Ms-Dos:: Lab # 02: Introduction To Microsoft Disk Operating System (Dos)

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MS-DOS: Word MS-DOS stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System, several computers have on
disk operating system. The operating system DOS is the most important type of software for PCs
(Personal computer). DOS acts a translator for computer. When you start the DOS it stays in
computer memory until you turn OFF. The computer cannot run without DOS or any other operating

DOS PROMPT: DOS tell you when it is ready to accept a command by displaying it is “Prompt”
on the screen the DOS prompt also informs you which drive and directory you are currently in. The
following prompts means ”C” drive C and root directory C:\> the “C” means drive C, the back
slash “\” means root directory and > end of symbol or prompted.

The following basic DOS Commands are:

1. DIR: This command is used to display all the directories and files.
Syntax: DIR (press enter key).

2. DIR/P: This command is used to display all the files and directories page wise.
Syntax: DIR/P (press enter key).

3. DIR/S: This command is used to display the list of directory and sub directory and then
Syntax: DIR/S (press enter key).

4. DIR/AD: This command is used to display the list of directory.

Syntax: DIR/AD (press enter key).

5. DIR/ON: This command is display all the files and directories alphabetically. (A to Z).
Syntax: DIR/ON (press enter key).

6. MD: MD means make directory. This command is used to create a new directory.
Syntax: MD Directory Name (press enter key).

7. CD: means change directory. This command is used to change the directory, that is open
or close on subdirectory.
Syntax: CD Directory Name (press enter key).

8. RD: means remove directory. This command is used to remove the directory.
Syntax: RD Directory Name (press enter key).

9. EDIT: It can open new untitled file from DOS Editor.

Syntax: EDIT (press enter key).

10. FORMAT: It is removable all the files and directories from the hard disk or other
storage devices. e.g. Memory Card , USB, Floppy disk.
Syntax: FORMAT DRIVE NAME (press enter key).

11. VER: VER stands for version. Version command is used to display DOS version or any
operating system that is boot your system.
Syntax: VER (press enter key).

12. CLS: CLS stands for clear the screen. This command is used to clear the screen.
Syntax: CLS (press enter key).
Lab Task 1: Execute The Following DOS Commands.

1. DIR.
2. MD.
3. DIR/P
4. DIR/S
5. CD

Lab Task 2: Execute The Following DOS Commands.

1. RD.
2. DIR/ON.
3. VER.
4. CLS.

Category Total Marks Obtained Marks Signature
Software Identification
Use of Software Knowledge
Procedural Skills
Accuracy of Completion of Task
Responding to Questions about Lab Work

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