DigitCom Week 1 2021 DrTahat

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Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Adv. Digital Communications

Week 1


‫ أشرف أكرم طاهات‬.‫د‬

Dr. Ashraf A. Tahat, Ph.D.

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 1

 Course Number and Title:
 EE 23702 – Digital Communications

 Instructor: Dr. Ashraf A. Tahat

 Office: EE445
 Email: tahat@psut.edu.jo
 Phone: (06) 535-9949
 Course Website: http://eLearning.psut.edu.jo

 Office Hours: 12:30-1:30PM MON WED

or by Appointment SUN TUE THU
 Teaching Assistant(s): TBA
February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 2

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 1
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

 Catalog Course Description:

 Review of probability and analytic signals.
Digital modulation schemes and
communications channels, optimum
receivers for AWGN channels. Information
theory and channel capacity. Multichannel
and Multicarrier systems.

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 3

 Prerequisites:
 Probability & Random Process.
 Introduction to Communication Systems.
 Textbook:
 John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Digital Communications, 5th
edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 2008.
 References:
 R. G. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communication, Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
 A. Lapidoth, A Foundation in Digital Communication, Cambridge,
 J. M. Wozencraft and I. M. Jacobs, Principles of Communications
Engineering, John Wiley & Sons.
 S. Haykin and M. Moher, Communication Systems, 5th Edition, Wiley,
 B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, Modern Digital and Analog
Communication Systems, 4th Edition, 2010.
February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 4

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 2
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

 Evaluation Policy:
 Midterm ----------------------------------- 30%
 Project ------------------------------------ 15%
 Computer Simulations ------------- 10%
 Homework ------------------------------- 5%
 Final Exam -------------------------------- 40%

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 5

Topics (tentative)

Chapter 1: Introduction:
- Elements of a Digital Communication System,
- Communication Channels and Their characteristics,
- Mathematical Models for Communications
Chapter 2: Fundament Concepts and Notations
Chapter 3: Digital Modulation Schemes
Chapter 4: Optimum Receivers for AWGN Channels
Chapter 6: An Introduction to Information Theory
Chapter 11: Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 6

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 3
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Digital Communications
 What we study in this course is: Theories
of information transmission in digital form
from one or more sources to one or more

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 7

Basic elements of digital

communication system

 Functional diagram of a digital communication system

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 8

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 4
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Communications Channels
 Physical Channels
 Wireline channel: Telephone line, twisted-pair
and coaxial cable, etc.
 Fiber-optical channel
 Wireless electromagnetic channel: ground-
wave propagation, sky-wave propagation,
line-of-sight (LOS) propagation, etc.
 Underwater acoustic channel

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 9

Communications Channels
 Virtual channel
 Storage channel : Magnetic storage, CD,
DVD, etc.

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 10

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 5
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Communications Channels
 Channel impairments
 Additive noise
 Signal attenuation
 Amplitude and phase distortion
 Multi-path distortion

 Limitations of channel usage

 Transmission power
 Bandwidth

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 11

Mathematical Models for Communication

 In the design of communication systems for transmitting
information through physical channels, we find it
convenient to construct mathematical models that reflect
the most important characteristics of the transmission
 The mathematical model for the channel is used in the
design of the communication system (e.g., modulator at
the transmitter and the demodulator at the receiver,
coders and analysis … etc).

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 12

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 6
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (The Additive Noise Channel)
 The simplest mathematical model for a communication channel is the
additive noise channel
 In this model, the transmitted signal s(t) is corrupted by an additive random
noise process, n(t).
 Physically, the additive noise process may arise from electronic
components and amplifiers at the receiver of the communication system, or
from interference encountered in transmission (as in the case of radio signal

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 13

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (The Additive Noise Channel)

 If the noise is introduced primarily by electronic components and

amplifiers at the receiver, it may be characterized as thermal noise.
 This type of noise is characterized statistically as a Gaussian noise
 The resulting mathematical model for the channel is usually called
the additive Gaussian noise channel .
 Because this channel model applies to a broad class of physical
communication channels and because of its mathematical
tractability, this is the predominant channel model used in our
communication system analysis and design.

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 14

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 7
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (The Additive Noise Channel with
 When the signal undergoes attenuation in transmission through the
channel, the received signal is r (t) = α s(t) + n(t)
 where
 α is the attenuation factor
 s(t) is the transmitted signal
 n(t) is the additive random noise (a random process, usually Gaussian)

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 15

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear filter channel with additive
 In some physical channels (e.g., wireline telephone channels), filters
are used to ensure that the transmitted signals do not exceed
specified bandwidth limitations.
 Such channels are generally characterized mathematically as linear
filter channels with additive noise.
 Where c(t) is the impulse response of the linear filter and  denotes
convolution: r (t) = s(t)  c(t) + n(t)

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 16

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 8
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear Time-Variant (LTV) filter channel with additive noise)
 Physical channels (e.g., radio channels, underwater acoustic
channels ) that result in time-variant multipath propagation of the
transmitted signal may be characterized mathematically as time-
variant linear filters.
 Such linear filters are characterized by a time-variant channel
impulse response c(τ ; t),
 Where c(τ ; t) is the response of the channel at time t due to an
impulse applied at time t − τ .
 Thus, τ represents the “age” (elapsed-time) variable.

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 17

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear Time-Variant (LTV) filter
channel with additive noise)

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 18

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 9
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear Time-Variant (LTV) filter channel with additive noise)

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 19

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear Time-Variant (LTV) filter channel with additive noise)
 A good model for multipath signal propagation through physical
channels, such as wireless channels

 Mobile cellular radio channels, is a special case in which the time-

variant impulse response has the form

 Where
 {a (t)} represent the possibly time-varying attenuation factor for

the L multipath propagation paths

 {τ } are the corresponding time delays.

 Hence:

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 20

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 10
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Mathematical Models for Communication

Channels (Linear Time-Variant (LTV) filter channel with additive noise)

Hence, the received signal consists of L multipath components,

where the kth component is attenuated by ak (t) and delayed by τk .

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 21

Nyquist Rate (1924)

 A question that Nyquist wishes to answer:
What is the maximum rate that the data can be transmitted at under
the constraint that g(t) causes no intersymbol interference (at the
sampling instances)?
 Answer : 2W pulses/second. (Not 2W bits/second!)

 What is (one of the) g(t) that achieves this rate?

 Answer :

 Conclusion: A basic pulse shape signal (or symbol) that is

bandlimited-to-W can convey at most 2W pulses/second (or
symbols/second) without introducing inter-pulse (or inter-symbol)

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 22

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 11
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Nyquist Rate (1924)

 One wishes to transmit {−1, 1} signals in terms of g(t).
 Define basic pulse shape g(t) that is bandlimited to W.

 Example: One wishes to transmit a0, a1, a2, . . . in {−1, 1} in terms of


February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 23

Nyquist Rate (1924)

e.g., (a0, a1, a2, . . .) = (+1,−1,+1, . . .).

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 24

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 12
Dr. Ashraf Tahat, Ph.D. Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Adv. Digital Communications

Sampling Theorem (Shanon 1948)

 Sampling Theorem:
A signal of bandwidth W can be reconstructed from samples taken
at the Nyquist rate (= 2W samples/second) using the interpolation

February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 25

Shanon Channel Capacity Theorem

 Channel capacity of additive white Gaussian noise

 W is the bandwidth of the bandlimited channel,

 P is the average transmitted power,
 N0 is single-sided noise power per hertz.

 Shannon′s channel coding theorem:

Let R be the information rate of the source. Then
 if R < C, it is theoretically possible to achieve reliable ( error-free)
transmission by appropriate coding;
 if R > C, reliable transmission is impossible.
 This gives birth to a new field named Information Theory.
February 24, 2021 Dr. Tahat 26

Princess Sumaya University for

Technology -- Dept. of Communications
Eng. 13

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