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Antonette Pearl F.

Arpilleda SSC107

1. How did Ibarra learn about the real reasons for his fathers death?

>> Ibarra learns from Lieutenant Guevara, a close friend of his

father's, that Don Rafael died in prison after Father Dámaso accused him
of heresy and subversion. When he intervened, he accidently killed the
collector, and as a result, he was imprisoned.

2. What happened to Ma. Clara after the incident in the town fiesta?

>> Maria Clara felt ill after the celebration was done. Tiburcio de
Espadaña, a fraudulent Spanish physician, treated her. Padre Salvi disclosed
that Padre Damaso was her biological father during this period, threatening
to broadcast the news if she did not hand over Ibarra's parting letter.
Linares was afterwards entertained by her at her father's residence. Maria
Clara, her father, and Linares were later notified of Ibarra's
excommunication by Padre Salvi. Maria Clara, then, locked herself up in her
room when Ibarra was accused in an attack using his farewell letter,
devastated by her approaching marriage. She recognized Ibarra as she
exited to the balcony; he then scaled the wall, and the two exchanged
emotional goodbyes. Maria Clara explained to Ibarra why she had discarded
his parting letter during their conversation.

3. Describe the role/symbolism of Elias and Ibarra in the novel. how it is

related to Jose Rizal.

>> Crisostomo Ibarra is portrayed as a Filipino who completed his

schooling in another country. He'd been living in another country for
seven years. He is a progressive thinker, opinionated and passionate,
unlike his people. When he is provoked, he is a patient and serious
man who turns violent and impulsive. Crisostomo Ibarra embodied
Jose Rizal's vision for the youths of the Philippines throughout his
lifetime. Also, Ibarra is a representation of Rizal himself. Elias on the
other hand represents the average Filipino who is not only conscious
of the injustices perpetrated against his countrymen but also wants
to free them from their oppressors. Andres Bonifacio seems to be
personified in him.

4. How would you describe  Noli Me Tangere as a classic romantic novel?

>> His debut novel, Noli Me Tangere, was a romantic and sociological
story dedicated to his motherland. It's a book of feelings, or a work of
the heart. Despite the flaws that surround it, it retains its freshness,
humor, wit, and lightness. It describes the government and religious
leaders, the legal system, and the people's way of life in their
country. His inspiration comes from Hariet Beecher Stowe's novel
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts American cruelty to black
slaves.He believed that the Filipinos, like Negros, were suffering
under Spanish rule. Rizal wrote it in order to inspire people to ask for
and strive for change and liberation.

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