not in
Butuan but an island named Mazua (Masawa) - Maraming bisita
- Bumisita ang mga propesor nya dati
- Nakipag usap tugnkol sa relihiyon
- Ssabi ni Rev. Bernardino Nozaleda, nun niya - Rev. Bernardino Nozaleda- Archibishop noon
sinulat ang liham ng retraksyon ng Maynila
APAT NA BERSYON NG SULAT - Sa kopya ni Fr. Balaguer may salitang misma
- La Voz Espanola, December 30, 1896 bago sa pangatlong Iglesias na wala naman sa
- Bersyon ni Fr. Balaguer, January 1897 “original copy”
- “original” text galling sa archdiocesan achives - Sa kopya ni Fr. Balaguer di nag sisimula ang
on May 18, 1935 pangalawang paragraph bago sa panglimang
- El Imparcial noong araw na namatay si Rizal’s pangungusap.
(short formula) - Sa “original copy” naman ay nagsimula ang
pangalawang paragraph pagkatapos ng
FR. BALAGUER pangalawang pangungusap
- Sa “original copy” mayroon lamang na 4 na
- Barcelona, Spain, on February 14, 1897
comma ngunit sa kopya ni Fr. Balaguer may 11
- Lumabas makalipas ang 14 taon
- Magkaiba ang mga saksi sa parehang kopya.
- Sinabi niya kay Fr. Pio Pi nung 1910 na
nakatanggap siya ng kopya ng retrakskyon na
sulat ni Rizal at may pirma niya
- Di nya rin alam kung may gumaya lang sa sulat The first text was published in La Voz Espanola
ni Rizal and Diaro de Manila on the very day of Rizal’s
- Natanggap niya daw ang kopya noong gabing execution, December 30, 1896
namatay si Rizal
- Pindala niya kay Fr. Pio Pi upang husgahan o The second text appeared in Barcelona, Spain on
suriin kung si Rizal nga ba may sulat nito February 14, 1897 in the fortnightly magazine La
- Hindi rin sinabi ni Pi kung siya nga o hindi Juventud

LA VOZ ESPANOLA The Original text was discovered in the

archdiocesan archives on May 18, 1935 (Fr.
- Sila ang nakapagsabing nabasa at Nakita nga
Manuel Garcia)
nila ang ORIHINAL na kopya ng retraksyon
- Pinadala DAW sa Arsobispo ito
The fourth text appeared in El Imparcial on the
- Sinabi nila ito kahit pati ang pamilya ni Rizal
day after Rizal’s execution. It is the short formula of
ay hindi naman nakita ang Retraksyon
the retraction
Dagdag kontrobersiya
- Pinadala ito sa Secretary of Chancery, “If Rizal retracted, he wouldnothave been executed
Rev. Thomas Gonzales FEijoo, at tuluyan . But he was executed, therefore, Rizal did not
nang Nawala retract.”
GARCIA, C.M. The earliest account was published in Spain 1897; it
was found in chapter 17 of a book called La
- Natagpuan ang nawalang kopya Masonizacion de Filipinas, Rizal y su Orba,
- Mas nabuahy ang isyu dahil iba ito sa kopya na printed by Tipografica Catolica of Barcelona. The
meron ag Arsobispo at mg Jesuits author was thought to have been Fr. Pastells.
- Ang “original copy” ang salitang mis
cualidades at sa kopya ni Fr. Balaguer mi
- Mayroong Catholica pagkatapos ng unang
Iglesia sa “Original copy”
Jesuit's Father Simo (diplomat of society), carried the
LA MASONIZACION DE FILIPINAS - instructions of the Archbishop to the Jesuits
9:00 am, Dec 29 :
7 am Dec 29: Father Rosell took the place of Fr. Mata and Fr.
JUDGE DOMINGUEZ notified Rizal of the death Viza
10:00 am: Fr. Vilaclara and Fr. Balaguer, conversed In 1938, Rafael Palma once again proved his literary talent. He
with him, gave him a medal of the Virgin won the first prize in the national contest on the biography of
Fr. March replaced the two priests afterwards Rizal conducted by Commonwealth government.
Lunch:Don Manuel Luengo (civil governor of
Manila), and Fr. Faura (director of Manila I. Critical Examination of the Booklet Released by
Observatory) visited the Jesuits:
Rizal's mother, w/ Trinidad, arrives •The narrative by the Jesuits is anonymous.
•The narrative is written in a puerile manner. It reads
10:00 pm like a story designed for children.
Formula of Retraction was sent to the chapel •The narrative has a lot of inaccuracies:
•The narrative contains a portion of details and
11:30 pm exaggerations
Rizal signed the letter of retraction and then slept •The narrative does not mention that the document of
Rizal asked for pen & paper to write the letters for retraction was signed by Rizal with witnesses
Blumentritt, for his family, for Paciano...
read his retraction to the Jesuit fathers, Judge II. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Advocate, chief of the picket, and Adjutant of the
Plaza, and three artillery forces •Murio el Dr. Rizal Cristianamente-Reconstitucion de
las Ultimas Horas de su Vida-Estudio Historico (Did
5:30 am Doctor Rizal Die as a Christian?-Reconstruction of
Rizal ate breakfast w/ the officers the Last Hours of His Life-An Historical Study) by
Don Gonzalo Ma. Pinana, 1920
6:00 am
Josephine came with Rizal's sister * reproduces the testimony of persons who are
involved in the conversion and retraction of Rizal
7:00 am, Dec 30, 1896
Jose Rizal was shot *Sources of evidences used:
in Bagumbayan 1.What was published in local press and in Spain
about Rizal's Retraction
CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF 2.What was published in magazines, history books,
RIZAL'S ALLEGED RETRACTION and other printed matter
3.The notarial minutes duly authenticated of the
Rafael Palma was a Filipino politician, Rizalian, reporter, writer, declarations given by persons who visited Rizal in the
educator and a famous mason in Philippines. He also became chapel or who intervened in the act of his retraction
the fourth President of the University of the Philippines, The and conversion
“Builder President” Fr. Viza (App.1)
Wrote in La Independencia, the newspaper that General Antonio Fr. Pio Pi (App.2)
Luna established. He wrote articles advocating revolutionary Fr. Silvino Lopez Tunon (App.3)
ideals under the names Dapit Hapon, Hapon, Robert Paul and Archbishop Bernandino Nozaleda (App.4)
R.P. Villa. Gen. Rafel Dominguez (App. 6)
Fiscal Gaspar Castano (App.7)
Rev. Fr. Rosell (App.8)
Rev. Fr. Vicente Balaguer (App.9)
Luis Taviel de Andrade (App. 13)
Fr. Tomas Feijoo ((App. 14)
*copy of proceedings of Rizal's execution (App. 5)
*death certificates (App. 10, 11, & 12): Juan Fresno
(supposed witness to the document of retraction),
Eloy Moure (supposed witness to the document of
retraction) and Antonio Diaz (Military Chief of Fort

III. Coetaneous Acts in Accordance

with the Belief of Rizal's Retraction
1.secrecy of the document
2.denied petitions Rizal's Family for the copy of the document of retraction and the marriage certificate
3.secrecy of burial  - Father Balaguer handed out the retraction masses were said for his soul or funeral held by documents to Father Pi
Catholics  - After having a copy for their archives, Fr. Pi then
5.Rizal's indecent burial- buried in the ground gave the document to the Archbishop the next day
without any cross or stone to mark his grave Silvino Lopez Tunon
6.Rizal's name was written on a special page wherein
 - He learned from one of the Jesuit Fathers that Rizal
appear those buried by special orders
received Sacraments of Penance and Communion and moral motive for the conversion
was married to Josephine after having written and
signed the retraction document
IV. Why would Rizal renounce his religious ideas
Archbishop Nozaleda
and his glory - Reasons why retraction can't be
 - Rizal made slight variations in his retraction from
the proposed text by Fr. Pi
“The Archbishop was interested in his conversion for
 - Fr. Pi gave the document to the Archbishop then
political motives, and the Jesuits lent themselves as
handed it to the Secretary of the Archbishopric
his argument.”
Gaspar Castano
 Filipino historian and educator
 - Few days after the death of Rizal, Castano saw and
 professor emeritus of history at the University of the
read Rizal’s retraction paper wherein the later
declared himself a Catholic
died on January 7, 1979
Father Rosell
president of the Philippine Historical Association in
1962  - On Dec 30, 1896, Rosell saw the retraction paper in
 recipient of the Cultural Heritage Award of the
Luis Taviel de Andrade
Philippines in 1969.
 - Heard that in the morning of Rizal’s execution,
- Certain conditions in delving among old documents  - Upon arriving at the door, saw Rizal in an attitude
 - Genuineness/authenticity of the documents of praying then Rizal came out after kissing the statue
of the Sacred Heart
 - Accuracy of the writer
 - Doctor Rizal died as a Christian
 - Author’s truthfulness and good faith
Gonzalez Feijoo
 - The retraction document was handed to him for
- Documents about retraction came from: safekeeping in the archives of the Secretary’s office
Ratified and notarized declarations  - The retraction remained in the archives in his
Accounts from the newspapers that time custody until May 26, 1899 before he had to turn over
Three eye-witnesses everything it to his successor Presbiter Ignacio
Father Balaguer Ampuero
 - Fr Balaguer left Rizal’s cell, accompanied by B. ARGUMENTS
Josephine and a sister of Rizal, with the retraction Are the documents genuine?
Are the documents’ writers accurate?
 - Delivered the document to Fr. Pio who deliver it to
Are the authors truthful and of good faith?
Archbishop Nozaleda who deliver it to Sec. Gonzalez
Arguments of Mr. Palma
Captain Rafael Dominguez
Counter argument of Mr Zafra
 Notes contains an hour by hour record of Rizal’s
last 24 hours
Father Viza
P: 1. The retraction information was published late
 Rizal wrote and signed of his own handwriting, in
that could be unauthenticated.
own presence of Viza, the document of retraction on
Z: 1. There were others who published and confirmed
the night of Dec 26, 1896
Rizal’s retraction a few years after his death. An
Father Pio Pi
example would be Father Pio Pi. S.J. who published
La Muerte Cristiana del Dr. Rizal.
2. The others fell silent because of the insignificance
of Rizal’s retraction.
3. In the desire for historical truth in much later years, people began the search of Rizals’ retraction and
different versions of duly notarized documents. 4. The arrangements for the disposal of Rizal’s body
P: 2. The notarized documents and narratives of were made by the government authorities. It is
witnesses were of ecclesiastics and their friends that decided as such because the body might be used for
will automatically not contradict the other. demonstration.
P: 3. Taviel de Andrade’s testimony to be a mere The genuineness or authenticity of the retraction
hearsay. document
Z: 1. Taviel de Adrade worked closely with Rizal 1. Proved to be authentic according to the Professor
with him having to observe Rizal closely. of Anthropology, University of the Philippines and
2. Taviel de Andrade also stated that “Doctor Rizal curator of the University of the Philippines Museum
died as a Christian ratifying thereby the retraction of of Archeology and Ethnology in a written account in
his errors which he made in the chapel”. the Philippines Herald on December 29, 1938.
3. The supposed hearsay testimony of Andrade was Zafra’s Conclusion
not of the retraction but the canonical marriage of Rizal never hated the whole church but the persons in
Rizal to Josephine Bracken. the church that did hideous acts. A fact is that Rizal
4. Andrade’s information came from fellow officers. even created a character in his novel that represents a
P: 4.) The “coetaneous acts” that undermine the belief good priest, Padre Florentino.
that Rizal retracted: Rizal did retract and not a “pious fraud”.
a.The document of retraction was kept secret Dr. Beyer’s Remarks at the Faculty Club
b.The request of the Rizal family to have the original Symposium Held at Diliman on March 10, 1950
or a copy was both denied. Dr. Beyer examined the document of Rizal’s
c.Rizal’s burial was kept secret. retraction twice.
d.No masses or funeral was held by the Catholics. o First: shortly after the document was found by
e.He was not buried in the Catholic cemetery of Paco someone looking through the marriage records in
but in the ground. the Archbishop’s file
f.There was no entry in the book of burials that : He was asked by Fr. Fletcher , secretary of
Rizal’s body was buried on the page of December 30 Archbishop O’ Doherty, to make an examination of
and it appears on a special page where special orders the document whether or not it was genuine for his
of authorities are indicated. personal information
 : the folder that had been found in the records was
1. The retraction document was seen by Fathers of the usual Spanish catalan paper containing a
Balaguer, Pio Pi, Viza, Rosell, Feijoo, Tunon, series of documents about ½ inch thick, legal
Archbishop Nozaleda, Captain Dominguez and documents bound together
Justice Castano.
 : the binding seemed to be quite the original binding
2. Trining’s statement in 1913 about the family not
that had not been disturbed for decades and had
seeing the document was a mere “vagaries of
been put there in the beginning.
memory.” Trining’s states that they were promised by
: there were contained documents relating to the
the Jesuits to let them see the retraction document
marriage of Josephine Bracken.
during the requiem offered by the Jesuits on behalf of
 >>>Has been filed in the marriage file which
contained 3 o 4 letters from Rizal
a.The Jesuits no longer had the original document of
He was not satisfied for the 3-4 other letters signed
by Rizal he had to give a genuine opinion on the
b.The family’s need to see the document was of no
writing until he had other letters and writings of
purpose because the copy of the retraction document
Rizal to compare with the document
was published in the newspapers.
He examined it in comparison with probably 150
3. The chaplain of the cemetery confirmed the burial
other letters and documents in Rizal’s Handwriting
in a report submitted to Archbishop Nozaleda on Dec.
His opinion
30, 1896. Father Silvino Lopez Tunon explains that
 : every word on that sheet of paper was written by
the body of Doctor Rizal received ecclesiastical
Rizal except the signatures of the witnesses below
 : The document is in his normal handwriting
 : the signature is normal
 : no one can write his name five times exactly the
 : there is always difference in the form two important things to remember when
examining handwriting The narrative does not mention the document of
 a man in writing puts a lot of unconscious retraction was signed by Rizal with witnesses, but
characteristic which flow out of his hand nevertheless it appears signed not only by Rizal but
there are little tricks and curves by two witnesses.
 a man’s signature varies a great deal from day to 3
day, month to month and year to year, and liable to
change, and so on RIZAL'S
it is impossible to forge any other man’s writing in a LAST HOURS:
way that cannot be detected DEC 29 & 30
 you cannot imitate 3 or 4 lines of writing without 11
getting a lot of your own tricks into it After Dusk:
 you cannot copy all of the original writer’s own Fr. Balaguer returns
tricks accurately enough Palma’s representation of the past as “…bias and
deep-seated prejudice…” Rizal did return to the
Observation on the document of Retraction of Dr. Catholic Church and this assertion has historical
Jose Rizal evidence. The declarations made by Palma were
by : Dr. Jose del Rosario based on a misunderstanding of Rizal.
1.The execution and writing movement in 8
VARIETIES used as in the letter D,J,R, I, P, V, S, presented by: Group 9 X4A PI100 Summer 09-10
C, M, E, are all in natural form of letter used by Dr. Jessamine Carla Bautista, Kirby Dela Cruz, Gely
Rizal Ann Dela Paz, Benex Dayto, Norma Lazarte,
2.The small letters h, p, d, r, o, g, I, j, a are all of Gliceryl Mae Manlangit
the handwriting of Rizal 12
3.The slant of writing is irregular and nearly vertical V. What if the retraction document is
in the writing of the Ultimo Adios because the authentic? 2
paper used was too small, so the difference in slant b. Marriage contract
between the Ultimo adios and the normal was not a The certificate of the canonical marriage of
motive for doubting the genuineness of this writing Josephine Bracken with Rizal has never been
4.All the other characteristics like the short ending produced notwithstanding the demands of the
strokes show nothing to argue against the family of Rizal.
genuineness of the document Such historical inaccuracies referred by Mr. Palma
RIZAL's are not found in the Jesuit Narrative, thus
RETRACTION confirming that the author did not himself
1. This statement damages the credibility of an investigate the real authorship of the narrative.
ecclesiastic. - “No Documents, No History”
2. Lack of evidence c.Doubts on Father Balaguer's influence to Rizal?
3. Lying for the sake of friendship? Don Santiago Mataix from Heraldo de Madrid,
4. Gaspar Castano, Judge of the Real Audiencia in talked with Rizal abour "studies, frolics of infancy,
Manila at the time of Rizal’s execution will be and boys' stories..."
questioned of his credibility where for the sake of NICOLAS ZAFRA
friendship with the ecclesiastics will lie about JOSE PALMA
Rizal’s retraction. Omission of certain details in a document is per se
Palma's not a valid cause for rejecting the document.
THE HISTORICITY OF RIZAL'S a.What would he gain if he was converted?
Zafra's Although Rizal believed in God, he did not believe
- one must study his/her character, reputation, in heaven, as a result of long study and meditation.
background, interests, prejudices and sense Image of Sacred Heart- carved by Rizal when he
of values. was still studying in Ateneo, was brought to him by
Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata and Fr. Luis Viza
Rizal rested assumed authentic
- Palma did not question genuineness, Zafra It would stain his clean record – and subject him to
the remorse of having become, at the last hour, a Writing of the letter of retraction
renegade of his own convictions. presentation created by: Jesamine Carla Bautista
•La Muerte Cristiana del Dr. Rizal, 1907 7
confessed for the third time, prayed the rosary, read OTHER
the psalm and Kempis, communed, and asked to be discussion between the Jesuits and Rizal
given a mass b.What harm could it bring to him if he was
Containing some puerile matters does not invalidate converted?
the documents. 6
presented by: Group 9, PI 100 X4A, Summer 09-10 5
Jessamine Carla Bautista, Benex Dayto, Kirby Dela 1:30 am, Dec 30 Prayed and meditated, confessed to
Cruz, Gely Ann Dela Paz, Norma Lazarte, Gliceryl Fr. Vilaclara
Mae Manlangit If document is genuine, the identity of the author is
Father Balaguer performed their marriage not that important.

The narrative is composed in such a puerile manner

that reads like a story intended for children.
1. The narrative is anonymous.
If, from the conversion of Rizal, we pass to other
parts of the booklet, we would see that it does not
deserve credence because the facts it narrates have
not been conscientiously investigated.
video courtesy of "Bayaning Third World, 2000"
Fathers Vilaclara, Balaguer Viza, and Tillot
remained with him for the night
- For Father Balaguer and Captain Dominguez
reasonable level of accuracy
- For Father Viza vagaries of memories
a. Rizal's Handwriting and Signatures
If it could be proven that the text as well as the
signature of Rizal is genuine and authentic, the
document would prove Rizal’s abjuration of
masonry but not his conversion. It would also prove
that if Rizal abjured his religious ideas, he did not
abjure his political ideas.
Father Balaguer was a simple missionary who
might have sufficient intelligence to convert pagans
and ignorant persons but not to change the ideas of
Rizal on matters which Rizal had investigated and
studied more profoundly than many priests. Rizal
was conscious of his intellectual superiority over
many of his former professors, and to pretend that
Father Balaguer converted him with arguments of
the old school is certainly an insult to Rizal’s
intelligence and character.
Rested and meditated, confessed again

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