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Section 1: Directions for questions 1-10: You will hear 10 questions on the CD. You
will hear the questions only one time. Choose the best response A, B, C, or D to each
question, and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST

Listen to the example: How are you?

A) Tomorrow.
B) Fine, thank you.
C) I'm 21.
D) Not at all.

A) Yes, I am.
B) That's fine.
C) Yes, I will.
D) Yes, I do.

A) I am sorry.
B) It's on the table.
C) Tomorrow.
D) Yes, he is.

A) Let's go.
B) Great.
C) It's me.
D) No, thanks.

A) Thank you.
B) That's right.
C) In the class.
D) He is my friend.

A) I am busy.
B) It's 2.00 p.m.
C) A football match.
D) At home.

A) 80,000 Riyals.
B) It's Toyota.
C) It's a big car.
D) It's red.

A) Congratulations.
B) No, we aren’t.
C) That's great.
D) Yes, there is.

A) It's delicious.
B) It's nice.
C) I love Mandi.
D) Twice a week.

A) I am 19.
B) No, I'm not.
C) Yes, a good one.
D) I'm o.k.

A) Very much.
B) Last month.
C) That's right.
D) Come in.

Section 2: Directions for questions 11-15: You will hear a dialogue. You will hear the
dialogue twice. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question and mark your

11. What are the correct spellings of the woman's name?

A) S-H-E-R-Y W-U.
B) S-H-E-R-R-Y W-U.
C) S-H-E-R-Y W-O-O.
D) S-H-E-R-R-Y W-O-O.

12. What is the woman's address?

A) P.O. Box 45678, Shing Wong Street.
B) P.O. Box 45987, Shing Wong Street.
C) P.O. Box 45687, Wong Shing Street.
D) P.O. Box 46587, Shing Wong Street.

13. What is the woman's e-mail address?


14. Where is the woman from?

A) She is from Hong Kong.
B) She is from United Kingdom.
C) She is from Canada.
D) She is from China.

15. What is the woman's phone number?
A) 255551234.
B) 2551234.
C) 25551234.
D) 22551234.

Section 3: Directions for questions 16-20: In this section, you will hear a passage. You
will hear the passage twice. After the passage, there are five questions. Choose the best
answer A, B, C, or D to each question and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE

16. What's the idea of the Friendship Force?

A) A friend and peace is a world.
B) A world of friends is a world of peace.
C) A world is peace and friends.
D) A world of peace is a world of friends.

17. How many new friendships have been made every year?
A) 40,000.
B) 4,000.
C) 41,000.
D) 14,000.

18. How many countries have Friendship Force clubs?

A) 55.
B) 45.
C) 25.
D) 15.

19. What is the website address of Friendship Force?


20. Which one of the following is true?

A) Each friendship force visitor travels alone to a foreign country.
B) The Friendship Force is a national friendship organization.
C) Each friendship force visitor lives with a host family.
D) Each friendship force visitor lives in a hotel.


Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D and mark your answer sheet.

21. There is _____ apple in Khalid's hand.

A) an
B) a
C) two
D) five

22. Sami has ______ new car this year.

A) an
B) three
C) a
D) two

23. Mansour has a house. _______ house is very beautiful.

A) Their
B) His
C) Our
D) Her

24. There is a car _______ those two trees.

A) in
B) on
C) at
D) between

25. Q: Are you university students?

A: Yes, ______.
A) we are
B) they
C) I am
D) you are
26. Q: ___ Ali at the college right now?
A: Yes, he is.
A) Am
B) Are
C) Is
D) Be

27. Q: Where are you from?

A: ______ from Khulais.
A) You are
B) You aren't
C) You were
D) I am

28. Q: Am I too young to drive a car?
A: Yes, ______.
A) you are
B) you aren't
C) you were
D) I am

29. Q: _______ are your two brothers today?

A: They are at home.
A) When
B) Where
C) How
D) What time

30. Q: Are Sami and Fahd students?

A: Yes, _______.
A) he is
B) we are
C) they are
D) you are


Directions for questions 31-50: You will read two passages. Choose the best answer
A, B, C, or D according to the passage and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE

Passage 1

The Oregon Weather Forecast

Weather Forecaster:

Good afternoon and welcome to the weather forecast. Let's take a look at the
weather outside now. What's it like? Well, it's currently raining and cloudy in southern
Oregon while northern Oregon is cold and clear. The sun is shining, but it's rather cold
up here in the North! The temperature is currently 45 degrees in the southern Oregon
and only 30 degrees in the North.

Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in
the morning in southern Oregon and windy in northern Oregon. In the afternoon, The
South will see cloudy weather with some rain later in the day. Northern Oregon will
also see rain turning to snow and quite windy, with winds coming from the North-East.
That's the weather forecast for this afternoon. Have a good day!

31. What time of day is it?

A) Morning.
B) Afternoon.
C) Evening.
D) Midnight.

32. What's the weather like in southern Oregon at the moment?
A) Rainy and cloudy.
B) Sunny and windy.
C) Sunny and cold.
D) Rainy and windy.

33. What's the weather like in northern Oregon at the moment?

A) Rainy and cloudy.
B) Sunny and windy.
C) Sunny and cold.
D) Rainy and windy.

34. What is the temperature in southern Oregon at the moment?

A) 30 degrees.
B) 45 degrees.
C) 13 degrees.
D) Not mentioned.

35. What is the temperature in northern Oregon at the moment?

A) 30 degrees.
B) 45 degrees.
C) 13 degrees.
D) Not mentioned.

36. What will the weather be like in southern Oregon tomorrow morning?
A) Rainy.
B) Sunny.
C) Windy.
D) Snowy.

37. What will the weather be like in northern Oregon tomorrow morning?
A) Snowy.
B) Sunny.
C) Windy.
D) Rainy.

38. What will weather be like later in the day in southern Oregon?
A) It will rain.
B) It will snow.
C) It will be clear.
D) It will be foggy.

39. Where will it be windy tomorrow?

A) Southern Oregon.
B) Northern Oregon.
C) South-East.
D) North-East.

40. Which direction will the wind come from?
A) North-East.
B) North-West.
C) South-East.
D) South-West.

Passage 2

I am Bronwyn Polson. I am a young woman from Australia. I started The

Friendship Page. The Friendship Page is a website on the Internet.

Happy Birthday to us! The Friendship Page is three years old today.

When I was sixteen years old, I wanted to help people in my community. I

called people at newspapers and social service organizations, but they just laughed!
They said, "You are too young to help. There is nothing you can do.''

So I decided to go online. Age isn't important on the Internet. I learned how to

make a website. Then I started The Friendship Page. I chose ''friendship'' because
friendship is important to everyone. I also wanted to make the Internet a friendlier
place. My goal is to give something good to the world.

Today, I am nineteen years old. The Friendship Page is getting more and more
popular. It is very easy to use. Now more than 1,300 people visit this website every
day. That's 428,000 people in the first three years!

The Friendship Page has fun information about friends and friendship. People
can meet new friends. They can get advice about friendship. Also, there are quotes,
poetry, songs, writing, humor and more. The poetry page is the most popular.

Friends and volunteers help me. The Friendship Page is a lot of work, but we
enjoy it.

In the future I want The Friendship Page to grow. For example, I want to make
a book with quotes about friendship. Money from the book will help to keep The
Friendship Page going.

41. What is The Friendship Page? It is _________.

A) a chapter in a book
B) an article in a magazine
C) a website on the Internet
D) a social service organization

42. Who started The Friendship Page?

A) George Herbert.
B) Bronwyn Polson.
C) John Lennon.
D) Jason Fong.

43. Why did Bronwyn Polson found The Friendship Page? Because she wanted
to ________________.
A) do something good to the world
B) start a business
C) make new friends
D) send e-mails to her friends

44. How old is Bronwyn Polson today? She is _______.

A) 17
B) 22
C) 16
D) 19

45. At First, Bronwyn called people _______ about how to help her community.
A) at newspapers
B) online
C) at her school
D) in her family

46. Bronwyn's website is ______ to use.

A) uneasy
B) complicated
C) easy
D) difficult

47. The Friendship Page is _______ website.

A) a serious
B) a fun
C) an old
D) a scientific

48. There are _______ visits to The Friendship Page each day.
A) 5,300
b) 428,000
C) 1,300
D) 328,000

49. The most popular part of Bronwyn's website is the ______ page.
A) poetry
B) writing
C) quotes
D) songs

50. Who help Bronwyn with The Friendship Page?

A) Social Service Organizations.
B) Students at school.
C) Soldiers and Sailors.
D) Volunteers and Friends.



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