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2 (TITLE 1 to 3)
200 points (10 points each)

INSTRUCTION: Answer what is being asked. A mere yes or no will not be

given any point. Erasures, unnecessary discussions and unclear point will

1. The clerk employed with the Municipality of La Trinidad arrested a

person without legal ground. Is the clerk liable for arbitrary detention?

2. What if the offender is a barangay chairman? Can he be held liable

for arbitrary detention? Explain.

3. Police Officer Covid is conducting a foot patrol along Pico Road,

Baguio City. He chanced upon a male individual who then suspiciously
looking. He is walking to and fro, keep looking around and has an
unsteady eyes. He is also perspiring and was holding an object inside
the pocket of his jacket. Police Officer Covid then arrested said person
and detain him. Can Police Officer Covid be held liable for arbitrary

4. Police Officer Covid arrested Pedro by virtue of a warrant of arrest

and was only able to deliver Pedro to the authorities after 10 days. Is
Police Officer Covid liable for delay in the delivery of detained persons
to the proper judicial authorities?

5. Police Officer Covid, armed with a search warrant, entered the house
of Pedro without asking permission from Pedro. Is Officer Covid liable
violation of domicile?

6. In a rally held by a group of students, the leader spoke before the

participants, raising his fist and accusing the Government of
prosecuting them. Then shouts were heard from the audience saying:
“Let us fight them.” Then another person by the name of Pedro shouted,
“Let us fight them until death.” The police officers arrested the leader
and Pedro. The police officers also dispersed the people by using a
water pump. Is the police officer liable under Art. 131? Explain.

7. If a group of persons belonging to the armed forces makes a swift

attack, accompanied by violence, intimidation and threat against a vital
military installation for the purpose of seizing power and taking over
such installation, what crime or crimes are they guilty of? Explain.

8. Upon the opening of the session of the Municipal council of La

Trinidad, a large number of the town residents assembled near the
municipal building to demand the dismissal from office of the municipal
treasurer. The persons who took part therein were wholly unarmed while
a few carried sticks. The crowd was fairly orderly and well behaved. The
council acceded to their wishes and dismissed the municipal treasurer.
Are the residents liable for sedition?

9. Pedro and about 20 men raided and attacked the house of Mayor
Pepito, his political adversary incumbent mayor of La Trinidad, with
grenades, and bottles filled with gasoline. The raid resulted not only
destruction of Punzalan’s house and that of other but also the death and
injuries to a number of civilians. What crime was committed by Pedro
and the 20 men? Rebellion or Sedition? Explain.

10. Pedro took a photo of himself appearing as if to have committed

suicide. He posted the same in his facebook account and caption it with:
“I committed suicide because I was not pleased with the administration
of Duterte; all of you who read this should teach your children to burn
pictures of Duterte. Did Pedro committed inciting to sediciton? Why?

11. Senator Pedro is one of the critic of President Pepito. In one of his
interview, Senator Pedro addressed the public and said: “Pepito will not
be there for long, because the military might do something to oust him.".
Did Senator committed a crime? Explain.

12. Is the police officer liable when, while congress was in session, he
arrested a member thereof for committing a crime punishable by a
penalty higher than prision mayor?

13. When the police officer effected the arrest of the accused, the
accused hit the police officer in the breast with his hand or fist, at which
instant the police officer seized him by the wrist and resistance ceased.
Is the accused liable of direct assault?

14. Lydia and Gemma, were public school teachers. Lydia’s son was a
student of Gemma. Lydia confronted Gemma after learning from her son
that Gemma called him a “bakla” while in class. While Gemma was
having her class, Lydia slapped Gemma in the cheek and pushed her,
thereby causing her to fall and hit a wall divider. Is Lydia liable for Direct
Assault? Explain.

15. Suppose in the question number 22, Pedro who is the school janitor,
upon seeing Lydia slapping Gemma, went near them to pacify. However,
Lydia turned her ire on Pedro and punched him. What is criminal liability
of Lydia as to Pedro?

16. Police Officer Pepe was about to arrest Mario. Mario resisted and
punched Officer Pepe. Nato, who is a by stander, upon seeing the
incident tried to pacify Mario. However, Mario turned to Nato and
inflicted blows on Nato. What is the criminal liability of Mario to Police
Offier Pepe and Nato? Explain.
17. The police officers, who were then wearing civilians clothes, entered
the house of Pedro without explaining to him the cause or nature of their
presence there. Resisting the arrest, Pedro called his neighbours for
help saying: “there are some bandits here and they are abusing me.” Is
Pedro liable under Art. 151?

18. Mario was on his way home one night when he was signalled to stop
by police officers in a checkpoint established along the road. The police
officers asked him to open the vehicle’s door and alight for a body and
vehicle search. Mario refused and insisted on a plain view search or
visual search. Is Mario liable under Art. 151?

19. Pedro was arrested by the police officers. However, Pedro was
committed not to the jail but the hospital to treat his wounds. In the
hospital, Pedro’s cousin Mario, who was the attending nurse at that
time, facilitated the escape of Pedro. What is the liability of Mario?

20. Pepito was detained with BJMP for having committed a crime. While
his case is pending, Pepito managed to escape from detention. Is Pepito
liable for evasion of service of sentence?

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