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Christian Living

God can reveal Himself

a. more mature relationship in friendship.
1.    Increase your self-awareness and personal growth. You will never be a
good friend if you don't first know and accept yourself. ...
2.    Be friends with people who are different from you. ...
3.    Try to meet their want and their need. ...
4.    Remember that growth is the goal, not control
b. role in the society
The role in the society is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a
role to renew and refresh the status of our society including leadership,
innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current technology,
education, politics, peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to
maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the societies, development
projects, etc.
c. changes in the body and appropriate management.
As a teenager, you may find similarities with your friends in so many ways, but
you are different in other aspects. These differences include your family
background, skills, personalities, and feelings. These are the things that make
you unique. As you grow older, you get to discover more differences – like the
physical, spiritual, and emotional changes that you will encounter sooner or later.
 d. responsible actions with kapwa and society
1. Being Industrious
2. Accepting Responsibility
3. Developing Leadership
4. Developing Determination
5. Developing Resilience
6. Managing Time Properly
7. Loving Your work
8. Observing work excellence
 e. moral and spiritual transformation
During adolescence moral values begin to come into consciousness since this
time period is a growth time of the child into an adult. Add to that new interests
such as attraction to the opposite sex and the awakening of the sexual instinct.
Adolescents find themselves having sexual thoughts that they never had earlier.
Adolescents may start dating and may also find themselves dealing with
temptations more often. An adolescent may also have concerns about their
future and about what kind of career they are interested in. They may see
themselves as a married person and as a parent. As far as Spiritual changes , an
adolescent may find their thoughts about God changing. They may become more
interested in spiritual matters. Or they may begin to question the religious values
of their parents. They may feel they are rebelling against their parents and seek
more independence. In their younger days they were dependent completely on
their parents. An adolescent may also find themselves seeking a closer
relationship with God. They may join a youth fellowship to be with like minded
teens. They may also find themselves seeking Gods help for the things they

God can reveal Himself in the different tasks of adolescents:

a. more mature relationship in friendship.
1.    Increase your self-awareness and personal growth. You will never be a
good friend if you don't first know and accept yourself. ...
2.    Be friends with people who are different from you. ...
3.    Try to meet their want and their need. ...
4.    Remember that growth is the goal, not control
b. role in the society
The role in the society is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a
role to renew and refresh the status of our society including leadership,
innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current technology,
education, politics, peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to
maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the societies, development
projects, etc.
c. changes in the body and appropriate management.
__MCE_ITEM__As a teenager, you may find similarities with your friends in so
many ways, but you are different in other aspects. These differences include your
family background, skills, personalities, and feelings. These are the things that
make you unique. As you grow older, you get to discover more differences – like
the physical, spiritual, and emotional changes that you will encounter sooner or

d. responsible actions with kapwa and society

1. Being Industrious
2. Accepting Responsibility
3. Developing Leadership
4. Developing Determination
5. Developing Resilience
6. Managing Time Properly
7. Loving Your work
8. Observing work excellence

e. moral and spiritual transformation

During adolescence moral values begin to come into consciousness since this
time period is a growth time of the child into an adult. Add to that new interests
such as attraction to the opposite sex and the awakening of the sexual instinct.
Adolescents find themselves having sexual thoughts that they never had earlier.
Adolescents may start dating and may also find themselves dealing with
temptations more often. An adolescent may also have concerns about their
future and about what kind of career they are interested in. They may see
themselves as a married person and as a parent. As far as Spiritual changes , an
adolescent may find their thoughts about God changing. They may become more
interested in spiritual matters. Or they may begin to question the religious values
of their parents. They may feel they are rebelling against their parents and seek
more independence. In their younger days they were dependent completely on
their parents. An adolescent may also find themselves seeking a closer
relationship with God. They may join a youth fellowship to be with like minded
teens. They may also find themselves seeking Gods help for the things they
Six Developmental Tasks of the Adolescence

__1.    Accepting one's physical body and keeping it healthy.

To accept one's body; to keep it healthy through good nutrition, exercise, disease
prevention, and other health practices

2.    Becoming more self-sufficient.

To develop affection for parents without dependence upon them; to develop
respect for older adults without dependence upon them.
3.    Making decisions about marriage and family life.
To explore attitudes toward family life and having children; to acquire the
knowledge necessary for home management and, if desired, child rearing.
4.    Preparing for a job or career.
To develop career/vocational goals and ways to reach these goals; to be able to
make a living.
5.    Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior.
To develop an outlook toward life based on what is important.
6.    Becoming socially responsible.
To participate as a responsible person with friends at home, and in the
community; to develop personal moral values to guide behavior
What is prayer?
Prayer is the lifting up of our minds and hearts to God.
Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to the Lord in the heavens.
(Lamentations 3:41)
__MCE_ITEM__         It is a
loving, conscious, personal relationship with God, our all – loving, good
Father, who adopted us through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the
Holy Spirit. (CFC#1475)
__MCE_ITEM__         It is
“intimate conversation with God who we know loves us” (St. Teresa of
Why do we pray?
We pray:
         to adore God, expressing to Him our love and
         to thank Him for His favors;
         to obtain from Him the pardon of our sins and
the remission of their punishment;
         to ask for graces and blessings for ourselves
and others. (CFC # 1476)
Watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation.
(Matthew 26:41)
How should we pray?
We should pray: (CFC #1477)
1. with attention;
2. with a conviction of our own helplessness and our dependence upon
3. with a great desire for the graces we beg of Him;
4. with loving trust in His goodness;
5. with perseverance.\
And all things whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Matthew 21:22)
For whom should we pray?
 We should pray especially for ourselves, for our parents, relatives,
friends, and enemies, for sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for the
Pope, bishops, and priests of the Church, and for the officials of our
 But I say to you, love your enemies, do good to those who hate
you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you, so
that you may be children of your Father in heaven. (Matthew
How do we know that God always hears our prayers if we pray properly?
 We know that God always hears our prayers if we pray properly
because Our Lord has promised: "If you ask the Father anything in
My name, He will give it to you."
 And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, in order that
the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13)
Why do we not always obtain what we pray for?
 We do not always obtain what we pray for, either because we have
not prayed properly or because God sees that what we are asking
would not be for our good.
 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may
spend it upon your passions. (James 4:3)
How do we usually begin and end our prayers?
 We usually begin and end our prayers with the sign of the cross.
 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
(Matthew 28:19)
Why do we make the sign of the cross?
 We make the sign of the cross to express two important mysteries of
the Christian Faith , the Blessed Trinity and the Redemption.
 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (John 1:14)
How are these mysteries expressed by the sign of the cross?
 When we say "In the name," we express the truth that there is only
one God; when we say "of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost," we express the truth that there are three distinct
Persons in God; and when we make the form of the cross on
ourselves, we express the truth that the Son of God, made man,
redeemed us by His death on the cross.

1. It is evident that Jesus lived what He


2. To accept one's body; to keep it healthy through good nutrition, exercise,

disease prevention, and other health practices.
Accepting one's physical body and keeping it healthy

3. To develop affection for parents without dependence upon them; to

develop respect for older adults without dependence upon them.
Becoming more self-sufficient

4.  To explore attitudes toward family life and having children; to acquire the
knowledge necessary for home management and, if desired, child rearing.
 Making decisions about marriage and family life.

5. To develop career/vocational goals and ways to reach these goals; to be

able to make a living.
Preparing for a job or career.

6. To develop an outlook toward life based on what is important.

Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior

7.  To participate as a responsible person with friends at home, and in the

community; to develop personal moral values to guide behavior
Becoming socially responsible

8.  Remember that growth is the goal, not control

more mature relationship in friendship

9.  Youth have a role to renew and refresh the status of our society including
leadership, innovations, skills etc.
role in the society

10.  As you grow older, you get to discover more differences – like the
physical, spiritual, and emotional changes that you will encounter sooner or
changes in the body and appropriate management

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