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Transcultural Nursing
-•^ concepts. Theories, **
Research & Practices
Second Edition

Madeleine Leininger, P/»A LHD, FAAN, CTN, RN

Professor of Nursing and Anthropolog>'
Colleges of Nursing and Liberal Arts
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Dr. Leininger is the founder of Transcultur

N u r s i n g a n d leader in Human Care Research.
eA;HCC O U T (ilAMA .,

McGraw-Hill, Inc.
College Custom Series

New York St Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota

Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico Milan Montreal
New Delhi Paris San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto

"^(^h of Contents

Dedication and Acknowledgments ' .
Contributors j^^j

Section I: IVanscultural Nursing: Impoitance, History. Concepts. Thcorjt and Research „„ l

Chapter 1: Transcultural Nursing: Development. Focus. Importance.

and Historical Development fLerninger/ 3
Defmition, Nature. Rationale, and Importance of Transcultural Nursing 4
Purpose and Goal of Transcultural Nursing 11
The Scope, Rationale of. and Factors Influencing Transcultural Nursing 13
Scope of Transcultural Nursing 22
Scope of Transcultural Nursing: Individual to Global Focus 22
Conceptualization of Transcultural Nursing 24
Global Human Cultures 26
Societal & National Cultures 26
Regional & Community Cultures 26
Institutional Cultures 26
Groups & Family Cultures 26
Individual Cultures 26
Discovering and Using Transcultural Nursing Knowledge: Model and Process 27
Phases of Transcultural Nursing Knowledge and Uses 27
Overview of Transcultural Nursing Practice
Glimpse of Transcultural Nursing Education Worldwide ^
General Transcultural Nursing Research
Transcultural Nursing and Related Organizations ^^
A Historical Perspective of Transcultural Nursing ^
Summary Review Points on Transcultural Nursing
Bridging Reflections to Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Transcultural Nursing Perspectives: Basic Concepts. Principles, and ^^
Culture Care Incidents (Leininger) ; ^
Major Concepts to Understand in Transcultural Nursmg "ZZ^-7A
Culture Care 79
Generic (Lay and Folk) and Professional Care/Canng " r ; ^ , ^ .81
Overview of Transcultural Nursing's Phases of Development (1955.1 W ) ZZ1..«3
Basic Transcultural Nursing Care Pnnciplcs ZL...84
Incidents to Learn about Transcultural Nursing !!"!!"!!!!!."»» 85
Transcultural Nursing Clinical Incidents *"" gg
Summary • 91
Hifltoncal Imaget of Numng from Kaliichs
The American Oihure of Nursmr ^ ^ ^ 0940-197^ a ^ t e i m i m s I t f U & v n ?
Dominant Comparative Core Features ^^frt (^mtkmr ^ "^ III
Authority Relationships and Fcnuk RigbKs » _ _ _ ^M
Political Power and Politics « _ « « _
— 222
Competition and the Culture of Nursing.. — 2M
Glimpses from Other Cultures of Nursmg jj*
The American Tribes of Nursing -.«„. ^__ 2B
American Hospiul Culture 236
References >q

Chapter 9: Cnisrun and Enicidem: Two Strange Health Tribes in Adrema (Ummgtrf M5
The Gnisrun Tribe i*6
A Glimpse: The "Old" Gnisrun and Eniddem Tribes 3i*
Recent Nursing Culture 251
The Enicidem Tribe 2K
References ^

Chapter 10: Cultural Perspectives of Pain (VtHamiei) —-« — ^

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Umvcrsality—»—. ^
Research and practice implications — "V^T rn
Cultural influences on nurses* perceptions and care associated w i d n w ^
. „ . . . ^ 279
Chapterll: Transcultural Mental Health Nursing (Ummger; ^
Discovery of the Need for Changes •— jg,
Questions for Reflection ."u""lli^"wM«ii^ • -2>2
Fundamental Principles for Transcultural Menul Health Nursmg " " — " 3 3 ; ^,5
Psychocultural Specific Mental Health Condinons -;;;;;";;";;;;;;;";; J ^ 292

-----irLts'.^c=.c=. of Transcultural Nursmg /Uinmgwi- 2K


Smtextuai Spheres of Ethical C"'~-^;^::::::::::: '"

References ^^j

section m: Cu.tu« Specific C a . of Diffecnt Cu.tu«s ^^ " " I I I 3.7

rnanter 13 Arab Muslims and Culture Care ILuna) 3:;::::;:::::I •• •"i::^

'^'"" ''• ^ Learning about Arab ^ ^ -V^Mu.Iim ' m m i r . ' * - • — : 32.
Ethnohistorica. ^^Pf» " ^ ^ ^.^"^d Cons.dcrat.on. „ - 3,4
•n,e Worldv.ew of Islam.c C"'^"^' •"; ^„„,„, c . « ..„..„ 325
Social Str^icture F««°";"^^; cons^derat.on. -•; ^
cultural Food Va."" - « ^^ e C„_^^ ^^^^^^ _ ^
Health, Illness, and Care ueii .331
Ouipcrr IS

^fi^tiOvtr^ SOCMI Scnxture Mtd RrUted Haoe%

Ciilturr Care
tthnotAre Vaiyrs. iriMCs. mtd Pracdca
Ciiicurr Sprctfii ^^Mr*^«^f r^mm ,
'fs Values, and Sursinf CMTT
QumM Nursmg (onsKkracwm
lie Cwiruff Cjre of McMcan Arecncans fVMmimi md
AfDmcans An Ethnohistoncal Context
AMencans Today ,^.-,,-„
OMranrnctici and Drmofraphia
S M W Scrvcture and Wofldvir**
CJTT and Health Research Guidelines u m i 171
(Folk) System. Curarwlenimo and Curandens i.m • i. i- i... "4
Nursu^ Care Ct>nsKJcraiK>ns (or MeiKan Amefic— , ^^

17 Afn e w AMcncJM and Cultural Carr/Moryn^

mtA die African American Cannt and
SacM tovctiOTt. Wurt^rw^ Heakh. md Un
AfnerKans and the Mk l l i a M l
;r «nd the ^ w u of
T W Meamng cW (.are

Chapter 19: Lithuanian Americans and Culture Care (GekiisI „.
Theoretical Framework " *^
Ethnohistory of Lithuanian Americans -"42»
Review of Literature on Lithuanian Americans "* " .f?
Research Findings Related to Worldview. Social Stnicture. and Other DitniJiisi^'"* 433
Culture Care Meanings " .„
Transcultural Nursing Actions and Decisions Using the Three Modes for Culturally
Congruent Care for Lithuanian Americans AMQ
Summary Reflections ^1
References 442

Chapter 20: TVanscultural Nursing Care of American Gypsies (Bodnar and Leinmger) 44s
Theoretical Perspective 446
Research Method 447
Ethnohistorical and Worldview „ 448
Specific Nursing and Health Care Research „ 458
Analysis of Data and Cultural Care Findings ..-— 460
Major Research Findings Bearing on Gypsy Culture Care ...461
American (USA) Gypsy Dominant Cultural Values. Care Meanings, and Actions 464
Concluding Statements " ^^
References ^~
Chapter 21: Jewish Americans and Culture (leininger)
Ethnohistory ^^
Woridview ^^3
Education and Religion ^^
General Cultural Values —•*" •••"•"-"
Kinship and the Generic (Folk) and Professional Health Care ^^^^'^'^;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;:: 479
Technology • V""" " 478
Providing Congruent and Acceptable Nursing Care » ••--•• ••• ^

Chapter 22- Navajo Child Health Beliefs and Rearing Practices Within a Transcultural 485
Chapter 22. N^^ J^_^^ p,3„ework: Uterature Review (PhdUps and '^^^^^^^^^^ 4^
Caring Behaviors 486
Tribal Themes 487
Health-Illness Values and Beliefs ••""*••* ^ 488
Patterns of Behavior ^*^*"^ •*«*
Pre-Birth Phase "[2. " ^
Pre-Cradleboard Phase • * .—^ ™
Cradleboard Phase 493
Post Cradleboard Phase 495
Nursing Care
A rhild Reanng of the Muckleshoots {Hom} . 502
Chapter 23: Transcultural Nursing and Child Reanng 505
^ Social and Cultural Background 507
Specific Child Rearing Practices • •• - - ^ ^ ^
A ^ i c a t i o n of Umingers Conceptual Model

and Soad WniriMre of

Cart mmnmm Inv^MMMu Wttk

Exhibit 4
Appendix A " ^^
Appendix B ^^
Section V: Future of TVanscultural Nursing ^-^

Chapter 29: Transcultural Nursing: Quo V^dis (Where Goeth the Field?) (Leininger) ^y
The First Era: Establishing the Field of Transcultural Nursing (1955-1975) 664
The Second Era: Program and Research Expansion (1975-1983) 669
The Third Era: Establishing Transcultural Nursing Woridwide (1983 and into the
Twenty-First Century) 673
Future Trends and Challenges in Transcultural Nursing 675
References 678

Chapter 30: The Future of Transcultural Nursing: The Global Perspective (Leininger) „ 681
General Changes in Nursing 6*2
Some Specific Changes in Nursing Education and Prartice 687
Brief Glimpses of Transcultural Nursing Today and in the Future Woridwide 692
Strategic Planning: Essential for the Future of Transcultural Nursing 698

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