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Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea





ENG 358


Đà Nẵng, tháng 07 năm 2011

Duy Tan University 1 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

This course book builds listening strategies necessary for success in university and
helps students to prepare for the TOEFL test. It consists of 6 lessons, 4 quizzes
and 3 full-length listening tests.

Lesson 1: Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

Lesson 2: Listening for details
Quiz 1
Lesson 3: Determining Attitude and Purpose
Quiz 2
Lesson 4: Making Inferences and Predictions
Quiz 3
Lesson 5: Categorizing Information
Lesson 6: Summarizing a Process
Quiz 4
Review Test
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2
Each lesson opens with an exercise to focus attention, activate prior learning and
stimulate inductive thinking. Do You Know ...? defines relevant terms and concepts,
explains how the skill will be tested and provides practical strategies to approach each
question type . Focus exercise and extension contain sets of test questions that help
them to build confidence and improve their performance on the test. 4 quizzes
challenge students to apply test-taking strategies and build skill retention. 3 actual tests
familiarize students with TOEFL iBT format and timing.

Duy Tan University 2 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

Lesson 1: Identifying the Topic and Main Idea p.1

Focus exercise
Lesson 2: Listening for details p.14
Focus exercise
Quiz 1 p. 27
Lesson 3: Determining Attitude and Purpose p. 29
Focus exercise
Quiz 2 p. 43

Lesson 4: Making Inferences and Predictions p.45

Focus exercise
Quiz 3 p. 57
Lesson 5: Categorizing Information p.59
Focus exercise

Lesson 6: Summarizing a Process p.71

Focus exercise
Quiz 4 p.82
Review Test p. 84
Practice Test 1 p.93
Practice Test 2 p.104

Duy Tan University 3 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know how to identify the topic and main idea of a conversation or talk.
- answer questions about the organization of a talk or lecture.
What is the subject of the conversation?
A. A political organization
B. A course reading list
C. A physical science class
D. A summer school program

The subject of the conversation is the most general answer to the question What are
the people talking about?
The speakers use several key words and phrases:
Dr. Perry's class check the computer
substantial amount of reading Political Science
summer session print out a copy
book list Here... found
few minutes
The man asks about the book list for Dr. Perry's Introduction to Political Science class,
and the woman offers to print out a copy for him. Therefore, the correct answer is
A course reading list.


1 . The topic is the general subject of the conversation or lecture. The topic is the most
general answer to the question What are the speakers talking about?
TOEFL questions about the topic sound like this:
What is the subject of the conversation?
What is the topic of the discussion?
What are the students discussing?
What is the man's problem?
What problem does the woman have?
What is the professor mainly discussing?

Duy Tan University 1 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

What is the lecture mainly about?

What is the main topic of the talk'?
What aspect of ______ does the professor mainly discuss?
2. Key words and phrases can help you identify the topic of the conversation or lecture.
Sometimes speakers emphasize key words and phrases. Sometimes speakers use the
same key words more than once. Listen for words and phrases that are stressed or
repeated by the speakers.

Key words are usually content words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Content
words can help you identify the topic and general message.

3. Listen again to the recording for the Focus exercise. Listen for key words and phrases
that the speakers emphasize and repeat. Listen for key content words: nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs.

W: Good afternoon. May I help you?

M: Hello. I'm thinking of taking Dr. Perry's class this summer-Intro to Political
Science. And I was wondering... uh... is there a... do you happen to have a book list for
that class?
W: I can check the computer to see if she submitted it yet.
M: Thanks. I'd appreciate it.
W: Did you say Introduction to Political Science?
M: Yes. For summer session.

W: Here it is, I found it. Oh... and it sure looks like a substantial amount of reading!
M: Really? Is it long?
W: Would you like me to print out a copy for you?
M: Yeah, that would be great!
W: All right. This will only take a few minutes.
M: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

4. The main idea is the general message of the conversation or lecture. The main idea
is what is important about the topic, according to the speakers. Key words and phrases
can help you identify what the speakers think is important about the topic. In a longer
piece, there may be two or more major ideas that together form the general message.

Duy Tan University 2 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

TOEFL questions about the main idea sound like this:

What is the speaker's main point?
What is the main idea of the lecture?

5. The organization of a talk or lecture is the order in which the speaker presents
information. The organization is usually related to the speaker's main point and
purpose. A good speaker organizes the information so that it best supports the main

TOEFL questions about organization sound like this:

How does the speaker organize the information that he presents?

Which of the following best describes the organization of the lecture?
How does the professor develop the topic?
How does the professor help the student?
How does the instructor clarify her point about____?

6. Some examples of organization are:

Classify or categorize information Give instructions
Describe causes and effects Narrate an event
Describe uses Show differences between ideas
Explain causes Show similarities between things
Explain reasons Summarize a process
Give examples Trace the history or development

7. In questions about the topic and main idea, an answer choice may be incorrect
because it is:

Ø too general: an idea that is beyond the focus of the conversation or lecture;
Ø too specific: a supporting detail instead of a main idea;
Ø inaccurate: not true, or only partly true, according to the speakers;
Ø irrelevant: about something that the speakers do not mention.

When you answer questions about the topic and main idea, think about the overall
message of the conversation or lecture. Try not to overthink this type of question; it is
often best to trust your first impression.

Duy Tan University 3 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Focus Exercise
Listen and choose the correct answer for each question
1. What is the conversation mainly about?
A. Tomorrow’s weather
B. Playing football in the rain
C. Lucky football teams
D. Falling in the rain

2. What is the teacher talking about?

A. How cavemen hunted
B. What food cavemen ate
C. The weapons of cavemen
D. Distracting big animals

3. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Musical instruments
B. Paper color
C. Sheep and goats
D. Parchment

4. Why does the man talk to the woman?

A. To make her look for Jack
B. To ask her to help him move
C. To ask if she knows where Jack is
D. To break the promise with her

5. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The inventions of man
B. Types of wheels
C. The early days of man
D. The importance of wheels

6. In what order does the man explain speakers?

A. From making noise to electric signals
B. From the electric signals to sound
C. From voice coils to electric signals
D. From speaker cones to amplifiers

Duy Tan University 4 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

7. How does the teacher talk about solar power ?

A. He talks about the good and bad points of solar power.
B. He gives examples of machines that use solar power.
C. He compares solar cells to batteries.
D. He gives instructions on how to use solar cells.

8. In what order does the man talk about telescopes ?

A. From the weakest to the most powerful
B. From the smallest lens to the biggest lens
C. From the lightest to the heaviest
D. From radio to X- ray telescopes

9. How does the teacher talk about spiders?

A. By giving examples of the water spider’s food
B. By comparing the water spider to other spiders
C. By explaining why some spiders have to live under water
D. By explaining how spiders live under water

Duy Tan University 5 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the man’s problem?

A. His neighbor is too quiet.
B. He wants the woman to move upstairs.
C. His neighbor is too loud at night.
D. He wants to become a resident assistant.

2. What is the role of resident assistants?

A. They clean up the dorm rooms.
B. They make sure everyone is comfortable in the dorm.
C. They help students in the dorm with their studies.
D. They turn up the music in the rooms.

3. What will the man probably do?

A. He will apply for an RA position. (Resident Assistant)
B. He will talk to the RA.
C. He will tell the man to be quiet.
D. He will not sleep in his room.

Duy Tan University 6 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

W: You look very tired. (1)____________ ____________ ____________ ?

M: No, I only slept for three hours last night.
W: What did you do?
M: Well, it's (2)____________ ____________ upstairs. He turns up his music
(3)____________ ____________ every night. I know it's a school dorm, but it's
still too loud. It's like he has a party every night.
W: Oh, did you tell him (4)____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ? He (5)____________ ____________ ____________ after
midnight. That's part of the dorm rules.
M: Yes, I told him to be quiet, but he (6)_________________________________
____________ . He says that he will be quiet, but he (7) ___________________
the music 10 minutes later.
W: I think you should talk to the RAs. They will (8)__________________
M: What is an RA?
W: An RA is a resident assistant. RAs are actually students, too. They
(9)_______________________________________________ in the dorm. They have
to make sure that everyone is (10)____________________ .
M: Oh, why didn't I know about this RA? I will talk to the RA when I go back to my
room tonight. I really need (11)________________________ .
W: Don't worry. I'm sure the RA will (12) __________________ .

Vocabulary Quiz

Fill in the blanks. The first letter is given as a clue.

1. Residence: r = poem: poet
2. Assist: a = help: helper
3. Photo: photograph = d : dormitory

Duy Tan University 7 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Extension 2
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Supermarkets in Germany
B. Barcodes in microchip scanners
C. Technology in supermarkets
D. Scanners in cashier counters

2. What is RFID?
A. It is the name of the bars on the codes.
B. It is a new technology overtaking barcodes.
C. It is the name of a supermarket in Germany.
D. It is the way barcode scanners read microchips.

3. According to the lecture, how do barcodes work?

A. The cashiers type in the barcodes information in the computer.
B. The RFID detects the barcodes.
C. The barcode displays the total price.
D. The barcode is scanned into the computer.

Duy Tan University 8 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Many people visit supermarkets. Supermarkets have so many things that it is

hard (1)_______________________________________________everything. This is
why supermarkets use a lot of_(2)________________________. They use technology
to make shopping quicker and easier.
Barcodes are (3)____________________________________in the supermarket.
The barcode system shortens cashier lines because fewer mistakes are made. The
cashier (4)__________________ barcodes through a scanner. The scanner reads the
code and adds the total amount. When all the items are scanned, the computer
(5)_______________ the total price.
Although barcodes have been very popular, there is
(6)___________________________ overtaking barcodes. The system is called RFID.
(7)_________________________________, every item in the supermarket will have
very small microchips. Large microchip scanners in the checkout lanes
(8)____________ the microchips _(9)______________inside the shopping carts. This
allows shoppers to walk through the cashier_(10)_________________ each item. This
(11)_______ a lot of time. There are already large supermarkets in Germany that have
this system.

Vocabulary Quiz

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words in the box

keep track of overtake detect scan

1. You are not allowed to _____ in tunnels.

2. The teacher uses a spreadsheet to ______students' grades.
3. This machine can_______ the smell of smoke.

Duy Tan University 9 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Extension 3
Listen and answer the questions

1. What are they mainly discussing?

A. The number of fossils found in Grand Canyon
B. How to tell the age of dinosaurs from fossils
C. What fossils are and what they can tell us
D. Differences between plants and animal fossils

2. What are mammoths?

A. They are animals trapped in stone.
B. They are dinosaur bones in the ground.
C. They are animals in the zoo.
D. They are large elephants from the stone age.

3. What can we learn from fossils?

Click on 2 answers
□ The number of dinosaurs in the world
□ The minerals and fuels in the area
□ The changes of the Grand Canyon
□ The development of animals and plants

Duy Tan University 10 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

T: Today, we (1)______________________________________________fossils. Does

anyone know (2)____________________________?
M: They are dinosaur bones in the ground.
T: Close, but not really. Fossils are (3)______________________________________
of bones or plants. Fossils give us (4)__________ about the Earth's history.
M: Can (5)______________________________________of animals become fossils?
T: Not usually. They are usually made by_(6)________________________________ ,
like bones and shells. However, (7)__________________________________have
been preserved in stones. Mammoths have been found (8)_________________in
ice. Mammoths are large elephants that lived during the stone age.
M: Oh, when I visited the Grand Canyon, the guide said that there were _(9)______
________________________________ there. Is this true?
T: Yes. There are many (10)______________of fossils in the Grand Canyon. Each
layer is older than the layer above it.
W: So, can fossils tell us _(11)_________________________besides how old an
animal or plant is?
T: Yes, we can learn other things from fossils: (12)________________________of
animals and plants, as well as (13)________________________of each layer.
M: And I think fossils tell us information (14)_________________________________
in that area.
T: Right! We can also find out information about minerals and fuels. Well, that's all
for today's class.

Vocabulary Quiz

Choose the correct definition of "layer."

a) Upper part of earth, sea, water.
b) Flat covering or sheet-like thickness.
c) Actual or mental picture.
d) Space inside an object.

Duy Tan University 11 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Extension 4
Listen and answer the questions
1. What is the discussion mainly about?
A. The history of the US and the world
B. The value of American money
C. Cotton and fruits in California
D. Life during the Great Depression
2. According to the discussion, why did people go west?
A. They thought that the west only had cotton and fruits.
B. They thought that there were more jobs in the west.
C. They thought that the value of money was higher in the west.
D. They thought that nobody traveled west to work.
3. When was the Big Boom?
A. Just before the Great Depression
B. When people went to California
C. After picking cotton and fruits
D. After the Great Depression

Duy Tan University 12 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 1 Identifying the Topic and Main Idea

Listen again and fill in the blanks using keywords.
Topic: Great (1)________________
• Actual state - during (2) ________________
- whole world was affected including (3)_____________________
- just after (4)_________________in the US
- no jobs & (5)________________
• Reaction - people (6)___________________to find jobs
ex) (7)____________________: most (8)__________________to death
because too many people came

Vocabulary Quiz

Match each word with the correct meaning.

1. affected a) without any reason

2. for nothing b) go without food
3. out of c) influenced
4. starve d) lack of

Extension 5
Make a short audio recording from the radio or television. Record two or three
minutes of a speech, documentary, or educational program. Bring your tape to class.
Play the tape for your classmates.
Then, discuss the recording with the class. Identify the topic and important ideas from
the piece.
What key words and phrases help you to identify the topic and what is
important about it?

Duy Tan University 13 Foreign Languages Department

Listening for Details - Listening 4


This lesson helps students improve their skills in:
- finding specific details.
- understanding the specific term mentioned in the talk .
- taking notes about important ideas and details .

1. At what decibel level does the risk of hearing loss begin?
A. 60 decibels.
B. 90 decibels.
C. 125 decibels.
D. 140 decibels.

2. Which sounds could contribute to hearing loss?

Click on 2 answers.
A conversation at close range.
A rock band at close range.
A jet engine at close range.
A vacuum cleaner at close range.

Question 1 asks you to identify the decibel level at which the risk of hearing loss
begins. The professor says:
The danger zone-the risk of injury-begins at around 90. Continual exposure to
sounds above 90 decibels can damage your hearing.

Therefore, the correct answer is 90 decibels.

Question 2 asks you to identify the sounds that could contribute to hearing loss. For
this question, there are two correct answers. The professor says:
Lots of everyday noises are bad for us in the long run. For example...
A rock band at close range is 125 decibels. A jet engine at close range is one of
the worst culprits at an ear-busting 140 decibels.

The correct answers are A rock band at close range and A jet engine at close range.
These two questions ask about some important details in the talk. The details support

Duy Tan University 14 Foreign Languages Department

Chapter 2 Listening for Details - Listening 4
the main idea that long-term exposure to noise can cause hearing loss. What other
details can you recall from the talk?

1. Details are specific bits of information, such as facts, descriptions, definitions,
reasons, and examples. Detail questions on the TOEFL involve facts as they are stated
by the speakers. Detail questions ask you to recall specific information from the
conversation or lecture, but do not require you to make inferences (see 2.4).
TOEFL questions about details sound like this:
What does the woman want to know ?
What does the man suggest the woman do ?
What happened to_______?
What reason is given for_______?
What does the professor say about______?
How does the speaker describe______?
How does the professor emphasize her point about______?
According to the professor,_______?
What type____________?

2. Some questions ask you to select a picture or part of a picture:

Which picture_________?
Select the drawing that shows_________
Select the diagram that represents_________
Identify the part of the picture that represents_________
Which area of the diagram illustrates_________?

3. Some questions ask about specific terms:

What is a_________?
In this conversation, what does _________ mean?
According to the speaker, what does _________ mean?
How does the professor define_______?

Duy Tan University 15 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details

4. Listen again to the recording for the Focus exercise. Listen for important details
and content words.

Long-term exposure to noise can lead to loss of hearing. The relative loudness
of sounds is measured in decibels. Just to give you an idea of what this means, the
sound of a whisper is 30 decibels, while a normal conversation is 60 decibels. The
noise a vacuum cleaner makes is around 85 decibels.
The danger zone-the risk of injury- -begins at around 90. Continual exposure
to sounds above 90 decibels can damage your hearing. Loud noises-especially when
they come at you every day -all this noise can damage the delicate hair cells in your
inner car. Lots of everyday noises are bad for us in the long run. For example, a car
horn sounds at around 100 decibels. A rock band at close range is 125 decibels. A jet
engine at close range is one of the worst culprits at an ear-busting 140 decibels.
The first thing to go is your high-frequency hearing, where you detect the
consonant sounds in words. That's why a person with hearing loss can hear voices,
but has trouble understanding what's being said.

5. In questions about details, an answer choice may be incorrect because it:

Ø repeats some of the speakers' words but has a different message;

Ø uses words that sound similar to the speakers' words:
Ø is incorrect or inaccurate, according to the speakers; or
Ø is about something that the speakers do not mention.

Remember, you can answer all of the questions based on the information you hear in
the conversations and lectures. You do not need special knowledge of the topics to
answer the questions correctly.

Duy Tan University 16 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Focus Exercise
Listen and choose the correct answer for each question

1. What does the man like to watch?

A. He likes action movies.
B. He likes horror movies.
C. He like family movies.
D. He likes the opera.

2. According to the talk, what are killer whales?

A. They are dolphins.
B. They are whales.
C. They are penguins.
D. They are seals.

3. What is the man’s lucky number?

A. He likes number 7.
B. He likes number 4.
C. He likes number 1.
D. He does not have a lucky number.

4. Why were the soldiers getting sick?

A. Because of the dirty food in the army
B. Because of flies carrying diseases
C. Because of fighting with enemy soldiers
D. Because of the screens on the windows

5. How long did the students have to sign up for a room in the hostel
A. One day
B. Three days
C. One week
D. One month

6. How many mini cars does the man have at home?

A. He has one car at home.
B. He has 13 cars at home.
C. He has 60 cars at home.
D. He has 180 cars at home.

Duy Tan University 17 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details

7. What animal stands for evil in many American classic stories?

A. The eagle
B. The pig
C. The rat
D. The bat

8. What does the woman usually do in the library?

A. She reads and studies.
B. She usually falls asleep.
C. She steals things from people.
D. She catches thieves between classes.

9. Why won’t the woman enter graduate school?

Click on 2 answers.
□ She did not get the scholarship.
□ She wants to sit around and do nothing.
□ She cannot afford the expensive school fees.
□ She wants to get a job.

Duy Tan University 18 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is wrong with the man?

A. He wants to see the teacher about his scholarship.
B. He has to go the biology class tomorrow morning.
C. He needs to see the teacher about an assignment he didn’t hand in.
D. He wants to ask the teacher about going on a vacation.

2. Why did the man miss his class?

A. He was too lazy.
B. He did not wake up in time.
C. He did not run to the class.
D. He wanted to go on vacation.

3. What will the man probably do?

A. He will slip the assignment under the professor’s door.
B. He will call the professor over the phone to talk about the assignment.
C. He will run faster back to his room.
D. He will talk to the professor after the vacation.

Duy Tan University 19 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

W: You look worried. Is everything alright?

M: No. I have (1)___________________________________________________.
W: Oh, tell me what is wrong.
M: Well, you know that I'm (2)_______________________________________ right?
W: Yes, I know you are.
M: (3)______________________________________________________a B average
every semester, or my scholarship (4)_____________________________That
would be a big problem for me.
W: Wow, that's tough. So what is the problem?
M: I had biology class in the morning. I was supposed (5)_______________________
________________an important assignment, but I (6)______________ .When I
finally woke up and ran to class, the professor wasn't there. (7)____________
_________________hand in this assignment, the best I can do in this class is a C.
W: Why didn't you go to his office? I'm sure he would have been there.
M: I did, but he (8)___________________________________________________as
soon as the class was over. He probably took everyone's assignment too. Oh, I
don't know what to do.
W: You can talk to him when he (9)_______________________________. I'm sure he
will understand that it was_(10)____________________________________. You
can't just slip the assignment under his door while he is away.
M: Yes, I guess not. I really (11)______________________________________faster.
W: No, I think you should have (12)_______________________________________.

Duy Tan University 20 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Extension 2
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The California gold rush
B. The football teams of California
C. The towns of Alaska
D. The gold rushes in North America

2. Who were the original 49ers?

A. The Klondike miners in the gold rush
B. The San Francisco football team
C. The miners of the California gold rush
D. The Native Americans living in Alaska

3. According to the lecture, who first discovered gold in Klondike?

A. Skookum Jim Mason
B. George Carmack
C. White people
D. Californians

Duy Tan University 21 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

The gold rush in California of 1849 is (1)_______________________________

gold rush of North America. Over 80,000 people, called the 4gers, because of the year
1849, (2)_________________________Northern California_(3)__________________
easy money. The football team from San Francisco is called the 49ers, (4)__________
_______________________. A lot of people died on their way to California. Even
when they did reach California, most of the gold spots_(5)_______________________
and there was little land to get gold from.
But there were other gold rushes, mostly in the western regions of North
America. They were (6)____________________________________or hard as the
Californian gold rush. The Klondike gold rush of 1896 is (7)____________________.
Klondike is a small town next to Alaska, and is part of Canada. A Native
American named Skookum Jim Mason (8)______________________________gold.
Unfortunately, at that time, the white people (9)_______________________________
_________Native Americans. So a friend of Mason, called George Carmack,
registered the land (10)_____________________________. They began to find a lot
of gold in the area and built a small place to live.
Soon, more people (11)____________________about this gold. The new gold
miners to Klondike were prepared. They made sure that they had enough food and
warm clothes. In fact, they were so (12)_________that the gold rush was very
(13)______ and people (14)_______________ got hurt. Klondike still has a gold
mining company, but the gold rush is over.

Vocabulary Quiz

Match each word with similar meaning.

1. haste a) spot
2. place b) rush
3. enroll c) register

Duy Tan University 22 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Extension 3
Listen and answer the questions

1. What are the friends mainly talking about?

A. Listening to music
B. Playing sports activities
C. Using a computer in the library
D. Getting a part-time job

2. What does the coach’s assistant do?

Click in the correct box
Yes No
Listen to music
Manage lots of equipment
Plan sports activities
Use the Internet
3. According to the conversation, why will the man NOT like the library job?
A. The library has too much equipment.
B. The library is too quiet for him.
C. The library is too exciting for him.
D. The library has baseball bats and helmets.

Duy Tan University 23 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details

Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

W: What are you planning for (1)_______________________________?
M: I'm planning on getting (2)_________________________________in the school.
W: Really? What sort of job are you looking for?
M: I was thinking about working (3)____________________________as an assistant.
W: Hmm, that job (4)__________________________ for you.
M: (5)_______________do you say that?
W: You are (6)______________________________and like music. The library will
be (7)____________________ for you. You (8)____________________________
the internet or listen to music in there.
M: I guess you're right. (9)_____________________________do you think I can try?
W: I heard that (10)__________________team coach is looking for an assistant. He's
always very busy with a lot of work.
M: What kind of job do you think an assistant (11)_________________? I don't want
to just wipe baseball bats and helmets.
W: Now you're just being silly. I heard that the assistant (12)___________________a
lot of equipment. The assistant also (13)_______________the sports activities for the
whole semester. It's a big job, but it can also be (14)________________________!
M: Hey, that does sound like a lot of fun! (15)____________________________
didn't think of that. Thanks a lot. I'll (16)___________________________right
W: (17)______________________________and find him fast. (18)_____________
_______________________students want to work with him.
M: Don't worry, I know the coach very well. I'll talk to him (19)________________. I
see him and (20)_________________. I really want that job now.

Vocabulary Quiz

Which word is not related to the given word?

1. Wipe 2. Equipment 3. Quite a few
a) rub a) supplies a) very few
b) stick b) tools b) quite a number
c) erase c) establishment c) many

Duy Tan University 24 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details
Extension 4
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the lecture mostly about?

A. Why we celebrate April Fool’s Day
B. Ancient holidays and April Fool’s Day
C. The origins of April Fool’s Day
D. Famous holidays in April

2. What happens on April Fool’s Day?

A. People try to fool or trick others.
B. People celebrate the New Year.
C. People switch calendars.
D. People attend church rituals.

3. How did the church feel about the Feast of Fool’s Day?
A. The church accepted it in order to make the people happy.
B. The church tried to get rid of it since it made fun of them.
C. Church officials joined to celebrate the feast.
D. The church tried to change it into a different type of holiday.

Duy Tan University 25 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 - Listening for Details

Listen again and fill in the blanks using keywords.

The Origin of _______________________

Theory 1 Theory 2 Theory 3

• Theory 1 :(1)______________________
- reserved one day to (2)____________
• Theory 2 : Middle Ages
“(3)_________________ “ of (4)______________
• Theory 3 : (5)__________________
- (6)____________________ reform
- the beginning of the year was moved
: between March 251h and (7)________ January 1 st

Vocabulary Quiz
Choose the correct answer for the blank.
Teacher: You failed the exam. What happened?
Student: I was absent from school several times. So it was hard to ( ) the class
a) trick b) originate
c) keep up by d) keep up with

Extension 5
Look in a newspaper, a magazine, or a textbook. Find a short passage of two or three
paragraphs and bring it to class. In class, form groups of four students. Read your
passage to the students in your group. When you are finished your classmates must
report the details that they heard. One student writes the details as a list. Then, working
together. write questions about the details.

Use these question words:

What ? Where ? Why

Who ? When ? How

Duy Tan University 26 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 Listening for Details

Quiz 1

1. What’s the woman’s problem?

A. She is not good with math and numbers.
B. She is not interested in science.
C. She cannot decide on a major.
D. She cannot do well in physics and astronomy.

2. What subject is she good at in school ?

Click on 2 answers.
□ Physics
□ Astronomy
□ Computer
□ History

3. Why does the professor ask the woman about her school work ?
A. To see if she is doing well in his class
B. To compare her with another student
C. To change the topic of the conversation
D. To help her choose a major

4. What does the professor advise the woman to do ?

A. He advises her to drop her courses.
B. He advises her to think about engineering.
C. He advises her to work on her math.
D. He advises her to study about computers.

5. What is the discussion mainly about ?

A. Spanish ships traveling to Africa
B. Court fights with Spanish slaves
C. The story of the slaves on Amistad
D. Africans using weapons on ships

6. Why did the slaves get arrested ?

A. They killed the captain on the ship.
B. They used the captain as a slave.
C. They took the boat to Africa.
D. They fought in US courts.

Duy Tan University 27 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 2 Listening for Details

7. What is Amistad ?
A. It is the name of a US court.
B. It is a Spanish slave ship.
C. It is the name of a captain.
D. It is African money.

8. Why did the Spanish use nets and weapons ?

A. To become friends with the Africans
B. To capture the Africans
C. To take over the ship
D. To fight with the US courts

9. What is the talk mainly about ?

A. Women’s role in war
B. The books of Florence Nightingale
C. The work of Florence Nightingale
D. Nurses in hospitals

10. What was killing the soldiers in British hospitals ?

A. Diseases and dirty conditions
B. Bullets from enemy soldiers
C. Powerful medicines
D. Doctors and nurses

11. How does the speaker talk about Florence’s work ?

A. He discusses hurt soldiers who she took care of.
B. He mentions the negative effects of her work.
C. He compares Florence with other great people in history.
D. He describes what Florence did to improve the hospitals.

12. Why does the speaker mention injuries from enemy bullets ?
A. To compare with patients in other hospitals
B. To give an example of other soldiers in the British army
C. To emphasize the poor conditions of the hospitals
D. To start talking about wars with enemy soldiers

Duy Tan University 28 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose


By the end of the lesson, students will:
- master sample questions about purpose and attitude
- know how to answer TOEFL questions about purpose and attitude correctly

1. Why does the student go to see her adviser?
A. She needs a tutor for her psychology course.
B. She has decided to change her field of study.
C. She wants to talk about a terrible accident.
D. She needs advice about running a business.

2. What is the student's attitude toward the school counselors that she observed?
A. She is shocked by their terrible work.
B. She is surprised that they work so hard.
C. She does not think they are necessary.
D. She is inspired by their good work.

Question 1 asks you to identify the woman's purpose for starting the conversation. The
woman says:

I wanted to talk about the school psychology program. I've been thinking about
this for a while, and I've decided to change my major to counseling.

The woman plans to change her major field of study to counseling. The correct answer
is She has decided to change her field of study
Question 2 asks you to identify the woman's attitude about the counselors at the school
where the woman is a tutor. The woman says:

…I'm just so impressed with what the counselors are doing there.

I had a chance to observe some of the counselors talking to the kids, helping
them deal with the tragedy. They-the counselors, that is-they were so, so... they
were really amazing. It really got me thinking about... how to help people heal.
I started thinking, "This is something I'd like to do."

Duy Tan University 29 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose

The woman is impressed by the work of the counselors in helping the children. The
experience of observing the counselors has contributed to the woman's decision to
change her major to counseling. The correct answer is She is inspired by their good

1. The purpose of a conversation or lecture is its function, the main reason why the
conversation or lecture takes place. In conversations, a speaker's purpose is related to
the topic of the conversation, the relationship between the speakers, and the context in
which the speakers meet.
In TOEFL conversations, questions about purpose sound like this:
Why does the student go to see the professor?
What is the man's problem?
Why is the woman concerned?
What is the purpose of the conversation?

2. The purpose of a talk or lecture is related to the main idea. Questions about purpose
sound like this:
What is the purpose of the talk'?
What is the main purpose of the lecture?
What is the speaker's main purpose?

3. Some purpose questions focus on only part of the conversation or lecture. These
questions ask about the function of a specific phrase or sentence:

Why does the student say____?

Why does the professor mention_____?
Why does the instructor talk about_____?
Why does the speaker tell a story about ____?
Why does the professor ask the class about____?

4. Sometimes you will be allowed to listen again to part of the conversation or lecture.
Then you will hear a question about the speaker's purpose. Here is an example:
Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
(You hear part of the lecture again.)
Why does the professor say this ?

Duy Tan University 30 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
5. Some examples of purpose are:
To ask for advice To emphasize importance
To answer a question To explain causes and effects
To compare two or more things To give examples
To complain about something To give reasons
To define a term To introduce a new concept
To describe a process To recommend a course of action

6. Sometimes a speaker states his or her purpose directly:

"I need advice about my paper."
"I'm concerned about my grade for this class"
"I'm applying to graduate school, and I was wondering if you'd write me a letter
of recommendation.”
However, often speakers do not state their purpose directly; rather, they communicate
purpose indirectly. Intonation can often help you understand the meaning behind the

7. The attitude of a speaker is the speaker's thoughts or feelings about something that
is being discussed. For example, the speaker's attitude may be one of like, dislike,
interest, boredom, surprise, or anxiety. Usually, the speaker conveys his or her attitude
indirectly, so you must listen carefully to the speaker's intonation. Listen to key words
and phrases that the speaker emphasizes in a certain manner to convey their true

TOEFL questions about attitude sound like this:

What is the student's attitude toward_____?

What is the speaker's opinion of_____?
What does the professor think of_____?
What is the professor's point of view concerning_____?

8. Listen again to the recording for the Focus exercise. Listen for key words, phrases,
and intonation that help you determine the purpose of the conversation and the attitude
of the woman.

W: Hi, Greg. you have a minute?

M: Nicole. Hello. I have... uh... about twenty minutes. Come in and sit down.
W: Thanks. I wanted to talk about the school psychology program. I've been thinking
about this for a while, and I've decided to change my major to counseling.
M: Really? It's quite a change from being an accountant to being a counselor!
Duy Tan University 31 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
W: I know. It's funny, isn't it? All my life I thought I wanted to run my own business
someday. But this year I've been working as a volunteer tutor-at arfield Elementary- -
and I'm just so impressed with what the counselors are doing there.
M: Did you say Garfield?

W: Yes, where those kids in the accident went to school. That was terrible, that
accident. It was such a shock to the whole school. But it was eye opening for me. I had
a chance to observe some of the counselors talking to the kids, helping them deal with
the tragedy. They-the counselors, that is-they were so, so... they were really amazing.
It really got me thinking about... about how to make... how to help people heal. I
started thinking, "This is something I'd like to ."

9. In questions about attitude and purpose, an answer choice may be incorrect because
Ø repeats some of the speaker's words but has a different message;
Ø uses words that sound similar to the speaker's words;
Ø is incorrect or inaccurate, according to the speakers; or
Ø is about something that the speakers do not mention.

Duy Tan University 32 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Focus Exercise
Listen and choose the correct answer for each question

1. Why does the woman say this?

A. To ask if he knows how long she was gone
B. To find out if the man stole her notes in the library
C. To show that she did not expect it to happen
D. To describe who has stolen her notes

2. Why does the woman mention helicopters flying in one spot?

A. To emphasize the difficulty of controlling helicopters
B. To explain how helicopters can fly in one spot
C. To show how easy it is to fly a helicopter
D. To find out if the students know how it is done

3. Why does the woman say this?

A. To ask the man for advice
B. To agree with the man
C. To get the man to talk more
D. To complain to the man

4. Why does the speaker say this?

A. To mention what their jobs require
B. To emphasize songwriters’ importance in music
C. To suggest students become songwriters
D. To ask the students which singers they like

5. Why does the woman say this?

A. To ask the man if he knows why
B. To mention that she does not know why
C. To encourage the man to talk about it
D. To disagree with the man

6. What does the woman feel about India?

A. It is a small and boring country.
B. It is a dirty place with nothing to see.
C. It only has the Ganges River.
D. It has many places for people to see.

Duy Tan University 33 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
7. What is the teacher’s attitude toward the book?
A. He does not like the book.
B. He likes the book very much.
C. He is not sure if it’s a good book.
D. He does not know much about the book.

8. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

What does the man mean when he says this?
A. Staying in the dorms is a good way to make friends.
B. Staying in the dorms is not helpful for the students.
C. Living off campus is a better idea for students.
D. Making friends in the dorms is a waste of time.

9. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

What does the teacher mean when she says this?
A. She blames the woman for confusing her.
B. She wants the man to only talk about written forms.
C. She admits that the mistake is her fault.
D. She wants to talk only about spoken languages.

Duy Tan University 34 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the man’s problem?

A. He does not like lockers on the lower floor.
B. He does not have a locker to use.
C. He needs a locker on the lower floor.
D. He got hurt by opening the lockers.

2. What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A. She will change classes to the ground floor.
B. She will change lockers with the man.
C. She will go and talk to the school.
D. She will help the man go up the stairs.

3. Why does the man mention hurting his legs?

A. To ask for the woman’s help
B. To warn the woman to be careful
C. To explain the problem that he has
D. To compare his locker with the woman’s

Duy Tan University 35 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

M: Did you get a locker (1)___________________________?

W: Yes, I did. I got (2)________________________________________ .
M: Me, too. Which floor is your locker on?
W: It is (3)______________________________________________. Why do you ask?
M: I (4) ________________________________________________about two months ago,
but I got a locker on the 5th floor.
W: So (5) ________________________________________________?
M: All my classes this semester are (6)______________________________________.
It'll be a problem because I (7)_______________my legs last month. I can't walk
up the stairs_(8)_________________________________________ .
W: Oh, that's (9)__________________. Did you complain to the school?
M: Of course I did, but they said there was nothing that they could do. All the lockers
are full. I'll have to (10)____________________________________semester.
W: Oh, that is terrible. Oh, (11)______________________________________I have
many classes on the 4th floor. Do you want to change lockers?
M: Wow, that's a great idea! Are you alright with that?
W: Sure, I (12)__________________ it at all. Let's go and do it now (13)_________
we have time.
M: Thanks so much. You're (14)____________________________!

Duy Tan University 36 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Extension 2
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Ways to spread pollen and seeds
B. Using plants to share pollen and seeds
C. Helping animals share nectar
D. The role of insects and animals

2. How does the teacher talk about pollen and seeds?

A. She compares the two together.
B. She emphasizes what happens after the animals move them.
C. She explains how animals help to spread them.
D. She describes why plants need to share them.

3. According to the lecture, how can plants share pollen or seeds?

Click on 2 answers.
□ By using animals to carry the pollen for them
□ By sharing seeds using their roots underground
□ By having hooks on seeds that attach to the fur of animals
□ By using the nectar to attract furry animals

Duy Tan University 37 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Follow-up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

(1)_______________ in this world have children, or what are called

(2)____________. Plants also have offspring, but (3)_________________animals, do
not have mobility. (4)______________ means the ability to move around. Plants have
roots that (5)______________________ deep in the ground. But the plants still need
(6)_____________________ their pollen or get their seeds (7)___________________
______________. So instead of moving around, plants use (8)___________________
__________ to help them.
Some plants use bees to help them share with other plants. They
(9)________________________ and other insects by sharing sweet (10)___________
called nectar. When the bees sit on the flower to get the nectar, the pollen sticks on the
bees' legs. The bees then look for another flower for nectar. Some pollen will
(11)___________________, and new pollen will (12)__________________________
______________________. This is why most bees have yellow legs.
Some fruit plants rely on big furry animals (13)___________________________
____________________________. They have seeds that have little hooks. They
attach (14)____________________________ of animals, when they pass by the plant.
Later, the animal will shake the seed off. (15)__________________________ the seed
will have travelled very far.

Vocabulary Quiz

Fill in the blanks. The first letter is given as a clue.

1. furry: bald = ancestor: o
2. sow: s = sing: song
3. tell: told = b : buried

Duy Tan University 38 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Extension 3
Listen and answer the questions

1. Why does the man talk to the woman?

A. To tell the woman about cows having four stomachs
B. To discuss thorny foods of buffalos
C. To ask if cows really have four stomachs
D. To inform the woman about what cows eat

2. According to the conversation, why do some animals need so many stomachs?

A. To digest the meat that they eat
B. To keep the food in their stomachs
C. To spend time chewing on food
D. To absorb as much energy as possible from plants

3. How does the speaker talk about cow stomachs?

A. She gives examples of cow food.
B. She gives reasons why they need multiple stomachs.
C. She lists the bad points of having multiple stomachs.
D. She compares them to her stomach.

Duy Tan University 39 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

M: My science teacher told us that cows have four stomachs. (1)__________________

________________________ ? I can't believe it.
W: Of course. A lot of animals that only eat vegetables have multiple stomachs.
M: (2)______________________? What other animals have so many stomachs?
W: Well, animals in the cow family all have four stomachs. (3)___________________
________________________ both have many stomachs. (4)_______________
have many stomachs.
M: Why do they need to have so many stomachs?
W: Plants and grass have (5) _______________. They need different stomachs
(6)_____________________as much energy as they can when they (7)____________.
M: This all (8) ________________ . But are they (9)_________________________
animals with many stomachs?
W: Oh, I remember (10)_______________animal. Camels also have many stomachs.
They need them to digest (11)______________food.
M: Thorny food? What do you mean?
W: They eat sticks and dry branches. Their stomachs can digest them easily.
M: It sounds like animals (12)_______________a lot of time just eating a meal. They
must get so tired.
W: Oh, I'm sure that the animals (13)_______________________________________
_____________ that way.

Vocabulary Quiz
Match the word on the left with the related words on the right.

1. absorb Ÿ Ÿ a) meat
2. digest Ÿ Ÿ b) heat
3. thorny Ÿ Ÿ c) rose

Duy Tan University 40 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Extension 4
Listen and answer the questions

1. According to the lecture, why aren’t radar systems in airports true radar ?
A. The receiver is too small.
B. The system is controlled by computers.
C. They can only detect clouds and missiles.
D. They do not have a transmitter.

2. What are some of the uses of radar?

Click in the correct box
Yes No
Bouncing signals
Tracking airplanes in the sky
Listening to radio
Checking speed of cars on the road

3. Why does the teacher mention Germany ?

A. To introduce radar systems
B. To talk about the Germany’s airports
C. To change to another topic
D. To test the students’ knowledge about history

Duy Tan University 41 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Follow-Up: Note - taking
Listen again and fill in the blanks using keywords.
Topic: Radar
* Two-part system = (1)_____________+ (2)_______________
1. transmitter
- send (3)_____________ in the sky
à(4)__________________objects à fly back to a receiver
2. (5)_____________________= very big dish to receive (6)_______________
* Use of radar
• planes
• (7)________________ : check cars - radar guns
• (8)________________ : study space -_(9)_________________
• airports: only have (10)_________________, transmitters are on

Vocabulary Quiz

Match each word with the correct definition.

1. bounce • • a) sender
2. telescope • • b) distant object viewer
3. transmitter • • c) a sudden leap or bound

Extension 5
Think about the last time you spoke to one of the following people:
adviser mechanic roommate
best friend neighbor school staff person
co-worker parent supervisor
librarian professor tutor

Why did you speak to that person? What was the purpose of your conversation?
Write down two or three things that you and the other person said. With a
classmate, write a dialogue. Then act out the conversation for the rest of the
class. Your classmates must determine the purpose of the conversation.

Duy Tan University 42 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose
Group:…….. Names:……………………………………………………………………
Quiz 2

1. Why does the woman talk to the man ?

A. To find out if he likes Italian food
B. To ask about what to eat for lunch
C. To ask the location of the Mexican restaurant
D. To get the man to buy Mexican food for her

2. How does the woman talk about Mexican food ?

A. By explaining how Mexicans cook their food in order
B. By identifying the number of people that eat Mexican foods
C. By comparing the taste with spaghetti and pizza
D. By emphasizing how spicy Mexican foods are

3. Where will the two friends probably eat ?

A. In the cafeteria down the hall
B. In a restaurant that serves spaghetti and pizza
C. In the Mexican restaurant across the school entrance
D. In an Italian restaurant with spicy foods

4. Why does the woman mention tacos and burritos ?

A. To give examples of what Mexican restaurant serve
B. To mention what Mexican food she likes
C. To ask the man what he wants to eat
D. To emphasize the taste of Mexican foods

5. What is the discussion mainly about ?

A. Discovery of DNA
B. Writing scientific books
C. The theory of evolution
D. Living with apes

6. Why doesn’t the woman agree with the man ?

Click on 2 answers.
□ DNA facts prove that we evolved from apes.
□ Darwin did not have a scientific theory to prove his findings.
□ There are still many types of monkeys and apes in the world.
□ Animals are designed to adapt to different environments.

Duy Tan University 43 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson -3 Determining Attitude and Purpose

7. How does the woman support her views about evolution ?

A. She shows the man some information regarding evolution.
B. She gives reasons why Darwin’s theory could be wrong.
C. She compares Darwin’s theory to those proven by DNA.
D. She lists the types of monkeys and apes around the world.

8. Why does the teacher say that we might not find the truth about evolution ?
A. To start talking about Darwin’s book
B. To describe what is really the truth
C. To give examples of other books
D. To conclude the discussion

9. What is the talk mainly about ?

A. The cost of software programs
B. The size of software companies
C. Users of different software programs
D. Different types of software programs

10. According to the lecture, who are the makers of commercial ware programs ?
A. Programmers that make programs for fun
B. Companies that want to make money from the programs
C. Companies that want to show their demo programs
D. Private users that want to showcase their talents

11. Why does the teacher mention downloading programs from the internet?
A. To talk about different software types
B. To ask what the students think about stealing
C. To identify what programs she downloads on the internet
D. To explain how to download programs from the internet

12. In what order does the speaker talk about programs on the internet?
A. From the most popular to the least popular
B. From the hardest to use to the easiest to use
C. From the cheapest to the most expensive
D. From the most expensive to the least expensive

Duy Tan University 44 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions


Aim: This lesson is designed to help students practise inference and prediction
questions on the listening section.
1. What does the professor imply about the student's paper?
A. It contains grammatical errors.
B. It does not meet the assignment.
C. It deals with a strange topic.
D. It needs a stronger ending.
2. What will the student probably do?
A. Write about a different topic
B. Rewrite the conclusion
C. Correct the sentence errors
D. Make the introduction longer
Question 1 asks you to determine the professor's message to the student about her
paper. The professor says:
... I can't tell where you're going with it.
You start out strong... The middle part, too... that's very engaging... But after
that... well, I'm lost.
What does it all mean? It just gets a little vague.
Well, it's a little too open. You need to tie it all together... leave your reader with
one clear thought... .
The professor does not directly state what he means. Rather, he implies his
meaning. The professor implies that the student's paper lacks a strong ending.
Therefore, the correct answer is It needs a stronger ending.
Question 2 asks you to predict what the student will do. The student says:
Do you mean my conclusion's not clear?
Oh well, I see. Um... maybe I'd better work on that part some more.

The professor implies that the student's paper needs a stronger ending, so the
student will probably rewrite that part. The correct answer is Rewrite the
In each question, you can infer the correct answer from what the speakers say.
The other answers are incorrect because you cannot reasonably infer them from
the conversation.

Duy Tan University 45 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
1.An inference is a conclusion that you make when something is not directly stated.
An inference is a "hidden" idea. To make an inference, you must interpret a message
that is not stated directly. When a speaker implies or suggests something, you must
infer the meaning. You infer the meaning from the information that the speaker gives.
You infer the message behind the speaker's words.
2. TOEFL questions about inferences sound like this:
What can be inferred about_____?
What does the speaker imply about_____?
What is probably true about_____?
What can be concluded about____?
What can be inferred from the talk?
How does the student probably feel?
3. A prediction is a type of inference in which you determine what will probably
happen in the future. You make a prediction when you know what a speaker will
probably do in the future, based on what he or she says.
For example, when someone says...
"I'd better see a dentist about my toothache"
….you can reasonably predict that he or she will make an appointment with a dentist.
When a student says...
" I have a lot of material to review for my chemistry test tomorrow"
….you can predict that the student will probably study for the test.
4. TOEFL questions about predictions sound like this:
What will the woman probably do?
What will the student probably do next?
What will probably happen next ?
What will the professor probably discuss next?
What will the next lecture probably be about?

5. To make inferences and predictions, use key ideas and your overall understanding
of the topic and context, as well as logic and common sense.
Listen again to the recording for the Focus exercise. Listen for key words and phrases
that help you infer the professor's meaning and predict what the student will do.

W: Professor Elliott. did you read the draft of my paper yet?

M: Why hello, Amy. Uh, yes, I did read it. As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to
you about it. I'm glad you stopped by. I think I have your paper... here we go, I have it
right here.
W: Is there something wrong with it?
M: No, not terribly, but... I can't tell where you're going with it.
Duy Tan University 46 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
W: Oh. I'm not sure I understand.
M: Let me put it like this. You start out strong. In fact, your introduction is done quite
well. You really get your teacher interested in technology and society and how they're
related and all. The middle part, too-where you interview the engineer-that, that's very
engaging. Lots of good and original ideas. But after that... well, I'm lost. What does it
all mean? It just gets a little vague.
W: Oh, I think I see what you mean. Do you mean my conclusion's not clear?
M: Well, it's a little too open. You need to tie it all together... leave your reader
with one clear thought, one new way of thinking about technology.
W: Oh well, I see. Um... maybe I'd better work on that part some more. I really
appreciate your comments. This helps me a lot. Thanks. Professor Elliott.
M: My pleasure. Anytime.

6. Some questions ask you to identify a paraphrase of something that a speaker says. A
paraphrase is the restatement of a message in different words. To paraphrase is to say
the same thing in another way. A paraphrase has the same general meaning as the
original message.
TOEFL questions about paraphrases sound like this:
What does the professor mean by this statement ?
What does the student mean when she says this ?
What does the professor imply when he says this ?
Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels.

For example, when a student says to another student...

"What'? I don't know.. .are you sure that's right? I thought the TA said first we
need to calculate the present value of an asset"
…you can infer that the student probably means:
"I disagree with your solution to the problem."

7. Some questions ask you to make a generalization based on what a speaker says. A
generalization is a type of inference in which you make a general statement about the
information that you hear. To generalize is to state a general principle or to draw a
general conclusion about information.

TOEFL questions involving generalization sound like this:

Would the professor most likely agree or disagree with each statement below?
Based on the information in the talk, indicate whether each statement below
describes ______.
Based on the information in the lecture, indicate whether each statement below
reflects the ideas of ______.
Duy Tan University 47 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions

For example. here is part of a lecture:

The philosophy of pragmatism, which has had a tremendous influence on

American education, holds that the meaning and truth of any idea is a function of its
practical outcome. Knowledge that is useful has value. Pragmatists believe there's a
vital relationship between experience and knowledge, and so we need to interact with
both our natural environment and our society. The pragmatist thinks that education
should focus on solving problems. It should involve experimentation. Education is a
process-it's continuous experiment--a continuous process where experience and
knowledge build on each other.

Here is a sample question:

Based on the information in the lecture, indicate whether each statement below
reflects the philosophy of pragmatism.
For each sentence, click in the correct box.
Yes No
Ideas with a practical use are important to society.
Students should believe the ideas of their teachers.
Experience is central to learning.

You should click in the "Yes" column next to Ideas with a practical use are important
to society and Experience is central to learning because these statements reflect what
the professor says and can be supported by the information in the lecture. You should
click in the "No" column next to Students should believe the ideas of their teachers
because you cannot conclude this from what the professor says.

8. In questions about inferences and predictions, an answer choice may be incorrect

because it:
Ø is not supported by what the speakers state or imply;
Ø cannot reasonably be concluded from what the speakers say;
Ø repeats some of the speakers' words but has a different message;
Ø is incorrect or inaccurate, according to the speakers; or
Ø is about something that the speakers do not mention.

Remember, you can answer all of the questions based on the information you hear in
the conversations and lectures. You can infer the correct answer from what the
speakers say.

Duy Tan University 48 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Focus Exercise
Listen and choose the correct answer for each question

1. What is inferred about hydrogen?

A. It is not as cheap as petroleum.
B. It is hard to separate it from water.
C. It is more popular than petroleum.
D. It causes a lot of air pollution.

2. What will the man probably do?

A. He will meet his music club members on the weekend.
B. He will ask the music club to go on the field trip.
C. He will take the girl to the music club meeting.
D. He will cancel the music club meeting.

3. What will the man probably do?

A. He will not help the woman.
B. He will not take the test.
C. He will lend a book to the woman.
D. He will help the woman study.

4. What does the woman imply about the bike?

A. She rides the bike only on weekends.
B. She needs the bike for her classes.
C. She does not use the bike anymore.
D. She keeps the bike in her room.

5. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question

What does the man imply?
A. It is the only reason for the bags.
B. There are no good reasons to talk about.
C. There are other reasons for airtight bags.
D. There are problems with airtight bags.

6. What is probably true about the chemicals?

A. They are bad for the animals.
B. They give less allergies than animal scents.
C. They do not smell very good.
D. They are being replaced by animal scents.

Duy Tan University 49 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
7. What will the man probably do?
A. He will not trust the university website.
B. He will go to the bookstore to buy more books.
C. He will try buying some books on the internet.
D. He will not take the woman’s advice.

8. What does the man imply about SUVs?

A. Their large size creates safety problems.
B. They are not a popular type of car on the roads compared to normal cars.
C. They can avoid a lot of accidents with smaller cars.
D. They are a danger only to other SUVs on the road.

9. What does the teacher imply about the book?

A. It is a very boring book.
B. It is not a very good book.
C. It is not very interesting.
D. It is very educational.

Duy Tan University 50 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. According to the lecture, what were the advantages of Zeppelins?

Click on 2 answers.
□ Hydrogen in the tubes
□ Cheap to operate
□ Quiet and stable when flying
□ Ability to carry more things than planes

2. What does the man imply about the result of the Hindenburg accident?
A. It supported the usefulness of airships.
B. It identified the problems and people improved airships.
C. It marked the ending of airships being used as transportation.
D. It influenced the birth of airships for advertisements.

3. Why does the professor mention Germans using the Zeppelins as spy planes and
carrying bombs?
A. To emphasize the importance of Zeppelins
B. To indicate the dangers of Zeppelins
C. To contrast other planes with Zeppelins
D. To describe the shape of Zeppelins

Duy Tan University 51 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Follow-up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

The early 1900s saw a big advancement in air travel. Soon, after the Wright
brothers performed their first flight, people (1)___________________________new
ways to fly. Many tried to make flying aircraft, but an airship, called the Zeppelin, was
the most popular aircraft during the early years of flight.
The Zeppelin was like a floating balloon. It had a very large tube at the top,
(2)_____________________________________ . Hydrogen was used because it was
(3)_____________________________________________________ . So, like helium
balloons, the Zeppelin floated (4)______________. Small propellers were used to
change direction of the airship.
The benefits of Zeppelins seemed (5)______________. The passenger
compartment was below the tube, and although it was very slow, it was very quiet and
stable. Planes during that time were very expensive. (6)________________________
________________, people could travel in Zeppelins for a very cheap price. However,
the Zeppelins could not carry as much (7)_________________as other planes.
Regardless, during both World Wars, the Germans used the Zeppelins as spy planes
and to carry (8)__________ ____________, the Zeppelins had a sad and quick
ending. A very large Zeppelin, called the Hindenburg, (9)________________and
burned very quickly, (10)__________________ the dangerous hydrogen in the big
tubes. The accident happened (11)_______________________to the US, and it killed
hundreds of people. It was the last Zeppelin to carry many people (12)_____________
__________. There are still a handful of airships (13)_________________________ ,
but only for advertisements.

Vocabulary Quiz

Match each word with a similar meaning.

1. perform Ÿ Ÿ a) anyway
2. regardless Ÿ Ÿ b) section
3. compartment Ÿ Ÿ c) improvement
4. advancement Ÿ Ÿ d) fulfill

Duy Tan University 52 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Extension 2
Listen and answer the questions

1. Why does the woman go to see the man?

A. To interview the man for a newspaper
B. To ask about becoming a reporter
C. To discuss the school newspaper
D. To ask about the methods of writing

2. What will the woman probably do?

A. She will not become a reporter.
B. She will quit her studies to take the test.
C. She will meet with the editor – in – chief.
D. She will interview the man for the newspaper.

3. How does the man talk about the tests?

A. By identifying her problem and offering her a job
B. By comparing the test with other tests in school
C. By stating the tests in the order that she needs to take them
D. By explaining the questions that come up on the tests

Duy Tan University 53 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Follow-up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

W: Hey, Derek. I_(1)______________________________________________ about

a few things.
M: Sure. How can I help?
W: I remember that you (2)_____________________________________for the
school newspaper for some time. Was it good working there?
M: Yes, it was (3)________________________________________________. It's a
pity I had to quit because of my studies, because I would still love to do it.
W: Good. I asked you because I'm thinking of getting into the school newspaper
M: That's great. I really (4) ___________to try it.
W: Yes, but as you know, I'm a first year student, and I don't know (5)_____________
____________________________________________ .
M: I didn't think about that. I was a second year student, so I can't say if it's possible or
not. You'll have to ask the editor-in-chief about it first. But (6)_____________,I
don't see why first year students can't become reporters.
W: I'm glad (7)____________________________________it, thanks. Oh, could I ask
you another question?
M: Of course you can. What else would you like to know?
W: Must I sit through a test before I can work there? I want (8)____________anything
that I might have to do.
M: Yes, the editors will test your writing skills. When you pass that, then you will
(9)_______________________________________. That's all I can remember. Then,
if your results are good enough, you'll be hired as a junior reporter. I suggest that you
go and meet with the editor-in-chief.
W: Thanks a lot. I think I'll do that (10)___________________________

Vocabulary Quiz
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
danger qualified satisfied pity

W: Did you hear the news? Sharon got fired.

M: Really? What a ________________!
W: The boss thought that she was not_________ for the job.

Duy Tan University 54 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Extension 3
Listen and answer the questions

1. What is the teacher talking about?

A. The life and work of Napoleon
B. Modern French history
C. Great leaders of the world
D. The mistakes of Napoleon

2. What changed Napoleon’s life?

A. The French Revolution
B. The war against Corsica
C. The French invasion of Corsica
D. Conquering Egypt

3. What did Napoleon achieve other than his victories in war?

Click on 2 answers.
□ He increased the wealth of France.
□ He established the Napoleonic Code.
□ He made the French language and culture popular.
□ He ordered French scholars to study Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Duy Tan University 55 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Follow-up: Note - taking
Listen again and fill in the blanks using keywords.

Napoleon: great soldier, (1)____________________,fierce leader

- He was not (2)___________________, and not (3)_________________ either
- Historical event: (4)_________________
•• He got (5)_____________________from the govt.
- Napoleon's achievement: Egyptian research
(6) ________________________
Obtain an audio recording of a real university lecture. In class, listen to a four-minute
section of the tape. While you are listening, take notes about the information that you
hear. Take notes about topics and main ideas, and (2) details and facts. Form groups of
three or four students. Compare your notes with those of the students in your group.
Then, with your group, write a list of statements that you can infer, conclude, or
generalize from the information. What is the probable purpose of the lecture? Who is
the probable audience? Is it easy or difficult to make inferences? Why?

Duy Tan University 56 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions
Quiz 3

1. What is the student discussing with the teacher ?

A. How he can improve his final grade
B. Whether he can change the grade on his exam
C. If he can change the course assignment
D. Whether he can make up for one of his assignments

2. What does the student want to do about the course assignment ?

A. He wants to take an exam instead of writing short papers.
B. He wants to change a longer paper for the short assignments.
C. He wants to ask if he can do something other than take exams.
D. He wants to know if he can do a presentation instead of writing papers.

3. Why did the teacher assign short papers ?

Click on 2 answers.
□ She didn’t want to read long papers.
□ She thought it might be less work for students.
□ She wanted students to write more.
□ She wanted them to improve their writing.

4. What will the student probably do ?

A. He will take the teacher’s course.
B. He will drop the course.
C. He will only take a few exams.
D. He will remind the teacher in class.

5. What is the lecture mainly about ?

A. The Victorian Age
B. The British Empire
C. Famous queens
D. Queen Victoria

6. How long did Queen Victoria rule ?

A. Sixty years
B. Twenty years
C. Twenty-one years
D. Fifty years

Duy Tan University 57 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 4 Inferences and Predictions

7. What can we conclude from the fact that the queen wore black for forty years ?
A. She was very sad to be a queen.
B. Kings and queens long ago wore black.
C. She didn’t want to forget her dead husband.
D. She was depressed for a short time.

8. What is compared between Queen Victoria and other queens of England ?

A. The knowledge of running Britain
B. The number of children
C. The period of their marriages
D. The period of expressing loss

9. What is the latest invention of modern technology ?

A. Fruit juice
B. Self – heating cans
C. Post-Its
D. Tea bags

10. Why does the teacher mention Post-Its ?

A. To give examples of inventions that became important
B. To emphasize how the Post-Its have changed our lives
C. To introduce a new topic on inventing useless glue
D. To compare different inventions that were useless to us

11. Why did someone decide to make self-heating coffee cans ?

A. Coffee cans are bad when travelling.
B. They are too expensive for people to buy.
C. Coffee tastes better in cans.
D. They are faster and more convenient.

12. What is probably true about the woman ?

A. She cannot wait for the cans to sell in the supermarkets.
B. She does not know what the teacher is talking about.
C. She does not think that self – heating cans are great.
D. She cannot see how Post – Its have helped us in our lives.

Duy Tan University 58 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand TOEFL questions about categorizing information.
- put information into the correct classification.
- take notes about characteristics and examples of each category.
Match each biome with the correct description.
Drag each answer choice to the correct box.
Taiga Arctic tundra Alpine tundra
Northern limit for High mountaintop Evergreen forests with
plant growth with strong winds snow

The speaker describes three types of biomes: taiga, arctic tundra, and alpine
tundra. The speaker says:
The taiga-also known as boreal or evergreen forest-is a broad band
across North America, Europe, and Asia. Winters are long and cold...
Precipitation here is mostly in the form of snow.
... the arctic tundra here, which extends northward from the taiga... .
The tundra is the northern-most... uh... limit... for plants to grow.
... alpine tundra, a biome found on high mountaintops... Here, above
the tree line, strong winds and cold temperatures create plant
communities similar to those of the arctic tundra.
This question asks you to categorize information by matching the name of
each biome with the correct description. The correctly matched items are:
Northern limit for High mountaintop Evergreen forests with
plant growth with strong winds snow
Arctic tundra Alpine tundra Taiga
1. A category is a general class of things or ideas. To categorize information is to put
it into categories, classes, divisions, or types.
TOEFL questions about categorizing sound like this:
Match each term with the correct definition.
Match each type of_____with the correct description.
Which_____is associated with each
Based on the speaker's description, classify the following______
Duy Tan University 59 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Based on the information in the talk, indicate whether each phrase below
2. Questions about categorizing have special directions. Here is an example:
Match each animal with the correct classification.
Drag each answer choice to the correct box.
Frog Lizard Eel
Fish Amphibian Reptile

In this type of question, you use the computer mouse to drag words or phrases to the
correct place in the table. You must match all of the items correctly to answer the
question correctly. The correctly matched items are:

Fish Amphibian Reptile

Eel Frog Lizard

3.Here is another example:

Indicate whether each animal below is a fish or an amphibian.
For each animal, click in the correct box.
Fish Amphibian
In this type of question, you click in one box in each row of the table. When you click
in a box, a will appear there. The correct answers are shown above.
Some questions are worth more than one point. Here is an example:
Sensations-and the perceptions they evoke in the brain-begin with the sensory
receptors. There are several types of sensory receptors. One way of looking at them is
in terms of the energy stimulus they respond to. Mechanoreceptors, for example,
detect stimuli like touch, pressure, motion, and sound-all forms of mechanical energy.
The hair cell is a common type of mechanoreceptor that detects motion. Some sensory
receptors respond to chemicals. Chemoreceptors - like taste and smell receptors-
respond to groups of related chemicals, which we often define as sweet, sour, salt, or
bitter.Another type of sensory receptor- electromagnetic-detects various forms of
electromagnetic energy: light, electricity, and magnetism. Electromagnetic receptors
that detect visible light are often organized into eyes. Some animals-rattlesnakes, for
example-have extremely sensitive infrared receptors that can detect the body heat of
prey standing out against a colder background.

Duy Tan University 60 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Based on the information in the lecture, indicate whether each sentence below
describes mechanoreceptors. chemoreceptors, or electromagnetic receptors.
For each sentence, click in the correct box. This question is worth 2 points.

Mechanoreceptors Chemoreceptors Electromagnetic

They can detect sweet
and sour tastes.
They help snakes locate
the body heat of prey.
The hair cell is an
example that detects
They detect electricity
and magnetism.

In this type of question, you click in one box in each row of the table. When you click
in a box, a will appear there. The correct answers are shown above.

This question is worth 2 points, and it is possible to receive partial credit. If you
choose all four correct answers, you earn 2 points. If you choose three correct answers,
you earn I point. If you choose two or fewer correct answers, you receive no credit for
the question.

4. On the TOEFL, questions about categorizing information may seem more difficult
than the examples in this book. This is because on the real test:

Ø you will not see the table during the lecture, and
Ø you will not hear the question until after the lecture.

However, on the real test, you may take notes while you are listening to the lecture. If
you hear a speaker discuss types, classes, or categories of something, you may want to
take notes about characteristics and examples of each category.

Focus Exercises
Duy Tan University 61 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test

1. Match the phrases to the correct column in the chart

Nova Scotia College of Art Transcript Office

A. Pay $8
B. Has a good lithography program.
C. Send transcripts to
D. Receive after three or four days

2. Indicate whether each item below characterizes effective communication. For

each phrase, mark the correct box

Yes No
(A) Avoids repetitive phrases
(B) Uses clichés
(C) Repeats other people’s mistakes
(D) Uses original sayings

3. Match each detail about homeschooling with the correct heading

Homeschooling Homeschooling
advantages disadvantages

A. Students might get lonely

B. Students are safer
C. Students get a lot of attention
D. Parents are not always good teacher

Duy Tan University 62 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
4. Match each detail about Einstein with the correct heading

19th century 20th century

A. Entered university
B. Born in Germany
C. Won Nobel prize
D. Moved to USA

5. Indicate whether each item below helps your body get more oxygen. For each
word or phrase mark the correct box.

Yes No
(A) Studying
(B) Yawning
(C) Riding a bike
(D) Breathing deeply

6. Match each detail about South America with the correct heading

Largest Smallest

A. Surinam
B. Tierra del Fuego
C. Equator
D. Brazil

Duy Tan University 63 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
7. Indicate whether each phrase below describes a category for the exhibit or a
process photography. For each word, mark the correct box

Category Process
(A) Buildings
(B) Enlarging
(C) Developing
(D) Framing

8. Match the information with the appropriate location

The Bible

A. The Censor collected taxes

B. Three censuses were described.
C. The earliest recorded censuses happened in 2 AD and 140 AD.
9. Based on the conversation, match each exercise with the correct category , TWO
choices will NOT be used.

Improves strength Helps heart/lungs Helps


A. Lifting weights
B. Running on treadmill
C. Doing aerobics
D. Jumping rope

Duy Tan University 64 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. Why does the man go to see the woman?

A. To tell the woman about the coast guard
B. To discuss different emergency rescue services
C. To complain about his essay on police officers
D. To get help from the woman about his essay

2. What will the man probably do?

A. He will ask his teacher about the essay
B. He will write about the coast guard
C. He will look for coast guards on the beach
D. He will write about something else

3. In the conversation, the woman mentions the functions of coast guards. Indicate
whether each of the following is a function of the coast guard
Click in the correct box for each phrase

Yes No
Patrolling the sea
Training swimmers
Working with police officers
Rescuing people during bad weather

Duy Tan University 65 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks .

M: I have to write a long essay _(1)____________________________________rescue

service. It can't be about fire, rescue, police or the ambulance. I (2)_____________
_____________________________than those. Can you help me out?
W: Sure (3)__________________________________________ . .. Well, there's the
coast guard. I'm sure that you would have a lot to write about.
M: What can I (4)_______________________________________? I don't know
anything about them, (5) ________________that their uniform is red and white.
W: There are so many things you can write about. They have the same power and
work as police officers on the streets do. They catch bad people,
(6)____________________________________ that there's no trouble,
(7)_____________________ _________________ The big difference is that they
patrol the sea.
M: Is that all? Then there's not much difference (8)__________________police
officers on the street _________________on the sea.
W: No, coast guards are also like lifeguards on beaches and swimming pools. They
train very hard (9)_____________________________ people in the water. They
must always be healthy, and even learn to swim in the sea_(10)__________
dangerous storms.
M: Wow, they are more interesting than I thought. How wrong I was. I think I'll write
about them after I (11)__________________________________________about
them in the library. Thanks for helping me out.

Vocabulary Quiz
1. Among the words below, three words are related to "safety." Choose the word
which has a totally different meaning from the others.
a) patrol b) teacher c) lifeguard d) police
2. Choose the word with a different meaning from the others.
a) rescue b) save c) deliver d) leave

Duy Tan University 66 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Extension 2 :

1. What does the man need from the bookstore ?

A. He needs a book for his English class.
B. He wants to put up a note on the bulletin board.
C. He wants to know the way to get to the cafeteria.
D. He needs to get notes from the bookstore.

2. According to the woman, what is better way to get to the cafeteria ?

A. Turn right, take the lift and walk to the end
B. Turn left, walk to the end and take the lift to B1
C. Take the lift and turn left at the stairs
D. Turn left and take the lift upstairs

3. In the conversation, the librarian tells him a few ways to find the book that he
needs. Indicate whether each of the following is what the librarian recommended to
the man.

Click in the correct box for each phrase.

Yes No
Get the professor to request a copy of the book
Go to the cafeteria and ask someone for the book
Go to the cafeteria to post a note on the bulletin board
Go to another bookstore to see if it is in stock
Go and request a copy of the book by himself

Duy Tan University 67 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Follow – Up : Listen and fill in the blank

M : I was (1)_______________________________________________________help
me with something.
W : Sure. What seems to be the problem ?
M : Well, I’m (2)______________________________________________that I need
to use in my English class_(3)______________________. It’s called (4)__________to
the English Language.
W : Are you kidding ? The semester started_(5)_______________________________
M : Yes, I know, but I lost it last week. I left it_(6)_____________________________
W : That’s too bad. (7)__________, let me see if we have another copy (8)_________
________________________. No, I’m sorry. That book (9)_____________________
______________. It looks like the students have bought the last of them. And it looks
like there are no plans to order them in yet.
M : Oh, no. I really need that book. Could you please (10)_______________________
_____________? I can’t finish the course without this book.
W : Keep your hopes up. You might still _(11)________________________________
_________________ it somehow.
M : Really ? How ?
W : Well, first is to get your professor (12)___________________________ another
copy of the book for you. Second is to try another bookstore outside the school. Third
is to put up a note (13)______________________ in the cafeteria. Someone might
have (14)______ _____________________ that they might not need anymore.
M : Alright, I’ll try (15)_____________________________________. Erm…. How
do I get to the cafeteria from here ?
W : You can (16)______________________________________ just outside the shop,
but it’s a long way down. Instead, turn left outside the store, walk to the end of
(17)_________ ________________, and you’ll see the lift. Take the lift and go
down_(18)_____________ ___________________________ to B1. The whole
(19)___________________________ _____________________is the cafeteria.

Duy Tan University 68 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Extension 3 :

1. What is the lecture mainly about ?

A. Types of skin cancer.
B. Harmful sunlight
C. Keeping a beautiful skin
D. Curing skin diseases

2. According to the lecture, what are the signs of non – melanoma cancer ?
Click in the correct box.

Yes No
Open sores
Shiny bump
Fair skin moles
Ink – spilled spots
Reddish patch

3. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

Why does the teacher say this ?
A. To talk more about other forms of cancer.
B. To get the students interested
C. To check if the students understand.
D. To end the talk about skin cancer.

Duy Tan University 69 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 5 Categorizing Information
Follow – up : Note – Taking

Listen again and fill in the blanks using keywords

Topic : (1)______________
• Reason : (2)_____________
• Two types of skin cancer
1. _(3)_____________________
- UV radiation : causes (4)________________________________
- open sores/(5)_____________/raised edge/shiny
2. melnm
- appearance of (7) __________________
- person with (8)____________________skin
• Both can be fatal if (9)_______________
• Precaution : (10)_________________________

Vocabulary Quiz

Fill in the blanks. The first letter is given as a clue.

1. appear : a___________ = protect : protection

2. understand : understandable = cure : c____________
3. d____________ : detective = teach = teacher
4. cell phone : mobile phone = e______________ : on a daily basics

Extension 4
Work in a group of three students. Choose one of the topics from the list below.
Agriculture Fields of Study Movies
Animals Forms of Government Music
Cities Industries Technology
Brainstorm ideas about your topic. Divide the topic into various categories. Choose
three categories to focus on. For each category, think of an example, description, or
characteristic. Write a few sentences about each category. Then choose someone in
your group who will read the sentences to the whole class. The class listens to each
group's "lecture" and takes notes. After each lecture, you and your classmates must (I)
identify the categories, and (2) list key details about each category.

Duy Tan University 70 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand TOEFL questions about summarizing a process.
- predict the sequence of events.
- put steps into the correct order.
The professor explains how a film is made. Summarize the process by putting the steps
in the correct order.
Drag each sentence to the space where it belongs.

The director supervises the camera work.

The editor cuts and reorders the film.
The script is developed into a storyboard.
The producer and the director plan the film.


The professor summarizes the process of making a film. The professor says:
The producer hires a director to make the creative decisions. The producer and
the director work together to plan the film.

They hire writers to develop a script for the film. Then, from the script comes
the storyboard, an important step in the planning.

Then comes the production, when the filming takes place… the director and
crew concentrate on getting the perfect camera shot.

After the filming is done... This is the post-production phase, and includes
editing the film. The editor's job is to cut up the various film sequences and then
put them together in the right order... .
The correct order is:
1 The producer and the director plan the film.
2 The script is developed into a storyboard.
3 The director supervises the camera work.
4 The editor cuts and reorders the film.

Duy Tan University 71 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process

1 A process is a series of steps or actions that take place over time. A process ends
with a result or a product.
Some examples of processes are:

How to take a photograph How to write a research paper

Flow a computer works What happens during a thunderstorm
How a plant grows How television was invented

2. A summary is a brief report of major points or important events. Summarizing a

process is briefly stating the main steps of the process in the correct order. On the
TOEFL, you will hear a speaker describe a process, and then you will answer a
question that involves a summary of the process.

3. TOEFL questions about summarizing a process sound like this:

The professor briefly explains how____. Summarize the process by putting the
steps in the correct order.
The speaker describes a sequence of events. Put the events in the correct order.
The professor briefly describes the process of_____. Determine whether the
sentences below are steps in the process.

4. Questions about summarizing a process have special directions. Here is an


One product of a thunderstorm is the onset of a hailstorm. Inside the clouds,

violent air drafts cause water droplets to become supercooled. At zero degrees, the
water droplets turn to ice crystals if there's also a catalyst present, in the form of tiny
particles of solid matter. Ice forms around the particles, and supercooled water
continues to coat them. They grow into rounded icy masses, becoming hailstones when
they reach a diameter of 5 millimeters. Hailstones hit the ground with a loud rattle
when they hit buildings and roads. Think of a hailstorm as a giant pummeling
machine. It can be the most damaging part of a thunderstorm because of the damage it
causes to crops.

The professor describes how a hailstorm develops. Summarize the process by

putting the steps in the correct order.

Duy Tan University 72 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Drag each sentence to the space where it belongs.
Water freezes around particles of solid matter.
Hailstones strike the ground with force.
Rounded icy particles grow into hailstones.
Water droplets in a cloud become supercooled.

In this type of question, you use the computer mouse to drag sentences to the correct
place in the table. You must put all of the sentences in the correct order to answer the
question correctly. The correct order is:
1 Water droplets in a cloud become supercooled
2 Water freezes around particles of solid name,:
3 Rounded icy particles grow into hailstones
4 Hailstones strike the ground with force.

5. Here is another example:

The instructor briefly explains how a hailstorm develops.

Indicate whether each sentence below is a step in the process.

For each sentence, click in the correct box.

Yes No

Water droplets in a cloud become supercooled.

Water droplets freeze when they hit the ground.
Rounded icy particles grow into hailstones.
Ice re-crystallizes by melting and refreezing.

In this type of question, you click in one box in each row of the table. When you click
in a box, a will appear there. The correct answers are shown above.

6. On the TOEFL, questions about summarizing a process may seem more difficult
than the examples in this book. This is because on the real test:
Ø you will not see the table during the lecture, and
Ø you will not hear the question until after the lecture.

However, on the real test, you may take notes while you are listening to the lecture. If
you hear a speaker discuss a process, you may want to take notes about what happens
at each step in the process.

Duy Tan University 73 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Focus exercise
1. The speaker explains a sequence of events. Summarize the sequence by putting
the events in the correct order
Order : 1._____ -> 2._____ ->3._____ ->4._____
A. Spain loses Cuba and the Philippines.
B. Spain loses a war with England.
C. Spain is the most powerful country in the world.
D. America is discovered.

2. The man explains his experience. Summarize his experience by putting the
steps in the correct order. One choice is NOT used.
Order : 1.____ ->2._____ ->3._____ ->4_____
A. His mother taught him something.
B. He became a professor.
C. He wrote a book.
D. He studied writing.

3. The speaker explains a sequence of events. Summarize the sequence by putting

the events in the correct order
Order : 1._____ ->2.______ ->3._____ ->4._____
A. “New look” Batman
B. Alfred the butler appears
C. “Golden Age” Batman
D. Robin joins Batman

4. The speaker explains what happens during an oil spill. Summarize the process
by putting the events in the correct order.
Order : 1._____ ->2.______ ->3._____ ->4._____
A. Spreading
B. Emulsification
C. Spilling
D. Evaporation

5. The woman concludes she may have malaria. Summarize the process that led to
her conclusion by putting the steps in the correct order.
Order : 1._____ ->2._____ ->3._____ ->4._____
A. She remembers that she didn’t take her malaria medicine.
B. She sees that her temperature is very high.
C. She is hot and cold, and aches all over.
D. She takes her temperature.
Duy Tan University 74 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
6. The instructor explains how to judge the distance of a storm by the lightning
and thunder. Summarize the process by putting the steps in the correct order.
Order : 1.______ ->2._____ ->3._____ ->4.______
A. Multiply each second by three kilometers.
B. When you hear the thunder, stop counting.
C. When you see a lightning flash, begin counting seconds.
D. Note how many seconds there were.

7. The woman explains where she went. Summarize her experience by putting the
events in the correct order. One choice is NOT used.
Order : 1._____ ->2.______ ->3.______ ->4.______
A. Visited Carlsbad Caverns
B. Saw the Grand Canyon
C. Drove to Mexico
D. Went to Albuquerque

8. The speaker explains a sequence of events. Summarize the sequence by putting

the events in the correct order
Order : 1._____ ->2._____ ->3._____ ->4._____
A. Leonardo becomes famous.
B. Leonardo’s war tank is built.
C. Leonardo begins painting.
D. Leonardo cuts open dead bodies.

9. The instructor explains the features that robots have in common. Summarize his
remark by putting the features in the correct order they were mentioned. One
answer will NOT be used.
Order : 1._____ ->2._____ ->3._____ ->4.______
A. Robots need a power source.
B. Robots have an actuator.
C. Robots have a movable body.
D. Robots have eyes and ears.

Duy Tan University 75 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Extension 1
Listen and answer the questions

1. The speaker explains what happens during sunburn. Summarize the process by
putting the events in the correct order.
Order: 1_____ à 2. _____ à 3._____ à4. _____
A. Blood flows to the damaged cells.
B. The sun’s UV rays damage skin cells.
C. You get skin cancer.
D. The skin turns red and sore.

2. According to the speaker, when does blood start flowing to areas of sunburned
A. Immediately when the burn stars.
B. Several hours after the burn begins.
C. 24 hours after being in the sun.
D. A few minutes after damage occurs.

3. Why is sunburn dangerous?

A. It can cause skin cancer.
B. It makes your skin hurt.
C. It makes you look funny.
D. It destroys your brain.

Duy Tan University 76 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks.

If you have white skin, you’re in (1)___________________________ of getting

sunburn. The cells in your skin are not protected from the sun’s ultraviolet
(2)___________________________ or UV rays. If you don’t protect your skin when
you go outside, your skin can become red and sore. We call
this_(3)__________________________ . I bet we’ve all experienced this at some point
in our lives. What happens in this: UV rays damage cells in your skin. The
body_(4)__________________________ by sending more blood to these cells to
repair the damage. This is why your skin is red when you get sunburned -
(5)___________________________ this extra blood. The blood begins moving toward
the damaged areas four hours after you’ve first been in the sun and will keep moving
there as much as (6)___________________________ . You won’t know you’re
sunburned until it’s too late. Sunburn is (7)___________________________ because
it increases the chance that you will get skin (8)___________________________ .

Duy Tan University 77 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Extension 2
Listen and answer the questions

1. The woman explains how to get to the art gallery. Summarize the process by
putting the steps in the correct order.
Order: 1. ____ à2. ____ à3.____ à4.____
A. 10th Street
B. Market Street
C. University Drive
D. Go around city hall

2. Where is the art show take place?

A. On First Nation land
B. In city Hall
C. In the shopping mall
D. At a market

3. How will they go to gallery?

A. By bus
B. By taxi
C. By bike
D. By car

Duy Tan University 78 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks

M: What ‘s (1)______ _______ for the day, Natalie?

W: Well, I have to work on my paper this morning. After that, I’m free. Why?
M: I was thinking about going to see an (2)_____ ______. It’s about First
Nations (3)______ totems. Do you want to go? Isn’t that what your paper is
W: Yea. You remembered. Alex! Maybe I should go see the show before I
work on my paper.
M: It’s in the (4)_______ ________ Mall.
W: I know where that is. It’s at 10th and Market Street.
M: I’ll drive. But could you just quickly go over (5)_______________ with
me first?
W: Sure, Alex, it’s easy. Take University Drive to Market Street. We take
Market Street (6)_______________ to 15th Street. Then, follow the circle
around City Hall to continue on Market Street. We keep going on Market Street
until 10th Street. Then, the main door to the mall is right on the (7)__________
corner of 10th and Market Street.

Duy Tan University 79 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Extension 3
Listen and answer the questions

1. The instructor explains how bears helped people.Summarize the information by

putting the steps in the correct order.
Order: 1. ____ à2. ____ à3.____ à4.___
A. See food that was ok to eat.
B. Watch bears.
C. Learn what to eat in a new place.
D. See food that was bad to eat.

2. According to the speaker, what lesson can people learn from snakes?
A. Avoid dangerous place.
B. Take care of your skin.
C. We need to change.
D. We get bigger as we get older.

3. Why did some First Nations people study bears?

A. To learn how to fight better
B. To learn about the plants bears eat
C. To learn how to catch fish
D. To learn how to run faster.

Duy Tan University 80 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Follow-Up: Listen again and fill in the blanks

Today, I’d like to talk about animal helpers. There are many ways that animals can
help or (1)___________________________ us. By that, I mean how people long ago
learned from animals. And even today, we can still learn from them. Think of a
(2)___________________________ for example. A snake grows new skin and sheds
its old skin many times. It can remind us that we too need to change. The snake’s old
skin can be (3)___________________________ because it has a new one. For us, it’s
the same. We let go of old things and ideas for new ones. At age seven, we think
certain think. Do we think the same things at age (4)_________________________ ?
If so, we have (5)___________________________ little in our lifetime.

Duy Tan University 81 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
Quiz 4

1. Why does the student talk to the librarian ?

A. She needs help using the computer.
B. She needs help writing a paper.
C. She is looking to work at the library.
D. She needs to buy some books.

2. What does the librarian suggest the student do ?

Click on 2 answers.
□ Search in a good encyclopedia
□ Search the library computers
□ Search the internet for information
□ Look for other materials

3. Why should the student visit the professor ?

A. She needs the professor’s approval before she can start writing.
B. The professor can see if she has learned a lot or not.
C. The professor can help the student further by suggesting books.
D. She needs to check on the list of book that the professor has.

4. What does the librarian mean when he says this ?

A. He thinks that the student doesn’t have any ideas.
B. He thinks that the student’s topic is too narrow.
C. He feels sorry for the student.
D. He believes that the student needs to narrow down the topic.

5. What is the talk mainly about ?

A. The claws of fiddler crabs
B. The food of fiddler crabs
C. The colors of fiddler crabs
D. The types of fiddler crabs

6. According to the talk, what is NOT a method the male fiddler crabs use to attract
the female’s attention ?
A. Waving their claws in the air
B. Beating their claws on the ground
C. Picking up mud on the ground
D. Shaking their body to make noise

Duy Tan University 82 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Lesson 6 Summarizing a Process
7. Why does the teacher mention that fiddler crabs are also known as mud crabs ?
A. To identify a certain type of fiddler crab
B. To emphasize a point that he just made
C. To describe the color of their claws
D. To compare between male and female crabs

8. Listen again to part of the lecture . Then answer the question.

Why does the teacher say this ?
A. To ask what points the students remember
B. To identify what points to note down about the crabs
C. To introduce a new point about fiddler crabs
D. To describe what female crabs like about the claws

9. What is the discussion mainly about ?

A. World War I and II
B. Racism in America today
C. Unusual events in America during World War II
D. Treatment of Japanese – Americans during World War II

10. What happened to Japanese – Americans during World War II ?

A. The US government forced them into camps.
B. They were not allowed to live in the US.
C. The US government wanted to send them back to Japan.
D. Americans wanted to know more about their culture.

11. Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.
What does the man imply when he says this ?
A. The US made heroes of Japanese – Americans.
B. The US only put Japanese – Americans in a camp.
C. The Japanese – Americans suffered more than the Jews did.
D. The Nazi Germans treated Japanese – Americans badly.

12. What does the teacher think about the behavior of the US government towards
Japanese – Americans ?
A. She blames the US government.
B. She understands that it had to be done.
C. She does not think much about it.
D. She thinks that the Americans did a great job.

Duy Tan University 83 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test


Now start the Audio Program.

This section tests your understanding of conversations and lectures. You will
hear each conversation or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on
what is stated or implied in the conversations and lectures.
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use these notes to help
you answer the questions.
In some questions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you that you
will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again. Then you will answer a question
about the part of the lecture that you heard.
Some questions have special directions that are highlighted.
During an actual test, you will not be allowed to skip questions and come back
to them later, so try to answer every question that you hear on this test.
There are two conversations and four lectures. Most questions are separated by
a ten-second pause.

Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you.

1 of 34 What course does Scott want to drop?

A. Mathematics
B. Biochemistry
C. Medicine
D. Music
Listen again to part of the conversation.
2 of 34 What does Professor Calhoun mean when she says this?
A. She respects Dr. Delaney's academic research.
B. She thinks that Dr. Delaney's advice should be respected.
C. She thinks that Scott should have more respect for Dr. Delaney.
D. She completely disagrees with Dr. Delaney's advice.

Duy Tan University 84 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
3 of 34 What does Professor Calhoun say about her class?
A. The most difficult part of it is already over.
B. It will be ending in a few days.
C. It is not required for students who plan to study medicine.
D. She will not be teaching it next year.
4 of 34 What does Professor Calhoun suggest that Scott do?
A. Wait a few days before he drops her class
B. Speak to Dr. Delaney again
C. Concentrate on his four other classes
D. Work with her teaching assistant
5 of 34 Which of the following best describes Professor Calhoun's attitude towards
A. Condescending
B. Angry
C. Encouraging
D. Disappointed
Listen to a conversation between two students
Now get ready to answer the questions.You may use your notes to help you.

6 of 34 Why did Martha come to the library?

A. To look up some terms
B. To meet Stanley
C. To get some coffee
D. To prepare for a test
7 of 34 What did Stanley misplace?
A. His backpack.
B. A notebook
C. Some index cards.
D. A library book
Listen again to part of the conversation.

Duy Tan University 85 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
8 of 34 What does Martha mean when she says this?
A. She thinks that Stanley had better hurry up.
B. She's surprised he is working on his papers so early.
C. She thinks she should do some research as well.
D. She's surprised that Stanley enjoys doing research.
9 of 34 According to Stanley, what does the term stacks refer to?
A. The section of the library where journals are stored
B. Piles of note cards
C. The part of the library where books are shelved
D. A place to get something to eat in the library

10 of 34 Where will Stanley go next?

A. To the periodicals room
B. To talk with a librarian
C. To the snack bar in the basement
D. To Williams Street

Listen to part of a lecture in an elementary education class

Now get ready to answer the questions.

You may use your notes to help you.

11 of 34 Which of the following activities are signs of "writing readiness" in

Choose three answers.
Asking to play with scissors and modeling clay
Making marks on a page that look like writing
Asking adults to guide their hands as they write something.
Writing numbers and simple words
Using "invented letters"

Duy Tan University 86 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
12 of 34 What does the speaker imply about the system mentioned in the article that
the students read, which was used to describe the development of writing
A. It is no longer considered valid by most experts.
B. She does not agree with it at all.
C. It has fewer stages than some other systems.
D. It is the only one in common use today.
13 of 34 The speaker mentions four stages in the development of writing skills. Put
these stages in the correct order, beginning with the earliest stage.
Put the letters of the stages in the proper boxes.

A. Phonemic
B. Symbolic
C. Conventional
D. Transitional


14 of 34 Why does the speaker mention Spanish and Finnish?

A. She thinks that children should learn to write several languages.
B. These languages are easier for young writers because they are phonetic
C. She has learned to write in these languages herself.
D. Children often learn to write these languages without studying the rules
of phonics.
15 of 34 Which of the following is the best example of writing done by a child in the
transitional stage?
A. Ilketetpzaiskrmevda
B. I lik eat pissa an ise krim ever dae.
C. I'd like to eat piza and ice creem every day.
D. I’d like to eat pizza and ice cream everyday

Duy Tan University 87 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
16 of 34 Which of these statements about writing assignments for young children
would the professor probably agree with?
Choose two answers.
They should be designed to increase accuracy and speed of
They should be as enjoyable as possible.
They should emphasize communication skills.
They should be carefully graded by teachers.

Listen to a lecture in an astronomy class.

Now get ready to answer the questions.You may use your notes to help you.


17 of 34 What is the main purpose of this lecture?

A. To describe some recent research in astronomy
B. To discuss the first discovery of double stars
C. To give students an assignment to do in the observatory
D. To present a basic description of double stars

18 of 34 According to most astronomers, about what percentage of all stars are

double stars?
A. 3% to 4%
B. 10%
C. 25%
D. 75%

19 of 34 According to the speaker, what does the term comes mean in astronomy?
A. It is the dimmer star in a binary pair.
B. It is one of the stars in a line-of-sight double.
C. It is a system having three or more stars.
D. In an eclipsing binary, it is the star that is eclipsed.

Duy Tan University 88 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
20 of 34 How many stars make up Mizar-Alcor?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Eight
21 of 34 How does the speaker describe double stars of contrasting colors?
A. By comparing them to optical pairs
B. By comparing them to familiar objects found on Earth
C. By imagining what a space alien would think of them
D. By providing statistics about their relative ages
22 of 34 The speaker mentions a number of different double-star systems. Match
these systems with their descriptions.

Place the letters of the choices in the proper boxes.

A. Mizar-Alcor B. Algol C. Albireo

Two stars of An eclipsing binary An optical pair

contrasting colors

Listen to a lecture in a marketing class.

Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you.


23 of 34 Which of the following is NOT one of the terms for the method the speaker
uses for classifying SBUs?
A. The BCG Method
B. The Boston Box
C. The General Electric/Shell Method
D. The Growth-Share Matrix

Duy Tan University 89 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

24 of 34 How does the speaker classify the SBU that makes athletic shoes?
A. As a star
B. As a dog
C. As a problem child
D. As a cash cow
25 of 34 Why is the term cash cow used to describe some SBUs?
A. Like actual dairy cows, they require a lot of care and daily attention.
B. They provide nourishment for "problem children."
C. They are often bought and sold as cows are sold at rural markets.
D. They produce a flow of profits as cows produce a flow of milk.
26 of 34 Which of these classification changes would probably most please the
market-ing manager of the firm that owns this SBU?
A. From star to problem child
B. From dog to cash cow.
C. From cash cow to dog
D. From star to dog
27 of 34 In this lecture, the professor describes the marketing strategies of
Langfield-Smith. Indicate whether each of the following is a strategy that Smith lists.
Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Yes No

Increase market share in an SBU and turn a cash cow

into the star
Reduce investment in an SBU and collect short-term
Buy a well-performing SBU from another company,
creating a new star
Sell a poorly performing SBU and get rid of a dog
Raise prices on an SBU’s product and change a
problem child to a cash cow

Duy Tan University 90 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

28 of 34 What is the speaker's opinion of SBUs known as "dogs"?

A. Their products may be a useful part of a product portfolio.
B. They should be traded to other companies as soon as possible.
C. Their products should be aggressively promoted and advertised.
D. They should be "harvested" to increase short-term profits.

Listen to a discussion in a marine biology class.

Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you.

29 of 34 What is NOT known about the songs of the humpback whale?

Choose two answers.
When humans first became aware of them
Exactly how the whales produce them
What they mean
Who first heard them

30 of 34 In this lecture, the speaker describes two types of calls made by the
humpback whale. Indicate whether each of the following is a characteristic of the low-
frequency call or of the high-frequency call.

Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Low-Frequency High-Frequency
Sound Sound
Travels a long distance
Probably carries a lot of information
Has a simple structure
Is generally considered the “song”
of the humpback whale

Duy Tan University 91 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

31 of 34 The speaker analyzes the music of the humpback whale by breaking it

down into its component parts. Arrange this list of the parts of the
humpback's music, beginning with the simplest and shortest part and
moving to the longest and most complex.
A. Theme
B. Song
C. Element
D. Phrase
Place the letters of the choices in the proper boxes.


32 of 34 How long does a humpback whale take to sing a complete song?

A. Three or four minutes
B. Seven or eight minutes
C. Ten to twenty minutes
D. Up to ten hours
33 of 34 When do humpback whales sing the most?
A. During the daytime when they are in warm waters
B. At night when they are feeding
C. During the day when they are migrating
D. On winter nights
Listen again to part of the lecture.

34 of 34 What does the professor mean when she says this?

A. She agrees that the humpback songs are a form of oral history.
B. Because no one knows what humpback songs mean, the student's idea
might be right.
C. She believes that the student's theory about the humpback songs is better
than those of researchers.
D. Although it is not known what the humpback's songs mean, she is sure
that they are not singing about their history.
Duy Tan University 92 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test

Now start the Audio Program.

This section tests your understanding of conversations and lectures. You will hear each
conversation or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on what is stated or
implied in the conversations and lectures.
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use these notes to help
you answer the questions.
In some questions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you that you
will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again. Then you will answer a question about
the part of the lecture that you heard.
Some questions have special directions that are highlighted.
During an actual listening test, you will not be able to skip items and come back
to them later, so try to answer every question that you hear on this practice test.
This test includes two conversations and four lectures. Most questions are sep-
arated by a ten-second pause.

Listen to a conversation between a professor and a student.


Now get ready to answer some questions about the

conversation. You may use your notes to help you.

1 of 34 Why is Ted unable to meet with Professor Jacobs after class?

A. He wants to go to a poetry reading.
B. He has to attend a meeting.
C. He has another class.
D. He has to check his e-mail.
Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
Duy Tan University 93 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
2 of 34 What does Ted mean when he says this?
A. He is expressing surprise.
B. He's showing a lack of interest.
C. He's not sure what he is being asked to do.
D. He's confused and upset.

3 of 34 What is Ted most interested in reading aloud next Friday?

A. Part of a novel
B. A newspaper article
C. A collection of poems
D. A nonfiction guide to fishing

4 of 34 Which of the following can be inferred about Professor Jacobs?

A. He likes some of Ted's poems, but not the poem "Northern Lights."
B. He doesn't always express his feelings about his students' work in class.
C. He prefers teaching graduate students to teaching undergraduates.
D. He doesn't like poems in which the imagery is frightening.

5 of 34 Why does Professor Jacobs ask Ted to come to his office?

A. To discuss Ted's grade in the creative-writing class
B. To help Ted practice for the reading
C. To help Ted select some poems to read aloud
D. To give Ted a written invitation

Listen to a conversation between a university administrator and a student.


Now get ready to answer some questions about the

conversation. You may use your notes to help you.

Duy Tan University 94 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

6 of 34 Why does Dana want a work-study position?

A. To pay for day-to-day expenses
B. To pay for her tuition
C. To pay back a bank loan
D. To pay for her room and board

7 of 34 What can be inferred about merit-based work-study jobs?

A. They are given only to students who receive financial aid.

B. They are not arranged by Ms. Fong's office.

C. They involve less pay than need-based work-study jobs.

D. They are not funded by the government.

8 of 34 Which of these work-study positions does Dana express the most

enthusiasm for?
A. Cafeteria worker
B. Receptionist
C. Lab technician
D. Museum tour guide

9 of 34 What must Dana do first to apply for the position that she is interested in?
A. Arrange an interview with Dr. Ferrara

B. Mail an application to the museum

C. Fill out some forms
D. Meet with Ms. Fong in person

10 of 34 Why does Ms. Fong say this?

A. To encourage Dana to pursue the job.

B. To offer Dana an alternative job.

C. To suggest reasons for not taking the position.

D. To encourage Dana not to work.

Duy Tan University 95 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
Listen to a lecture in an anthropology class.



Now get ready to answer some questions about the

lecture. You may use your notes to help you.

11 of 34 The professor mentions three types of winter houses used by the Inuit.
Match these three types of houses with the locations where they were used.
A. Snow houses
B. Houses made of driftwood
C. Houses made of stone, earth, and whalebone
Place the letters of the choices in the proper boxes.

North Central Canada Labrador

Northern Alaska
and Greenland
(Northeastern Canada)

12 of 34 Why does the professor say this?

A. To review part of a lecture he gave earlier
B. To give additional information about one group of Inuit
C. To explain why the Inuit in Greenland were isolated
D. To indicate where Thule is located

13 of 34 What can be inferred about the word igloo?

A. Inuit might use this word to talk about a summer house.
B. It is no longer used at all by the Inuit.
C. In Inuit, it refers only to houses made from snow.

D. It was used only in one small part of the Canadian Arctic.

Duy Tan University 96 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test

14 of 34 In this lecture, the professor describes the process the Inuit used to build a
simple igloo. Indicate whether each of the following is a step in the igloo-building
Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Yes No
Build a framework to support the igloo from inside
Cut blocks of hardened snow with a knife
Dig an entrance tunnel

Stand on top of the igloo in order to compress the snow and

make it stronger

Melt snow on the interior surface of the igloo with lamps and
then let the water refreeze

15 of 34 The professor did NOT mention that larger igloos were used in which of
these ways?
Choose two answers.
As a place to dance
As a home for five or more families
As a place to hold wrestling matches
As a location for singing contests
As a storage space for food
16 of 34 According to the professor, what did the Inuit do in the early 1950s?
A. They completely stopped building snow houses.
B. They began making an entirely different type of snow house.
C. They began connecting clusters of igloos with tunnels.
D. They stopped using snow houses except as temporary shelters.

Duy Tan University 97 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

Listen to a discussion in an astrophysics class.


Now get ready to answer some questions about

the lecture. You may use your notes to help you.

17 of 34 What is Professor Fuller's opinion of Albert Einstein?

A. She feels he was mistaken about some key points.
B. She believes he predicted travel to other stars.
C. She thinks that his theories are no longer completely valid.
D. She agrees with him about traveling faster than light.

18 of 34 What powers the "sails" on the ship that the class discusses?
A. Laser light
B. Nuclear reactions
C. Sunlight
D. Wind

19 of 34 According to Professor Fuller, what must be developed before ships can

travel to the stars?
A. A deeper understanding of Einstein's theories
B. New materials from which to build spaceships
C. A new means of powering spaceships
D. Another method of calculating the speed of light

20 of 34 Professor Fuller discusses the process by which a new technology evolves.

Summarize this discussion by putting these four steps in the proper order.
A. Technology phase
B. Application phase
Duy Tan University 98 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
C. Speculation phase
D. Science phase
Put the letters of the stages in the proper boxes.


21 of 34 What does Professor Fuller say about the planets that have so far been
discovered around other stars?
Choose two answers.

Most of them are gas giants.

Some of them are similar to the earth.
Many of them may be inhabited.
A few of them are very close to their stars.

Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.

22 of 34 What does Professor Fuller imply about travel to other stars when she says

A. It is strongly inadvisable.

B. It is unlikely in the foreseeable future.

C. It may begin sooner than people realize.

D. It is a complete impossibility.
Listen to a lecture in an art class.


Now get ready to answer some questions about

the lecture. You may use your notes to help you.

Duy Tan University 99 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

23 of 34 What does the professor say about Minimalism and Conceptualism?

Choose two answers.
They were the dominant schools of art when Photorealism began.
They were very similar in their philosophy and style to Photorealism.
They were abstract schools of art.
They had been influenced by both the Dutch Masters and the trompe
l'oeil school.
24 of 34 Which of the following did Audrey Flack NOT use when painting The Farb
Family Portrait?
A. An airbrush
B. A computer
C. A slide projector
D. Acrylic paints

25 of 34 How does the professor explain the subjects that Photorealists painted?
Choose two answers.
She quotes two Photorealistic painters on their choice of subjects.
She gives specific examples of subjects that Photorealists have painted.
She tells her students to read a paper about the topic of Photorealistic paintings.
She compares the subjects of Photorealistic paintings to those of famous
26 of 34 Which of the following would Richard Estes most likely choose to paint?
A. A farmhouse and open fields
B. A woman examining her reflection in a mirror
C. A telephone booth reflected in a large store window
D. A broken window
27 of 34 According to the professor, why are the sculptures of Duane Hanson so
A. They are very valuable.
B. They are quite large.
C. They are easy to create.
D. They are extremely lifelike.

Duy Tan University 100 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

28 of 34 In this lecture, the professor gives a number of characteristics of the

Photorealistic school of painting. Indicate whether each of the following is a
typical characteristic of paintings of that school of art.

Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

They feature three-dimensional optical illusions.

Their subjects are ordinary people and scenes.

They are often painted in bright colors.

They may be either representational or non-representational.

They show great attention to detail.

Listen to a discussion in a meteorology class.


Now get ready to answer some questions about

the discussion. You may use your notes to help
29 of 34 According to the professor, which of the following are most often damaged
by hail?
Choose two answers.
Rides at amusement parks
Cars and other vehicles
Farmers' crops

Duy Tan University 101 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
30 of 34 According to the professor, which of these methods of preventing damage
from hail was used most recently?
A. Banging on pots and pans
B. Dancing
C. Shooting hail cannons
D. Ringing bells
Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.

31 of 34 What does the professor mean when he says this?

A. He doesn't understand the student's question and wants her to clarify it.
B. He's unsure, but doesn't think it happens often.
C. He doesn't think there is any way to know the answer.
D. He doesn't think the question makes sense.

32 of 34 Why does the professor compare a hailstone to an onion?

A. Because of its size
B. Because of its structure
C. Because of its color
D. Because of its weight

33 of 34 At what time of year are hailstorms most common?

A. In the spring
B. In the summer
C. In the fall
D. In the winter

Duy Tan University 102 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
34 of 34 In this lecture, the professor describes the process by which hail is formed.
Indicate whether each of the following is a step in that process.
Put a check mark ( ) i n the proper box for each phrase.
Yes No
Hailstones become so heavy that they fall to the ground.
Water droplets are lifted into the cold region of a thundercloud
and freeze.
Tornado clouds circulate ice crystals inside of thunderclouds.

Droplets are lifted into the cloud again and again, adding
more ice.

A mass of fast-moving warm air hits a slower-moving mass of

cold air.

Duy Tan University 103 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
Now start the Audio Program.

This section tests your understanding of conversations and lectures. You will hear each
conversation or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on what is stated or
implied in the conversations and lectures.
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use these notes to help
you answer the questions.
In some questions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you that you
will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again. Then you will answer a question about
the part of the lecture that you heard.
Some questions have special directions that are highlighted.
During an actual listening test, you will not be able to skip items and come back
to them later, so try to answer every question that you hear on this practice test.
This test includes two conversations and four lectures. Most questions are
separated by a ten-second pause.
Listen to a conversation between two students.
Now get ready to answer some questions about the
conversation. You may use your notes to help you.

1 of 34 Why can't Allen vote for Janet?

A. Because he is no longer attending the university
B. Because she has decided to drop out of the election
C. Because they do not attend the same school at the university.
D. Because she is running for president, not for the Student Council
2 of 34 How many candidates for office is each student allowed to vote for in this
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Eleven
Duy Tan University 104 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
3 of 34 What is learned about Janet from this conversation?
Choose two answers.
She is currently a member of the Student Council.
She doesn't believe that she has a chance of getting elected.
She doesn't think that the president should be directly elected.
She may run for Student Council president next year.

4 of 34 According to Janet, what is the most important responsibility of the Student


A. To determine how to spend student fees

B. To decide when and where to hold concerts

C. To attend meetings of the Board of Trustees

D. To change the student government charter

Listen again to part of the conversation.
5 of 34 What does Allen imply when he says this?
A. He'll be too busy to vote tomorrow.
B. He won't attend tonight's debate.
C. He's already decided whom to vote for.
D. He hopes the woman gets elected.
Listen to a conversation between two students.

Now get ready to answer some questions about the

conversation. You may use your notes to help you.

6 of 34 What subject does Professor Marquez probably teach?

A. Chemistry
B. Filmmaking
C. Drama
D. Marketing

Duy Tan University 105 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
7 of 34 What will Professor Marquez give the man if he comes to her class the next
A. Information about what role he will play
B. Several types of ice cream
C. A list of questions about the product
D. Money to pay him for his time

8 of 34 What does the woman imply about focus groups that test Hollywood films?
A. They are mainly exploratory focus groups.
B. They are used to help select directors for films.
C. They are mainly experiential focus groups.
D. They are usually used before work on films has begun.

9 of 34 What will Professor Marquez probably pay most attention to during the
focus-group activity?
A. The knowledge that the moderators have about the product
B. The types of ice cream that are used
C. The opinions that the volunteers express
D. The interaction between focus groups and moderators

Listen again to part of the conversation.

10 of 34 What does Tony imply when he says this?
A. He wants to take part in the focus-group activity, but he can't.
B. He likes mint chocolate-chip ice cream.
C. He's already formed his opinion about the product.
D. He would like to become a moderator of the focus group.

Duy Tan University 106 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
Listen to a lecture in an American literature class.

Now get ready to answer some questions about the

lecture. You may use your notes to help you.

11 of 34 Where did Harriet Stowe live when she wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
A. Cincinnati, Ohio
B. Kentucky
C. Brunswick, Maine
D. Connecticut

12 of 34 The professor mentions a number of versions of Uncle Toni's Cabin. List

these in the order in which they were produced, beginning with the earliest.
A. The book
B. The movie
C. The newspaper serial
D. The plays

Put the letters of the versions in the proper boxes.


13 of 34 Why does the professor mention Charles Dickens?

A. He wrote a book on the same topic as that of Stowe's book.
B. Like Stowe, he wrote about some characters in a sentimental way.
C. His novel The Old Curiosity Shop strongly influenced Stowe's writing.
D. He strongly criticized Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Duy Tan University 107 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
14 of 34 What does the professor say about the scene in which Eliza is chased across
the icy river by men with dogs?
Choose two answers.
It is considered the most frightening part of the book.
It is one of the scenes that people remember best.
It is a part of the book but not of the play.
It does not appear in the book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

15 of 34 In this lecture, the professor mentions a number of criticisms of Harriet

Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. Indicate whether each of the following is a
criticism that was mentioned in the lecture.

Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Yes No
It is not strong enough in its criticism of slavery.

It treats its characters too sentimentally.

It is not based on the author's first-hand experiences.

It is difficult for modern readers to understand.

It is far too long and repetitive.

Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

16 of 34 What does the professor suggest to the students when she says this?
A. They should read the book several times.
B. They must read the entire textbook.
C. They should read short selections from the novel.
D. They should read all of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Duy Tan University 108 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test
Listen to a lecture in a geology class.

Now get ready to answer some questions about the

lecture. You may use your notes to help you.

17 of 34 The professor discusses four types of materials involved in the formation of

a glacier.
Give the order in which these materials appear.
A. Glacial ice
B. Neve
C. Firn
D. Ordinary snow

Put the letters of the materials in the proper boxes.


18 of 34 Where can continental glaciers be found today?

Choose two answers.
West Virginia
19 of 34 Which of the following describe a valley formed by a valley glacier ?
Choose two answers.
Shaped like the letter V
Gently curving
Shaped like the letter U
Having sharp angles
Duy Tan University 109 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
20 of 34 It can be inferred from the lecture that which of the following is the
smallest type of glacier?

A. A tributary glacier
B. A piedmont glacier
C. A valley glaciar
D. A continental glacier

21 of 34 In this lecture, the professor gives a number of characteristics of valley

glaciers and continental glaciers. Indicate whether each characteristic is typical of
valley glaciers or continental glaciers.

Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Today cover about 10% of the world's landmass
Flow together to form piedmont glaciers
As they recede, seem to flow uphill
About 11,000 years ago, covered 30% of the world's
As they grow, seem to flow outwards in all directions

22 of 34 What danger does the professor mention?

A. The water from melting glaciers may cause sea levels to rise.
B. Melted ice from glaciers may cause the water in the oceans to cool off.
C. Global warming may cause damaging storms in the Indian Ocean.
D. Glaciers may form in places such as Africa where there are no glaciers

Duy Tan University 110 Foreign Languages Department

Listening 4 Listening Test

Listen to a discussion in an economics class.


Now get ready to answer some questions about the discussion.

You may use your notes to help you.

23 of 34 What is the main topic of this discussion?

A. The causes of the Great Depression

B. The effects of climate on business cycles

C. The stages of the business cycle

D. Government regulation of business

24 of 34 What does Professor Martin imply when he says this?
A. These terms are still used but are no longer common.
B. Other terms were more common in the past.
C. These are the correct terms, but they are not very descriptive.
D. He himself prefers to use other terms for the four stages.
25 of 34 In this lecture, the professor describes the business cycle. Indicate whether
each of the following is a characteristic of the cycle mentioned by the professor.
Put a check mark ( ) in the proper box for each phrase.

Yes No

They vary in length from cycle to cycle.

They are measured from the peak of economic activity to the
trough, the lowest point of economic activity.
They vary in intensity from cycle to cycle.
They have involved deeper recessions in recent years because
of globalization.
They are sometimes called fluctuations because they are
Duy Tan University 111 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test
26 of 34 In which of these decades did economic depressions occur?
Choose two answers.
The 1870s
The 1930s
The 1970s
The 1990s

27 of 34 In what ways do governments usually try to affect business cycles?

A. By reforming the central bank

B. By hiring more government employees

C. By spending less money

D. By controlling the money supply

28 of 34 Which of the following statements about William Jevons's theory would
Professor Martin probably agree with?
A. It's interesting but no longer generally accepted.
B. It may be valid, but there were never any statistics to support it.
C. As time has gone by, more and more economists have accepted it.
D. It was valid when it was first proposed but not today.
Listen to a lecture in a film studies class.



Now get ready to answer some questions about the lecture. You
may use your notes to help you.

29 of 34 Why does the professor mention the work of the French director Georges
A. To point out that one of the earliest movies was a science fiction movie
B. To give an example of a realistic science fiction movie
C. To discuss the very first use of special effects in any movie ever made
D. To compare the role of a magician with that of a film director
Duy Tan University 112 Foreign Languages Department
Listening 4 Listening Test

30 of 34 When does the action in the movie Metropolis supposedly take place?

A. In 1902

B. In 1926
C. In 1984

D. In 2026

31 of 34 What topic does the movie Them! and many other 1950s science-fiction
movies deal with?

A. An invasion from outer space

B. An attack by robots

C. The effects of radiation on insects

D. A nuclear war
32 of 34 Which of the following influenced the movie Forbidden Planet?
Choose two answers.
The theories of Sigmund Freud
A novel by the French author Jules Verne
A play by William Shakespeare
Movies about the American West

33 of 34 What does the professor think is remarkable about the movie ET?
A. That it's considered the most popular science fiction of all time
B. That it features a friendly alien rather than a hostile one
C. That it was popular with audiences but not with critics
D. That it is so similar to other movies about visitors from space

34 of 34 What does the professor imply when she says this?

A. She prefers recent movies to older movies such as Forbidden Planet.
B. She would like to be able to show more of the film Forbidden Planet.
C. She doesn't really want to show scenes from any 1950s movies.
D. She doesn't have time to show scenes from her favorite movie today.

Duy Tan University 113 Foreign Languages Department

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