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 Outline Rizal's Observation, Experiences and achievements.


○Rizal went to Paris to specialize in Opthalmology and travelled to various parts of Europe. In paris, he
study at Heidelberg under the famed professor Otto Becker. Then after studying he finished his second
doctorate at Heidelberg in 1887.

○So when in Europe no, he met prominent figures who also influenced his thoughts and the course of
his actions. This can be seen on his novel "Noli Me Tangere" which was finally published in Febrauary
21, 1887 in Berlin with the help of a friend named Maximus Viola.

To his continues associations with many rationalist thinkers and liberal politicians of Spain and other
countries of Europe, He changed his attitude towards Religion more particularly, , a new rationalistic
approach to life have emerged to Rizal's anti-clerical sentiments and his apathy to Catholic church.

○March 21, 1887- Noli me Tangere which means "Touch Me not" came off the press

○March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the
Noli; with the ff. inscription: "To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my work-
Jose Rizal"

* Rizal Grand Tour of Europe with Viola

○May 11, 1887 -wherein they left Berlin via train to travel to different places such as in Dresden(one of
the best cities in Germany). Prometheus bound (painting where Ruzal was deeply impressed), Teschen
( now Decin, Czechoslovakia) their next stopover after Dresden.


○May 13-16,1887- Rizal and Viola stayed at Leimeritz where they met people like Burgomaster (town
mayor), Dr. Carlos Czepelak (scientist of Europe), Prof. Robert Klutschak (eminent Naturalist

○Rizal and Blumentritt ( kind-hearted, old Austrian professor) met in person for the first time


○May 20, 1887- Arrival of Rizal and Viola in the city of Vienna,hailed as "Queen of Danube", capital of

○Norfentals- one of the greatest Austrian novelist was favorably impressed by Rizal, and years later he
spoke higly of Rizal, "whose genius he so much admired".

○Hotel Metropole- where Rizal and Viola stayed; In Vienna, he received his lost diamond stickpin

*Danubian Voyage to Lintz

○May 24, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Vienna on a river boat to see the beautiful Danube River; he
observed that the passengers on the river boat were using paper napkins durimg the meals, which was a
novelty to him. Ciola commented that the paper napkins were "more hygienic and economical than
cloth napkins".

*From Lintz to Rheinfall

○Munich- where Rizal sojourned for a short time to savor the famous Munich beer, reputed to be the
best in Germany

*Crossing the Frontier to Switzerland

○June 2 to 3, 1887 - stayed at Schaffhausen, Switzerland

○June 19- Rizal and Viola spent 15 delightful days in Geneva then on June 23, 1887- Viola and Rizal
parted ways- Viola went back to Barcelona while Rizal continued the tour to Italy

○Exposition of the Philippines in Madrid, Spain - Rizal was outraged by this degradation to Igorots of
Northern Luzon

*Rizal in Italy

○June 27,1887- Rizal reached Rome ( Eternal City or City of the Caesars) and described it to Blumentritt,
"Grandeur that was Rome",

○June 29, 1887 - Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rizal's first visit to Vatican- "City of the Popes

○He mentioned how tiring his day after sighseeing the whole day- "I am tired as a dog, but I will sleep as
a God.

○After a week in a Rome, he prepared to comeback home in the Philippines.

*First Homecoming

○After sometime that his novel-Noli me tangere was distributed to people. The people of Spain
especially the Spanish friars took offense of this writing of Rizal which put him in a position of danger as
well as his family. (He was warned by his brother-Paciano and brother-in-law-Chengoy not to return
home. However, during that time Rizal was really determined to come back home for the ff. reason.
1.His mother need medication. 2served his ppl who have been long oppressed by Spanish ppl, 3. to
know why leonora rivera remained silent.

○When Rizal returned home for a visit, he received a summoned from the governor-general and had to
defend himself against charges of disseminating subversive ideas. Later that incident, they banned the
book, believing they were provocative enough to incite rebellion; and ordered those caught reading

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