Eapp Las Week 456

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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Section: _____________________ Score: _________

Patterns of Paragraph Development
Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs

Let’s kick it off!

Part of the trouble with reading paragraphs comes in understanding the different
kinds of paragraphs and the ways they are organized. At this point, you are probably
familiar with the types of paragraphs such as the narrative, persuasive, descriptive, and
expository. What may be less familiar are the many ways paragraphs can be organized.
While each sentence in a paragraph fits together around a single, central idea, the details
can be organized differently.

Are you taking it?

Paying attention to how details are organized can help in several ways. First, it can
show what’s important and what’s not. It can also help understand the writer’s purpose.
Lastly, it can help remember what you read.
Robb, Laura. Reader’s Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and Learning. Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

What concept can be developed from the activity?

An efficient way to understanding paragraphs is to study how they are organized.

You will immediately notice there is no single way to writing them. Some paragraphs are
long, while others may consist of a sentence. Your experience in reading can reveal how
the order of details in many paragraphs are written. In this lesson, we will study six ways of
organizing paragraphs:
1. Time Order
2. Order of Importance
3. Classification Order
4. Location Order
5. Cause-Effect Order
6. Comparison-Contrast Order
Robb, Laura. Reader’s Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and Learning. Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

Key Concept: Paragraphs can be organized in different ways.

Now, do it!

Directions: Please answer both the Study Guide Question (s), and the Output (s) of each
lesson using intermediate paper. Because the subject is a technical writing course, you are
expected to demonstrate application of your writing skills. In answering, indicate your
complete name (Family Name, First Name, Middle Initial), your grade and section in
CAPITAL LETTERS. Indicate the lesson number, date, the study guide question, and output
accordingly as you go along.
Time Order
But [Dave] held out till camp was reached, when his driver made a place for him by the fire. Morning
found him too weak to travel. At harness-up time he tried to crawl to his driver. By convulsive efforts he got on
his feet, staggered, and fell. Then he wormed his way forward slowly toward where the harnesses were being
put on by his mates. He would advance his forelegs, and hitch ahead again a few more inches. His strength left
him, and the last his mates saw of him, he lay gasping in the snow and yearning toward them. But they could
hear him mournfully howling till they passed out of sight behind a belt of river timber.
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild. USA: Simon & Schuster, 2005.

Study Guide Question (s):

1. What is the subject of the paragraph?
2. How did Jack London describe the death of a dog-sled dog named Dave in Call of the
Output (s):
1. On a paper, list down in time order key sentences that help put this paragraph together.

Location Order
I was asleep on the second floor of our narrow, gabled green house in Willemstad, on the island of
Curacao, the largest of the Dutch islands just off the coast of Venezuela. I remember that on the moonless night
in February 1942, they attacked the big Lago oil refinery on Aruba, the sister island west of us. Then they blew
up six of our small lake tankers, the tubby ones that still bring crude oil from Lake Maracaibo to the refinery,
Curacaoshe Petroleum Maatshappij, to be made into gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil. One German sub was
even sighted off Willemstad at dawn.
Taylor, Theodore. The Cay. USA: Laurel Leaf,

Study Guide Question (s):

1. What details in the paragraph could be used to draw a map of what the writer is

Output (s):
1. Draw a map of what the writer is describing in the passage.

When [the slave traders] put us in irons, to be sent to our place of confinement in this ship, the men who
fastened the irons on these mothers, took the children out of their hands, and threw them over the side of the
ship, into the water. When this was done, two of the women leaped overboard after their children---the third was
already confined by a chain to another woman, and could not get into the water, but in struggling to disengage
herself she broke her arm, and died a few days after, of a fever. One of the two women who were in the river,
was carried down by the weight of her irons, before she could be rescued; but the other was taken up by some
men in a boat, and brought on board. This woman threw herself overboard one night, when we were at sea.
Ball, Charles. Slavery in the United States: A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball, A Black Man. USA: Kessinger Publishing,
LLC, 2010.
Study Guide Question (s):
1. How did Charles Ball organize the paragraph?

Output (s):
1. Write inside a box the single cause why captured slaves threw themselves overboard, and
list down opposite it the series of chilling effects it created.

Order of Importance
As the native Americans of the Plains battled to remain free, the buffalo herds that they depended upon
for survival dwindled. At one time, 30 million buffalo roamed the Plains. However, hired hunters killed the
animals to feed crews building railroads. Others shot buffalo as a sport or to supply Eastern factories with
leather for robes, shoes, and belts. From 1872 to 1882, hunters killed more than one million buffalo each year.
Garcia, Jesus. Creating America: A History of the United States. USA: McDougal Little, 2002.

Study Guide Question (s):

1. How did the writers write the details to the main idea? Where is the main idea located?

Output (s):
1. Using an organizer, write the details of the paragraph and the main idea.

Least Important to Most Important

During the height of the fur trade, mountain men worked some streams so heavily that they killed off the
animals. This forced the trappers to search for new streams where beaver lived. The mountain men’s
exploration provided Americans with some of the earliest firsthand knowledge of the Far West. This knowledge,
and the trails the men blazed, made it possible for late pioneers to move west.
Garcia, Jesus. Creating America: A History of the United States. USA: MCDougal Little, 2002.

Study Guide Question (s):

How did the writer write the details to the main idea? Where is the main idea located?

Output (s):
1. Using an organizer, identify the main idea, and
2. Write the details of the paragraph from least important to most important.

Comparison-Contrast Order
Wolves look similar to German Shepherd and husky dogs, but their legs are longer, their chests
narrower, and their feet are bigger. Wolf tails generally hang down, while dog tails often curl up over their backs.
Wolves have a scent gland located on top of their tails that dogs lack.
Patent, Dorothy H. Gray Wolf, Red Wolf. USA: Houton Mifflin Company, 1990.

Study Guide Question (s):

1. How did the writer organize the paragraph using comparison-contrast order?

Output (s):
1. On a table, list down the body parts that show the difference between wolves and dogs.

Classification Order
Up high and shallow, or down low and deep, everywhere you go in the ocean you find living things. And
fish aren’t the only things out there. Birds (like penguins), reptiles (like sea turtles), mammals (like whales), not
to mention tons of animals without backbones, called “invertebrates” [in-VERT-uh-brits] (like squid), and tons and
tons of plants (like seaweed) all depend on the ocean to survive.
Nye, Bill. Big Blue Ocean. USA: Disney-Hyperion, 2003.

Study Guide Question (s):

1. How did the writer organize the paragraph?

Output (s):
1. Using a table, classify the main categories, and ocean creatures underneath each

Ace It!

Directions: On a yellow paper, answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. How will the various ways of organizing paragraphs help improve your reading, and
writing skills?

Scoring criteria for each item:

1. Articulation of ideas that are being assessed: 8 points
2. Logical presentation of ideas: 8 points
3. Correctness of grammar and form in writing: 4 points

Total: 20 points

Name: _______________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Section: _____________________ Score: _________

Accurate Text Reporting
Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts

Let’s kick it off!

“And what did the professor say the theory is about again?” The question is a
familiar one. Everyone has faced a similar question before. In school, questions of this kind
are asked on a daily basis. These are knowledge-based questions that seek to test one’s
memory. In previous lessons, you learned how to better understand reading texts. In this
lesson, you will learn how to report accurately what the reading text is all about.

Are you taking it?

Accurate reporting is an integral part of academic training. In 1958, Benjamin Bloom

published a framework for categorizing educational goals. The framework consisted of six
major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and
Evaluation. The categories after Knowledge were presented as “skills and abilities,” with the
understanding that knowledge was the necessary precondition for putting these skills and
abilities into practice. Because knowledge make up the foundation of thinking skills, it is
important therefore to keep the accuracy of information at a high level.
Armstrong, P. (2010). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved: 08/14/2021 from

What concept can be developed from the activity?

Paraphrasing and summarizing are two efficient ways to recall and organize ideas
about a text.

Paraphrasing is concerned with restating the original text using one’s own words.
Some reasons for paraphrasing include: Citing important ideas of an author, and making
complicated text comprehensible.
Barrot, Jessie. S. Reading to Think, Thinking to Write: A Guide to Critical Reading and Writing. Manila, Philippines: REX Book Store,

Here are some practical steps:

1. Preview
Get a sense of the general topic or subject of the selection. Ask questions such as:
-What is the selection about?
-What clues hint at the main idea?
-What other important facts and details stand out?
2. Take Notes

3. Put the material in your own words.

To illustrate, below is a paraphrase written by a student. Its aim is to support one of
the key contentions in their essay on learning motivation among older students studying off

Paraphrase written by a student

In the research study undertaken by Kahu (2014), students struggled to learn material that did not interest
them. However, they were highly motivated to learn, and more successful, when studying topics they
chose themselves. Kahu concludes that student interest in learning is greatly influenced by the design and
content of the curriculum.

Original Text
Course design and content were critical influences on interest. For instance, courses that students chose to
do, or that offered opportunities for choice of sub‐topics or assessments, enabled them to follow their
interests and therefore experience that positive spiral. On the other hand, compulsory courses and topics
that did not interest the students often led to boredom and frustration. Boredom was consistently linked with
lower behavioral and cognitive engagement. Bored students procrastinated more, studied less, and,
importantly, found the learning more difficult.

“ Paraphrasing.” Monash University. Accessed: 08/14/2021. https://owl.purdue.edu.

The model shown here is an example of good paraphrasing. The original text has
been changed substantially in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure without changing
the original meaning. The paraphrase has also been referenced correctly.

A summary is a condensed version of a voluminous and lengthy text. A good

summary is both complete and concise, usually 15 percent to 30 percent of the original text.
Summarizing requires the reader to identify the thesis statement, main ideas, and most
important details.
Barrot, Jessie. S. Reading to Think, Thinking to Write: A Guide to Critical Reading and Writing. Manila, Philippines: REX
Book Store, 2013.

The model below shows the original text and the properly summarized text.
With respect to daily intakes of specific micronutrients, 40% of adolescent girls and 8% of adolescent boys
were at risk for inadequate intakes of iron. While protein intakes were adequate in these subpopulations, the
top two sources of iron were from plant-based, iron fortified sources (breakfast cereals and breads and bread
rolls). With regard to higher iron bioavailability and density, animal-based protein sources may be another
strategy to address iron intake, particularly among females, as it has been previously shown to be a less
popular food choice among Australian children and adolescents and avoided by young female adults (Fayet-
Moore et al., 2017).

Fayet-Moore et al. (2017) found that 40% of adolescent girls, compared to 8% of boys, are likely to have an
inadequate amount of iron in their diets, in spite of a sufficient protein intake. They attribute this to a tendency
to avoid foods derived from animals.

“Summarizing.” Monash University. Accessed: 08/14/2021.

Key Concept: Paraphrasing and summarizing are two important skills in conducting
accurate reporting.

Now, do it!

Directions: Please answer both the Study Guide Question (s), and the Output (s) of each lesson
using intermediate paper. Because the subject is a technical writing course, you are expected to
demonstrate application of your writing skills. In answering, indicate your complete name (Family
Name, First Name, Middle Initial), your grade and section in CAPITAL LETTERS. Indicate the lesson
number, date, the study guide question, and output accordingly as you go along.
Study Guide (s):
1. How can paraphrasing and summarizing help recall information and organize ideas within
2. Distinguish paraphrasing with summarizing.

Output (s):
1. On a piece of paper, paraphrase this text:
Original Text Paraphrased Text
The use of a helmet is the key to reducing
bicycling fatalities, which are due to head
injuries 75% of the time. By cushioning the head
upon impact, a helmet can reduce accidental
injury by as much as 85%, saving the lives of
hundreds of victims annually, half of whom are
school children.
Source taken from "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer Reports (May 1990):

2. On a piece of paper, summarize this text in one sentence:

Original Text Summarized Text
Verbal Communication carries a lot of meaning
during communication. Our voice conveys and
shapes ideas through speaking and listening.
But according to Mehrabian’s research, it is our
physical behavior that contributes much to the
total communication process. If so, we need to
understand these physical behaviors called
nonverbal communication. Nonverbal
communication includes proxemics, posture and
stance, appearance, facial expression, gestures,
and paralinguistic cues.
Barrot, Jessie. S. Reading to Think, Thinking to Write: A Guide to Critical Reading and Writing. Manila, Philippines: REX Book Store,

Ace It!

Directions: On a yellow paper, answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Why is paraphrasing and summarizing important to learn?

Scoring criteria for each item:

1. Articulation of ideas that are being assessed: 8 points
2. Logical presentation of ideas: 8 points
3. Correctness of grammar and form in writing: 4 points

Total: 20 points


Name: _______________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Section: _____________________ Score: _________

Q1 reading texts in various disciplines CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-8

W6 Text Outline: Nonfiction
Let’s kick it off!
In assembling a bicycle, one relies on the manual for directions. The manual shows
you all the parts of the bicycle, and the relationship of each part. In a way, a manual is
required when we read and write. Studying the structure of a text gives the reader a better
grasp of the writer’s main point. The structure likewise show the quality of support to the
main point, and the relationship from one point to the other. This structure is referred to as
an outline. An outline serves as a manual in reading and writing.

Are you taking it?

Creating an outline is very good writing practice. It allows for brainstorming of new
ideas and ensure that your paper will be organized, focused, and well supported. Writing an
outline is a basic step in pre writing. However, this process can also take place during or
after writing your paper to make sure your points are organized and make sense.
“Creating an Outline”. Indiana University of Pennsylvania Writing Center. Retrieved 08/14/2021 from

What concept can be developed from the activity?

Outlining is a strategy that works well for expository essays. It can help you identify
the three parts of an essay (introduction, body, and conclusion), and also how an author
develops and supports an argument.

An essay is a short work of nonfiction that deals with a single subject. Essays can be
lighthearted or serious, formal or informal. Sometimes they are meant to entertain, and
sometimes they persuade, teach, or reveal an interesting idea. Essays often appear in
magazines and newspapers.

There are two kinds of essays that are often used in schools. These are the
narrative essays and expository essays. In narrative essay, the writer tells a story, often in
order to make a point or express a personal opinion. The writer of an expository essay
explains something. He or she makes a point and then supports that point in the body of an
Robb, Laura. Reader’s Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and Learning. Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

Key Concept: Outlining shows the way a text is structured. It identifies the parts, and how
a writer develops and supports and argument.

Sample Essay
America the Not-so-Beautiful
Andy Rooney

Next to saving stuff I don’t need, the thing I like to do best is to throw it away. My idea of a good time is
to load up the back car with junk on a Saturday morning and take it to the dump. There is something satisfying
about discarding almost anything.
Throwing things out is the American way. We don’t know how to fix anything, and anyone who does
know how is too busy to come, so we throw it away and buy a new one. Our economy depends on doing that.
The trouble with throwing things away is, there is no “away” left.
Sometime around the year 5000 B.C., the Greeks in Athens passed a law prohibiting people from
throwing their garbage in the street. This Greek law was the first recognition by civilized people that throwing
things away was a problem. Now, as the population explodes and people take up more room on earth, there is
less room for everything else.
The more civilized a country is, the worse the trash problem is. Poor countries don’t have the same
problem because they don’t have much to discard. Prosperity in the United States is based on using things up
as fast as we can, throwing away what’s left, and buying new ones.
We’ve been doing that for many years that (1) we’ve run out of places to throw things because houses
have been built where dump was and (2) some of the things we’re throwing away are poisoning the earth and will
eventually poison all of us and all living things.
Ten years ago most people thought nothing of dumping an old bottle of weed or insect killer in a pile of
dirt in the back yard or down the drain in the street, just to get rid of it. The big companies in America had the
same feeling, on a bigger scale. For years the chemical companies dumped their poisonous wastes in the rivers
behind the mills, or they put it in fifty-gallon drums in the vacant lots, with all the old, rusting machinery in it,
behind the plants. The drums rusted out in ten years and dumped their poison into the ground. It rained, the
poisons seeped into the underground streams and poisoned everything for miles around. Some of the
manufacturers who did this weren’t even evil. They were dumb and irresponsible. Others were evil because
they knew how dangerous it was but didn’t want to spend the money to do it right.
The problem is staggering. I often think of it when I go in a hardware store or a Sears, Roebuck and
see shelves full of poison. You know that, one way or another, it’s all going to end up in the earth or in our rivers
and lakes.
I have two-pint bottles of insecticide with 5 percent DDT in them in my own garage that I don’t know
what to do with. I bought the years ago when I didn’t realize how bad they were. Now I’m stuck with them.
The people of the city of New York throw away nine times their weight in garbage and junk every year.
Assuming other cities come close to that, how long will it be before we trash the whole earth?
Of all household waste, 30 percent of the weight and 50 percent of the volume is the packaging of food
than all our farmers together make in income growing it. That’s some statistic.
Trash collectors were a lot more independent than they used to because we’ve got more trash than
they’ve got places to put it. They have their own schedules and their own holidays. Some cities try to get in
good with their trash collectors or garbage men by calling them “sanitation engineers.” Anything just so long as
they pick it up and take it away.
We often call the dump “the landfill” now, too. I never understood why land has to be filled, but that’s
what it’s called. If you’re a little valley just outside town, you have to be careful or first thing you know you’ll be
getting “filled.”
If five billion people had been living on earth for the past thousand years as they have been in the past
year, the planet would be nothing but one giant landfill, and we’d have turned America the beautiful into one
huge landfill.
The best solution may be for all of us to pack up, board a spaceship, and move out. If Mars is
habitable, everyone on earth can abandon this planet we’ve trashed, move to Mars, and start trashing that. It’ll
buy us some time.
Rooney, Andrew A. “Not That You Asked”. Essay Productions, Inc.,

Now, do it!

Directions: Please answer both the Study Guide Question (s), and the Output (s) of each lesson
using intermediate paper. Because the subject is a technical writing course, you are expected to
demonstrate application of your writing skills. In answering, indicate your complete name (Family
Name, First Name, Middle Initial), your grade and section in CAPITAL LETTERS. Indicate the lesson
number, date, the study guide question, and output accordingly as you go along.
Study Guide (s):
1. What is the main point of the writer in this essay?
2. What are the support the writer gave to his main point?

Output (s):
1. Using the sample outline, write the outline to America the Not-so-Beautiful highlighting the main
ideas, the supporting ideas, and the parts of the essay.

I. Introduction
A. introductory detail
B. introductory detail
C. thesis statement (if it appears here)
II. Body
A. support for thesis
1. example
2. example
B. support for thesis
1. example
2. example
C. support for thesis
1. example
2. example
III. Conclusion
A. concluding detail
B. concluding detail
C. thesis statement (if it appears here)
Ace It!

Directions: On a yellow paper, answer the questions comprehensively.

1. What are the most common types of essay in school? How are they distinguish from the

Scoring criteria for each item:

1. Articulation of ideas that are being assessed: 8 points
2. Logical presentation of ideas: 8 points
3. Correctness of grammar and form in writing: 4 points

Total: 20 points

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