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VOL. IV, No. 2
(617) 393-3635



The design of a boiler begins with the fluid temperature. This gradient,bTiOF, from
steam pressure, temperture and quantity. tube wall to bulk fluid temperature is related
These three factors determine the amount of to the waterside heat-transfer coefficient, hi,
heat energy required. Fuel type and heat BTU/HR-FT~ .
content will dictate furnace size and shape.
Drum pressure sets the saturation steam tem-
perature which in turn fixes the correct
operating temperature of the waterwalls.
Superheater-outlet steam temperature deter- where ro and ri are outside and inside radii
mines the amount of superheat and hence the of the tube. There is also a temperature
size of the superheater required. Combustion gradient,ATmOF,through the steel tube wall
energy heats the steel boiler tube surfaces related to the thermal conductivity, km,
and steam or water cools the steel to main- BTU/HR-FT-OF, of steel, given by:
tain proper metal temperature. In the process -
steam is generated in the furnace and heated
in the superheater. Thus the overall design
becomes a dynamic balance between heat trans-
fer and fluid flow. When this equilibrium is Both gradients are proportional to the heat
upset, then corrosion, oxidation, and creep flux; the two gradients are additive and deter-
failures occur sooner than expected. mine the tube-metal operating temperature.
Combustion of fuel provides the necessary The furnace size must be large enough to
heat energy. The furnace size must be large keep the maximum heat flux less than about
enough to efficiently and completely burn the 125,000 BTU/HR-FT~. At this value, 125,000,
necessary quantity of fuel. For example, me- ATi +AT, is about 150°F. If saturation
thane (natural gas) and carbon monoxide (a temperature is 650°F the fireside metal temper- i
by-product from iron-ore reduction to pig iron ature is 800°F. The usual temperature limit of
in a blast furnace) are both gaseous fuels. carbon steel is 850°F. Thus any higher heat
However, methane has a heat content of nearly flux than 125,000 BTU/HR-FT~ will lead to
24,000 BTU/LB while carbon monoxide has only excessive metal temperatures for carbon steel. 1
about 10,000 BUT/LB. It takes almost 23 times These peak heat fluxes occur in the burner zone. I
the weight of carbon monoxide to give off the Above and below, the heat absorption drops off
same heat as natural gas. It follows that the so that the furnace wall average is considerably
furnace volume of a carbon monoxide-fired less.
boiler needs to be much larger than a natural- A third factor comes into play in coal-
gas fueled boiler. fired boilers: the ash fusion temperature, the
The second important factor in the deter- point at which the ash becomes sticky. The
mination of furnace size is the local heat amount of heat absorbed in the furnace should
flux, Q/A, BTU/HR-FT~. In a natural-circula- be sufficient to reduce the furnace exit gas
tion boiler, the water-steam emulsion in the temperature (FEGT) below the ash fusion tem-
furnace tubes is at a fixed temperature, the perature. The FEGT depends on the ratio of
saturation temperature. There is a tempera- heat released during combustion to the size of
ture increase on the waterside along the tube's the furnace-wall cooling surfaces. Furnace
inside surface, through the laminar boundary exit gas temperature is determined by the ash
layer. In essence, this means the metal tem- fusion temperature of the fly ash entering the
perature on the ID is slightly higher than the convection pass. This temperature should be
low enough that the ash deposits, when they lel flow path is the same. The easiest way to
form, are friable and easily removed by soot do this of course, is to make the length of the
blowers. Toohigh a gas temperature and the individual tubes between inlet and outlet head-
fly ash will be molten, tightly adhering, and ers the same. If the length of an individual
impossible to remove. tube through a SH pendant, for example, differs
In the design of all boilers the primary from its neighbor, then the flow resistance is
objective is to maintain sufficient fluid flow greater and there is less mass flow of steam
through the heated tubes for adequate control through that particular circuit. The smaller
of tube-metal temperatures. The expected the steam-mass flow, the smaller will be "hiu
heat-transfer regime on the fluid side is and thus the tube-metal temperature is increased.
nucleate boiling for all operating conditions. A tube-metal temperature increase of 50°F over
To maintain nucleate boiling the heat flux the design temperature will reduce the expect-
must be balanced by appropriate fluid flow. ed life by about 85%. Thus small increases in
Steam bubbles form at discrete locations on tube-metal temperature can have disastrous
the inside surface of the heated risers. When effects on the expected life.
they reach a critical size, each is swept away We can begin to see reasons for some of
by the moving liquid. So long as single bub- the tube failures that occur throughout a boil-
bles of steam form and are removed, nucleate er. Something has upset the dynamic balance
boiling is said to occur. When the volume of between heat transfer and fluid flow. The
steam becomes too great, at a very high heat increases in internal scale reduce the heat
flux for example, individual bubbles cease to flow and thus raise tube-metal temperatures.
exist but form a continuous film. This is the Changes in heat flux and variations in steam
point of departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) flow will also raise tube-metal temperatures.
and rapid tube failures follow. Design mistakes occur. Flowisa function of
Similarly, the superheaters and reheaters the length through a superheater or reheater
also have a balance between heat transfer and circuit. Every tube should have the same effec-
fluid flow. In equilibrium the metal tempera- tive tube length for comparable steam flow, and
tures are within the design limits and the thus comparable heat transfer and cooling. This,
stress levels are within the ASME Boiler & unfortunately, is not always the case.
Pressure Vessel Code requirements and below The gas-side, heat-transfer coefficient
the oxidation and corrosion limits of the also can be variable from tube to tube; e.g.,
alloy selected. wrapper tubes designed to align the pendant
There are factors that can upset the bundle can stick out into the gas path where
balance between heat transfer and fluid flow heat transfer is greater than within a tube pro-
and raise tube-metal temperatures to the fail- tected by the rest of the bundle. Since wrapper
ure point: 1) Too high a heat flux, e.g., from tubes contain a substantial number of bends that
flame impingement or laning. 2) Excessive constrict steam flow, steam-side heat transfer
steam-side scale. Scale has a thermal con- and steam-side flow are restricted. Wrapper
ductivity less than that of the steel. The tubes, as a consequence, overheat and have creep
net effect is to raise tube-metal temperatures, failures before the rest of the bundle.
refer to VOL. I, No. 1 of this newsletter.) At the time a SH or RH is replaced, be sure
3) Too small "hiu, which in EQ 1 is a func- to correct previous design flaws that have pre-
tion of mass flow of the steam ur water. The vented optimum performance or life. A SH or RH
fluid flow is resisted by the frictional is nothing more than a large heat exchanger.
forces between the fluid and the walls of the Failure to perform properly for the expected 25-
conduit. At every bend or turn there is a 30 year life results from metal deterioration.
change in momentum and thus an energy loss. In reality the failure is usually one related to
To keep the fluid moving takes energy to over- design. From a metallurgist's viewpoint, it is
come these flow resistances. The longer the essential that tube-metal temperatures be kept
tubes, the larger are these frictional resist- as low as possible relative to the metal's
ances. The trick in design is to make sure strength and corrosion and oxidation resistance.
that the internal resistance along each paral-
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