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Date Power generation avg load aux % aux plf coal con

### 325.034 13.54 24.13 7.42 54.17 253
### 309.289 12.89 23.06 7.45 51.55 232
### 329.941 13.75 23.09 7.00 54.99 247
### 311.108 12.96 22.39 7.20 51.85 242

Date Power generation avg load aux % aux plf FUEL con
ambuja b-2

### 368180 15.34 37188 10.10 102.27 343

### 370280 15.43 35899 9.70 102.86 333

Date Power generation avg load aux % aux plf FUEL con
ambuja b-3

### 365090 15.21 36915 10.11 101.41 343

### 364970 15.21 35406 9.70 101.38 350
FD Fan.
ID Fan PA Fan.
avg steam Power
gcv steam gen stem con sfc o2 Consump Consump
gen Consump
tion KWH tion KWH
tion KWH

4432 1380 57.50 1377.65 4.24 4.17 3194 1086 1009

4620 1315 54.77 1310.48 4.24 6.41 3417 1255 988
4591 1401 58.39 1400.41 4.24 4.37 3898 1397 991
445 1335 55.62 1299.96 4.18 6.15 3858 1397 986

avg steam s(Coal
gcv steam gen stem con sfc FD Fan PA Fan Auxiliarie
gen Feeders,
ID Fan, s

3533 1620 67.50 1545 4.20 1409 5790 1698 416

3508 1600 66.67 1550 4.19 1102 5848 1636 390

avg steam s(Coal
gcv steam gen stem con sfc FD Fan PA Fan Auxiliarie
gen Feeders,
ID Fan,

3533 1550 64.58 1555 4.26 1409 5790 1698 416

3508 1594 66.42 1555 4.26 1102 5848 1636 390
Unit-1 Unit-1 Unit-1 CT. Fans
CEP ACW CHP service &
BFP # 1. BFP # 2. BFP # 3 Consump
Power Power Power inst Air Water
Power Power Power tion 1,2,
Consump Consump consump Compress AC & Treatmen
Consump Consump Consump (3+4)=(To
tion tion tion or Ventilatio t Plant.
tion tion tion tal)
n (WTP)
3080 0 2388 338 476 1745 1057 4368 0 199
0 0 5195 333 478 1048 1082 5724 N/A 190
0 0 5495 329 469 793 993 4345 N/A 226
0 0 5142 331 476 639 1224 3780 N/A 471

TG-1 Air Utilities
Auxiliarie (P&V
ors Densepha
s (MOP, CHP (Old Boiler System,
(Service se Phase
AOP, CEP, Cooling Cooling DM Plant & New) Feed AC,
Total & Inst), System
JOP, Tower Tower including Pumps Chiller,
Boiler - 2 ( Old ) Silo (Air
Barring (ACC) (WCC) P&V (Boiler- Drives, Exhaust Compress
Gear, System 1,2 & 3) Fans,
Centrifug Ash Welding or)
e, etc) Handling, connectio
etc ns, etc

9314.213 2330 7652 6471 122.5 643.4375 12349 1649.688 1153 1251.25
8977.168 2340 6804 6990 135.3125 615.625 12328 1891.25 1195 1204.375

Air Plant
TG-2 Utilities
Auxiliarie (P&V
ors Densepha
s (MOP, CHP (Old Boiler System,
(Service se Phase
AOP, CEP, Cooling Cooling & New) Feed AC,
JOP, Tower Tower DM Plant including Pumps & Inst), Chiller, System
Boiler - 2 ( Old ) Silo (Air
Barring (ACC) (WCC) P&V (Boiler- Drives, Exhaust Compress
Gear, System 1,2 & 3) Ash Fans, or)
Centrifug Welding
e, etc) connectio
ns, etc

9314.213 1557 7652 6471 122.5 643.4375 12349 1649.688 1153 1251.25
8977.168 1471 6804 6990 135.3125 615.625 12328 1891.25 1195 1204.375
PD Pump
1624 20564
1850 21560
1722 20658
1225 19529

Coal HV
Crusher & Distributi
Mines Pit
Stacker on &
DG Power Pump Total BOP
Plant Power Transfor
Plant Aux Consump Lighting RO Plant Consump LV Losses of STG 1
Power tion (in tion Lossses & &2
booked in Metering
TPP error

0 0 292.8125 103.125 0 2219.688 1639.001 34295.06 43609.28

0 0 308.75 7.5 0 1825.937 1771.194 33872.57 42849.74

Coal HV
Crusher & Distributi
Mines Pit
Stacker on &
DG Power Pump Total BOP
RO Plant Power
Transfor LV Losses of STG 1
Plant Aux Consump
Lighting Consump mer
Power tion (in &2
tion Lossses &
KWH) booked in Metering
TPP error

0 0 292.8125 103.125 0 2219.688 1639.001 34295.06 43609.28

0 0 308.75 7.5 0 1825.937 1771.194 33872.57 42849.74
Date 10/15/2021 10/18/2021 10/21/2021
Power generation 309289 329941 311108
Avg load 12887.04 13747.54 12962.83
Auxi 23055.00 23089.00 22394.00
% Auxi 7.45 7.00 7.20
PLF 51548.17 54990.17 51851.33
Coal cons. 232 247 242
SFC 0.750 0.749 0.778
TM 9 9 9
VM 30 30 30
FC 26 26 26
ASH 36 36 36
GCV 4620 4591 4450
Steam gen 1315 1401 1335
Avg steam gen 54.77 58.39 55.62
Steam cons. 1310.48 1400.41 1299.96
SSC 0.00 0.00 0.00
O2 6.41 4.37 6.15
FD Fan. Power Consumption KWH -
3417 3898 3858
FD Auxi Percentage 1.105 1.181 1.240

ID Fan Consumption KWH - 2X100% 1255 1397 1397

ID Auxi Percentage 0.406 0.423 0.449

PA Fan. Consumption KWH - 2X100% 988 991 986
PA Auxi Percentage 0.319 0.300 0.317
Unit-1 BFP # 1. Power Consumption 0 0 0
DOL 1.830
Unit-1 BFP # 2. Power Consumption
0 0 0
Unit-1 BFP # 3 Power Consumption
5195 5495 5142
BFP Auxi Percentage 1.6797 1.6654 1.6528

CEP Power Consumption 333 329 331

0.108 0.100 0.106

ACW Power Consumption 478 469 476
0.155 0.142 0.153
CT. Fans Consumption 1,2,
1048 793 639
0.339 0.240 0.205

CHP Power consumption 1082 993 1224

0.34983 0.30096 0.39343

Service & Inst Air Compressor 5724 4345 3780

1.851 1.317 1.215

Water Treatment Plant.(WTP) 190 226 471

0.06 0.07 0.15

Others 3345.00 4153.00 4090.00

1.08 1.26 1.31

ACL # 1
Date 10/22/2021 10/23/2021
Power generation 368180 370280
Avg load 15.34 15.43
Auxi 37188 35899
% Auxi 10.10 9.70
PLF 102.27 102.86
Coal cons. 343 333
SFC 0.932 0.898
TM 15.29 15.29
VM 20.90 20.90 0.88
FC 19.76 19.76
ASH 44.63 44.63
GCV 3094 3094
Steam gen 1620 1600
Avg steam gen 67.50 66.67
Steam cons. 1545 1550
SSC 4.20 4.19
O2 6.115 6.22

FD Fan 5790 5848

FD Auxi Percentage 1.573 1.579

Boiler Auxiliaries(Coal Feeders, ID
1409 1102
Fan, etc)
ID Auxi Percentage 0.3827 0.2976
PA Fan 1698 1636
PA Auxi Percentage 0.4612 0.4418 0

Boiler Feed Pumps -
6174.5 6164
(Boiler-1,2 & 3)

BFP Auxi Percentage 1.6770 1.6647

TG-1 Auxiliaries (MOP, AOP, CEP, JOP,
2330 2340
Barring Gear, Centrifuge, etc)
0.633 0.632

Cooling Tower (WCC) 6471 6990

1.7576 1.8878
CHP (Old & New) including P&V
System 1029.5 985
0.27962 0.26601
Air Compressors (Service & Inst), Silo
4641.5 4953
Drives, Ash Handling,etc 9283
1.261 1.338

DM Plant ( Old ) 196 216.5

0.053 0.058

Others 7448.5 5664.5

2.02 1.53

Plant Utilities (P&V System, AC,

Chiller, Exhaust Fans, Welding 1845 1912
connections, etc
HV Distribution & Transformer
3551.5 2921.5
Lossses & Metering error
LV Losses 2622.5 2834
Plant Lighting 468.5 494

0.9646097018 0.7889975154
0.7122874681 0.7653667495
ACL # 2
Date 10/22/2021 10/23/2021
Power generation 365090 364970
Avg load 15.21 15.21
Auxi 36915 35406
% Auxi 10.11 9.70
PLF 101.41 101.38
Coal cons. 343 350
SFC 0.939 0.959
TM 15.29 15.29
VM 0.00 0.00
FC 0.00 0.00
ASH 44.63 44.63
GCV 3094 3094.00
Steam gen 1550 1594
Avg steam gen 64.58 66.42
Steam cons. 1555 1555
SSC 4.26 4.26
O2 6.115 6.22

FD Fan 5065 5451

1.387 1.494
Boiler Auxiliaries(Coal Feeders, ID
1174 1247
Fan, etc)
0.322 0.342
PA Fan 1765 1724
0.483 0.472

Boiler Feed Pumps - DOL

6174.5 6164
(Boiler-1,2 & 3)

BFP Auxi Percentage 1.6912 1.6889

TG-2 Auxiliaries (MOP, AOP, CEP, JOP,
1557 1471
Barring Gear, Centrifuge, etc)
0.426 0.403

Cooling Tower (ACC) 7652 6804

2.096 1.864
CHP (Old & New) including P&V
System 1029.5 985
0.28199 0.26989
Air Compressors (Service & Inst), Silo
4641.5 4953
Drives, Ash Handling,etc 9906
1.271 1.357

DM Plant ( Old ) 196 216.5

0.054 0.059

Others 7660.5 6390.5

2.10 1.75

Plant Utilities (P&V System, AC,

Chiller, Exhaust Fans, Welding 1845 1912
connections, etc
HV Distribution & Transformer
3551.5 2921.5
Lossses & Metering error
LV Losses 2622.5 2834
Plant Lighting 468.5 494
TPP Generation and Auxiliaries Power Consumption Report
Plant Description 10/22/2021 10/23/2021
Generation TG-1 Generation 368180 370280
TG-2 Generation 365090 364970
TG-3 Generation 0 0
Total Generation 733270 735250

Booked Aux Power

Consumption TG-1 37188 35899
TG-2 36915 35406
TG-3 0 0

Total Auxiliaries Consumption (STG Generation + Solar

Generation +Total import+DG Aux) - (Total O/G feeder +
Dense Phase ) 74103 71305
Boiler-1 FD Fan 0 10
ID Fan 0 0
Boiler Auxiliaries(Coal Feeders, PA Fan etc) 20 20
ESP Auxiliaries 0 0
Total Boiler - 1 20 30
Boiler-2 Boiler Auxiliaries(Coal Feeders, ID Fan, etc) 1409 1102
FD Fan 5790 5848
PA Fan 1698 1636
ESP Auxiliaries 416 390
Total Boiler - 2 9314 8977
Boiler-3 Boiler Auxiliaries(Coal Feeders,PA Fan etc) 1765 1724
ESP Auxiliaries 443 376
FD Fan 5065 5451
ID Fan 1174 1247
Total Boiler - 3 8448 8799
Boiler Aux like Wall Seal Blr, Scnr Clg Fan, Fuel Feeders, RAVs,
Boiler-4 etc 24 19
ESP Auxiliaries 0 0

Boiler-4 ID Fan 362 240

Boiler-4 PA Fan 0 0
Boiler-4 SA Fan 0 0
Total Boiler - 4 386 259
Total ESP 859 766
TG-1 Auxiliaries (MOP, AOP, CEP, JOP, Barring Gear,
STG-1 Centrifuge, etc) 2330 2340
GT-1 Coolingfan,AVR,GRP Supply,BFP-1,HP Heater
Pagging steam MOV,Actuator for spray water 2330 2340
TG-2 Auxiliaries (MOP, AOP, CEP, JOP, Barring Gear,
STG-2 Centrifuge, etc) 1557 1471
HP&LP Heater MOV,Sprey Water MOV,Line bypass MOV
1557 1471
TG-3 Auxiliaries (MOP, AOP, CEP, JOP, Barring Gear,
STG-3 Centrifuge, etc) 88 158
BFP-5,6 Disch MOV,MSSV,HP &LP Heater mov,Sec.extraction
88 158
Total Turbine Aux 3975 3969
BOP Cooling Tower - STG (ACC-1) 7652 6804
Cooling Tower (STG-1, STG-2 ) ( WCC) 6471 6990
Cooling Tower - STG-3 (WCC) 1874 283
Cooling Tower - STG-3 (ACC) 0 0
Total CT & ACC 15997 14077
DM Plant ( Old & New ) 392 433
CHP (Old & New) including P&V System 2059 1970
Boiler Feed Pumps (Boiler-1,2 & 3) 12349 12328
Boiler Feed Pumps (Boiler-4) 0 4

Air Compressors (Service & Inst), Silo Drives, Ash Handling,etc 5279 6052
Plant Utilities (P&V System, AC, Chiller, Exhaust Fans,
Welding connections, etc 3689 3824
Densephase Phase System (Air Compressor) 4004 3854
DG Power Plant Aux Power 0 0
Mines Pit Pump Consumption (in KWH) 0 0
Plant Lighting 937 988
RO Plant 330 24
Line-2 Coal Crusher & Stacker Power Consumption booked in
TPP account 0 0
HV Distribution & Transformer Losses & Metering error 7103 5843
LV Losses 5245 5668
Total BOP 53380 51211
BOP of STG 1 & 2 Cooling Tower (ACC) 7652 6804
Cooling Tower (WCC) 6471 6990
DM Plant ( Old ) 123 135
CHP (Old & New) including P&V System 643 616
Boiler Feed Pumps (Boiler-1,2 & 3) 12349 12328

Air Compressors (Service & Inst), Silo Drives, Ash Handling,etc 1650 1891
Plant Utilities (P&V System, AC, Chiller, Exhaust Fans,
Welding connections, etc 1153 1195
Densephase Phase System (Air Compressor) 1251 1204
DG Power Plant Aux Power 0 0
Mines Pit Pump Consumption (in KWH) 0 0
Plant Lighting 293 309
RO Plant 103 8
Line-2 Coal Crusher & Stacker Power Consumption booked in
TPP account 0 0
HV Distribution & Transformer Lossses & Metering error 2220 1826
LV Losses 1639 1771
Total BOP of STG 1 & 2 34295 33873
BOP of STG 3 Cooling Tower ( WCC) 1874 283
Cooling Tower ( ACC) 0 0
DM Plant ( New) 270 298
CHP (Old & New ) including P&V System 1416 1354
Boiler Feed Pumps (Boiler-4) 0 4

Air Compressors (Service & Inst), Silo Drives, Ash Handling,etc 3629 4161
Plant Utilities (P&V System, AC, Chiller, Exhaust Fans,
Welding connections, etc 2536 2629
Densephase Phase System (Air Compressor) 2753 2650
DG Power Plant Aux Power 0 0
Mines Pit Pump Consumption (in KWH) 0 0
Plant Lighting 644 679
RO Plant 227 17
Line-2 Coal Crusher & Stacker Power Consumption booked in
TPP account 0 0

HV Distribution & Transformer Lossses & Metering error 4883 4017

LV Losses 3606 3897
Total BOP of STG 3 19085 17338
Grand Total as per Distribution 75523 73245
n Report
10/24/2021 10/25/2021
359250 359590
348130 354330
0 0
707380 713920

36376 34949
35298 34444
0 0

71674 69393
0 10
10 0
20 20
0 0
30 30 why
1215 1065
6104 5898
1487 1561
379 397
9186 8922
1716 1682
340 355
5412 5666
1357 1469
8826 9173

19 29
0 0

238 228
0 0
0 0
257 257
719 752

2260 2350

2260 2350

1360 1349
1360 1349

217 319

217 319
3837 4018
5778 5799
6964 6994
67 216
0 0
12809 13009
1023 839
1665 1505
12110 12106
0 0

5710 5111

3682 3701
4403 4743
0 0
0 0
934 923
814 583

0 0
6729 5134
5972 6022
51448 48933
5778 5799
6964 6994
320 262
520 470
12110 12106

1784 1597

1151 1157
1376 1482
0 0
0 0
292 288
254 182

0 0
2103 1604
1866 1882
33142 32342
67 216
0 0
703 577
1145 1035
0 0

3926 3514

2531 2544
3027 3261
0 0
0 0
642 635
560 401

0 0

4626 3530
4106 4140
18305 16591
73584 71333

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