Comparing Online and Non-Online Shoppers

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKJCSInternational Journal of Consumer Studies0309-3891Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 200327Original ArticleComparing online and non-online

S.L. Lokken

et al.

Comparing online and non-online shoppers

Sheri L. Lokken, Ginger Wigington Cross, Linda K. Halbert, Gail Lindsey, Christy Derby and Carla Stanford
School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University, MS, USA

Abstract about online shopping . Five university students and a

family and consumer sciences researcher conducted a
A web-based survey was completed by 130 faculty and staff
web-based survey to answer these questions . The results
from a university located in the south-eastern United States.
of this study will help consumer science professionals
The purposes of this study were to investigate: (a) consumer
and consumer educators to understand trends in con-
characteristics related to online shopping; (b) benefits of
sumer buying behaviour over the Internet and target
online shopping as perceived by online shoppers; and (c)
training and educational programmes for different con-
concerns about online shopping as perceived by non-online
sumer groups better .
shoppers. Responses were analysed using SPSS for tests
of chi-square. Findings suggest that the differences
between online shoppers and non-online shoppers corre- Background
spond with Rogers’1 categories of adopters, and that the
US online retail sales experienced substantial changes
educational needs of consumers also differ based on their
in the fi rst few years of the twenty-fi rst century. Some
previous experience with online shopping.
online retailers went out of business , while others real-
ized that marketing their products via the World Wide
Keywords E-commerce, consumer empowerment, web-
Web was a necessity . According to the National Retail
based survey.
Federation, the number of US retailers with commercial
web sites increased 300% from 1996 to 1998, 4 and this
Introduction number has continued to increase , but at a slower rate .5,6
The number of Internet shoppers has also increased,
The Internet has changed the way in which consumers
now estimated at 21 million. 7 According to a report by
search for information about products and services .
Ernst and Young,8 74% of all US consumers purchased
Online shopping has offered new opportunities to con-
online in 2000. An online study of 39 000 consumers by
sumers, but also has posed new threats . Consumers are
eCommerce Pulse showed that 81.2% of adults with
continuing to adapt to this new technology at high rates .
Internet access have purchased online .9 Consumers are
It is projected that Internet access will reach 75% of all
making more online purchases than ever before , and
US households by 2005 and 90% of US households by
apparel sales surpassed books , music and videos for the
2010.2 These rates are slower than predicted due in part
first time in November/December 2001. 7 Ernst and
to the declining US economy . Currently, adoption rates
Young found that, even though consumer acceptance of
are increasing at much more rapid rates in European
online shopping is growing , customer dissatisfaction
with pricing , shipping and product selection is also on
The purpose of this study was threefold: (a) to deter -
the increase.8
mine which consumer characteristics are related to
Even though some of the early projections that phys-
online shopping; (b) to investigate the benefi ts of online
ical retail stores would become obsolete 10 or that con-
shopping as perceived by online shoppers; and (c) to
sumers would do the majority of their shopping online 11
examine the concerns that non-online shoppers have
have not been realized, the projections for online retail-
ing continue to be positive . According to F orrester
Research, 6% of all US retail sales will be conducted
Sheri L. Lokken, School of Human Sciences, PO Box 9745, Mississippi online by 2003, 12 and European retailers have continued
State, MS 39762, USA. E-mail: to introduce online sites .7

126 International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 © 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
S.L. Lokken et al. • Comparing online and non-online

According to a study by F orrester Research, 2 Euro- ipants cited privac y issues as a point of concern. Accord-
pean industries are predicted to experience rapid ing to Sarah Andrews of the Electronic Privac y
growth in online trade . Online sales comprised < 1% of Information Center in Washington, DC, the US ‘lags
total business trade in 2001, but are predicted to jump behinds nearly every other country in online privac y
to 22% by 2006. Although the number of US Internet protection for consumers’. 26
users has remained stable , the number of European
users has increased by 14% in the fi rst half of 2002. 13 Theory of innovations
Rogers’ theory of innovations 1 can be useful in explain-
ing consumers’ adoption of the Internet for shopping .
Online shoppers He has defi ned fi ve stages in the adoption process:
According to a study by Harris Interactive ,14 the num- knowledge , persuasion, decision, implementation and
ber of browsers (consumers who gather information confi rmation. Rogers 1 has also defi ned categories of
online and purchase offl ine) has remained constant or adopters: innovators , early adopters , early majority, late
declined, whereas the number of online buyers has majority and laggards . According to Rogers ,1 innova-
increased steadily. The online shopping experience has tors need to be able to afford the innovation and there-
become more positive for most. Previous studies have fore are typically consumers with higher incomes ,
shown that higher amounts of Internet use (for non- higher occupational status and higher levels of educa-
shopping activities) are associated with an increased tion. They are also considered risk takers and tend to
amount of Internet product purchases .15 Studies have be inner directed in their decision making . Early adopt-
also shown that different products have different levels ers share many of the characteristics of innovators , but
of customer acceptance via online shopping .16 E- are more integrated into their social groups than inno-
commerce may lower the initial search costs , but raises vators. The early majority usually enter the market after
the product examination, payment and after -service being infl uenced by an early adopter whom they know
costs. and respect. Late majority adopters tend to be lower
income and older . They may be slower to adopt new
innovations because of fi nancial constraints or the fact
Consumer compliments and concerns that they are not directly infl uenced by others in their
According to online-shopping consumers , some of the social group. Laggards enter the market after the inno-
perceived advantages of shopping online include: vation has been well accepted and when few risks are
amount of product information, ease of use, speed and present.
convenience .14,17 Although Internet usage continues to
increase, there are persistent concerns about the credi-
Research questions
bility and security of online transactions .18–21 According
to a Forrester Research Group study ,22 scepticism about For the purposes of this project, the researchers inves-
buying online included: (a) the need to touch, feel and tigated the Internet as an instrument of commerce from
try a product fi rsthand (48%); (b) the lack of compari- the consumer’ s perspective. The following research
son shopping (35%); and (c) the desire to speak to a questions were asked: (1) What consumer characteris-
store clerk before purchasing (31%). Other concerns tics are different between online shoppers (Rogers’ 1
involved the facilitation of payment and refunds , reli- innovators , early adopters and early majority) and non-
ability, customer service and ability to cancel orders .23,24 online shoppers (Rogers’ 1 late majority, laggards)? (2)
Additionalconsumerconcernsaboutonlineshopping What are the benefi ts of online shopping as perceived
were found in the 1999 World Wide Internet Opinion by online shoppers? (3) What are the perceived risks of
Survey conducted by the Direct Marketing Associa- online shopping as perceived by non-online shoppers?
tion. 25 According to the survey , 42% of the 1494 partic- For this study , online shoppers were defi ned as consum-
ipants cited security as their primary apprehension ers who had made at least one purchase online . Non-
about online shopping . Also, 18% of the survey partic- online shoppers may have searched for product or

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 127
Comparing online and non-online • S.L. Lokken et al.

service information online , but had never made a participants to a web page that contained the online
purchase. survey and assured them of their anonymity . The cover
letter served as the informed consent required by the
IRB. Participants were informed that the web page
would be posted for 7 days. The E-mailed letters were
sent to the faculty and staff who were selected randomly
from the college directory via the systematic sampling
The population for this study included the faculty and procedure. The participants were given 7 days to com-
staff, with E-mail addresses , of a middle-sized university plete the survey and submit it to the researchers elec-
located in a rural town in the south-eastern region of tronically. After the 7-day period, the survey web page
the United States . This population was chosen because was deactivated.
the researchers thought that the participants would be
a good representation of online shoppers (i.e . working
parents with higher income and educational levels than Instrumentation
the general public). This population was also chosen
The survey included 16 general questions that all par -
because of resource constraints of this project (i.e . time
ticipants were asked to answer . These answers provided
and money), but may be generalizable to similar con-
demographic information as well as information about
sumers worldwide .
general online purchasing experiences . After the initial
Using an offi cial college directory of faculty and staff
16 questions were answered, those participants who had
E-mail addresses , the researchers adopted a systematic
made purchases via the Internet (online shoppers) were
sampling procedure for randomly selecting the partici-
asked to complete a set of nine additional questions
pants. The systematic sampling procedure was logisti-
regarding their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their
cally sounder than simple random sampling given the
purchasing experience . Those who had never made an
size of the population. 27 Using the systematic sampling
online purchase (non-online shoppers) were asked to
approach, the researchers randomly selected 600 partic-
complete four additional questions regarding their rea-
ipants to participate in this descriptive study of Internet
sons for not making purchases via the Internet. After
use as it relates to online shopping .
completing the survey , participants were thanked for
their participation and informed that their answers
Procedure would be held in the strictest confi dence and used for
research purposes only .
The researchers chose a web-based survey because it
was the most effi cient method of data collection consid-
ering their time and money constraints . As this data
Data analysis
collection method required participants to have E-mail
and web access to complete the survey , it was expected A variety of demographic variables were analysed with
that the sample would be more likely to be Internet chi-square to determine differences between online
shoppers than the general population. The non-online shoppers and non-online shoppers (research question
shoppers in this sample were also expected to have 1). Demographic variables investigated included gen-
more experience in searching for product and service der, age, ethnicity, marital status, education level and
information online . Researchers thought that this sam- income . Other variables examined included computer
ple would be more helpful in answering the research access, skill level, enjoyment of interaction while shop-
questions than consumers without Internet access . ping, preference for convenience or privac y, enjoyment
This study was approved by the university’ s Institu- of retail stores , previous credit card problems and pref-
tional Review Board for the Protection of Human Sub- erence for Internet browsing . Descriptive statistics such
jects (IRB). An E-mail cover letter was designed, which as frequencies and means were used to answer research
briefly explained the purpose of the study , directed the questions 2 and 3.

128 International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 © 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
S.L. Lokken et al. • Comparing online and non-online

of university faculty and staff was a heterogeneous

population, primarily Caucasian (92%), married (80%),
between the ages of 26 and 55 years (84%) and with
Sample description
high levels of income and education.
A response rate of 21.67% was achieved with 130 par -
ticipants completing the survey within the 7-day time
Characteristics related to online shopping
period (see Table 1 for details). As expected, the sample
Gender , age, ethnicity, marital status, education level,
income , computer access , skill level, enjoyment of inter -
Table 1 Sample (n = 130) action while shopping , preference for convenience or
privacy, enjoyment of retail stores , previous credit card
Variable n Percentage problems and preference for Internet browsing were
cross-tabulated with online shopping experience . Chi-
square analyses indicated that age ( c2 = 6.73, d.f. = 2, P
Male 53 41
Female 77 59
£ 0.05), self-reported skill level ( c2 = 22.74, d.f. = 2, P
Age (years) £ 0.01), retail store shopping enjoyment ( c2 = 3.80,
18–25 7 5.4 d.f. = 1, P £ 0.05) and preference for using the Internet
26–35 39 30.0 for information search ( c2 = 23.65, d.f. = 1, P £ 0.01)
36–45 32 24.6
were signifi cantly different between the groups (see
46–55 37 28.5
Over 55 14 10.8
Table 2). Online shoppers were more likely to be
Education younger, with 47.3% aged 35 years or younger . Non-
High school graduate 3 2.3
Some college 25 19.2
College graduate 30 23.1
Master’s degree 39 30.0
Doctorate degree 30 23.1
Table 2 Chi-square tests of characteristics related to online
Professional degree 3 2.3 shopping
Caucasian 120 92.3 Online shopping
African–American 5 3.8 experience
Native American 2 1.5
Other 3 2.3 Online Non-online
Marital status shopper shopper
Single 15 11.5 Variables (%) (%) Total (%) c2 (d.f.)
Married 103 79.2
Divorced 10 7.7 Age (years) 6.73 (2)*
Widowed 1 0.8 35 and younger 38 (47.3) 9 (20.9) 47 (32.6)
Income 36–45 20 (23.0) 12 (27.9) 32 (24.6)
< $25 000 10 8 46 and older 29 (33.3) 22 (51.2) 51 (39.2)
$25 000–49 999 32 26 Skill level 22.74 (2)**
$50 000–74 999 37 30 Novice 2 (2.3) 9 (21.4) 11 (8.6)
$75 000–99 999 24 20 Intermediate 54 (62.8) 31 (73.8) 85 (66.4)
≥ $100 000 19 16 Expert 30 (34.9) 2 (4.8) 32 (25.0)
Computer competency Shopping at retail stores 3.80 (1)*
Novice 11 9 Enjoy 54 (62.1) 34 (79.1) 88 (67.7)
Intermediate 85 66 Do not enjoy 33 (37.9) 9 (20.9) 42 (32.3)
Expert 32 25 Information search 23.65 (1)**
Shop online Prefer Internet 74 (86.0) 19 (45.2) 93 (72.7)
‘Online shoppers’ 87 67 Prefer retail stores 12 (14.0) 23 (54.8) 35 (27.3)
‘Non-online shoppers’ 43 33
*P £ 0.05; **P £ 0.01.

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 129
Comparing online and non-online • S.L. Lokken et al.

online shoppers were more likely to be older , with Table 3 Online shopping advantages as perceived by online
51.2% aged 46 years and older. The majority (80.9%) shoppers
of the younger consumers in this sample (aged 35 years
n (%)
or younger) had made at least one purchase on the
Internet. Reviews and recommendations from experts 18 (20.7)
The majority (66.4%) of consumers in this study clas- Saving time 17 (19.5)
sified themselves at an ‘intermediate’ skill level with Convenience 14 (16.1)
computers. Interestingly, only 2.3% of the online shop- Access to opinions of others 12 (13.8)
Availability of information from vendors 10 (11.5)
pers classified themselves as ‘novice’ computer users ,
No pressure from sales people 10 (11.5)
and only 4.8% on the non-online shoppers classifi ed Better prices 6 (6.9)
themselves as ‘expert’ computer users . This finding sug-
gests that consumers with lower computer skills are less n = 87.
likely to shop online , and consumers with expert com-
puter skills are more likely to shop online .
Chi-square results also indicated that a higher per - Table 4 Online shopping disadvantages as perceived by non-
centage of online shoppers do not enjoy shopping at online shoppers
retail stores and a higher percentage of non-online
n (%)
shoppers do enjoy shopping at retail stores . The major -
ity of online shoppers (86%) prefer to search for infor - Security issues 27 (62.8)
mation about a purchase on the Internet, whereas Happy with local shopping 4 (9.3)
54.8% of non-online shoppers prefer to search for infor - Don’t have Internet access at home 3 (7.0)
mation about a purchase in a retail store . Lack of product demonstration 3 (7.0)
Lack of information about how to shop online 2 (4.7)
Privacy issues 2 (4.7)
Perceived benefits of online shopping Other 2 (4.7)

Those who had made at least one purchase online n = 43.

(online shoppers) were asked to identify the reasons
why they use the web for purchasing products or ser -
vices. ‘Reviews and recommendations from experts’ non-online shoppers indicated that they had used the
and ‘saving time’ were the two most frequently cited Internet to research various products that were later
responses (Table 3). Convenience , other shoppers’ purchased offl ine. When asked what infl uenced their
opinions , vendor information availability and lack of decision not to shop online , the majority of non-online
sales pressure were also selected frequently . Of the shoppers (62.8%) indicated security issues , such as
reported online shoppers ( n = 87), 88% indicated that credit card safety (See Table 4).
they were very satisfi ed with the product(s) and/or ser - Non-online shoppers were also asked to rank several
vice(s) that they purchased online . Seventy-two per cent conditions on whether likelihood of shopping via the
of these consumers claimed that they would rather Internet would be increased. Each condition was
browse the Internet to research a product than go to a ranked on a fi ve-point Likert-type scale from ‘1’ (very
retail store to gather information about a product. unlikely) to ‘5’ (very likely). Assurance of credit card
Interestingly, 70% claimed that they felt convenience security and lack of local product availability had the
was more important to them than privac y. highest mean scores (Table 5).

Concerns about shopping online Discussion

Although 33% ( n = 43) of the survey sample indicated The results of this study indicate that online shoppers
that they had never shopped online , 83% of these are younger and have more self-reported computer

130 International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 © 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
S.L. Lokken et al. • Comparing online and non-online

Table 5 Conditions that would increase likelihood of significant relationship . One may assume , as in the case
shopping online of computer experience , that if income and computer
literacy were highly correlated, persons of higher
n Mean SD
income level would be more likely to make purchases
How likely would you be to use the Internet for purchase if: online . This, however , was not the case . Fifty-six per cent
Credit card security was insured 42 3.71 1.38 of the respondents within the income range of $25 000
You could not purchase the desired product locally 41 3.54 1.29 to $74 999 had made purchases online , whereas only
You could search across different catalogues for 42 3.40 1.25 36% in the $75 000 to $100 000 range had done so . This
the desired item
may be attributed to the age of higher level administra-
The pictures and the descriptions of the items 41 3.37 1.16
were better tors in this income and occupational category . From the
It took less time to download 39 3.28 1.07 respondents who made less than $25 000, only 8% had
It was easier to use the web sites 42 3.24 1.05 shopped online . This finding could be attributed to lack
Delivery was quicker 41 3.20 1.01 of access to personal computers , the need to be more
You understood how shopping online works 41 2.98 1.08
frugal in their shopping or simply shopping less for dis-
You had access to the Internet at home 41 2.68 1.15
cretionary items because of a tighter budget.
Finally, online shopping and experiences with credit
card fraud, enjoyment of retail shopping and attitude
towards shopping had no signifi cant relationship . This
skills than non-online shoppers . This supports online suggests that more research is needed to determine cus-
shoppers fi tting in Rogers’ 1 categories of innovators , tomer incentives and deterrents to shopping online ,
early adopters and early majority and non-online shop- specifically security and privac y issues, customer service ,
pers falling into Rogers’ categories of late majority and comparison shipping and the desire to see , feel and try
laggards. Online shoppers were also found to be less a product fi rsthand. This finding may also show that
likely to prefer shopping in retail stores and more likely traditional retail shopping will not be reduced or
to prefer searching for product information online , replaced by online shopping in the future .
another innovative trait. Online shoppers revealed Some potential limitations are important to consider
several perceived advantages of shopping online includ- in the interpretation of the results of this study . Perhaps
ing product reviews , saving time and convenience . the primary limitation of this study was the over -
Credit card security was the main concern for non- representation of Caucasian (92%) and married (80%)
online shoppers . participants in the sample . Similarly, 84% of the sample
Survey results indicated that, as the respondents’ comprised persons 26–55 years of age. Additional infor -
sense of computer competenc y increased to the level of mation regarding the online shopping experiences of
expert, the more likely they were to make purchases those ethnic , marital status and age range groups who
online . This suggests that computer -literate persons are were under -represented in the sample would be neces-
more likely to feel competent in their choice of making sary to portray the university’ s faculty and staff accu-
purchases online than those who are less computer rately. A second limitation was the low return rate
literate. (21.67%) of the study survey . The use of E-mail as the
Consumers who would rather browse the Internet or vehicle for distribution of the surveys may have caused
use it to search for product information are more likely the low return rate . Using E-mail to distribute the
to follow through and make an online purchase . This survey also potentially biased the results , favouring
corresponds with previous research suggesting that consumers already using the Internet at a higher rate .
most online shoppers begin by searching for product E-mail is an inexpensive and simple way of distributing
information electronically .14 questionnaires , but requires caution in relating the
The results from this study did not indicate a signifi - results to all consumers . Although these concerns limit
cant relationship between gender and shopping experi- the overall generalizability of the results , the fi ndings
ence. Also, income and shopping experience had no may be germane to those university faculty and staff

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27, 2, March 2003, pp126–133 131
Comparing online and non-online • S.L. Lokken et al.

internationally who share similar characteristics to consumers can benefi t from using the Internet as a
those identifi ed in this sample . potential resource for their shopping needs . In addition
to informing consumers about the opportunities that
online shopping may present, it is essential that they are
also educated in the potential risks involved in purchas-
This research shows that there are differences between ing goods and services via the Internet.
consumers who are online shoppers and consumers who
have never used the Internet to shop , which support
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