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Antonette Pearl F.

Arpilleda SSC107

1. Why did Noli Me Tangere become controversial after a few days of Rizal

>>Because Noli me Tangere was widely regarded after its publication as

one of the catalysts for Filipino nationalism, which led to the 1896 Philippine
Revolution. The story not only awoke a dormant Filipino consciousness, but it
also laid the groundwork for achieving independence. Because Noli was written
in Spanish, there was a good chance that Spanish officials would read it first,
which is exactly what Rizal wanted to happen. The book was considered
heretical by Catholic clergy in the Philippines at the time, while Spanish
colonial authorities declared it subversive and anti-government.

2. Why was Noli historically significant to Filipinos?

>> Noli me Tangere was widely regarded after its publication as one of
the catalysts for Filipino nationalism, which led to the 1896 Philippine
Revolution. The story not only awoke a buried Filipino consciousness, but it
also laid the groundwork for achieving independence.

3. Why was Rizal determined to return to the Philippines after the publication
of Noli Me Tangere?

>> Rizal was resolved to return to the Philippines despite the threats on
his life since he would be the one to operate on his mother's eyes. He also
wanted to help his people, who had been oppressed for a long time by Spanish
rulers. And to see how the Noli Me Tangere and his other works affected
Filipinos and Spaniards for himself.

4. Reasons why Rizal was advised by Gov. Gen. Terrero to leave the Phil.?

>> When Rizal returned from Europe, he had already enraged the friars
and conservative Spaniards with copies of his first novel, Noli Me Tangere,
which demonized the clergy by portraying them as villains, as well as certain
Filipinos. Governor General Emilio Terrero advised Rizal to leave the nation for
the second time. He wanted to keep Rizal's family safe. Governor General
Emilio Terrero recommended him to leave the Philippines a second time
because he had sparked a hornet's nest when he became entangled in the
Protesta de Calamba issue. Rizal got involved by submitting a report claiming
that the friar order held more than just the haciendas, but entire villages.

5. How is the situation in the novel different from the present time?

>> The novel featured real-life events such as the Friars' command
choices being more powerful than the Governor- General's, social concerns,
injustice, and the Philippines' status as a backward country during the Spanish
colonization of the Philippines. The conflicts in the novel are still present in
today's generation, and they have an impact on our society and country.
Corruption, injustices, poverty, and abuse, all of which were prevalent in the
novel, continue to be a concern today.

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