Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport: Septian Williyanto, Masri, Nurhadi Santoso, Agus Wiyanto

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7 (1) (2020) 5 - 10

Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport

Physical Education Teacher Strategies to Improving Student Learn-

ing Outcomes Through Publication of Work Results
(An exploratory study at Wonosobo Public Senior High School 1 during the COVID-19 pandemic)

Septian Williyanto1, Masri2, Nurhadi Santoso3, Agus Wiyanto4

Faculty Of Sport and Health Science Edcation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia1

Fakultas Keguruan dan ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia2
Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahraga, Indonesia3
Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Keolahragaan, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia4

History Article Abstract

Received 23 August 2020 Currently, physical education learning is experiencing a dilemma caused by
Approved 29 August 2020
Published August 2020
the COVID-19 pandemic, so teachers must be able to improvise and be crea-
tive in creating distance learning models so that learning can be adequately
Keywords conveyed to students. The purpose of this study was to examine the creativ-
Physical Education; ity and strategies of physical education teachers in improving the quality
Teacher Strategies; learn- of student learning outcomes to maintain the continuity of online learning
ing outcome publication
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers used a descriptive qualitative
approach with research subjects, namely Physical Education teachers and
students of Wonosobo Public Senior High School 1. The data collection
techniques used were in-depth interviews and documentation. The results
showed that the form of physical education teacher strategies in improving
the quality of online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak was by using
the method of publishing the work of students. This method is proven effec-
tive and can increase students’ interest, motivation to learn, stimulate stu-
dent discipline, and can make it easier for teachers to make assessments. The
obstacle in this research is that not all students get the same facilities from
their parents, both in terms of learning facilities and infrastructure at home.

How to Cite
Williyanto, S., Masri., Santoso, N., Wiyanto, A., (2020). Physical Education Teach-
er Strategies to Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Publication of
Work Results. Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport, 7 (1), 5-10.

© 2020 Universitas Negeri Semarang

p-ISSN 2354-7901
e-ISSN 2354-8231

Correspondence Author:
E-mail: / /
Septian Williyanto, et al / Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport 7 (1) (2020) 5-10

INTRODUCTION exciting learning (Fardhany, n.d.). Renewal of

teaching material models that utilize technology
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed and communication development is needed to
learning patterns that should have been face-to- increase learning variations (Isaci, Rodriquez, &
face into distance-learning or what is commonly Dwiyogo, 2020).
called online (Haerudin, 2020). This is a challenge One learning model that utilizes
for physical education teachers, because in general technology and communication that has been
physical education is given face-to-face, and sports proven to increase the enthusiasm and motivation
are used as a medium in physical education. The of students to learn is the model of publication
COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to of student work results. Based on the results
the learning process, which is a challenge for all of research conducted by Fadlilah in 2020, it
educational institutions (Fadlilah, 2020). The shows that the form of teacher strategy to turn
best thing about distance education is that we can on student learning motivation in online learning
learn it from anywhere and anytime (Basilaia, during the COVID-19 outbreak is by publishing
Dgebuadze, Kantaria, & Chokhonelidze, 2020), the work of student assignments, which are
So that a good strategy and planning are needed proven to turn on student learning motivation.
in implementing learning so that learning This study aims to examine the strategies of the
objectives can be achieved maximally. However, Al-Huda Kindergarten Malang City Playgroup
it is not easy. It takes seriousness for an educator teacher in reviving student learning motivation
to make it happen. to maintain the continuity of education in the
In general, the the strategy is defined as the Study From Home policy during the COVID-19
means used to achieve goals, whereas learning the pandemic. However, in this study, the research
plan is a broad view of the actions taken to select subjects were the classroom teacher and the
learning methods(Romiszowski. A.J, 1988). Playgroup students.
The Physical Education learning strategy is an The second is a study conducted by
approach in ways that will be chosen and used by Muttaqiyah in 2016. This research aims to
an educator to convey learning material, making determine: (1) influence; (2) different forces;
it easier for students to receive and understand (3) learning strategies that are more influential
learning material, which in the end, the objectives between the publication of assignments through
of Physical Education learning can be mastered the Student Teams Achievement Division and
(Alnedral, 2016). without the release of tasks through group study
Physical Education learning objectives on cooperation, creativity, and science learning
are to develop aspects of physical fitness, achievement. Based on the results of the study, it
movement skills, critical thinking skills, social shows: (1) the publication of assignments through
skills, reasoning, emotional stability, moral action the Student Teams Achievement Division affects
and a healthy lifestyle (Hartono, Suherman, & cooperation, creativity, and learning achievement
Rusdiana, 2003). Many factors affect creating a in Science; (2) there is a difference in the impact
pleasant learning atmosphere, such as student between assignment publication through the
motivation, learning media and teaching Student Teams Achievement Division compared
materials (Kristiono, Dwiyogo, & Hariadi, 2019). to without publication of assignments through
Besides experiencing confusion in adapting to the group learning on work the same, creativity, and
online learning system, teachers are also required science learning achievement; (3) the publication
to show that learning activities are still carried of jobs through the Student Teams Achievement
out, both for school supervisors, guardians, Division is more influential than without the
students, and the surrounding community in publication of assignments through group study
general (Fadlilah, 2020). So, it takes a strategy on cooperation, creativity, and science learning
and accurate planning so that learning objectives achievement. However, the strategy in this study
can be achieved optimally. is with a student team. The main obstacle to
Thus, it can be concluded that an educator writing cooperation is the difficulty in forming
must be able to design learning strategies by the group itself (Darmalaksana, 2017).
utilizing technological developments so that Based on the review of the article above,
learning objectives can be maximally achieved. it shows that the learning outcome publication
The combination of media and appropriate strategy applied to students is proven to increase
learning strategies is also believed by many students› learning motivation. However, in this
to be able to increase students› enthusiasm case, there has never been any research that has
for learning, which in turn will create more implemented a learning outcome publication

Septian Williyanto, et al / Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport 7 (1) (2020) 5-10

strategy in physical education subjects where situations where students are not allowed to go to
physical education learning is more synonymous school, the alternative is to switch from traditio-
with physical activity. So that in this study, the nal to online education (Giorgi Basilaia, 2020). In
researcher attempted to examine how the plan online learning patterns, students are required to
for the publication of the work of students was be able to master learning material and apply and
implemented in Wonosobo Public Senior High practice learning theories that have been taught
School 1. As well as what are the benefits and by educators. That is a challenge for educators to
constraints faced by physical education teachers find what learning solutions are most appropriate
in implementing the strategy for the publication to the current situation and conditions.
of the work of students. Based on the information from one of
the Physical education teachers at Wonosobo
METHOD Public Senior High School 1, the teacher has
implemented a learning model by publishing the
This study uses a descriptive approach to work of students. Wonosobo Public Senior High
qualitative research types. The purpose of this School 1 is a school that was selected as a model
study was to obtain information and descriptions school or reference school from 2017 to 2019 so
related to the learning model by implementing a that the learning model in it will become a refe-
strategy for publishing the work of students, as rence model for surrounding schools. Based on
well as to describe the constraints and benefits of information from physical education teacher, in
the learning model. This research was conducted physical education learning, three areas must be
on physical education teachers and students of mastered by students, namely cognitive, affective,
Wonosobo Public Senior High School 1, having and psychomotor, so that teachers must be ori-
their address at Jogonegoro Street No. 25, Sing- ented towards these three domains both in the
kir, Wonosobo District, Wonosobo Regency. The learning process and in assessing the work of stu-
research was conducted on April 5, 2020, to July dents.
27, 2020, where learning was carried out online.
The following are the steps taken by the resear- Student Work Publication Model
cher Figure 1 : According to Thomas, a physical educa-
tion teacher at Wonosobo Public Senior High
School 1, the work result publication the model
applied at Wonosobo Public Senior High School
1 is by uploading the results of the physical edu-
cation teacher gave assignments to the students’
YouTube account. As previously discussed, in
Figure 1. Research Stages implementing distance learning as a result of
the coronavirus outbreak, the learning system at
The data sources in this study were teach- Wonosobo Public Senior High School 1, which is
ers and students. The data collection technique usually applied in schools, has now changed by
used in this study was to use in-depth interviews giving assignments to do at home. The teacher gi-
and documentation. With the conditions during ves tasks in the form of arranging rhythmic gym-
the COVID-19 outbreak, interviews were con- nastics movements, floor exercises, and physical
ducted via cellphone media with physical educa- fitness assignments through the Google Class-
tion teachers and students to gather information room application. Then students work on jobs
needed by researchers. The documentation met- accompanied by an explanation of the actions
hod used by researchers is opening several posts they are doing.
that have been uploaded by students, on their res- The task is made in the form of a video
pective social media websites, from the results of recording along with the description, which is
the students’ work and their information then uploaded to the social media youtube. Af-
ter the video has been uploaded, students send
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a link or YouTube address that the teacher can
visit in assessing student work, through the goog-
The existence of the coronavirus outbreak le classroom application. According to Thomas,
has had an impact on the education system in In- this method is believed to be effective in helping
donesia, so the Central Java Provincial Govern- teachers assess student work results. In this way,
ment issued a warrant regarding the application the teacher can also evaluate the practice and
of distance learning at the high school level. In theory mastered by students. As previously exp-

Septian Williyanto, et al / Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport 7 (1) (2020) 5-10

lained, students make movements along with an ”Students tend to make videos as good as
explanation of these movements, so that at one they can; this is because if their work results are
time, the teacher has got two assessments at once, not optimal; they tend to feel embarrassed becau-
namely assessments in the cognitive and psycho- se everyone will see the results of the work.”
motor domains. As for the affective domain, the
evaluation is carried out by assessing the discip- The statements of students also support
line of students when submitting assignments by this. The following is an excerpt from interviews
observing the timeliness of providing learning conducted with students:
outcomes. The following is an example of a sc- ”I make assignments by working hard and
reenshot Figure 2 of the results of the publicati- with all my heart, even to the point where I repea-
on of student assignments carried out by physical tedly do the movements in the hope of getting a
education teachers at Wonosobo Public Senior good video.”
High School 1.
The image above is taken from a cellphone ”I will feel embarrassed if the movements
screenshot of a physical education teacher at Wo- I make are not good because everyone will see
nosobo Public Senior High School 1. According them.
to the teacher, students will be more enthusiastic Thomas, explained that the application of
about doing the assignments were given by the te- this method shows a positive impact where stu-
acher when given the task to upload their work to dents are increasingly enthusiastic about doing
their social media accounts because everyone can their jobs. They are competing to do the job as
see their work published on social media. Also, well as possible and with the best possible appe-
parents of students are eager to help carry out arance. Not to mention when students see the
learning activities at home so that togetherness google classroom application where another fri-
between parents and children is well established. end has posted their work, while he has not done
The following is an excerpt from an inter- it, the student becomes hooked and wants to im-
view conducted with a physical education teach- mediately work on his assignment and send it to
er: the google classroom. This can encourage so that
”The pandemic brings about changes that students are moved to work on their jobs because
directly force us to change. As a teacher, I have to they see that their other friends have sent assign-
follow the stipulated provisions but still carry out ments directly. The paragraph above is in line with
learning even though it is done online.” the theory previously stated; student learning out-
comes are influenced by many factors, including
”In physical education, I carry out the lear- student interest and motivation (Ricardo, Meila-
ning process by using the help of applications to ni, 2017). Even though the learning system has
carry out the learning process.” changed, where children do not learn with their
teachers and classmates, children still have the
”Students carry out the learning process by enthusiasm to study at home, also though they
uploading their work through YouTube, which is occasionally complain that they miss meeting
then followed up by using the google classroom.” their teachers and friends (Fadlilah, 2020).

Figure 2. Screenshot of Student Performance Publication Results

Septian Williyanto, et al / Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport 7 (1) (2020) 5-10

Benefits of Implementing Student Learning the implementation of learning, there are several
outcome Publication obstacles. The main obstacle to implementing this
As explained above by Thomas, a physical method is that not all students get the same faci-
education teacher at Wonosobo Public Senior lities from their parents, both in terms of gadget
High School 1, that the application of publica- availability to the internet network. In applying
tions on the work of students have many benefits, this method, of course, the most necessary means
including increasing the interest and motivation are gadget devices because gadgets are a link in
of students to learn. Enthusiasm and motivation the distance learning process between educators
to learn are two psychological factors that have and students. The impact felt by students on the
been proven empirically to have a significant ef- teaching and learning process at home is that stu-
fect on the academic achievement of students in dents feel forced to learn remotely without ade-
the school (Kpolovie, Joe, & Okoto, 2014). Moti- quate facilities and infrastructure at home (Agus
vation to learn is a power within students that en- Purwanto, Rudy Pramono, Masduki Asbari,
courages them to be willing and diligent in lear- Priyono Budi Santoso, Laksmi Mayesti Wijayan-
ning, to make their best and directed efforts in the ti, Choi Chi Hyun, 2020). The learning facilities
learning the process to achieve the best results, needed in the form of gadgets are one of the ob-
which are goals that are owned and maintained stacles found in implementing this Study From
during the learning process (Ricardo, Meilani, Home (SFH), where in fact, not all students have
2017). devices, and not all educators or students and pa-
The application of the publication of the rents can use gadgets properly (Nasution, 2020).
work of students indirectly can also stimulate stu- Another obstacle to implementing this
dent discipline. Students who see their classmates method is the difficulty of having an internet net-
have collected assignments from the teacher are work in each region. Gadget devices must have
indirectly also influenced to complete their tasks an internet connection to be able to communicate
and report immediately them to the teacher so because applications that support teaching and
that their friends can see their work. This is in line learning activities are currently dominated by
with the theory that has been previously expres- applications connected to the internet. According
sed that children become disciplined in collecting to the physical education teacher at Wonosobo
assignments according to the daily schedule de- Public Senior High School 1, in this kind of dis-
termined by the teacher, because when students tance learning, parents often complain about the
have not done and sent jobs to the teacher, then cost of purchasing internet quota. Because onli-
they see other friends the results of their work ne technology requires a network connection to
have been posted. By the teacher, of course, he the internet, therefore the level of internet quota
also wants this (Fadlilah, 2020). usage will increase and will increase parents’ ex-
Furthermore, another benefit of imple- penses (Agus Purwanto, Rudy Pramono, Masdu-
menting this method is that it makes it easier for ki Asbari, Priyono Budi Santoso, Laksmi Mayesti
teachers to make assessments. According to Tho- Wijayanti, Choi Chi Hyun, 2020).
mas, a physical education teacher at Wonosobo
Public Senior High School 1, by applying this Conclusion
method, teachers can make assessments anytime
and anywhere. This is in line with what has been Based on the results of this study, it can be
explained previously that the best thing about concluded that in applying the method of publi-
distance education is that we can learn it from cation of work results to students at Wonosobo
anywhere and anytime (Basilaia et al., 2020). In Public Senior High School 1, teachers use so-
this assessment method, teachers can also make cial media in the form of youtube applications.
assessments ranging from cognitive, psychomo- Students who have finished working on their as-
tor, and affective evaluations. Because in carrying signments will then upload their work on their
out assignments, students are asked to explain respective YouTube accounts. After the video
the movements that students have made so that assignment has been uploaded and published
students also understand what actions they are on youtube media, students will then report and
doing. write down the address that the teacher can visit
through the google classroom application. Alt-
Constraints in Implementing Student Work hough it is quite simple, the results of this study
Publication indicate that the implementation of this method
According to the physical education teach- has proven to be effective. This research has se-
er at Wonosobo Public Senior High School 1, in veral benefits, including that it can increase stu-

Septian Williyanto, et al / Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport 7 (1) (2020) 5-10

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