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Manajemen Inovasi dan Teknologi

Tidd, J., dan Bessant, J. 2013.
Managing innovation: integrating
technological, market and
organizational change. Wiley.
Trott, P. 2017. Innovation Management
and New Product Development.
Harlow: Pearson Education.
Schilling, M. 2006. Strategic
Management of Technological
Innovation. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Likar, B. dkk. Innovation management.
2013. Ljubljana: Korona Plus.
Dodgson, M., Gann, D., dan Salter, A.
2008. The management of
technological innovation. Oxford
University Press.
Every organization, not just
business, needs one core
competence: innovation.
Apa itu ?
Innovation is the successful exploitation of new
ideas. (UK DTI Innovation Unit, 1994) innovare (latin)
to renew or change
Innovation is a process that turns new ideas into
opportunities and puts these into widely used
practices. (Joe Tidd & Joseph Bessant, 2013)
Industrial innovation includes the technical, design,
manufacturing, management and commercial
activities involved in the marketing of a new (or
improved) product or the first commercial use of a
new (or improved) process or equipment.
(Chris Freeman,1982)
Apa itu ?
Innovation does not necessarily imply the commercialization
of only a major advance in the technological state of the art
(a radical innovation) but it includes also the utilization of even
small-scale changes in technological know-how (an improvement
or incremental innovation). (Roy Rothwell & Paul Gardiner, 1985)
Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they
exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or service. It is capable of
being presented as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of being practised.
(Peter Drucker, 1985)
Apa itu ?
Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They
approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies
and new ways of doing things. (Michael Porter, 1990)
An innovative business is one which lives and breathes ‘outside
the box’. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good
ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding
of what your customer wants. (Richard Branson, 1998)
Something different that has impact. (Scott D. Anthony,
Apa itu ?
Innovation is the management of all the activities involved
in the process of idea generation, technology development,
manufacturing and marketing of a new (or improved) product
or manufacturing process or equipment. (Trott, 2017)
An ’innovation’ is the implementation of a new or significantly
improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method,
or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or
external relations. (Oslo Manual OECD, 1997)
Innovation is not a single action but a total process of interrelated sub processes.
It is not just the conception of a new idea, nor the invention of a new device,
nor the development of a new market. The process is all these things acting
in an integrated fashion. (Myers dan Marquis, 1969)

Proses mengubah invention +

pemikiran intelektual implementation/
menjadi artefak baru commercialization
yang nyata.

ban pertama
Mengapa ?
• Tekanan kompetitif dan kebutuhan untuk bertahan hidup.
• Manajemen perusahaan. Manajer harus menerapkan
perubahan, proses baru, dan peningkatan sistem.
• Sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

4Ps (Tidd dan Bessant)

• Product
• Process
• Position
• Paradigm
Produk Proses

Perubahan produk yang Perubahan cara penawaran

ditawarkan organisasi. dibuat dan disampaikan.

Posisi Paradigma
Perubahan dalam konteks Perubahan dalam model
produk diperkenalkan. mental yang mendasari yang
membingkai apa yang
dilakukan organisasi.

• Inovasi inkremental:
melakukan apa yang kita
lakukan, tetapi lebih baik.
• Inovasi radikal: melakukan
sesuatu yang berbeda.
Contoh Peta Inovasi

Tipe Inovasi Inkremental Radikal

Produk − apa yang ditawarkan Peningkatan kinerja lampu pijar Lampu LED cerdas
Proses − bagaimana kita membuat Peningkatan layanan telepon tetap Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
dan menyampaikan penawaran
Posisi − di mana kita menargetkan Penawaran layanan segmentasi Maskapai penerbangan berbiaya
penawaran dan deskripsi yang kita maskapai untuk kelompok rendah membuka perjalanan udara
sampaikan penumpang yang berbeda bagi yang sebelumnya tidak mampu
– menciptakan pasar baru dan juga
mengganggu pasar yang sudah ada

Paradigma – bagaimana kita IBM dari pembuat mesin menjadi Amazon, Google, Skype –
membingkai apa yang kita lakukan perusahaan layanan dan solusi – mendefinisikan ulang industri
menjual pembuatan komputernya seperti ritel, periklanan, dan
dan membangun sisi konsultasi dan telekomunikasi melalui model
layanannya daring
• Muncul pasar baru
• Muncul teknologi baru
• Aturan politik baru
• Perubahan sentimen atau perilaku pasar
• Peristiwa yang tidak terpikirkan
• Inovasi model bisnis
• Pergeseran paradigma tekno-ekonomi
Tidak !
Hambatan inovasi meliputi:
• Melihat inovasi sebagai ide, bukan manajemen seluruh proses.
• Tidak menyadari perlunya perubahan.
• Pola pikir dan kepuasan diri.
• Jaringan informasi yang tertutup, terisolasi dari ide-ide baru.
Terima Kasih

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