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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2016, Vol. 8(2) 1–15
Ó The Author(s) 2016
Multi-objective optimization of an DOI: 10.1177/1687814016632985
on-road bicycle frame by uniform
design and compromise programming

Yung-Chang Cheng1, Cheng-Kang Lee2 and Ming-Tsang Tsai1

With the rapid changes in manufacturing technology of bicycle, the safety and performance of a bicycle are important
and remarkable research subjects. In this study, an innovative and integrated optimization procedure for multi-objective
optimization of an on-road bicycle frame is presented. The multiple objectives are to reduce the bicycle frame’s perma-
nent deformations and to decrease the bicycle frame’s mass. First, uniform design of experiments is applied to create a
set of sampling points in the design space of control factors. Second, three-dimensional solid models of bicycle frames
are constructed and permanent deformations of bicycle frames under dropping-mass and dropping-frame impact test
simulations are measured by ANSYS and ANSYS/LS-DYNA. Third, Kriging interpolation is used to transform the dis-
crete relations between input control factors and output measures to continuous surrogate models. Fourth, compro-
mise programming and mixture uniform design of experiments are used to integrate the multiple-objective functions
into one compromise objective function. Finally, generalized reduced gradient algorithm is employed to solve the optimi-
zation problem. After executing the innovative optimization procedure, an optimized on-road bicycle frame is obtained.
Comparing with the original design, the frame’s permanent deformations and mass are reduced. Therefore, both consoli-
dation and lightweight of on-road bicycle frame are achieved.

On-road bicycle frame, uniform design, Kriging interpolation, mixture uniform design, compromise programming, gener-
alized reduced gradient algorithm

Date received: 3 September 2015; accepted: 21 December 2015

Academic Editor: Filippo Berto

Introduction the dynamic stability analysis for various types of

bicycle such as normal bicycle, URB III type of bicycle
In both 20th and 21st centuries, biking has become a in which the front fork has a negative front projection,
fresh relaxation activity. Many advantage designs about
the bicycle frame system are investigated to upgrade 1
both ride safety and performance. However, in order to Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, National
Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
decrease production cost, many testing procedures for a 2
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Cheng Shiu
bicycle safety are ignored. For that reason, it is very University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
important and helpful for the bicycle manufacturing
companies to develop the valuable analysis procedures Corresponding author:
Yung-Chang Cheng, Department of Mechanical and Automation
for some safety tests.
Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
Several studies have investigated the dynamics and Technology, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan.
stability analysis of bicycle model.1–3 Jones1 presented Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

and URB IV type of bicycle in which the front fork has frames in all experiments are measured by SolidWorks
an extended front projection. Nakagawa et al.2 studied system. Third, Kriging interpolation method is used to
the stabilization of the bicycle using driving forces and create surrogate models of permanent deformations
designed a controller using linear-quadratic control the- and mass. Fourth, compromise programming and mix-
ory. Schwab et al.3 introduced the dynamics of the ture uniform design of experiments are applied to inte-
bicycle model which consists of four rigid bodies. The grate multiple-objective functions into one compromise
linearized equations of motion of the 3 degrees of free- objective function. Fifth, generalized reduced gradient
dom bicycle model, considering the roll angle of the (GRG) algorithm is employed to optimize the dimen-
rear frame, the steering angle, and the rotation angle of sions of bicycle frame. From the results shown in this
rear wheel with respect to the rear frame, are derived, article, the innovative and integrated optimization pro-
and the dynamic stability analysis of the bicycle model cedure is very useful for simultaneously reducing the
is also investigated. permanent deformations and the mass of on-road
Some topics focused on the finite element analysis bicycle frame.
and the simulation for a bicycle frame model had been
presented in the literatures.4–6 The deformations and
stresses of a bicycle model have also been studied by Dynamic finite element analysis
the more complete bicycle frame model.7–11 Using two Components of bicycle frame model and two
monologue frame designs and tubular metal frames,
dropping impact tests
Larry et al.7 investigated and compared the stiffness of
in-plane and out-of-plane frames by both the experi- The on-road bicycle frame system, including the head
ments and finite element analysis. Alex and Thomas8 tube, top tube, down tube, seat tube, seat stays, chain
introduced bicycle stress level as a tool for providing stays, and front fork, is given as shown in Figure 1.
the full range of criteria needed to determine the bicycle Some basic dimensions of the bicycle frame model are
compatibility of roadways. According to fracture given in Figure 2. Considering the riding safety of a
mechanics, and using an estimate of the bending stress bicycle, the qualified bicycle frames have to pass the
from a 1-m drop, Shelton et al.9 presented an analysis drop-mass and drop-frame impact tests under EN
of a mountain bike front shock failure. Redfield10 14781 bicycle testing standard.13 The drop-mass impact
developed baseline predictions for the performance of test method is shown in Figure 3. A solid-steel bar
mountain bikes during extreme maneuvers using the fitted in place of a fork is assembled into the head tube.
bond graph model. The static analysis results by A striker is put vertically above the solid-steel bar with
ANSYS Workbench software for a sport bicycle are the distance of 212 mm. This heavy striker freely falls
investigated by Wang et al.11 By means of the genetic downhill and then impacts the solid-steel bar. The per-
algorithm, Huang and Wang12 studied the optimal manent deformation of the fork along the longitudinal
designs of the two-dimensional model of the bicycle direction of the frame can be measured and obtained as
frame under the lightest weight considerations. the striker comes to rest on the solid-steel bar.
Although the optimization designs for the bicycle Figure 4 shows schematically the drop-frame impact
frame have been illustrated from Huang and Wang,12 test. A mass of 70 kg is placed and fixed on the top of
the optimal design for the three-dimensional (3D) mod- seat tube. Then, the bicycle frame system and mass are
els of the bicycle frame has never been investigated. In placed vertically above the rear axle. Next, the bicycle
addition, the drop-frame impact testing simulation frame system is rotated about the rear axle, freely drop-
about the on-road bicycle frame is never presented by ping downhill and impacts the steel anvil. Finally, the
the explicit dynamics finite element method. The opti-
mization design for testing a bicycle frame model by
uniform design and Kriging interpolation has never
been presented.
In this study, an innovative and integrated optimiza-
tion procedure is presented to reduce the weight of
bicycle frame as well as the permanent deformations of
frame. The procedure has five steps. First, a set of
experiments are created in the design space based on
the uniform design method. Second, explicit dynamic
finite element analysis packages, ANSYS and ANSYS/
LS-DYNA, are applied to analyze permanent deforma-
tions of the bicycle frames in all experiments under two
dropping impact test simulations. Masses of bicycle Figure 1. Structures of bicycle frame.
Cheng et al. 3

Figure 2. Basic dimensions of on-road bicycle frame model.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of drop-frame impact test of

bicycle frame model.13

Explicit dynamics finite element analysis for the

dropping impact test simulation
Because of the short time impact behavior between the
striker and the roller, or bicycle frame and steel anvil,
the explicit dynamic finite element software can be
applied to simulate the drop-mass and drop-frame
impact test simulations. First, in the preprocessing,
suitable element size, material properties, and contact
surface settings are finished using ANSYS software.
The material of the bicycle frame for each tube is set to
be aluminum alloy T6066 while the materials of the
front fork, striker, the mass, and the steel anvil are set
to be stainless steel.
For the drop-mass impact test simulation, the stri-
ker and the bicycle frame are meshed with qualified
finite elements as shown in Figure 5(a). To reduce
unnecessary waste of simulation time, the striker is
placed in front of the end of front fork with an initial
speed. According
ffi to the kinematics formula,
V = 2gh, the initial impact speed of 2.04 m/s for the
striker is obtained. Meanwhile, the boundary condi-
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of drop-mass impact test of tions at the rear dropouts are regarded to be fixed in
bicycle frame model.13 the x-, y-, and z-directions. In the final solving stage,
the dynamic history of the maximum deformation of a
front fork is evaluated using ANSYS/LS-DYNA soft-
permanent deformation along the longitudinal direction ware. According to the dynamic history of maximum
of the frame can be measured and obtained as the front deformation along the longitudinal direction of the
fork comes to rest on the steel anvil. frame, the final permanent deformation is obtained by
In this study, the solid-steel bar is selected to fit taking the maximum value of the repeatedly oscillated
instead of a fork. On the basis of the EN 14781 bicycle deformations from 0.05 to 0.3 s. To increase analysis
testing standard,13 it is necessary for an eligible and accuracy, mesh convergence analysis is also per-
safety bicycle frame to decrease a permanent deforma- formed. The value of permanent deformation will con-
tion lesser than 15 mm under the drop-mass and drop- verge as the element size is smaller than 0.004 mm as
frame impact tests. shown in Figure 6(a). Hence, the element size is
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 6. Mesh convergence analysis of deformation with

various element sizes for (a) drop-mass impact test and (b)
drop-frame impact test simulations.

Figure 5. Finite element models of bicycle frame and striker

and setting of boundary conditions for (a) drop-mass impact test Factor analysis for two drop impact tests
and (b) drop-frame impact test. Prior to optimization, factor characteristic analysis can
present the effects of control factors on the objective
function, permanent deformation of the front fork.
located to be 0.0042 mm. Figure 7(a) shows the distri- Before the factor characteristic analysis, eight design
bution of permanent deformation of bicycle frame parameters of the bicycle model are assumed. The
along the longitudinal direction of the frame. The design parameters, including the length of the first sec-
maximum permanent deformation of the bicycle tion of top tube (TT-1L), thickness of the first section
frame is 6.61 mm. of top tube (TT-1t), length of the fifth section of top
For the drop-frame impact test simulation, the tube (TT-5L), thickness of the fifth section of top tube
bicycle frame, mass, and the steel anvil are meshed (TT-5t), length of the first section of down tube (DT-
with qualified finite elements as shown in Figure 5(b). 1L), thickness of the first section of down tube (DT-1t),
The boundary conditions at the rear dropouts are set length of the fifth section of down tube (DT-5L), and
to be free to rotate about the rear axle in a vertical thickness of the fifth section of down tube (DT-5t), are
plane. The final permanent deformation is found by presented as shown in Figure 8.
taking the maximum value of deformations from 0.0 Figure 9 shows the effects of the length (TT-1L) and
to 1.0 s. Besides that, the mesh convergence analysis thickness (TT-1t) of the first section of top tube on
for the permanent deformation is also given as shown deformations of the front fork for the drop-mass and
in Figure 6(b). Because of the convergence of perma- drop-frame impact tests. The deformations of front
nent deformation with the smaller element size of fork evaluated via the drop-mass impact test are always
0.004 mm, the qualified and suitable element size can higher than those obtained from the drop-frame impact
be set and located to be 0.004 mm. Therefore, the dis- test. In Figure 9(a), for drop-mass impact test simula-
tribution of permanent deformation along the longitu- tion, the deformation of the front fork increases with
dinal direction is presented and given as shown in increasing the length of the first section of top tube. In
Figure 7(b) by ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The Figure 9(b), the deformation of the front fork under the
maximum permanent deformation of the bicycle frame drop-frame impact test slightly increases as the thick-
is 12.47 mm. ness of the first section of top tube increases. However,
Cheng et al. 5

Figure 7. Distribution of deformation of bicycle frame along the longitudinal direction of frame for (a) drop-mass and (b) drop-
frame impact test simulations.

for the drop-frame impact test, the deformation of the deformations of the front fork increase first and then
front fork tardily increases with increasing the thickness decrease as TT-5t increases in Figure 10(b). However,
of the first section of top tube. the deformations of the front fork under the drop-mass
Figure 10 shows the effects of the length (TT-5L) impact test decrease with increasing the thickness of the
and thickness (TT-5t) of the fifth section of top tube on fifth section of top tube.
the deformation of the front fork for the drop-mass Figure 11 shows the effects of the length (DT-1L)
and drop-frame impact tests. As can be seen, the defor- and thickness (DT-1t) of the first section of down tube
mation of the front fork evaluated using the drop-mass on deformation of the front fork for the drop-mass and
impact test always exceeds those obtained from the drop-frame impact tests. In Figure 11(a) and (b), the
drop-frame impact test simulation. In Figure 10(a), the deformations of front fork under two drop impact tests
deformation of the front fork under the drop-mass decrease as the length and thickness of the first section
impact test simulation increases as TT-5L increases. of down tube increase. Furthermore, in Figure 11(b),
For the drop-frame impact test simulation, the the effect of the thickness of the first section of down
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 8. Control factors of design of experiments.

Figure 10. Effects of (a) length and (b) thickness of fifth section
of top tube on deformation of front fork for drop-mass and
drop-frame impact tests.
DY1: deformation of front fork for drop-mass impact test; DY2:
deformation of front fork for drop-frame impact test.

tube on the deformations of front fork under the two

impact test is very significant. The deformations of
front fork under the drop-frame impact test obviously
decrease as the thickness of the first section of down
tube increases.
Figure 12 shows the effects of the length (DT-5L)
and thickness (DT-5t) of the fifth section of down tube
on deformation of the front fork for the drop-mass and
drop-frame impact tests. In Figure 12(a), the deforma-
tions of the front fork under the drop-mass impact test
increase as DT-5L increases. However, for the drop-
frame impact test, the deformations of the front fork
decrease with increasing the length of the fifth section
of down tube. Therefore, the effects of the length of the
fifth section of down tube on the deformations of front
fork under two drop impact tests are very obvious.
Figure 9. Effects of (a) length and (b) thickness of first section
From Figure 12(b), the effect of the thickness of the
of top tube on deformation of front fork for drop-mass and
drop-frame impact tests. fifth section of down tube on the deformations of the
DY1: deformation of front fork for drop-mass impact test; DY2: front fork under two drop impact tests seems not
deformation of front fork for drop-frame impact test. significant.
Cheng et al. 7

Figure 11. Effects of (a) length and (b) thickness of first Figure 12. Effects of (a) length and (b) thickness of fifth section
section of down tube on deformation of front fork for drop- of down tube on deformation of front fork for drop-mass and
mass and drop-frame impact tests. drop-frame impact tests.
DY1: deformation of front fork for drop-mass impact test; DY2: DY1: deformation of front fork for drop-mass impact test; DY2:
deformation of front fork for drop-frame impact test. deformation of front fork for drop-frame impact test.

According to the discussions in the above, the per-

manent deformations of the front fork effectively of down tube (DT-1L), thickness of first section of
decrease as the thickness of the fifth section of the top down tube (DT-1t), length of fifth section of down tube
tube and the length and thickness of the first section of (DT-5L), and thickness of fifth section of down tube
the down tube increase. However, it makes the mass of (DT-5t). The design ranges of the eight control factors
the bicycle frame increased. Therefore, the small per- are given as shown in Table 1. Because of the continu-
manent deformations and lightly bicycle frame are ality of all factors, the design space is also a continuous
investigated by the integrated optimization procedure space. Consequently, in this study, uniform design of
in the next section. experiments, advised by Fang and Wang,14 is applied
to create a set of experimental points uniformly in the
design space.
Improvement of permanent deformation Uniform design has been widely used in the optimi-
and lightweight design zation processes for many engineering applications.15–20
In this study, each control factor is given 18 levels in its
Uniform design of experiments design range and the uniform table U18 (1811 ) as shown
In Figure 8, eight-dimensional control factors are con- in Table 2 is applied to create 18 uniform experiments.14
sidered as follows: length of first section of top tube Because the bicycle frame has eight control factors, col-
(TT-1L), thickness of first section of top tube (TT-1t), umns 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 should be selected and
length of fifth section of top tube (TT-5L), thickness of employed according to the use table of U18 (1811 ).14 By
fifth section of top tube (TT-5t), length of first section replacing the level numbers in Table 2 by the level
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 1. Design ranges of control factors.

Control factor Notation Lower bound (mm) Basic value (mm) Upper bound (mm)

Length of first section of top tube TT-1L 20.00 40.00 80.00

Thickness of first section of top tube TT-1t 0.80 1.20 1.60
Length of fifth section of top tube TT-5L 21.26 61.26 81.26
Thickness of fifth section of top tube TT-5t 0.70 1.10 1.50
Length of first section of down tube DT-1L 80.00 140.00 180.00
Thickness of first section of down tube DT-1t 1.40 1.80 2.20
Length of fifth section of down tube DT-5L 20.00 60.00 80.00
Thickness of fifth section of down tube DT-5t 0.95 1.35 1.75

Table 2. Uniform table U18 (1811 ).

Experiment no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 15 16
2 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 11 13
3 3 9 12 15 18 2 5 8 14 7 10
4 4 12 16 1 5 9 13 17 6 3 7
5 5 15 1 6 11 16 2 7 17 18 4
6 6 18 5 11 17 4 10 16 9 14 1
7 7 2 9 16 4 11 18 6 1 10 17
8 8 5 13 2 10 18 7 15 12 6 14
9 9 8 17 7 16 6 15 5 4 2 11
10 10 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 15 17 8
11 11 14 6 17 9 1 12 4 7 13 5
12 12 17 10 3 15 8 1 13 18 9 2
13 13 1 14 8 2 15 9 3 10 5 18
14 14 4 18 13 8 3 17 12 2 1 15
15 15 7 3 18 14 10 6 2 13 16 12
16 16 10 7 4 1 17 14 11 5 12 9
17 17 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 16 8 6
18 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 4 3

values of factors, the uniform experiments are con- 3D model of the on-road bicycle frame in the 16th
structed as shown in Table 3. In each experiment, the experiment can be regarded as the improved version of
geometric modeling tool SolidWorks is used to create original design. After completing the uniform experi-
the 3D solid model of the specific design of bicycle ments, the permanent deformation in drop-mass impact
frame and then the dynamic deformations of the bicycle test has an improved rate of 4.39%, the permanent
frame undergoing drop-mass and drop-frame impact deformation in drop-frame impact test has an improved
test simulations are calculated using ANSYS and rate of 4.65%, and the mass of bicycle frame has an
ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. Based on the dynamic improved rate of 1.58%. As the main objective of the
finite element procedures given in section ‘‘Explicit design is to reduce the weight, the improved rate of
dynamics finite element analysis for the dropping mass should be increased further.
impact test simulation,’’ the permanent deformations
for all experiments can be obtained as shown in
Table 4. Kriging interpolation surrogate modeling method
In drop-mass impact test simulation, the permanent A surrogate model is an engineering method employed
deformation of the original designed bicycle frame is as an outcome of interest cannot be easily and directly
6.61 mm. In drop-frame impact test simulation, the per- measured. It is created by some statistic methods, such
manent deformation of the original designed bicycle as regression method, artificial neural networks, or
frame is 12.47 mm. The mass of the original designed Kriging interpolation. Compared with neural network
bicycle frame is 1146.49 g. By examining the improved method, Kriging interpolation does not involve train-
rates in all experiments, only experiments 2, 8, and 16 ing time, but the neural network model needs training
have all positive improved rates. Moreover, the 16th time to determine weights between neurons. Moreover,
experiment has the most improved rates. Therefore, the Kriging interpolation has been applied to study the
Cheng et al. 9

Table 3. Constructed uniform experiments.

Experiment TT-1L (mm) TT-1t (mm) TT-5L (mm) TT-5t (mm) DT-1L (mm) DT-1t (mm) DT-5L (mm) DT-5t (mm)

1 20.00 0.99 38.91 0.98 121.18 1.78 55.29 1.66

2 23.53 1.22 60.08 1.31 168.24 2.20 27.06 1.51
3 27.06 1.46 81.26 0.75 103.53 1.73 65.88 1.37
4 30.59 0.80 35.38 1.08 150.59 2.15 37.65 1.23
5 34.12 1.04 56.55 1.41 85.88 1.68 76.47 1.09
6 37.65 1.27 77.73 0.84 132.94 2.11 48.24 0.95
7 41.18 1.51 31.85 1.17 180.00 1.64 20.00 1.70
8 44.71 0.85 53.02 1.50 115.29 2.06 58.82 1.56
9 48.24 1.08 74.20 0.94 162.35 1.59 30.59 1.42
10 51.76 1.32 28.32 1.26 97.65 2.01 69.41 1.28
11 55.29 1.55 49.50 0.70 144.71 1.54 41.18 1.14
12 58.82 0.89 70.67 1.03 80.00 1.96 80.00 1.00
13 62.35 1.13 24.79 1.36 127.06 1.49 51.76 1.75
14 65.88 1.36 45.97 0.79 174.12 1.92 23.53 1.61
15 69.41 1.60 67.14 1.12 109.41 1.45 62.35 1.47
16 72.94 0.94 21.26 1.45 156.47 1.87 34.12 1.33
17 76.47 1.18 42.44 0.89 91.76 1.40 72.94 1.19
18 80.00 1.41 63.61 1.22 138.82 1.82 44.71 1.04
Mean value 50.00 1.20 51.26 1.10 130.00 1.80 50.00 1.35
Standard 18.84 0.25 18.84 0.25 31.40 0.25 18.84 0.25

Table 4. Results of the uniform experiments.

Experiment no. DY1 (mm) DY2 (mm) BM (g) Improved rate Improved rate Improved rate
of DY1 (%) of DY2 (%) of BM (%)

1 6.96 12.63 1126.71 25.30 21.28 1.73

2 6.33 12.00 1136.81 4.24 3.77 0.84
3 7.60 11.92 1116.55 214.98 4.41 2.61
4 6.17 14.04 1122.03 6.66 212.59 2.13
5 7.38 14.39 1119.60 211.65 215.40 2.35
6 6.82 11.58 1122.08 23.18 7.14 2.13
7 6.03 17.78 1125.88 8.77 242.58 1.80
8 6.59 12.15 1142.30 0.30 2.57 0.37
9 6.63 14.20 1117.04 20.30 213.87 2.57
10 7.10 13.41 1131.00 27.41 27.54 1.35
11 6.83 11.91 1118.20 23.33 4.49 2.47
12 6.84 11.29 1124.74 23.48 9.46 1.90
13 7.02 14.49 1128.45 26.20 216.20 1.57
14 6.67 12.75 1135.28 20.91 22.25 0.98
15 7.99 13.57 1130.78 220.88 28.82 1.37
16 6.32 11.89 1128.33 4.39 4.65 1.58
17 8.23 14.99 1113.27 224.51 220.21 2.90
18 7.06 14.94 1133.31 26.81 219.81 1.15
Mean value 6.92 13.33 1126.24 – – –
Standard deviation 0.59 1.65 7.85 – – –

optimization problems in engineering.21–25 Therefore, where ^y(x) is the Kriging surrogate model of the
in this study, Kriging interpolation is applied to create unknown function of interest, f (x) is the known
a continuous surrogate model from the discrete experi- approximation (usually polynomial) function, and Z(x)
mental points. Kriging surrogate models combine a is the realization of a stochastic process with mean
global model and localized departures, given as24 zero, variance s2 , and nonzero covariance. f (x) is
regarded as a polynomial regression function, provid-
^yðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ þ ZðxÞ ð1Þ ing a ‘‘global’’ model of the design space. As f (x)
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

approximates globally the design space, Z(x) creates deformations and mass can be obtained. These surro-
‘‘localized’’ deviations so that the Kriging model inter- gate models are regarded as the objective functions.
polates the sampled data points. The objective function of mass of bicycle frame is
Considering a zero-order regression and Gaussian denoted by ^yBM . The permanent deformation of bicycle
correlation function in the Kriging surrogate model, the frame in drop-mass impact test simulation is denoted
surrogate model ^y(x) of the unknown response function by ^yDY 1 . The permanent deformation of bicycle frame
y(x) can be re-built from the equation as21 in drop-frame impact test simulation is denoted by
^yDY 2 . Three single-objective optimization problems can
_ _
^y(x) = b + rT (x)R1 (Y  Fb) ð2Þ be represented as follows

x = fx1 , x2 , . . . , xp g is a vector formed by unknown ^ + rT (x)R1 (Y  Fb),

min ^yk (x) = b ^
input variables and p is the number of unknown input x ð7Þ
variables. r(x) is a vector of length n and is the function x = fx1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 g
of unknown input variables. r(x) is determined by
where k = BM, DY 1, DY 2, x1 = ((TT  1L)  mTT 1L )=
r(x) = fRc (x, x1 ), Rc (x, x2 ), . . . , Rc (x, xn )g T
ð3Þ sTT1L , x2 = ((TT  1t)  mTT1t )=sTT1t , x3 =
((TT  5L)  mTT 5L )=sTT5L , x4 =((TT  5t)  mTT 5t )=
where sTT5t , x5 =((DT  1L)  mDT1L )=sDT1L , x6 =
((DT 1t)mDT1L )=sDT1L , x7 =(ðDT 5LÞmDT5L )=
  sDT5L , and x8 =((DT 5t)mDT5t )=sDT5t .
Rc (x, xi ) = Exp um (xm  xim )2 , i = 1, 2, . . . , n ^ and R1 (Y  Fb)^ for ^yBM , ^yDY 1 ,
The coefficients b
and ^yDY 2 are given as shown in Table 5. According to
xi = fxi1 , xi2 , . . . , xip g, i = 1, 2, . . . , n
the procedure of Kriging interpolation given as equa-
x = fx1 , x2 , . . . , xp g ð4Þ tions (1)–(6), the Kriging surrogate model of the per-
manent deformation is obtained using the DACE
Y = fy1 , y2 , . . . , yn gT is a known response vector of
toolbox.21 Since the Kriging surrogate models, ^yBM ,
unknown function and n is the number of experimental
^yDY 1 , and ^yDY 2 , have been represented by numerical
points. F is a known column vector of length n that is
data and are highly nonlinear functions, this article
filled with ones. R = ½Rij n 3 n is a known square matrix
applies numerical method rather than analytical
and is determined by
method to solve the optimization problem.
  As the bicycle frame possesses three single optimiza-
Rij = Exp um (xim  xjm )2 , tion problems, multi-objective optimization method
m=1 ð5Þ should be applied. Here, compromise programming
i = 1, 2, . . . , n; j = 1, 2, . . . , n method is used to transform three objective functions
_ into one compromise objective function. The combina-
b is a known constant and is determined by tions of weights of objective functions are generated by
mixture uniform design of experiments. Each experi-
b = (FT R1 F)1 FT R1 Y ð6Þ ment denotes a combination of weights of objective
functions. By utilizing GRG algorithm to optimize the
According to the numerical relations between con-
compromise objective function in each experiment, the
trol factors and permanent deformations, Kriging sur-
improved rates of permanent deformations and mass of
rogate model representing permanent deformations can
bicycle frame are determined. The procedure for multi-
be constructed using the MATLAB toolbox, DACE
objective optimization is presented as follows.
software.21 The Kriging model applied herein is ordi-
nary Kriging and the correlation function applied
Solve single-objective optimization problem. When applying
herein is Gaussian function. In equations (1)–(6), ^y
compromise programming method, it is necessary to
denotes the Kriging surrogate model of the permanent
solve single-objective problems before solving multi-
deformation, x is the input vector formed by the control
objective problem. In this study, GRG algorithm26 is
factors of bicycle frame, and xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are the
applied to solve the optimal values and solutions. GRG
experimental points. Therefore, the predicted input–
algorithm has been wieldy used in the engineering opti-
output relation function ^y is an explicit function.
mization problems.27–30 As shown in Table 6, ^yminBM is the
minimum value of ^yBM in solving the single-objective
Optimization of control factors problem min ^yBM ; ^ymin
DY 1 is the minimum value of ^
yDY 1 in
With the input data shown in Table 3, the output data solving the single-objective problem min ^yDY 1 ; ^ymin
DY 2 is
shown in Table 4, and Kriging surrogate modeling the minimum value of ^yDY 2 in solving the single-
method, the surrogate models of permanent objective problem min ^yDY 2 ; ^ymax
BM is the maximum value
Cheng et al. 11

Table 5. Coefficients of Kriging surrogate models for various objective functions.

Coefficients of surrogate model Objective functions

^yDY1 ^yDY2 ^yBM
b 20.0337 0.0385 20.0147
R1 (Y  F b)
^ 3.0716 20.1660 20.3358
20.5763 20.8700 0.3653
0.9478 21.0520 20.2682
22.2674 1.7369 21.4551
20.6716 1.4934 20.7647
0.3422 20.8155 20.1831
23.1433 3.8653 20.3810
0.5965 20.2984 1.9249
0.0371 0.2041 22.1597
20.8673 0.4903 1.6880
22.0353 20.5766 0.0718
23.1646 21.9229 20.8377
22.3479 20.1900 0.5418
5.2307 0.1660 0.2521
1.9074 21.5336 1.9262
20.6335 21.1682 20.4377
5.1440 1.0519 21.7656
21.5704 20.4147 1.8185

of ^yBM in solving the single-objective problems min ^yDY 1 Table 6. Corresponding values of objective functions.
and min ^yDY 2 ; ^ymax
DY 1 is the maximum value of ^
yDY 1 in sol- Single-objective Objective functions
ving the single-objective problems min ^yBM and optimization problem
min ^yDY 2 ; ^ymax ^yDY1 (mm) ^yDY2 (mm) ^yBM (g)
DY 2 is the maximum value of ^ yDY 2 in
solving the single-objective problems min ^yBM and min ^yDY1 5.81 15.27 1125.81
min ^yDY 1 . min ^yDY2 6.98 11.07 1123.60
min ^yBM 6.70 12.98 1113.04
Integrate multiple-objective functions into a compromise objec-
tive function. Compromise programming method31–34 is
a useful and powerful tool to integrate multiple-
objective functions into a compromise objective func- Table 7. Mixture uniform design of weights for weighting
tion. According to compromise programming method, factors.
the compromise objective function F is determined by
^yDY 1 , ^ymax ymin
DY 1 , ^ yDY 2 , ^ymax
DY 1 , ^ ymin
DY 2 , ^ yBM , ^ymax
DY 2 , ^ ymin
BM , and ^BM as
Experiment no. W1 W2 W3
1 0.787 0.087 0.126
2 0.631 0.285 0.084
^y 1  ^ymin ^y 2  ^ymin 3 0.523 0.065 0.412
F = W1 DY DY 1
+ W2 DY DY 2
4 0.436 0.282 0.282
DY 1  ^
y min
DY 1 ^ymax
DY 2  ^
y min
DY 2
5 0.360 0.552 0.088
^yBM  ^ymin
BM 6 0.293 0.161 0.546
+ W3 max 7 0.232 0.454 0.314
^yBM  ^ymin
BM 8 0.174 0.788 0.038
^yDY 1  5:81 ^y  11:07 9 0.121 0.280 0.599
= W1 + W2 DY 2
6:98  5:81 15:27  11:07 10 0.071 0.634 0.295
^yBM  1113:04 11 0.013 0.024 0.963
+ W3 ð8Þ
1125:81  1113:04
Here, W1 , W2 , and W3 are the weights of ^yDY 1 , ^yDY 2 , mixture uniform design of experiment method.35–37
and ^yBM , respectively. In application of compromise The mixture uniform design of weights for weighting
programming method, it is difficult to determine the factors is given as shown in Table 7. Since each row in
weight for each single-objective function. In this study, Table 7 represents a set of definite weights, each row in
the weights of single-objective functions are considered Table 7 determines a definite compromise objective
to be variable weighting factors. The values of weight- function. In other words, there are 11 single-objective
ing factors are determined by the application of optimization problems in Table 7. By application of
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 8. Corresponding values and improved rates of DY1, DY2, and BM.

Experiment DY1 (mm) DY2 (mm) BM (g) Improved Improved rate Improved rate
no. rate of DY1 (%) of DY2 (%) of BM (%)

1 5.91 12.47 1125.54 10.53 0.00 1.83

2 5.92 12.43 1125.62 10.50 0.30 1.82
3 6.39 12.47 1114.71 3.32 0.00 2.77
4 6.37 12.37 1115.13 3.57 0.81 2.74
5 6.06 11.80 1125.99 8.33 5.35 1.79
6 6.46 12.25 1114.64 2.27 1.78 2.78
7 6.46 12.27 1114.54 2.27 1.63 2.79
8 6.13 11.67 1127.36 7.20 6.39 1.67
9 6.46 12.41 1114.21 2.27 0.46 2.82
10 6.46 12.24 1114.66 2.27 1.81 2.78
11 6.46 12.47 1114.13 2.27 0.00 2.82

Table 9. Optimal solutions for control factors.

Solution TT-1L (mm) TT-1t (mm) TT-5L (mm) TT-5t (mm) DT-1L (mm) DT-1t (mm) DT-5L (mm) DT-5t (mm)

1 25.43 1.53 75.09 0.70 180.00 1.61 20.00 0.95

2 20.00 1.52 63.93 0.71 145.55 1.62 20.00 1.00

GRG algorithm to solve the 11 optimization problems, Check prediction errors between surrogate models and analysis
the corresponding values of DY1, DY2, and BM are models. By solving the optimization problem in equa-
obtained as shown in Table 8. tion (9) with GRG algorithm, the optimal solutions of
control factors are obtained as solution 1 shown in
Select an appropriate combination of weights for weighting Table 9. Since the optimal solutions of control factors
factors. Since it is impossible to test all possible combi- are determined by surrogate models rather than analy-
nations of weights for weighting factors due to the lim- sis models, the prediction errors of DY1, DY2, and BM
itation of time, the concession strategy applied here is at the optimal solutions of control factors must be
to select an appropriate combination of weights from checked. Here, the value predicted by surrogate model
Table 7. The original designed bicycle frame has a DY1 is called the predicted value and the value analyzed by
of 6.61 mm, a DY2 of 12.47 mm, and a BM of analysis model is called the analyzed value. The bicycle
1146.49 g. The improved rates of DY1, DY2, and BM frame whose control factors use the optimal solutions
are determined and given as shown in Table 8. of control factors is called the optimized bicycle frame.
Experiments 1, 3, and 11 are deleted since the improved To obtain the analyzed values of DY1, DY2, and BM,
rate of DY2 is zero. Experiments 2, 5, and 8 are also the analysis procedure is executed one more time. The
deleted since the improved rate of BM is less than 2%. 3D model of the optimized bicycle frame is created in
From experiments 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10, we select the com- SolidWorks. The mass of the optimized bicycle frame is
bination of weights in the fourth experiment since the measured using SolidWorks. The permanent deforma-
improved rate of DY1 is required to be higher than tions of the optimized bicycle frame are analyzed by
that of DY2 by the bicycle frame manufacturing com- ANSYS/LS-DYNA. At optimal solution 1, the pre-
pany. After selecting the appropriate combination of dicted and analyzed values of DY1, DY2, and BM are
weights for weight factors W1 , W2 , and W3 , the optimi- shown in Table 10. The predicted error of DY1 is high
zation problem with a compromise objective function up to 3.78%. The predicted error of DY2 is high up to
can be represented as follows 4.92%. Because the predicted errors of DY1 and DY2
are higher than 2%, the surrogate models must be
_ ^yDY 1  5:81 ^y  11:07 updated. The optimal solutions of control factors are
min F = 0:436 + 0:282 DY 2 added into the 18 experimental points shown in Table
6:98  5:81 15:27  11:07 ð9Þ
^yBM  1113:04 3; the corresponding analyzed values of DY1, DY2,
+ 0:282 and BM are added into Table 4, and the surrogate
1125:81  1113:04
Cheng et al. 13

Table 10. Comparison of predicted and analyzed values of measures.

Solution No. Measure Predicted value Analyzed value Predicted error (%)

1 DY1 (mm) 6.37 6.62 3.78

DY2 (mm) 12.37 11.79 4.92
BM (g) 1115.13 1115.67 0.05
2 DY1 (mm) 6.35 6.23 1.93
DY2 (mm) 12.10 12.13 0.25
BM (g) 1114.92 1111.35 0.32

models of DY1, DY2, and BM are updated. The Table 11. Values and improved rates of measures in various
updated surrogate models of DY1, DY2, and BM are phases.
represented by ~yDY 1 , ~yDY 2 , and ~yBM , respectively.
Phase Measure Value Improved
Similarly, by solving three single optimization problems rate (%)
min ~yDY 1 , min ~yDY 1 , and min ~yBM , the minimum values
of ~yDY 1 , ~yDY 2 , and ~yBM are obtained as 6.26, 11.21, and Original design DY1 (mm) 6.61 –
1113.7, respectively. The maximum values of ~yDY 1 , ~yDY 2 , DY2 (mm) 12.47 –
BM (g) 1146.49 –
and ~yBM are obtained as 6.37, 13.33, and 1142, respec- After uniform DY1 (mm) 6.32 4.39
tively. The optimization problem consists of an updated experiments DY2 (mm) 11.89 4.65
compromise objective function can obtained as follows BM (g) 1128.33 1.58
After multi-objective DY1 (mm) 6.23 5.75
~ = 0:436 ~yDY 1  6:26 + 0:282 ~yDY 2  11:21
optimization DY2 (mm) 12.13 2.73
min F BM (g) 1111.35 3.07
6:37  6:26 13:33  11:21
~yBM  1113:7
+ 0:282 ð10Þ
1142  1113:7
increased to 12.13 mm. The mass BM is reduced to
The optimization problem in equation (10) is also 1111.35 g. The improved rate of mass BM can be
solved by GRG algorithm. The final optimal solution increased up to 3.07%. From the point view of light-
for the control factors for this optimization problem in weight, the design of bicycle frame after multi-objective
equation (10) are as the solution 2 shown in Table 9. optimization is superior to the design of bicycle frame
To obtain the analyzed values of DY1, DY2, and BM after uniform experiments.
for this optimized bicycle frame, the analysis procedure
is executed one more time. The 3D model of the opti-
mized bicycle frame is created in SolidWorks. The mass
of the optimized bicycle frame is measured using The explicit dynamics finite element simulation analysis
SolidWorks. The permanent deformations of the opti- of the on-road bicycle frame model subjected to drop-
mized bicycle frame are analyzed by ANSYS/LS- mass and drop-frame impact tests is presented in this
DYNA. At optimal solution 2, the predicted and ana- study. The factor characteristic analysis is performed
lyzed values of DY1, DY2, and BM are also shown in for the bicycle frame model of basic dimensions. The
Table 10. The predicted errors of DY1, DY2, and BM analysis result shows that the permanent deformations
are 1.93%, 0.25%, and 0.32%, respectively. Since all of the on-road bicycle frame model under the drop-
the predicted errors are smaller than 2%, the optimiza- frame impact test simulation are always smaller than
tion procedure is completed. those under the drop-mass impact test simulation. In
Table 11 shows the values and the improved rates of the optimization strategy, the uniform design of experi-
permanent deformations and mass under various ments and Kriging interpolation are used to create the
phases. In the original design phase, the permanent experimental data and three surrogate models, includ-
deformation DY1 is 6.61 mm, the permanent deforma- ing the mass and permanent deformations of the on-
tion DY2 is 12.47 mm, and the mass BM is 1146.49 g. road bicycle frame model, respectively. Minimizing the
In the phase after executing uniform experiments, the mass and permanent deformation of bicycle frame is
permanent deformation DY1 is reduced to 6.32 mm, achieved using mixture uniform design of experiment,
the permanent deformation DY2 is reduced to compromise programming method, and GRG algo-
11.89 mm, and the mass BM is reduced to 1128.33 g. In rithm. After applying the innovative optimization pro-
the phase after executing multi-objective optimization, cedure presented in this article, the total improved rates
the permanent deformation DY1 is reduced further to of the permanent deformations are 5.75% and 2.73%
6.23 mm. The permanent deformation DY2 is slightly for the drop-mass and drop-frame impact test
14 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

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Appendix 1 Y known response vector for Kriging
Notation interpolation
Z(x) realization of a stochastic process with
BM mass of bicycle frame mean zero, variance s2 , and nonzero
DY1 permanent deformation of bicycle frame covariance.
in drop-mass impact test simulation _
DY2 permanent deformation of bicycle frame b generalized least squares estimate
in drop-frame impact test simulation um unknown coefficient of correlation
f (x) known regression function function for Kriging interpolation,
F known column vector of length n that is m = 1, 2, . . . , p
filled with ones mi mean of values in all experiments for
F compromise objective function factor i, i = TT  1L, TT  1t,
F updated compromise objective function TT  5L, TT  5t, DT  1L,
h drop height of striker DT  1t, DT  5L, DT  5t
n number of experimental points si standard deviation of values in all
p number of input variables experiments for factor i,
r correlation vector for Kriging i = TT  1L, TT  1t,
interpolation TT  5L, TT  5t, DT
R correlation matrix for Kriging 1L, DT  1t, DT  5L, DT  5t

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