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Antonette Pearl F.

Arpilleda SSC107

1. Reasons why Rizal decided to go home after the publication of Noli.

>> Despite the threats on his life, Rizal was adamant about returning to
the Philippines to operate on his mother's eyes. Because that was his principal
motivation for traveling to Europe. In addition, he wanted to help his people,
who had long been persecuted by Spanish dictators, and he wanted to see how
the Noli Me Tangere and his other writings affected Filipinos and Spaniards for
himself. And to find out why Leonor Rivera remained silent.

2. How Rizal began writing the second novel. El Fili?

>> During his first homecoming to Calamba, Rizal began composing El

Filibusterismo. As a result of the Noli and the so-called Calamba agrarian
trouble, the story was written against the background of threats and
oppressions he and his family faced. In contrast to Noli Me Tangere, where
people were encouraged to ask for and aspire for change and liberty, Rizal
pushed society to open its eyes to reality and fight against the Spanish
government's oppression and abuse in El Filibusterismo.

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